"At the end of this report, stage are two contacts that moral fiber enfold you to Field 1 and Field 2 of the hearing interview counting this male I did for my radio show called the Vike Say to."
"THE VIKE Parameter NOTE:" I (Brian Vike) tease to this data on the give a call today (November 5, 2007) for I praise 2 hours and I moral fiber be ability him give preferentiality to tomorrow at 12:15 p.m. to finish up a fascinating talk and song interview which moral fiber be aired potential up on the "Vike Say to radio show". The interview/show moral fiber be a special on a mysterious night faster than my traditional Sunday radio show. Of course a new show moral fiber be aired several Sunday night's as traditional.
This true is an incredible story, from being intimate a UFO at the age of 7 lifetime old, besides much subsequently in life for example in office as a Subaquatic in the Place States military counting the tip of clearance was profound counting others in a bus counting blacked out windows, black finished bomb the windows to storage on-lookers and most spontaneous the military people who were on the bus sophisticated wherever it was they were separation. Equally they stylish at a measure, (their destination) they got off the bus, were identifiable a sincere omen that what they were about to see at this measure was not to be correlated in anyhow, or to somebody !
The under report is righteous the tip of the story and I go through you won't wish to miss this advent special show. Overly which is very unquestionable, for example strain read what is in print under, and if it charms a bell and you may fasten been at this base/hanger or on the bus would you cheer contact me, "Brian Vike at The Vike Parameter" and compare any details you prize open fasten on this fascinating case. Your personal information moral fiber be kept back "informal".
"Covering Inspect"
1. 1953 at 7 lifetime of age, I'm identifiable a air-mechanics marketable flashlight as a gift from my mothers acquaintance, whom she is regulate move to new situate wherever her partner has righteous found function in the Burbank Ca., as aircraft mechanic.
2. In the sphere of the night time move I score the marketable attitude flashlight towards the Hansen Dam built by the Followers Thing of Engineers and I be with a signal at a light I see on the Dams maximum rim, to my speed up, the light takings a signal be with, I initiated, be with per flash! My mother seeing this is concerned the light prize open be a plane and tells me to surprise, but in reality it is a UFO sleeping on the dams maximum rim!
3. Next (day) I envisage a UFO floating over all-around a quick hill by our government billet private residence, the UFO is in oscillating interest, I generate this to concentration of my elder brother, two man cousins who besides wait in government billet project and other breed.
4. UFO too softly to be heard moves from hill towards apartments and stops, for myself, brother, cousins, we fold at UFO occupants who compensation the exact, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, reports this to (MUFON) in 1973/75. Natural ability follows billet units utilization intention and fly's over lower dining hall and comes to rest in 45 blow up angle at the base of the Hansen Dam. (suggestion) government billet, central dam moving parts, and military in subsequently lifetime side all together in which I praise is realistic premonition state.
5. I down in the dumps counting breed go to dining hall area were craft comes to rest, breed give somebody the job of move and compensation to government units. I manner the UFO, and surprise strong scent come to armory sour, I position stage on craft, craft is neither hot or unyielding as I surprise and I craving the lip of the UFO and on the reorder beneath side of the craft I envisage alternating lights, of magenta, extraordinary, gold, etc. I fall gulp down now craft, and just surprise walking give preferentiality to to private residence units forcefully 45 proceedings subsequently. The breed are now playing cloak and scout about, a speculate of the 50's and 60's.
6. I enter my private residence unit, and I am panicky as I don't snitch my sister and ask my mother if she is Chinese also! as in (elongated eyes) my family is Hispanic, but the late Dr. Hynek feels and I correspond that I was panicky and in reality I was frustrating to fact the alien beings as best as a 7 court old tot may possibly, maintenance in human being I'm not the same sure if the term UFO was the same coined in 1953?
7. Brian, valid levitation takes position wherever I am floated increasing in my room as reported to the late Dr. Hynek, stage is a compensation of the UFO/craft that night, which improved that 15 to 25 an approx: emerge of people adults included, who data the compensation of the craft and then the early development UFO abductions enfold position.
8. The being in use to a situate in a nautical bus counting blacked out windows which are decorated black, counting black finished on top of that, 10 lifetime subsequently for example I do in the Subaquatic Thing, wherever stage is a UFO craft. Whichever, I moral fasten found out stage is besides in mint condition Subaquatic who has had the exact get, of being in use to a situate wherever stage is a UFO craft as reported in "UFO over California" in print in 2006 by Preston Dennett.
Brian this is proof adequate for me, I'm not companion and stage want be many improved former military pole who fasten discerning the exact as for myself. Not to edge the lesser habitual evidence that I and the other Subaquatic were each one identifiable crypto clearance, since in the military. From tip to toe, I emailed you on or about Aug.27 and Aug.29th just about the recent 4 to 5 UFO's witnessed by my breed, counting a black UFO which turns in to a black helicopter, peculiar case!
Brian, I'm 60 lifetime of age, to the same degree of the other Subaquatic that has had the convey exact thing in use position down in the dumps counting crypto clearance, exact base, Military camp Pendleton Subaquatic Base, exact court 1967. I don't need to be butchery over the head, no matter which is up.
Brian you now fasten my give a call emerge, lets tight in a date for example the family are in keep fit or at night. You don't go through how favorable I am to God for the perfectly work you do, not to many perfectly investigators out stage any improved.
Thank you to the data for the report, and for proceed an interview counting me for "The Vike Say to radio show" and for utilization the time counting Jeff Rense and I on the "Jeff Rense radio show".
"Ruben's Series Interesting UFO/Alien Encounters"
Hi Brian, If you would be so pleasant as to set up a charge hasty of what I told you just about my case which conception in 1953, at age 7, at the foothills of the Angeles Grandeur Forest, the Tujunga mountains, which were nearby to the Hansen Dam Sea Moving parts End. I saw a UFO counting brothers, cousins, links, etc. The craft lands next to the Dam, and I enter it, and we cruel place to 1964, I set-up the Subaquatic Thing, in use aboard the nautical bus, counting blacked out windows, and end up in a jet hangar counting blue to a great degree UFO, and aliens in hangar.
2. 1954, my family was sent to in mint condition government billet unit, which may gain instruct in the time fence of breaking down the what I believe the UFO test site, billet project. The other government billet units sleepy stand to this date and was positioned all-around downtown Los Angeles. At this situate as in the Hansen Dam situate, my surprise becomes improved lively counting the goings on, predominantly as it pertained counting the blue lights. At the Estrada situate government billet units, my younger brother went to get a quick chair from the boys bedroom to watch TV in the blooming room, for example the family hears his screams of there's a "blue light in the bedroom". I run to the hallway and my younger brother is unyielding in terrorization, ineffective to move, but just able to roar. This is for example I see the bright blue light, that would besides side an unquestionable duration in my life in the lifetime to be delivered, as a Place States Subaquatic.
3. I sent Brian Vike, an email just about Ann Druffels book, "the Tujunga Canyon Links", 1953 the exact court of my early development UFO abductions. Ann starts her case history, just about two (2) women UFO abductees, and the book starts counting, "the shrouded in mystery blue lights" in the bedroom. The blue light I data counting my brother, encompassed the wonderful bedroom and hallway. And I counting my wonderful family witnessed from underneath than a 1/4 mile annulment, a blue lit UFO light come next our (SUV) to the advance guard of our farmhouse.
4. From age 7 to 17, the UFO sightings took on a improved hands on manner, that is to say the UFO abductions started anew, just this time from my profound parents farmhouse, in Laton, CA in the north central duration of the state. Laton is 30 miles south of Fresno, CA and 8 miles north of Handford, Ca. The position of my found. My grandparents had a advantageous segregate of land, and my grandfather was a cultivator, and a own foreman for the to your house growers, of fruit, grapes, cotton, lump, etc.
5. As cousins sometimes do, I had a fight counting one of my man cousins at age 15, I walked remark to scorch off dependable pilfer. I contracted to have forty winks clear of under my grandfathers big 100 court old Oak tree, as the abductions had started up anew. To this day I can't examine why I have forty winks clear of in a army cot under the tree, but I exercise looking at the stars in the black of night.
6. This exclusive night for example I hew asleep on the cot I surprise seeing my cousin's family potential farmhouse speak 12:30am from the just drive-in movie 8 miles remark in Handford, CA. I raised up to see the car and hew give preferentiality to asleep. Huskily I would say 3:00am to the justified of the oak tree, I saw the UFO for the first time that had been abducting me from my grandparents house. It was on the justified side of the oak tree in the normal of a quick feeder marks and I saw the aliens comfortable up for the first time clear of of the craft, one next to the oak tree and feeder marks and one next to the army cot under the tree which I was asleep on.
I then envisage forcefully 3 alien beings carefree towards my grandfathers holiday home decency house in which he had a large garden of tomato, cucumbers, lump, etc. I looked at them from the cot but was ineffective to move, as I was in the answerable place of duty this time on my rostrum. The aliens were spoils samples of the land and vegetables, and bankrupt the land very appallingly. As my aunt and uncle, cousins saw me asleep on the cot potential in from the drive-in, I was answerable for the desecrate to the garden and then the after transpired.
7. I was answerable for the desecrate to the garden by my cousin who I had fought counting the day previously, so I contracted to walk to a ditch which fed water to the farmers for stage fruit plants, cotton, etc. This ditch was about 1 and 1/2 miles from my grandparents land. The ditch without fail had water in it and stage was a big oak tree on the stop of the ditch itself. The stop was only just big adequate to put maybe to bikes on it if we rested the bikes on the tree itself.
Whichever, we had rigged a string on the oak tree to sweep on both sides of the ditch and give preferentiality to to the stop of the ditch. It was improved fun to dive now the cruel sorted out canal water and lurch give preferentiality to to the oak tree. As I was proceed this a two of a kind of times, lets say 3 swings, as I came give preferentiality to to the maximum stop I was knocked for six to see a blown up big surround black want sports car, no matter which come to what you see secret utilization intention, in the company of a quick limo and a black utilization car.
Whichever, 2 men were importance next to the car. They wore brand new black suits and I fasten a in doubt shield of a Sou'wester type hat on at most minuscule one of the tall men, but the shifty thing is I don't examine how they were able to park the car next to the tree as we family had a solid time sleeping our bikes there!
The men who looked in the company of Oriental/Russian, brooding leafy pigmentation. From the give preferentiality to concentrate of the car they brought a caped person, I took to be a beast as I was 15 lifetime of age I held to for myself, oh my fine day. On a additional crooked, this person was the most horrid, repulsively unadorned being I fasten always seen. I train to run, but want fasten hew down the river/canal stop, so I started to craving on my hands and stage until I reached a quick coordinate for tractor interest group. I then ran give preferentiality to to my grandparents farmhouse.
Brian, I don't go through if you fasten 2 computers maybe a lap top and a enter top, so you can arrange each one duration (2) emails, if not you can without fail publish a solid imitation. Numbers 1 to 7 of duration (2) gives a in style hasty of what remain after the basic UFO/abduction, and the nautical bus errand counting blacked out windows, to situate wherever UFO is housed, and alien beings manner, the Subaquatic one.
8. In the past being in use to the UFO situate, I was sent to Vietnam wherever I was on the additional ship to land in Vietnam in April 10, 1965. Former to my 13 month tour of impose in Vietnam my unit was defunct up as a instruction unit for the many battalions of Marines to be delivered after us, I was assigned to a breathe out unit and reassigned to an intelligence unit, since in the breathe out unit I was to report of any air activity that is enemy jet planes, but this was not sharply the case, but I did see what I carry out was UFOs which enclose to come next each one breathe out units I was counting, in my hearts of hearts I without fail felt that this was a concerted take to court on the duration of the UFO's/aliens, to storage tab, on for myself and other Marines who may of had the exact get as for myself, come to the UFO in the jet hangar.
Equally I was assigned to the intelligence officers, I wanted to report what I was seeing as it pertained to the UFOs that enclose to come next the patrols I found for myself in use duration in. On one guard, I noticed a silver/disk UFO, which enclose to come next the guard for 2 or 3 excitement, I did not report this to the intelligence officers, as I didn't go through who I may possibly payment, (Mass Added!). Point we were on use score of the defense force one day I was importance counting about 5 of the officers, for example out of go through wherever, anew the blue lights came on, but this time it was down blue, which surrounded all 6 of us counting electrical bolts of light that was I would say 20 yards all speak us!
9. I then rejoined in mint condition breathe out unit, and was then medevac'd out of Vietnam, to Yokuska Naval Sickbay in Japan, wherever I met a chaplains colleague, and the most peculiar thing remain, just about his design of my flare case as it pertains to UFOs.
10. The big picture/and most recent UFO activity, after the Japan time, UFO activity has encouraged place at a cruel pace, thus I contacted Brian to report, the blue UFO after my (SUV) farmhouse at night, besides after behind anew shimmering a marketable from my current farmhouse to a UFO underneath than a 1/4 mile from my farmhouse, the ropes in my dryer network score and combine all together for example the dryer was off, and 15 proceedings subsequently the report control in my bedroom network score after I polish the light at the UFO.
An a UFO follows farmhouse the 3rd. week of march, and my baby thoughts of a UFO on Aug. 27 TH. by our give preferentiality to yard, and on Aug. 29 4 UFOs number to us, and a 5th black UFO comes halfway the 4 UFO then assigning changes to a black helicopter, it goes on and on, at this score I careful I want payment the chaplains colleague of what he told me in 1965. Brian I moral fiber add a lesser improved as time permits, on the show, Ruben.
Thank you to Ruben for sharing his colossal get counting us all.
"YOU CAN Enjoy TO THE TWO Field Audition BY Separation TO THE Taking sides Connections."
"Field 1" - "http://jancikradionetwork.com/innerstreamsradio/show/vike report/specials/vr-special.071109-p1.mp3"
"Field 2" - "http://jancikradionetwork.com/innerstreamsradio/show/vike report/specials/vr-special.071109-p2.mp3"
"FROM THE VIKE Parameter History (BRIAN VIKE)" http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
If you fasten seen anything come to this in the exact area cheer be pleasant adequate to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" counting the details of your sighting. "ALL Be in possession of Information IS Snobbish Surprise."
"SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE: http://www.sightings.com/"
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