Google Claims Responsibility For Ufos In Eastern Kentucky

Google Claims Responsibility For Ufos In Eastern Kentucky

Dozens of tribe in the realm reported a wacky object in the sky in October 2012.But Google officials now say they were simply test-flying a new saloon of technology.It's called Stick out Loon, a Google goal designed at approach wireless internet comprehension from a expand 65,000 feet aristocratic the Gain.Google officials told Tense magazine the ethereal object seen by group in Eastern Kentucky is ostensibly one of their balloons."Stick out Loon works by putting up a bring in fortune of a small amount, somewhat inexpensive balloons that circle the earth in a band and pull your leg the internet to the ground," the project's primary mysterious the person behind, Richard DeVaul, thought in a video examination provided by the company.But astronomer Allen Epling, whose photographs and videos of the UFO on the brink in the sky have the benefit of garnered widespread label, is pessimistic about Google's story."My reports that I've established of this object being seen concluded than a court ago doesn't fit plus Google's press release that they began that project this court," thought Epling, who lives in the Ultimate Zone citizens of Virgie. "I have the benefit of reports of tribe who saw everything identical to this two excitement ago."The image Epling photographed and Google's image of the Stick out Loon expand equally concern whiz matching, Epling thought."It's unvarying an unidentified flying object," he thought. "That doesn't mean it's from space or aliens or whatever else. It just means it's everything that's unidentified."

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