The Return Of Planet X Nibiru Wormwood

The Return Of Planet X Nibiru Wormwood
Author and educational Gilbert Eriksen outlined all science and biblical portent re the return of Ground X (Wormwood) which he believes stimulus influence terrible cost for the World. Faster than a planet, he suggested that Wormwood is correctly a murky dwarf term, a extensive suave oxide bullet on an elliptical orbit in our solar system, which has 60 epoch the measure of Jupiter. It transits on the road to us on an 1,800 rendezvous move forward and is in the last part relatively informal, he claimed.

Eriksen maintained that NASA is dwell of Wormwood's phantom stopping at their satellite data, but is covering it up. The object can in the last part be seen by infrared telescopes in the Southern Hemisphere, and is interior the orbital radius of Neptune, he assumed. Foresight in the Publication of Bolt from the blue, such as the "moon became have a weakness for blood" and "the sky was fragment improbable have a weakness for a scroll" deliver to comings and goings brought about by Wormwood's gorge and may well thorough come to rest as out of date as this summer, he warned.

Among the cataclysms we'll see are meteorites trouncing World, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes between extensive tectonic shifts, and able tsunamis, he take notes. Importantly, the at the back of summer stimulus be velvety poorer, as the methane background of Wormwood causes beacon to rain down from the sky, and 1/3 of the World stimulus be incinerated, Eriksen continued.


He graduated from Cal Speech Fullerton between a evaluate in psychology. In arrears studying inscription, portent and the Publication of Bolt from the blue, Gil began to make clear keys to over pulling together energy systems, free energy, anti abstinence systems and before I finish the implications Ground X has on mankind.


Creative interpretations

Certain exact scenarios influence been theorized on the possessions of an asteroid or comet's go under between World. An relatable intrigue theorizes a chemical association in the background due to "loving shock" wearing entry and/or impact of a good asteroid or comet, reacting oxygen and nitrogen in the background to produce nitric-acid rain. Harsh rain from the loving shock of a good comet or asteroid's impact between World is alleged by precise to fit the Biblical bank account of the ill feeling produced by the Wormwood Fame upon a third of the Earth's clean water.

The creation story of Mesopotamia

The SUMERIANS always described their Gods as planets on or after between Pluto, then Neptune, Uranus, etc., as if they were seeing the planets from a pleasurable party (or spacecraft ?) that was hidden our solar system from the private.

The Sumerian close by, between the planets Mercury, Venus, World, Moon, Mars, Concealed ( about horror of Uranus/Neptune), Jupiter, Saturn, Vague (about horror of Mercury), Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

The SUMERIANS as a consequence mentioned a "twelfth" planet called "NIBIRU", one whose elliptical orbit brought it informal to World for a fill in scheduled time about apiece 3,600 years.

The Sumerians and as soon as as a consequence the Babylonians remark about a hanker time ago in Silvery epoch in which Nibiru (Marduk), until that time a outcast in our solar system, had a fight in fantasy between Tiamat and Kingu. At that time, millions of years ago, the satellites of Nibiru (Marduk) buckled between Tiamat and disfavored it in 2 parts.

In friendship to the theory of Zecharia Sitchin and others, the 2 parts of Tiamat were obliged to another orbit disk-shaped the Sun, One division was injured in inadequately parts and are now called The Asteroid Squash and Asteroids Meteorites and Comets. The other division was obliged within his new orbit in the midst of Venus and Mars and became the World. Kingu became the Moon of the "new planet" World. Nibiru was obliged within an elliptical orbit disk-shaped the Sun and its new orbit was from that time on a move forward of 3,600 years disk-shaped the Sun.

I have a weakness for to appoint first the screenwriter of "The World Records" Zecharia Sitchin for his lofty in range force of the Sumerian and Babylonian history and his theory of which most I customary.

Zecharia Sitchin was untutored in Russia and raised in Palestine, anywhere he acquired a cavernous encounter of current and ancient Hebrew, other Semitic and European languages, the Old Memorial, and the history and archaeology of the Award East. He attended the London Prepare of Economics and Political Science and graduated from the University of London, majoring in economic history.

A better novelist and editor in Israel for many years, he now lives and writes in New York. One of the few scholars able to take to mean and figure out Sumerian, Sitchin has based The World Records, his recent series of books commerce between Earth's and man's histories and prehistories, on the information and texts on paper down on ceramic objects pills by the ancient civilizations of the Award East.

Leave-taking ram over curtailed a million years the planet has been visited by Aliens who come into apiece 3,600 hundred years, from a come to rest called Nibiru.

These entities were not reptilian in nature, but were humanoid, genetically varying the hominid flex that existed on the planet at that time, to cause have a weakness for them, connect with have a weakness for them, and to perceive sound from them.

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