The Crystal Knight Ufo Counterintelligence Or Confusion

The Crystal Knight Ufo Counterintelligence Or Confusion
As I anticipated, yesterday's SLP posts about Richard Helms and a space crystal elicited confusion and consternation on both sides of the UFO reality debate.

My favorite response came from Ryan Dube who is an administrator for" Reality Uncovered", a forum driven to debunk UFO documents sometimes using false statements about the kind of markings used by the government:

"Gary - your articles encourage loose thinking and idiotic theories based on whatever little tidbits you can gather from formerly classified documents. You're a moron. After reading this latest, I can honestly say that I despise everything you do. The effects of your writing are harmful, dangerous, and counter-productive to encouraging critical thinking, true open-mindedness based on the highest probable answers, and following the most clear path to the truth. Your articles, your writing, and your thought processes fly in the face of all of that."

As expected, Ryan simply "doesn't get it."

Apparently Ryan needs to pay closer attention to my biography tag line:

"I am a researcher of material that blurs the distinction between fiction and reality."

My point was simple: to the best of my knowledge (as of today) the only intersection in the public record which brings together Richard Helms, his alias "Knight," and a crystal from space is found in three documents at the CIA's electronic reading room.

Together these documents form an "ink blot test" you can use to gauge your personal reaction.

The heart of myth making is in the eye of the beholder. Counterintelligence takes that art to a higher level by confusing sources, motives, and methods. Ryan is clearly confused!

In simplest terms, you should see the documents for what they are: requests concerning recovery of a NASA space crystal formed in zero gravity. For those more conspiratorially minded, they will represent something else.

And as I demonstrated, a myth-maker can easily take a real document and spin the story by removing a few words.

Here's the raw deal: when one is used to working in the clear fresh clarity of the open-source waters, stepping into the murky, dark, putrid black waters of the UFO spy game is not an easy transition.

Why would anyone in their right mind even wish to attempt to sort through all of the lies, rumors, reports, mis and disinformation?

It's even worse trying to track down real, verifiable government information. After all, this is the same government that erased the moon landing tapes!

The truth of the matter -- and this does come from real government-issued documents -- there is an acknowledged "phenomenology problem."

We also know (again from government records beginning in the early 1950s onward) the CIA intended to use the "phenomenology problem" for clandestine purposes, including counterintelligence.

In my previous two posts here at SLP, I reproduced a small sampling of the rumors, partly from inside sources, partly from Robert Collins' book EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE, which point to Richard Helms involvement in the alleged MAJESTIC MJ-12 MAJIC UFO extraterrestrial business.

So what do we really know?

As the saying goes, "Just the facts..."

We know that CIA acknowledged a "phenomenology problem" with the UFO topic, and intended to explore the use of this problem for counterintelligence activities.

We know with certainty that Richard Helms was involved in some very spooky business at CIA. This includes Helms' role in MKULTRA and other related mind-control and paranormal investigations, his interest in developing telepathy and hypnosis for operational Clandestine Services, and the fact that Helms gave the order to have the files destroyed.

We know that Sidney Gottlieb, running CIA's Technical Services Division (TSD) under Helms, was funding some of the research into psychic paranormal perception at Stanford Research Institute (SRI).

One of the principles of that project was Dr. Hal Puthoff, who is currently researching UFO-related technologies. Dr. Kit Green was a senior CIA analyst from Life Sciences attached to the SRI work.

We also have off-the-record sources on deep background who have attempted to direct our interests, evidenced by numerous messages and sources which remain confidential until further notice.

We know now for a fact that Helms is referenced in the government record about the recovery of a "space crystal."

"Note: The picture which accompanies this post shows President Gerald Ford holding a space crystal manufactured during the Skylab 4 mission. To his left is Dr. James C. Fletcher of NASA, who was referenced in the messages to Helms. The other gentleman is Dr. Harold Johnson of M.I.T. The indium-antimonide crystal was formed in Earth orbit on January 6, 1974, by the Skylab 4 astronauts."

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