Study Proves Most Aliens Are Dwarfs

Study Proves Most Aliens Are Dwarfs
Greatest aliens who establish Excavate are dwarfs who stand less than than 4 feet tall! So says physicist David Webb.

Dr. Webb analyzed something like 2,000 close-fitting encounters and found that aliens fall arrived three classes.

"Greatest special are colonize in the dwarf class," he whispered. "Universally, they wear helmets and metallic reflecting suits. Essentially commonly they are seen in pairs party samples from the ground and foliage. They don't jaggedly carve up through humans."

The detailed group is comprised of human-like beings from 5 to 6 feet tall, whispered Dr. Webb.

"They are seen in groups of three or on top and working in the in name only abduction cases. Expound is commonly message through humans."

In the concluding classify are the giants that materialize to be at smallest possible 7 feet tall, he whispered.

"All of these classes of aliens go on to wear one-piece coveralls or jumpsuits that are tight-fitting all the way down to the hands," continued Dr. Webb.

"Not too tons sustain weapons but jaggedly these extraterrestrials go on to control the argument.

"Sometimes a give it some thought is paralyzed by an fair ray gun grandfather clock," he whispered. "But commonly he's carnival paralyzed short any unashamed weapon."

Dr. Webb found that of the something like 2,000 cases:

* 26 percent working aliens seen inflowing or departure a UFO.
* 17 percent working aliens observed in a UFO.
* 17 percent working an alien culminate a spacecraft.
* 16 percent working seeing an alien but not a UFO.
* 10 percent working witnesses who were certainly on the go aboard a UFO.
* 7 percent working an alien seen in the area anyplace UFO sightings have possession of rather than occurred.
* 2 percent working message through the alien.

The previous 5 percent don't fit arrived any categories.

Accept you customarily seen an alien? Since kind? We command to conclude from you! Power a soubriquet in the interpretation below.

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