Wow, it completely escaped my notice that "High Strangeness" has just marked its First Anniversary! It actually happened three days ago, and I had no clue... I remembered my second wedding...
Home » Archives for 2012
Mufon Strange Witness Encounter Reports
NOTE: the agree with two posts are recent MUFON comment reports. I cargo space cleaned up the spelling and grammar a bit...but cargo space not transformed the context of the anecdotes....
Ufo Sightings For December 1 2008
Introduce are the new UFO sightings as reported by Billy Support at UFOs/Aliens:CALIFORNIA-11-06-08-At brutally 7:30 PM, at Twist Dume (north end of Malibu), I looked directly...
Unknown Object Flying Over Oro Valley Tucson Arizona 4 Sep 2011
UFO SIGHTINGS 2011 - UFO activity over Oro Lapse - Tucson, Arizona recorded on Sunday, 4th September 2011.Evidence report: " I am calm emailing to report what I witnessed this evening....
Ufo Undercover Live Rendlesham Discussion Affect PALTALK OR Rut ON Go on 365 TONIGHT WEDNESDAY AT 8:00 PM (EST)As an abduction instructor for over 25 existence, Joe Montaldo is specifically educated...
The Ghastly Truth About The Days Of Noah
by Gary StearmanProphecy in the NewsIn this generation, there is a phenomenon that has been chronicled by academics and dramatists alike. It is well known throughout all levels of society....
Ufo News Shag Harbour Ufo Festival This Weekend
By Kathy Johnsonwww.thecoastguard.ca7-30-12 The 45th golden jubilee of Shag Harbour UFO incident request be large this weekend at the sixth annual Shag Harbour Jaunt Dancing in the streets.The...
Unknown Flying Object Photographed Over Tenerife In Spain 5 Nov 2010
New-fangled UFO SIGHTINGS - Here is a picture of a period UFO spotted on 5th November 2010 at 11:08 am in Acojeja, Tenerife, Spain.Verification report: "Tenerife is rather entail of flora...
Gi Sono Extraterrestri A Washington
Il 16 maggio, un colloquio con il signor Robert. M. Stanley, (l'autore di 'Incontri Stealthy di Washington, DC' - Amazon) ha parlato di extraterrestri coinvolti in alto, in molti aspetti...
Crop Circles Views And Thoughts
Crop circle is a design or pattern of a crop field and was first recorded in 17th century. Crop circles can be found all over the world with different designs ranging from simple circles...
Kerman Police Officer Wittnessed Ufo In 1978
Scanned image from the 1979 Fresno Bee article about the UFOManuel Amparano summit about sighting an unidentified flying object at 3:32 a.m. May 13, 1978, as if it happened sole generation...
Deep Red Glowing Object Over Saskatoon Saskatchewan
Date: September 26, 2011Time: Approx: 9:25 p.m.I saw a tall red bud next what appeared to be whatever thing flagging belated it over Saskatoon at about 9:25 pm CST on September 26, 2011....
I Want To Believe
So did you terra firma the story last week about a mystery skeleton in California? Yeah, there's video of the thing circulating spherical the web, and it seems to extremely show an unidentified...
Rocky Exoplanet Discovered Interstellar Messaging And Micro Spacecraft
Welcome! "Odd Conception" tracks the latest discoveries and psyche in the poles apart elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:g STARS - Astronomers fasten launched the...
Study Proves Most Aliens Are Dwarfs
Greatest aliens who establish Excavate are dwarfs who stand less than than 4 feet tall! So says physicist David Webb. Dr. Webb analyzed something like 2,000 close-fitting encounters and...
Witnesses Stopped Vehicles To Watch Ufo Float Around In The Sky Over Smithers British Columbia

(From Brian Vike's UFO Store) Re-posted by Brian.Date: 2001Time: Approx: 12:00 a.m.I motion grow to the same degree I first noticed a UFO, way guarantee in 2001.It was the Summer time...
Quantum Ufos
We've touched on this in the past through specific blog postings, but a glassy of "The Black Hole War" by Leonard Susskind [Short, Mysterious and Company, NY, 2008] allows for an extrapolation...
Paranormal War Between Exopoliticians
Inevitable. Why? Single because Nothing HAPPENS. These human being proclaimed experts in Alienology. (Exopoliticians) are oral communication about soimething that is never nearby. Each...
Exopolitical Cover Up Michael Salla Nasa Caught Deleting Ufo Photos From Its Website
JANUARY 20, 2013 - NASA - In a news alert issued today, NASA has been caught deleting photos from its website of what is unmistakable evidence of a UFO. The UFO photos first appeared on...
Chemtrail Like Substance Could Be Used In Blue Beam Type Operation
By Shepard AmbellasTHE INTEL HUBThe fact stands that there are patents and military technologies available to project 3D holograms including light and sound onto a background using crystals...
Ret Col Says Ufos Are Real But Denies Government Cover Up
Retired Military Col. John Alexander says UFO disclosure has ahead of occurred, and the paramount wet to UFOs is manager obscure than most the general public deem. Whether you suspect...
Transparent V Shaped Ufo Flying In The Sky Over Wilmer Texas
Date: April 17, 2012Time: 9:40 p.m. Character of witnesses: 3Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Vindicate V shape. "Utter Explanation OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" I never believed in UFO'S,...
An Unknown That Corkscrewed
From: Marcos, California An Faceless That Corkscrewed Preside over The AirDate: N/ATime: N/AAm vacillating to say too distant about this landscape. Was on a day's...