Coast to Coast AM
5th October 2010
British paranormal expert Richard Lawrence discussed ET contacts and communications, UFO disclosure, and ancient reports of UFOs. He spoke about various contactees such as George Adamski, and George King, who founded the Aetherius Society and channeled messages from benevolent ET beings or "Space Masters." One of themes that runs across the various communications from ETs is the importance of spirituality throughout the universe, Lawrence noted.
King spoke about intelligences from within our solar system and multi-dimensional existences, while 1950s contactee Dan Fry said the beings he interacted with were from the past, specifically the civilization of Atlantis. In King's book, The Nine Freedoms, he shares ET information about humankind's evolution-- one of the first evolutionary steps is bravery, to think outside of the standard conditioning, and another step is to become oriented toward service-to-others, rather than service-to-self.
Ancient Sanskrit texts refer to vimanas-- flying celestial vehicles, which could "cause the entire sky to blaze." Some of these writings specifically describe the propulsion systems, he added. A UFO incident that took place in 1180 AD in Japan concerned a shiny aerial object that changed directions, vanished, and reappeared. It was referred to as a "flying earthenware vessel, so the [term] 'flying saucer' was actually coined back in the 12th century," Lawrence mused, adding that Alexander the Great and Columbus were also said to have UFO sightings.KEywords: British Paranomral investigator ufo's aliens Et's Extra terrestrials history Richard Lawerance government disclosure first contact communications flying saucers secret cover up embargo benevolent ET beings space masters brothers sisters humanity sightings
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