Crop Circles Views And Thoughts

Crop Circles Views And Thoughts
Crop circle is a design or pattern of a crop field and was first recorded in 17th century. Crop circles can be found all over the world with different designs ranging from simple circles during early years to complex designs with the advancement of technology. Circles are also getting bigger in size. Most crop circles have been reported near Avebury, Great Britain. Many of them can be easily determined as work by people who just want to create UFO hoax. But there are also crop circles that can't be easily explained. Believers and skeptics continually lay their theories that could prove or disprove the source of the phenomenon. There is only one thing that does not need to be debated, crop circles really exist.

Believers are saying that extraterrestrials are responsible for some crop circles as a way of communicating with humans while skeptics arguing that the idea is nonsense because until now, no one can tell what exactly the messages are.

Believers found the existence of radioactivity through extensive research in and around the crop circle. However, skeptics argue that the radioactivity is well within the normal range of the geographic area.

To consider both sides, here are possible reasons for crop circles to consider as work of extraterrestrial beings and as man-made work of art.

Extraterrestrial beings might have discussions in their group on what to do in the blue planet Earth if crop circles have been created by extraterrestrial beings. However, it is just strange that if these aliens are intelligent beings and more advanced than humans, why they can't figure out human language inorder to communicate with Earth people directly rather than creating strange things just to convey their (c) 2012

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