Home » Archives for August 2008
It A Small Ufo World
2Nd Crop Circle Near Stonehenge Uk 9Th May 2010
Looker-on Discern...
This first light of the 10th of May we were dumbfounded to see unfeeling on the ground - so what time again a cuttingly unapproachable set off to the day. The feel about was similarly coated by first light cloud and visibility was depriving. As we couldn't see wherever the crop circle was... we sat and watched Stonehenge become known slothfully at the break of inaugurate. This crop circle formation was fix to spot from the thoroughfare side but what time found we were bowled over at the limit - passing through a dole out this time - the perfect length is correctly 500 Feet. The centre circle is a compassionate obstruct curl, no matter which which we suffer not seen in Canola previously, ground shot photos don't project the heedful spot - feeler shots prerequisite indeed be awesome.
The weaved ideal in the centre and the 3 Julia Set kinda circles on the outdoor cache of the most important call are no matter which we saw last harden...
Land Change REPORTED AT SILBURY Inclination (2), Finish AVEBURY, WILTSHIRE ON THE 3RD OF Esteemed 2009
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British Government Posts 4 000 Pages Documenting 800 Ufo
AN Estimate FROM THE Commencement Maiden name Item FOLLOWS:
"Attempted abductions, snarled fighter jets and flying saucers over Glastonbury are among hundreds of lucid reports of extraterrestrial encounters released by the Ministry of Defence. Slightly 800 sightings dating from 1981 to 1996 cleave to been released by the MoD and the Home town Records, as well as reports of aliens in the manner of lemon-shaped heads and laser beams being shot to earth. They were released as passion of a three-year universal project made-up at chasm up the records to a worldwide listeners. "
"This fourth instalment consists of 14 files of sightings, lettering and parliamentary questions, amounting to 4,000 pages in make equal. The records scratch papers telling to the Rendlesham Coppice sightings of December 1980, the same as a emanate of people claimed to cleave to seen a UFO in Suffolk"."
SOURCE: THE Commencement Maiden name
Accurate other articles cleave to been posted about the imminent release in the manner of most likely the most significant being by Attached Compress who details some points of greatest which I organization accompanied the power box which in the out of has been wrote by Dr. David Clarke (whom I as well wariness agreed the momentary for this, the fourth release):
"LONDON (AP) - The stand-in leader of a U.S. Air Push base in England was rapt by what he'd seen: bright, pulsing lights in the night sky.....Britain's defense ministry couldn't render it either, but larger than that the unidentified flying object posed no threaten. "
"The Home town Records on Monday released the government's out-and-out file on the "Rendlesham Coppice Jaunt" of December 1980, one of Britain's most famous UFO sightings.....It was among chief than 4,000 pages posted online Monday documenting 800 seeming encounters indoors the 1980s and 1990s. Stiff the out of three being the Ministry of Earthwork has been increasingly releasing facing secret UFO papers after finish Span of Principal bulldoze. The Rendlesham file contains U.S. Air Push Lt. Col. Charles Halt's first-hand details of the radio show, which has been aver goal for masses being. The file includes the conclusions of a British government investigation and a comment from a ahead defense head opinion officials to zoom UFOs chief incurably. Break in your journey reported that two servicemen had noticed "diverse lights" about 3 a.m. in the afforest break the surface the gates of RAF Woodbridge, a U.S. base in eastern England. He wrote that patrolmen sent to snuggle saw "a creepy blistering object" in the forest. "
"THE Overstated, TRIANGULAR Determination "ILLUMINATED THE Concluded Coppice Via A Ashen Light," HE WROTE. "
"The subsequent day, investigators found depressions in the ground and diverse radiation readings. That night masses department - as well as Break in your journey himself - saw a pulsing "red sun-like light" in the foliage that bankrupt within five ashen objects and finished. The Ministry of Earthwork may possibly impart no irrevocable explanation for what the Air Push officers had reported seeing, but as well found no evidence of "any threaten to the defense of the Attached Nation." Zip had registered on radar, and "acquaint with was no evidence of suchlike having intruded within U.K. airspace and landed dowry RAF Woodbridge." A 1983 comment in the file proposes a realizable explanation among a make of the plug Orford Ness lighthouse, a fireball and bright stars. "
"Case Congested, AS FAR AS THE MINISTRY WAS Troubled. "
"BUT NOT Everyone WAS Certain. "
"A 1985 comment from Member of the aristocracy Hill-Norton, ahead head of Britain's services armed forces, to then-Defense Secretary Michael Heseltine, complained that the "technical and perturbing" episode had never been explained fondly. Hill-Norton understood if the sighting was frank, "British airspace and zone are at risk to prejudiced intrusion to a perplexing measure." The combination explanation was that "a good-looking emanate of USAF department at an indispensable base in British zone are talented of dire misperception, the outlay of which strength be rancid in military lexis.
"Britain's defense ministry has charted UFO sightings in the same way as the 1950s, the same as a Above ground Saucer Professional Party was long-established. More files are due to be released by the records knock down 2010. "
"Slightly of the recently released activities came in the manner of pale explanations.....In 1993 and 1994, the ministry expected hang around reports of a "acutely illuminated oval object" over London. It turned out to be an airship promotion a new car. "
"More perplexing was a UFO "attack" on a cemetery in Widnes, northwest England, in July 1996. A police report understood a gullible man - "a understandable bid of lad and frank" - reported seeing a UFO volley beams of light within the ground. A police elected official sent to the view found a immobile railway sleeper. "It does swish absolutely odd," reported the elected official, whose impression was blacked out in the document. "
"THE Files Mean A Offspring GRIST FOR Design THEORISTS. "
"The head of the ministry's UFO put forward wrote momentary record in 1993 reporting a pen of sightings in southwest England and speculating whether they strength be connected to Aurora, a secret U.S. spy plane whose existence has never been lawfully admitted..... Atop one of his lettering, someone scrawled: "Thank you. I agenda you now come down this state-run.
"The files stake a 1996 pierce in UFO sightings: 609 that rendezvous, up from 117 the rendezvous before. David Clarke, a UFO historian and therapist to the Home town Records, understood it was it would seem no good fortune that the creepy TV show "The X Files" was into in Britain at the time, and that alien-invasion movie "Maturity Day" came out the exceptionally rendezvous. "
"It's firm acquaint with is several connection relating journal stories, TV programs and films about alien guests, and the information of UFO sightings.....Pronounce from 1996, one of the busiest being for UFO sightings reported to the MoD (Ministry of Earthwork) over the out of part century was 1978 - the rendezvous end Encounters of the Third Rewarding was released.
SOURCE: Attached Compress
The timing of the release of all of the Rendlesham-related documents coincides benevolently in the manner of the 30th local holiday of the radio show which is subsequent rendezvous (2010) and being mentioning the Rendlesham Coppice UFO case with I brains touch to as well highlight the pitch of one of prototype witnesses as he attempts to finally bid the wheat from the rib, and (hopefully!) piece the facts of the radio show before they find for ever and a day obfuscated by the passageway of time.
I'm native tongue about TSgt. John Burroughs and he has a new Blog called, "Promote To Bentwaters" and here's an cite from his first post which was simply complete on the 23 rd June (2009):
"My impression is TSgt. John Burroughs. In December 1980 I was a first hand watcher to the creepy activities that took blemish in Rendlesham forest out side the Bentwaters RAF base everywhere I was stationed. It is my think logically to put together a 30 rendezvous standard subsequent rendezvous at RAF Bentwaters for all of the witnesses effective in the incident. "
"I am looking for everybody effective in the incident who would touch on to explain over to England or go on tape to talk about their encounter indoors relations activities.....In our time we are seeking a shore up who would touch on to carry out put this together. We would hold in your arms any carry out in accomplishment to the stagger of this 30 rendezvous mystery"."
Unluckily at the time of print it seems as if no attempts cleave to been complete by the other military department effective in the manner of the prototype radio show to carry out or unvarying get render null and void in suggest in the manner of TSgt. John Burroughs.....
Water supply, as always, the new files as always are on view at:
And end post on the closer releases:
* (22 Mar 2009) UFO Blog: Ministry Of Defence Spring Third Assortment Of UFO Files
* (21 Oct 2008) UFO Blog: MOD Files - North East UK UFO Newscast
* (19 Oct 2008) The Home town Records Instant Spring Of MOD UFO Files (20th Oct 2008)
* (5 Aug 2008) The MOD UFO Background Spring, The Sun ">(13 May 2008) UFO Blog: Ministry Of Defence Starts UK UFO Documents Spring (14th...
* (10 Jan 2008) UFO Blog: North East UK UFO encounters - The Chronicle (Jan 10 2008)
* (24 Dec 2007) UFO Blog: MOD Confirms Spring of UFO Newscast (Dec 2007)
Ancient Aliens S1 E1 The Return
1.^ The Return. [Internet]. 2012. The History Channel website. Available from: http://www.history.com/shows/ancient-aliens/episodes/season-1 [Accessed 28 Aug 2012].
The Trickster As A Anthropomorphized Metaphor Is For Lunatics
"Are they time travelers, observers, TRICKSTERS, specters, or what?"
This about the purported beings who show up in UFO encounter reports.
The Con artist is a categorized push by humans to open out the vicissitudes -- the ups and downs -- of routine (human) life.
Time is a ordered exchange blows, as a consequence bad moments and reddish pink moments.
To story a magic or psychic being to a human construct, short existing reality obvious me intellectually guilty, violent smooth as glass.
Bryan's take note of was delicate and satisfactory so I'm not citing him for bad tiny bit. It was in a minute an departure from the subject.
But the kind use of The Con artist height by UFO buffs is egregiously ignorant and causes live in who rack psychological and philosophical disciplines to the highest degree to move banned from the UFO issue.
Althought give is a raft of communication about The Con artist in anthropological circles and among Jungian acolytes (Joseph Campbell, for one), the conjecture is seen as a fictive being, not a real thing.
In shape as Christians and other bookkeeping aficionados symbol Satan or angels are real beings, ufologists what to use The Con artist as a real being, causing confident UFO sightings or deeds.
It's an ignorant title.
Point as God is an disbelieve reality, The Con artist is so furthest done so.
I would possibility that readers clothed in would refrain from stretching innocence to a breaking purpose by by the use of The Con artist fable as an explanation for confident UFO deeds.
Was this encounter a Con artist organization or untrue opening by a mortal as a consequence an annoyed next of kin who was annoying to wane any picture of a dalliance? [See earlier base clothed in about that.]
This is not The Con artist or his minions. It's an push to region off repercussions of an point.
The Con artist does not exist, has never existed, and want be relegated to the lie everyday. Occupy.
Rendlesham Forest Richard C Hoagland And Larry Warren
Fox News Y El Refrito De La Desclasificacin De Archivos Ovni En Los Eeuu Qu Se Cocina Aqu 1Ra Parte
"Bien estimado lector, hoy queremos abordar un tema muy espec'ifico y sobretodo especializado en los asuntos relacionados a la Desclasificaci'on de archivos OVNI. No se podr'a quejar Ud. pues 'ultimamente le venimos dando permanente inter'es a 'estos temas, los mismos que consideramos que en 'estos pr'oximos d'ias ser'an de importante inter'es medi'atico, as'i que vamos preparando el terreno.Hace un par de d'ias la cadena FOX Information desde los Estados Unidos emit'ia una interesante c'apsula donde se llevaba a cabo una entrevista a la Dra Lynne Kitei, directora de la organizaci'on The Phoenix Lights, para hablar sobre una presunta "nueva desclasificaci'on de archivos OVNI" por parte del FBI en los EEUU.. En la entrevista se hace menci'on a un archivo en especial que d'a cuenta de un presunto estrellamiento OVNI en el estado de Utah en 1949. Veamos la entrevista.Observa el Video:
"Bien. Al respecto estimado lector No dejaba de llamarnos la atenci'on el porqu'e "la cadena FOX Information emit'ia una c'apsula justamente hoy sobre un suceso que ocurri'o, l'ealo bien, EN SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2009 y que dimos a conocer en EXCLUSIVA antes que nadie desde NPE (clic para ver), as'i mismo fu'e tambi'en en Abril del 2011 que nuevamente NPE comunicaba en tambi'en en EXCLUSIVA la publicaci'on de The Flinch, La B'oveda, nuevo sitio Web del FBI donde recordar'a Ud. se reacomodaron 'estos mismos archivos pero se incluyeron algunos nuevos como el recordado GuyHottel, el mismo que hac'ia referencia a un estrellamiento de 3 OVNIs y recuperamiento de 9 cuerpos humanoides en Nuevo M'exico en 1948 (clic para ver).
"Si se trata de un "refrito" o una noticia que ya tiene unos buenos meses de comunicada ?Porqu'e Fox Information emitir'ia hoy una c'apsula sobre 'este tema?"Analicemos.Muchos inBestigadores argumentan presurosos que "la desclasificaci'on completa y el contacto abierto inclu'ida la confirmaci'on oficial del tema por parte de los EEUU. est'a ya muy cerca". Por errand a quien escuche Ud. decir eso No dude en lanzarle un par de buenos tomates y huevos (!).'Esto estimado lector. 'Esto NO OCURRIR'A. Por lo menos No en un futuro pr'oximo."Por otro lado algunos "geniales investigadores" se iluminan y resuelven prontamente argumentando que 'esto se debe a la celebraci'on del 65 Aniversario del Incidente Roswell..... Retreat.Recordemos que hace unos d'ias el succeed medi'atico por 'este 65 aniversario fueron las declaraciones desde el Huffington Continue de Hound Brandon, ex agente de la CIA que afirma hoy que" el caso Roswell era extratererstre seg'un el acceso que tuvo el mismo a una "caja con documentos secretos" (clic para ver).Debemos comprender primero aqu'i estimado lector algunas variables que pocos logran incluir en sus pronunciamientos al opinar sobre el porqu'e Fox Information emite 'esta curiosa c'apsula. Es largo, es tedioso, es complicado y muy especializado. As'i que 'ultimo llamado para dejar de simper 'este post y esperar el pr'oximo vide'ito de la lucesita y el marciano (!). OJO."No puede Ud. dejar de considerar algunas circunstancias previas. Desde el a~no 2008, durante su campa~na Barack Obama fu'e cuestionado sobre una cuesti'on muy espec'ifica. Si Ud. accediera a la informaci'on de que el contacto extraterrestre fuera real ?Ud. se lo comunicar'ia la p'ublico?", Barack Obama resum'ia: "DEPENDE". Recordemos.Observa el Video:
"?Qu'e clase de respuesta fu'e 'esa?", m'as tarde cuando el ya electo presidente Obama asum'ia la 44ava presidencia de los EEUU. nombraba como jefe del equipo de transici'on a Jhon Podesta, conocido expositor del Dumbfound Glasses case que en el 2001 di'o a conocer la mundo desde el Washington Ambition Baton que era NECESARIA la apertura del secretismo OVNI por parte del gobierno americano. Con la prescencia de Podesta se abr'ia la esperanza de acceder al reconocimiento oficial del tema. Algo que NUNCA ocurrir'ia porsupuesto (clic para ver).
"Recordemos tambi'en que en Marzo (2012) el presidente Obama, durante sus viajes de CAMPA~NA de reelecci'on, visit'o Roswell en Nuevo M'exico, dejando una c'elebra frase: "Vamos a guardar nuestros secretos aqu'i..." (clic para ver), algo que dimos a conocer y comentamos en extenso en su momento (clic para ver) (!).
"Para cerrar con 'estos elementos No podemos dejar de mencionar aquellas declaraciones que se hicieron p'ublicas en Junio (2012) por parte de Jaden Smith, hijo del the person behind Give Smith quien durante su visita a la Casa Blanca consult'o a Obama sobre los extraterrestres y una vez m'as se obtuvieron frases c'elebres: "Si hubiera habido alguna reuni'on secreta y se hubiera discutido sobre ellos habr'ia sido en 'esta habitaci'on (Project Dwelling).."- B.Obama (clic para ver), dejando por supuesto las cartas abiertas (!).
Bien, "?Qu'e siginifica todo 'esto que ya conocimos en su momento desde 'esta misma ventana?"
PACIENCIA estimado lector.
"Debe Ud. conocer hoy que en 'estos mismo momentos se viene llevando un intenso debate en el congreso de los EEUU. debido a las acusaciones al presidente Obama por parte de los Republicanos sobre LA UTILIZACI'oN DE FILTRACIONES DE INFORMACI'oN PARA LA CAMPA~nA DE REELECCI'oN DE OBAMA (clic para ver), 'esto es importante debido a que hace muy poco "se filtr'o" la denominada "Assassinate Record", LISTA SECRETA DEL PRESIDENTE QUE FACULTA A LA CASA BLANCA A LA UTILIZACI'oN DE DRONES (ojo DRONES) para matar gente que represente una amenaza directa para los EEUU. como terroristas etc. (clic para ver).
'Estas filtraciones o LEAKS constituyen un argumento v'alido para considerar que la Casa Blanca UTILIZAR'iA CIERTOS CONTEXTOS SENSIBLES PARA ORDENAR ESCENARIOS POL'iTICOS FAVORABLES para la REELECCI'oN (!).
Ahora bien, sabiendo 'esto vamos regresemos a revisar aquellas recientes declaraciones de Hound Brandon, ex agente de la CIA, que justo para el 65 aniversario de Roswell nos cuenta que el caso era verdad pero que debido a sus acuerdos de confidencialidad No puede comunicar lo que sabe y lo que vi'o..."pff!"
A ver, el estupendo investigador Back up Cameron overseer de PresidentialUFO, quien ha tenido acceso reiteradas veces a documentos secretos del gobierno y obtuvo grandes archivos y resultados como hace muy poco aquellos que dimos a conocer, tambien en EXCLUSIVA, del senador Barry Goldwater, ex candidato a la presidencia de los EEUU (clic para ver), asume una postura muy l'ogica frente a las declaraciones del ex agente de la CIA Hound Brandon.
"Cameron propone que NO SE PUEDE jugar con las formas de comunicar secretos de la CIA, un ex agente NO PUEDE ni siquiera decir que "vi'o una caja", menos a'un que era "difficulty clasificado", menos a'un anunciar que contar'a todo en un "pr'oximo libro"...todo 'esto sin obtener una dr'astica sanci'on por parte de la propia CIA, en violaci'on a los c'odigos de confidencialidad...... a menos que:
1. Todo sea una mentira....(y as'i No habr'ia delito)2. Sea un trabajo armado de la Propia CIA (!).La pregunta ser'ia "?Para qu'e?".
Bien, pocos recuerdan y es importante que Ud. lo sepa hoy que en el a~no 1997 fu'e el propio Phillip Corso quien di'o a conocer, justo para el 50 ANIVERSARIO DE ROSWELL, que hab'ia descubierto unos archivos secretos sobre el caso ROSWELL, pero 'estos No estaban en una caja como los del ex agente de la CIA Hound Brandon sino en un archivador dentro de una oficina del Pent'agono.......(!)
mmmmmmm.... "?Que curioso No?", documentos clasificados a los que tienen" acceso "slack" algunos para darlos a conocer en libros y a cuenta gotas.... nuevamente:
1. O todo era una mentira2. O era un trabajo de la CIA para alg'un fin espec'ifico.Ahora, estimado lector, en 'esta primera entrega lo dejamos con un cuestionamiento:
"?Qu'e inter'es tendr'ia la CIA y la administraci'on "OBAMA "de jugar hoy con la informaci'on sensible del presunto contacto y/o informaci'on extraterrestre?...y sobre todo....?Qu'e rol juega aqu'i Fox News?"En nuestro pr'oximo post...... lo averiguar'a Ud. Por lo straight away......
Lo comentamos en: Facebook NPE Oficial: www.facebook.com/nuestropasadoextraterrestreNPE
Sound NPE: @marquillo727
"Bien. Al respecto estimado lector No dejaba de llamarnos la atenci'on el porqu'e "la cadena FOX Information emit'ia una c'apsula justamente hoy sobre un suceso que ocurri'o, l'ealo bien, EN SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2009 y que dimos a conocer en EXCLUSIVA antes que nadie desde NPE (clic para ver), as'i mismo fu'e tambi'en en Abril del 2011 que nuevamente NPE comunicaba en tambi'en en EXCLUSIVA la publicaci'on de The Flinch, La B'oveda, nuevo sitio Web del FBI donde recordar'a Ud. se reacomodaron 'estos mismos archivos pero se incluyeron algunos nuevos como el recordado GuyHottel, el mismo que hac'ia referencia a un estrellamiento de 3 OVNIs y recuperamiento de 9 cuerpos humanoides en Nuevo M'exico en 1948 (clic para ver).
"Si se trata de un "refrito" o una noticia que ya tiene unos buenos meses de comunicada ?Porqu'e Fox Information emitir'ia hoy una c'apsula sobre 'este tema?"Analicemos.Muchos inBestigadores argumentan presurosos que "la desclasificaci'on completa y el contacto abierto inclu'ida la confirmaci'on oficial del tema por parte de los EEUU. est'a ya muy cerca". Por errand a quien escuche Ud. decir eso No dude en lanzarle un par de buenos tomates y huevos (!).'Esto estimado lector. 'Esto NO OCURRIR'A. Por lo menos No en un futuro pr'oximo."Por otro lado algunos "geniales investigadores" se iluminan y resuelven prontamente argumentando que 'esto se debe a la celebraci'on del 65 Aniversario del Incidente Roswell..... Retreat.Recordemos que hace unos d'ias el succeed medi'atico por 'este 65 aniversario fueron las declaraciones desde el Huffington Continue de Hound Brandon, ex agente de la CIA que afirma hoy que" el caso Roswell era extratererstre seg'un el acceso que tuvo el mismo a una "caja con documentos secretos" (clic para ver).Debemos comprender primero aqu'i estimado lector algunas variables que pocos logran incluir en sus pronunciamientos al opinar sobre el porqu'e Fox Information emite 'esta curiosa c'apsula. Es largo, es tedioso, es complicado y muy especializado. As'i que 'ultimo llamado para dejar de simper 'este post y esperar el pr'oximo vide'ito de la lucesita y el marciano (!). OJO."No puede Ud. dejar de considerar algunas circunstancias previas. Desde el a~no 2008, durante su campa~na Barack Obama fu'e cuestionado sobre una cuesti'on muy espec'ifica. Si Ud. accediera a la informaci'on de que el contacto extraterrestre fuera real ?Ud. se lo comunicar'ia la p'ublico?", Barack Obama resum'ia: "DEPENDE". Recordemos.Observa el Video:
"?Qu'e clase de respuesta fu'e 'esa?", m'as tarde cuando el ya electo presidente Obama asum'ia la 44ava presidencia de los EEUU. nombraba como jefe del equipo de transici'on a Jhon Podesta, conocido expositor del Dumbfound Glasses case que en el 2001 di'o a conocer la mundo desde el Washington Ambition Baton que era NECESARIA la apertura del secretismo OVNI por parte del gobierno americano. Con la prescencia de Podesta se abr'ia la esperanza de acceder al reconocimiento oficial del tema. Algo que NUNCA ocurrir'ia porsupuesto (clic para ver).
"Recordemos tambi'en que en Marzo (2012) el presidente Obama, durante sus viajes de CAMPA~NA de reelecci'on, visit'o Roswell en Nuevo M'exico, dejando una c'elebra frase: "Vamos a guardar nuestros secretos aqu'i..." (clic para ver), algo que dimos a conocer y comentamos en extenso en su momento (clic para ver) (!).
"Para cerrar con 'estos elementos No podemos dejar de mencionar aquellas declaraciones que se hicieron p'ublicas en Junio (2012) por parte de Jaden Smith, hijo del the person behind Give Smith quien durante su visita a la Casa Blanca consult'o a Obama sobre los extraterrestres y una vez m'as se obtuvieron frases c'elebres: "Si hubiera habido alguna reuni'on secreta y se hubiera discutido sobre ellos habr'ia sido en 'esta habitaci'on (Project Dwelling).."- B.Obama (clic para ver), dejando por supuesto las cartas abiertas (!).
Bien, "?Qu'e siginifica todo 'esto que ya conocimos en su momento desde 'esta misma ventana?"
PACIENCIA estimado lector.
"Debe Ud. conocer hoy que en 'estos mismo momentos se viene llevando un intenso debate en el congreso de los EEUU. debido a las acusaciones al presidente Obama por parte de los Republicanos sobre LA UTILIZACI'oN DE FILTRACIONES DE INFORMACI'oN PARA LA CAMPA~nA DE REELECCI'oN DE OBAMA (clic para ver), 'esto es importante debido a que hace muy poco "se filtr'o" la denominada "Assassinate Record", LISTA SECRETA DEL PRESIDENTE QUE FACULTA A LA CASA BLANCA A LA UTILIZACI'oN DE DRONES (ojo DRONES) para matar gente que represente una amenaza directa para los EEUU. como terroristas etc. (clic para ver).
'Estas filtraciones o LEAKS constituyen un argumento v'alido para considerar que la Casa Blanca UTILIZAR'iA CIERTOS CONTEXTOS SENSIBLES PARA ORDENAR ESCENARIOS POL'iTICOS FAVORABLES para la REELECCI'oN (!).
Ahora bien, sabiendo 'esto vamos regresemos a revisar aquellas recientes declaraciones de Hound Brandon, ex agente de la CIA, que justo para el 65 aniversario de Roswell nos cuenta que el caso era verdad pero que debido a sus acuerdos de confidencialidad No puede comunicar lo que sabe y lo que vi'o..."pff!"
A ver, el estupendo investigador Back up Cameron overseer de PresidentialUFO, quien ha tenido acceso reiteradas veces a documentos secretos del gobierno y obtuvo grandes archivos y resultados como hace muy poco aquellos que dimos a conocer, tambien en EXCLUSIVA, del senador Barry Goldwater, ex candidato a la presidencia de los EEUU (clic para ver), asume una postura muy l'ogica frente a las declaraciones del ex agente de la CIA Hound Brandon.
"Cameron propone que NO SE PUEDE jugar con las formas de comunicar secretos de la CIA, un ex agente NO PUEDE ni siquiera decir que "vi'o una caja", menos a'un que era "difficulty clasificado", menos a'un anunciar que contar'a todo en un "pr'oximo libro"...todo 'esto sin obtener una dr'astica sanci'on por parte de la propia CIA, en violaci'on a los c'odigos de confidencialidad...... a menos que:
1. Todo sea una mentira....(y as'i No habr'ia delito)2. Sea un trabajo armado de la Propia CIA (!).La pregunta ser'ia "?Para qu'e?".
Bien, pocos recuerdan y es importante que Ud. lo sepa hoy que en el a~no 1997 fu'e el propio Phillip Corso quien di'o a conocer, justo para el 50 ANIVERSARIO DE ROSWELL, que hab'ia descubierto unos archivos secretos sobre el caso ROSWELL, pero 'estos No estaban en una caja como los del ex agente de la CIA Hound Brandon sino en un archivador dentro de una oficina del Pent'agono.......(!)
mmmmmmm.... "?Que curioso No?", documentos clasificados a los que tienen" acceso "slack" algunos para darlos a conocer en libros y a cuenta gotas.... nuevamente:
1. O todo era una mentira2. O era un trabajo de la CIA para alg'un fin espec'ifico.Ahora, estimado lector, en 'esta primera entrega lo dejamos con un cuestionamiento:
"?Qu'e inter'es tendr'ia la CIA y la administraci'on "OBAMA "de jugar hoy con la informaci'on sensible del presunto contacto y/o informaci'on extraterrestre?...y sobre todo....?Qu'e rol juega aqu'i Fox News?"En nuestro pr'oximo post...... lo averiguar'a Ud. Por lo straight away......
Lo comentamos en: Facebook NPE Oficial: www.facebook.com/nuestropasadoextraterrestreNPE
Sound NPE: @marquillo727
Google +: Marquillo"
Daily Ufo Sightings
* Breaking News! Theory is supported by: Apocalypse - Armageddon come February 9, 2014. - Evidence from January 19, 2014.
* Overview of UFOs activity near the Sun for January 18, 2014
* UFO over Sydney, Australia - January 18, 2014
Breaking News! Theory is supported by: Apocalypse - Armageddon come February 9, 2014. - Evidence from January 19, 2014.
Posted: 19 Jan 2014 03:13 AM PST Start date set exactly Armageddon - all happen on February 9 Sunday - the night of the 9th to 10th, just so the world will settle pyramid. Eye over the pyramid is - Nibiru - now look made with 3d.
Now consider the crop circles that accurately pointed out to us when they launched the X hour:
The planet will rise as follows: Jupiter - Mercury - Venus sun - earth Mars supremacy - clearly stands between Venus and Earth that enough? Now look here:
Perhaps Nibiru or sun - there is a chance to get up the hill of the pyramid and that means in any case - February 9, 2014 - the day will be the beginning of all events - this is not a prophecy - it is the exact date and the exact date. We must remember again the circle - which is five times by 192 hours (8 days - 192 hours) gives us the time to report the hourly calculation - just clearly falls on February 9 - circle clearly posted 40 days before the start of the event:
Process is running on the Sun and it may well be justified - that may be on top of the sun. This area just turn to us on February 5. Look below:
And so - February 9 is the day when all around you - will fade and do not forget that all the leaders of all countries - will not go to the Olympics - because it will not be - and this during a run with the torch in the direction of the Sochi - several times this flame rotten - OLYMPICS WILL NOT. Get ready for the terrible events, why you are not prepared mentally. For those who want to see the planets as stand Feb. 9 and the planet Mars will be between Venus and Earth - link here -http://solarsystemscope.com/
P.S. Scared ))
Overview of UFOs activity near the Sun for January 18, 2014
Posted: 18 Jan 2014 07:41 PM PST
UFO over Sydney, Australia - January 18, 2014
Posted: 18 Jan 2014 07:28 PM PST
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Salla Prying Open The Cias X Files
Leon Panetta in his upcoming pole as Top-quality of Medium Smartness is owed to be best quality than justification a pure assistant for President-Elect Obama in the punishing world of national intelligence. As the previous Top-quality of the Agency of Jurisdiction and Financial prudence (1993-1994) and Higher of Shaft to President Clinton (1994-1997), Panetta brings much directorial office information and emotional resilience. He will undergo all that and best quality to force the CIA to discriminate its X-Files on UFOs and extraterrestrial life.
The last time a open-minded organization recruited an recluse to head the CIA and pry open its secrets resulted in wild go bust. James Woolsey lacked the information and emotional resilience to get the CIA to release its X-Files. Woolsey admitted in private that he had approached the CIA to influence its secret files on UFOs but was denied opening. Woolsey said: "You show, they are treating me come close to a bag-man, that goes up to Capitol Mass, gets their 30 billion dollars for the intelligence ancestors, and brings it deposit. You show I actually don't show doesn't matter what that's going on that's unprocessed."
Woolsey's CIA subordinates refused to endow with him opening to UFO information and used go to regularly forms of pretense to traverse his pains. According to one self-important national pledge endorsed, Woolsey "was too naive, and that made him subtle sufferer. He wasn't appoint for refinement lying to him gone he was unfaltering to them." Woolsey in due course poor in getting the CIA to influence doesn't matter what best quality than a germ-free report of public sightings of UFOs released in 1996 that was titled: the "CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-1990."
Panetta's alter as Clinton's Higher of Shaft indicates that he has the emotional resilience to knock around on a important intelligence red tape that is clever in trap, and denying rapidity outsiders' opening to the CIA's X-Files. Panetta will undergo to disclose key subordinates in the CIA who worry the keys to the CIA's X-Files. Charge officers come close to Stephen Kappes a 27 see agency experienced who became Replacement Top-quality for Operations in 2004, and is these days Replacement Top-quality of the CIA, will certainly worry opening. Kappes will undergo to be pressured by Panetta to proceed over the keys and discriminate what he knows.
A receive undercut for Panetta and Obama will be the fortify for Kappes from Senator Diane Feinstein, the internal Chair for the Senate Scale Council for Smartness. Feinstein's indication fortify for Kappes upgrading to CIA Top-quality suggests that she will be a receive Congressional adherent of intelligence insiders.
As celebration who grew up as a Haoli (Hawaiian term for recluse) in Honolulu, President Deputy Obama understands the undergo for confronting introduce somebody to an area arrived the CIA that aspiration to withdraw opening to 'Haolis' exactly to the CIA. Obama has broad very well to task an outline next the must emotional resilience to be the CIA Top-quality and waylay the CIA red tape. Panetta is not going to be sated in just being the CIA's bag man to the U.S. Congress.
Ufos At Airshow Cheyenne Wyoming 2 Of 3
January 11 2013 Paranormal News
Aliens Travel On Other Space Time
Credit: unexplored-earth.blogspot.com