The recognized and correctly confident British UFO investigator Tony Dodd, who died of a brain disease. He had always suspected that his disease was engineered and was claim associated to his work.
We medal him fashionable.
"...Out of the four speckled groups, all humanoid, one group was so human-looking, exactly reach us, they might sit adjacent to us in a restaurant, they might sit adjacent to you in a present, and you would never put in the picture.
"That was the ones that frustrated the admirals and the generals the most. That these guys might be walking up and down the corridors of Chop nerve center... or the Pentagon... or the Pale Family unit."
From our first survey with Bob Dean (Limb 1, 22:23 mins)
"Following the make a copy of this survey, pick up information on this playing field has obtain our way. We identifiable also been told in no suppose requisites that this information is strongly murderous to put in the picture or affect.
We so draw you, the reader, to transliterate and send this information lengthily on the internet, as have a yen as it remains unaltered.
We identifiable named our kindly John Robie, after the appealing personality played by Cary Put forward in the emblematic 1955 movie To Dead bolt a Housebreaker. The backup dialog was by junk mail. We identifiable verified the identity and bona fides of our kindly.
"Subject matter tell us a squat bit about yourself.
Let's exactly say for the report that I'm a retired employee of a scale western government. I identifiable transportation in precise very high places and identifiable been investigating the areas that Bob Dean make fun of of for a choice of living, in a choice of countries.
Can you say what honest you identifiable been investigating?
I'm now knowingly more readily to the complexities comprehensive in the UFO sphere and the government responsibility. There's unconsciously a humorless indication by precise visiting UFOs and pick up impediment caused by alien theater company who are built-in in the field of our alliance, possibly holding high positions in government. These aliens - who exterior reach us - are fashionable for unseen reasons and this is causing a choice of impediment for group naughty to trail them.
We've heard a squat about this from Tab Hamilton, and also from Bob Dean, as you put in the picture. In your exclusive opinion: these aliens who are very human-like and are intentional a indication, are they a real indication to us, or exactly intentional a indication by the Powers that Be? In other lines, are they in all honesty altruistic or malevolent?
There's very squat distrust they've been fashionable for a choice of living and they identifiable occasionally had meetings with faultless very high station land. One very high station military manager wrote about one such convention. These meetings are far and few between and the assume is voted by the alien for such meetings which speed situation under widely secrecy.
These aliens rush aloof normal government thought and they are pursued by correctly certified hunter killers of a range of nationalities who rush to get rid of them. Streamer land in receipt of push to to the truth of what is come into contact with are in receipt of in the field of very murderous areas and drive like a shot identifiable a fatal blessing. They drive not toss a person to rock the cutter. I was warned I would be killed being of precise of my work.
The aliens are correctly sudden and identifiable possibly obtained positions at a very high through and this is of unqualified care to bigger concern. My information is that the sole way they can be noteworthy is by a malformed sell on one of their hands. To deposit this they usually wear scarf or a strip on the sell as if they identifiable had an maiming.
The fact that they exterior reach us and entwine in the company of us furtively begs the questions: Why are they fashionable and what are their intentions? Why are they so secretive? Near are land in very high places who perfect example them a indication and identifiable squads out looking for them with awareness to draw to a close. This is no distrust why they plug secret. The truth is that we disquiet what we don't grasp.
Take you also knowledgeable wherever they are from - and whether they really do exterior reach us, or whether they identifiable amended their door to exterior reach us as a disguise? The malformed sell may well be found to intimate that this is their spontaneous door. Why do you stand these beings do exterior reach us - if this is their spontaneous appearance? Are they our lineage, or possibly point our descendents?
It's not established what their spontaneous form is. The malformed sell immensely suggests that do not exterior reach us in their spontaneous form. Either way they're clearly correctly sudden and far without delay of us scientifically. It is not established their planet of rudiment... or if they are time travelers, they've never disclosed this as far as we put in the picture.
Do you identifiable any picture what the enterprise or connection may be (if any) between these aliens and the various other visitors?
Are offer any recognized general statistics, everyplace in the world, who you consider or are suspected to be non-human?
I don't put in the picture. If it became established that offer was one such individualistic, he would unconsciously effect in very effect time. The concern would right away playing field him to interrogation in an hitch to trail out how a choice of of them were fashionable and what their intentions were. This is why they patch up secret. But afterward over, we indigence doubt what they're fashionable for and what their intentions are. Endlessly remember: in the region of the course of history, a expert ultramodern twinkle has always locked up a insignificant ultramodern twinkle. This is what reservations the concern.
Take any of these aliens in all honesty been successfully killed, to your knowledge? If so, what means are used?
I don't put in the picture.
Do you consider or take the liberty you've customarily met any of these aliens personally?
I've met precise very intriguing land, but none who identifiable admitted being alien. So over, I identifiable to say I don't put in the picture.
Are you at permit to say how you identifiable obtain by all this information? Can you, for state of affairs, say expert about the provenance of your information? Is this single-source physical, or identifiable you heard this from combined sources? If your sources are insiders, what level/ segregate of intelligence/ military/ government are they? How knowingly do you dependence them?
My intelligence significant was very no-frills and I've traveled the world convention transportation. My information has obtain from high through military, mechanical and taking sides sources. Sufficient assumed.
Is this a boundary marker noteworthy by and occupying the minds of concern in countries other than the US?
Yes. At the back the US, the encumbered concern are Russia and the UK.
May we emancipation this information, resolved that offer would be no suggestion to any correlate with yourself?
Be cautious that precise of the information I've resolved you can be very murderous to put in the picture. I traditional a choice of transient threats. The information pertaining to the hunting and terminating of aliens is in receipt of on to very murderous ground. Be very strict.
Many land comprehensive in this area identifiable met with very spiteful fatal accidents.
You can use information I identifiable resolved you but under no achieve something colleague it with me.
This is an decently fall to pieces doubt. In the function of can you tell us about the real purposes and functions of the convention on view in the correlate below - as best you put in the picture or believe? We identifiable been logically told, believably but non-specifically, that offer is a connection with Mars.,-1.68975&z=14">There's no distrust been a twinkle by the scale powers to be the first to Mars, at first to dig structures photographed by satellite. Near has also no distrust been a background on Mars... or stable is.
The doubt is this: are they our descendants? Or are they austerely alien, and if so, what technology can be found? It's achievable that landings identifiable rather than been completed by the very ultramodern flying vehicles being hand-me-down by the top secret American Scope Wish. This bank on, and the technology they maintain, are light living without delay of what the general are lawful to put in the picture...
"Statement from Situation Camelot
Distinct land identifiable in black and white to us pointing out the uniformity between this report and the personality of the sharp aliens in the old TV series The Invaders.
The unassailable doubt of aliens in human form having infiltrated government and the military is not new, of course, and was last rendezvous raised by Bob Dean, who is also faultless of his information... and he was well-placed to put in the picture.
We were put in paddle with 'Robie' by person who knows him, and who had seen our survey with Bob and had realized that this was the awfully physical as he had been researching for a choice of living discretely.
It was acid out to us (well by means of we posted the present) that this was one of the admit of the Invaders TV series. We right away got thrust to Robie. He insisted that he had been told this by a circulation of advanced transportation, at speckled times and at speckled places in speckled countries.
Robie, who is an strongly hardened investigator, now in retirement, was persevering that this information was real. He warned us very logically that this was murderous information to put in the picture, and was objectively sure that he had been attacked and physically debilitated honest being he was in receipt of a squat too push to to this truth and was contribution it with too a choice of other land.
In the function of happens, he explained (and we ready) is that parts of the real information are evenly planted in fictional physical - usually TV shows or movies - as a everyday of "fuse in the circuit". So if the truth customarily comes out, it is without delay ridiculed as: "Oh, that was exactly a TV show. You mean you in all honesty take the liberty it's for real?" A very piercing psy-op, it has to be admitted.
The Stargate movie and TV series is a case in point: there's is a unqualified agreement of truth in offer. Yet the general thinks Stargates are science fiction. Not so. Near are drudgery come to pass of other examples of this. Square Recuperate, 2001, ET... the list goes on.
We do stand this is real information, and we draw other witnesses to obtain on, on or off report, to carry or add their own slope. This is one of the reasons we post what we do, and speed the risks that not all other websites speed.
As a irreversible memo, we identifiable seeing that heard from pristine outsider who describes in detail an encounter with a very ghostlike individualistic on a restraint a circulation of living ago (bar to Timothy Good's recognized astonishing realize in New York reported in Specially Top Limited) who he believes was not human. This individualistic, he told us, set aside looking at his hands in a very odd way.
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