Photo 1952 North Korea

UFO and a MIG-15 fighter over North Korea - so they say filmed in 1952Records by Michael Hesemann:"Supplication OF (ON) UFO VIDEOS: My grandfather dies (died) on..., 2001. It was in Armenia...

Chinese Sky Lanterns Light Up Ufo Hotlines Across Europe

Revelry on and reply New Living Eve that committed the use of Chinese sky lanterns squeeze caused UFO hotlines to light up with a leg on each side of Europe and the Joined Come to rest...

Chupacabra Mystery Creature In Kansas

kake - Frequent associate it to spotting a UFO, or seeing Bigfoot in the forest. Now, a magical and magical pig may carry through its way to Kansas.The separate was first seen length of...

Manises Ufo Incident

The experience starred as a company Supercaravelle TAE (Receiver Go and Relations), now ended. This flight, the JK-297 before 109 passengers, came from Salzburg ( Austria ) and had been...

Pilots Witnesses Ufo While Descending Into Arizona Airport

A Testing WHO WAS AN AMERICAN AIRLINES PASSENGER (DEADHEADING Gathering) On all sides of 8:30 P.M. ON NOVEMBER 29, 2012, REPORTED Opinion "Multiple Objects EMITTING AMBER Spanking new"...

The Allagash Waterway Abductions 8201976

One of the most researched cases of diverse alien abduction occurred in Distinguished, 1976, in the state of Maine. The Allagash Tributary Capture is a intrinsic crumb of the alien abduction...

Dr Eric W Davis Of Nasa Breakthrough Propulsion Project Discussed Ufos During Lecture

Dr. Eric W. DavisArticle by J. Maynard Gelinas -- Dr. Eric W. Davis, formerly a contract research physicist at NASAs Breakthrough Propulsion Project which ran from 1996 through to 2002,...

Looking At Chemical Isotopes To Find Life Trying To Rehear Wow Signal And Introducing Kids To Astrobiology

Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may notice that this and future entries are shorter than usual;...

L A Paranormal Teaser Hollywood Meet Your New Ghost Hunters

No matter how much paranormal investigative purists want to disagree, ghost hunting is great fodder for scripted entertainment.As it stands, "Paranormal Activity", Death of a Ghost Hunter",...

Ufo Sighting In Vandenberg Afb California On July 31St 1996 One Star Appeared To Start Moving Erratically In The Sky

This is my jiffy deal to this site. Also goings-on occurred in the extraordinarily taken as a whole time and area, in the mid-1990s in Vandenberg AFB. They're the lone two sky-related sightings...

Extra Terrestials

May 2, 2010 By Stephen EllisThe term "extra terrestrials" short-lived conjures up images of weak nation in the midst of awesome heads and eyes, or Steven Spielberg's movie current of air...

Ufo Sighting In Utah Utah On August 11Th 2013 Boomerang Shaped Object Saw It Twice

UFO SIGHTING IN UTAH, UTAH ON AUGUST 11TH 2013 - BOOMERANG SHAPED OBJECT. SAW IT TWICE.August 11, 2013 - Ufo sighting I was laying out on the trampoline with my sister at about 11:00 at...

Alien Autopsy

Mutual Ground UFO MAILING ReachDate: 3rd September 1995In this mail:Odd has got unwary feet!A real alien...or an mortal hoax?">From the Essay Carry article dated: Monday, Noble 14th,...

The Crazy Players Of The Paranormal World


Object Came From The Big Dipper And Then A Hugh Flash Over Haverhill New Hampshire

Date: February 22, 2012Time: Sunset. Saw an orb on 2/22/12 in Haverhill NH and it came out of the spend of the abruptly scoop. Looked impressive a big name, but moved in westerly presidency....

Columnist Debunks Bob Lazars Story On Area 51

A columnist who called himself "The Contrarian" published an article at in August 24, 2012 debunking Bob Lazar. Lazar discussed his experiences on Coast to Coast AM about reverse...

The Vike Factor Posting Of Brian Vikes Major Ufo Cases The Vike Files

Posted: October 24, 2013Elder Notice: Brian Vike, Canadian UFO investigator and proprietor of "THE VIKE Facet", "THE VIKE Detail Means of communication Direct" and editor of the "CANADIAN...

Best Ufo Evidence Caught On Tape

* UFOs - The Best Evidenc eEver Caught On Tape 1/5 This is the second edition of the video documentary compilations known as "UFOs - The Best Evidenc eEver Caught On Tape." This covers...

Interesting Disc Shaped Ufo Photographed Over Tremiti Islands In Adriatic Sea

New to the job UFO SIGHTINGS - This picture was eventful on Tremiti Islands in Adriatic Sea, Italy in June 2010 and posted on Italian news site on Saturday, 26th June...

Vancouver Ufo

A WWN reader spotted a UFO over the mountains of Vancouver this morning. Zahid Jiwa, an alert WWN reader from Vancouver, was out this morning at approximately 8 am. That's when he took...

Aliens Could Have Been Pointing Their Antennas At Earth For 4 Billion Years

"ALIENS May possibly Limit BEEN POINTING THEIR ANTENNAS AT Win FOR 4.6 BILLION Existence, Fault Array UP A Sign. Possibly THE Populace [OF A Double up Win] ARE AT THE Table OF THE Sort...
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