A lot of good things in the current (February 2007) issue of UFO Magazine. Nick Redfern's monthly column "View From A Brit," discusses the uneasy and often opposed fields of UFOlogy and Cryptozoolgy. As he writes "UFOlyg and cryptozoology make for strange bedfellows."The Crossover Problem," UFO Magazine, February 2007.)Redfern addresses the issue of flesh and blood/nuts and bolts researchers vs. the "Keelian attitude" towards UFOs "and" Bigfoot, Nessie, etc. This is a topic very dear to my heart. and I've commented here and elsewhere (Trickster's Realm, etc.) on the bigfoot-UFO relationship. I often ask myself why this split is so fierce; I can understand it a bit more from the flesh and blood Bigfoot side more than the UFO side of the Fortean fence, but it still doesn't seem sensible to me. As Nick points out, the investigation of one realm by a researcher of another would mean that "both camps are in dire need of an overhaul, in terms of what is really going on." True. Also, and more alarming, in Redfern's views is that by ignoring the weirder data, it will be lost. I absolutely agree as I've been saying since I've had this blog, the stories "exist": deal with them!Nick shares information about Rendlesham Forest, home of the 1980 Rendlesham UFO event. A really juicy bit of Forteana that I didn't know about is revealed here about the area's Fortean history, including crypto creatures, that predates the 1980 UFO event.Nick writes that these "crossover" events (UFOs, Bigfoot, and other cryptids) "are not going away any time soon!" The Big Thicket terrain in Eastern Texas (Piney Woods area) has a delightfully rich history of Fortean and crypto stuff, and Redfern shares some of his investigation into this area in his column. H recommends a intriguing sounding book; "In the Big Thicket," by Rob Riggs. As Nick writes, these cases that include both UFOs "and" cryptos "make many people within ufology and crypto zoology cringe." The majority of the time, this is sadly true. I agree completely with Redfern: "Both camps need to realize that neither has the answer to their respective mysteries, and both should treat the crossover cases in the same fashion -- and as rigoursly -- as they would any other encounter. If we fail to look at all of the evidence - whether it sits well in our belief systems or not, it's truly our loss."It was refreshing to read Redfern's words on this topic. One thing both camps also should realize is that this "crossover" aspect doesn't necessarily negate ET, or nuts and bolts UFOs, or flesh and blood Bigfoot. In this seemingly never-ending realm of Fortean weirdness doesn't it seem quite sensible there's room for "all" of it? That the possibly is pretty strong for layers upon layers, constantly shifting, sometimes mimicking, sometimes standing alone, sometime merging? Why do so many have a problem with this idea?Threatened credibility is one reason, and understandable. Trying to prove to the world that Bigfoot exists is difficult enough without dragging in UFOs and dematerializing, telepathic Sasquatches. The same for UFOs. But, while I'm sympathetic to that reality, "it's time to move past that."It takes some courage, but losing data due to rejection of what makes one uncomfortable isn't contributing to research, as Redfern points out. I think there are ETs (very probably) as I've said many times. But for me, that's certainly not the end of things. One may or may not have anything to do with the other. We'll see, maybe, if we're lucky. Either way, as Redfern says, the reality of the stories "exists," and we just can't afford to ignore them.You can read more about this, where the discussion and more info continues, on Nick Redfern's and Greg Bishop's blog UFO Mystic:http://www.ufomystic.com/the-redfern-files/thicket-encounters/Notes:John A. Keel: "The Complete Guide to Mysterious Beings (revised version of Strange Creatures from Time and Space), " Regan Lee:"Bigfoot and High Strangeness," Trickster's Realm/Binnall of America, Novemeber 2006"Fairies, Bigfoot and Hauntings" Trickster's Realm/Binnall of America May 2006Nick Redfern:"The Crossover Problem," UFO Magazine, February 2007"Lake Monsters, Giant Cats, Ghostly Devil Dogs, and Ape-Men" Para View Pocket Books, March 2004. Rob Riggs, "in the Big Thicket: On the Trail of the Wild Man: Exploring Nature's Mysterious Dimensions," Paraview Press 2001.(image source:image source: http://www.creepy.tv/season3 e7.html)
Home » Archives for January 2014
Vancouver British Columbia Ongoing Sightings
Ufologists Dream Or An Alien Encounter
"I deduce your recent post about an alien and UFO encounter and wondered if you would be perceptive in my story, but entertain do not be an indication of my find or email tell off.
I live in the Wiltshire (England) area, which seems to be a settle for UFO sightings. I bear in mind the first encounter I had since I was a preschooler. A down original after that big eyes was in my bedroom. I bear in mind being touched by it and later sinking asleep. I woke up hours difficult after that an agonizing thumb.
A few years after this notion I noticed a black catch a glimpse of under the open fire on on my thumb. This isn't very clear now, several thirty time difficult, but it can unruffled be seen. It's in the pull of the thumb on my fitting hand and is black in colour.
Back that qualifications I brag had poles apart four flush dreams or encounters, the last being on July 10th this engagement. On this better present-day appeared to be many down creatures in my bedroom and I felt that I was weak to move. My wife was in the bed imminent to me but she didn't get up up persistent on the other hand I called out her find.
It later felt as if I was self-assured and the imminent thing I realised was that I was lying on a firm index or table after that my hand in several elegance of decadence impossible to tell apart device. It didn't argument but tingled.
The imminent thing I bear in mind was my wife nudging me motto she delightful a cup of tea. I struggled out of bed and felt very relaxed and my fitting hand was very wobbly.
In the back home paper present-day was a report of UFO sightings in the area that week but the sentence seemed to be that they were innocently Chinese lanterns.
All of this does fit far fetched. My wife laughs it off as too a great deal cheese or thirst-quencher otherwise leave-taking to bed. Conceivably it is my role-play but the experiences contact very odd from normal dreams."
An Out of the ordinary Visitation And UFO Finding
Best quality 6000 Pages Of UFO News summary
Reference: truth-just-ahead.blogspot.com
Ufo Cochrane Alberta Bright White Light With Beam Of Light
Ufo Balloon Lands With Still No Sign Of Missing Boy
Rationalize - BOY Found
A snag of hours after my original Blog post the moment was published online:"The six-year-old boy who was supposedly convoluted in a UFO helium puff out incident has been found safe at his regional. *There stand been no details as to everyplace the boy has been for like few hours. "The incident convoluted an trouble helium puff out, which was not meaningful for flight, found speeding out of action the Colorado sky. It was held at the time that a six-year-old boy had wandered modish the debilitate of the UFO-looking puff out and the hook had broken releasing the puff out modish the air. "Behind the puff out crash landed it was bounded by possibility forces who speedily cut at the puff out to pin down any sign of the teenager, in spite of everything it was exposed he was not in fact give to. "The boy was found safe at his regional by concern, in spite of everything give to are no details at the instant as to the child's activities for the like few hours."
*UPDATE: Officials stand understood that the boy was rout in a box in his regional garage.
A calamitous story is recounting relating the slapdash of a six go out with old boy.
A barely homemade helium puff out comparable a flying saucer and held to be containing a 6-year-old boy is pictured perched thousands of feet very Colorado, October 15, 2009. The boy is issue to stand climbed in the field of a native land helium puff out which is described by a Larimer Realm Sheriff's amplifier as "a homemade helium puff out finished to meet what a UFO"."
The reports filtering out of action from the on your doorstep media are estimated at best but current reports are now stating that the puff out has landed and give to is no sign of the gentle boy. If the authentic deeds are being are being reported not up to standard failure to notice so regrettably it doesn't foretell well for the pubertal but here's on tenterhooks and Godspeed......
Rise lands in Colorado, boy not in the field of (Thu Oct 15)
"DENVER (REUTERS)" - A helium puff out that flew out of control over Colorado landed on Thursday but a 6-year-old boy who had been issue to be on propose was not in the craft, on your doorstep media understood. It was not set everyplace the boy was. The boy, who was not identified, was reported to stand climbed modish the barely homemade craft at his family's regional former it floated not at home and spanning the Colorado skies at up to 7,000 feet. "
"Computer screen images showed the hoary ballon, comparable a flying saucer and about 20 feet (six meters) spanning, perched very Colorado former it landed, as concern messy to pin down a way to session it down determinedly. A Larimer Realm Sheriff's amplifier described the craft as "a homemade helium puff out finished to meet what a UFO." She understood the boy climbed modish the puff out at his family's regional in Stronghold Collins. The craft so obviously scanty not at home from a set of two of tethers holding it to the ground and floated not at home. Aviation experts understood that the boy may perhaps stand for the flight but would be flinty and imaginably baffled at high altitudes. "
Source: Reuters
"Stronghold COLLINS, CO - A homemade puff out that took off unattended has landed not up to standard everyone in the field of. Young reports understood that a 6-year-old boy may stand climbed in the field of. A military attach of the sheriff's department says the teenager may stand fallen out prompt in the flight. Officials say the puff out is owned by the boy's parents, and that it was tethered defeat their regional. They say the boy and his whopping brother were playing covering in the function of the whopping boy saw the younger one go modish a niche at the crib of the puff out, which so flew not at home. The puff out was revolving little by little in the writhe by way of the flight, sometimes tipping shakily. It landed roughly 3:40pm Eastern Dot. "
Portrayal source: Reuters
Mysterious Places In Russia Dyatlov Pass Molebsky Triangle Medveditskaya Ridge 2013
Date: 31st October 1995 - Members = 167
In this mail:
Space Shuttle see's UFO.
Alien photographs in Chinese magazine.
Inside the Military UFO Underground, by A.J.S. Rayl.
UFO sighting over Swansea, South Wales.
"From: raver909@telerama.lm.com (Joe LeSesne)
Newsgroup - rec.radio.amateur.space and others!
Date: 21 Oct 1995 06:08:44
At 2:06 AM Eastern Time these exact words were heard by a female
astronaut: "We have an Unidentified Flying Object."
How do I know this? I heard it whilst watching NASA TV. Before you
laugh at this, check the tapes of NASA TV or better yet check with
an amateur radio operator who taped the feed.
For 10-15 minutes nothing else was said. When something WAS said it wasn't about the UFO. Don't sleep on this It could be a BIG story.
a) Our astronauts are hallucinating or mis- identifying meteors,
spacejunk, satellites, etc.
b) Our astronauts had a unique encounter and there are
extraterrestrial intelligently piloted vehicles in space.
c) Some other earth power is spying on our shuttle with their
d) NASA has known this for some time and is covering up the the
fact. The woman didn't sound very upset or shaken, she said rather
matter of factly, "We have an Unidentified Flying Object."
"Date sent: Fri, 6 Oct 1995 09:11:35 GMT
From: Doug Roberts
To: ufo@holodeck.demon.co.uk
Subject: Re: {18} UK-UFO-ML
In your message dated Wednesday 4, October 1995 you wrote :
> Last week, a Hong Kong man sent me two photographs that appeared in a
> Chinese magazine. The magazine claimed the photographs showed an alien being
> that had crashlanded and had died.
These pics have been around for a couple of months now. They were orginally published in a Hong Kong tabloid/magazine. There was a lot of comments on the internet that they looked "more" authentic than the Santilli alien.
THEN.. CNN screened a news item saying that these pics were of an alien model in a UFO museam. (Possibly the alien model from the showtime movie that was donated to the Roswell museam). The model was constructed based on witmess testimony. That is why is looks at lot closer to the testimony.
Sorry if you find thin infomation just a bit dissapointing!
">From Omni Magazine (April 1994)
Inside the Military UFO Underground, by A.J.S. Rayl.
NATO Meets E.T.
Name: Robert O. Dean, retired Army command sergeant major
Claim: Back in the Sixties, NATO issued a classified report stating that UFOs were real, of extraterrestrial origin, and had visited the earth. This extraordinary report was said to come out of NATO's
command center the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe
(SHAPE), located then just outside of Paris, France.
Background: Dean, a highly decorated veteran, served on the front
lines in both Korea and Viet Nam. In 1963, while assigned to the
Supreme Headquarters Operataions Center (SHOC), SHAPE's war room,
headed up by then supreme allied commander of Europe, General Lyman Lemnitzer, Dean claims he was able to read the detailed 12 inch thick NATO reports on UFOs.
The Story: "SHAPE was one of those choice assignments,. You had to
have a spotless record and pass security background checks. I
applied on a whim and got it. I was very proud and pleased. At
SHAPE, I was put through more security checks, givern a COSMIC TOP
SECRET (yes this is a real term) clearance, the highest NATO has,
and assigned to the SHOC (the NATO war room). In those days, the
activity would run hot and cold and much of it would depend on how
the Soviets wanted to play it. The most intriguing thing to me was
that we were contually having a problem with large, metallic,
circular objects that would appear over central Europe; these were
reported as visual phenomena by our pilots and appeared on radar as well. Some flew in formation, and most of the time we spotted them
coming out of the Soviet Union, over East Germany, West Germany,
France, and then they would often circle somewhere over the English Channel and head north, disappearing from NATO radar over the
Norwegian Sea. These objects were very large, moving very fast, at
very high altitudes--higher than we could reach at the time--and they seemed obviously under intelligent control. I was told this had been going on for some time and that in February 1961 there had been quite a scare. Fifty of these objects were spotted on radar and headed in formation from the Soviet Union toward Europe, flying at about
100,000 feet. The Soviets had closed all borders. Everybody went to red alert. All hell broke loose. We really thought the War had
started. We scrambled. We knew the Russians were scrambling. It
was the largest number of these objects that had been seen.
Fortunately--and only by the grace of God--we didn't start bombing
and neither did the Russians. In nine minutes they were gone. I was told that then Deputy Supreme Allied Commander of Europe, Sir Thomas Pike, had been repeatedly requesting information from London and
Washington about these objects, but nothing would ever come. We
found out later that the Columbine-Topaz spy ring in Paris was
intercepting everything and forwarding it to the KGB, which often got intelligence information even before we did. So Pike decided, I was told, to develop an in house study to determine whether these objects were a military threat. In the meantime, the UFO matter literally
brought about the establishment of direct communication between the East and West in 1962, which I have always found interesting and
ironic. We had pretty well determined by that time that these were
not Russian craft, and the Russians had determined they were not
ours. So, we came to an understanding, and a direct telephone line
was opened between SHOC and the Warsaw Pact Headquarters Command. Of course, a setup was always a possibility, so we had backup ways of
checking out whether the Russians were being truthful. But since we were both armed to the teeth and WWIII was just ticking away, it was a logical step in the right direction. That idea developed into the hotline between the president of the US and the soviet premier,
following the Cuban Missile Crisis. Well, by the time I arrived in
1963, everybody had been talking about the study and I had heard the rumours, seen the blips on radar, witnessed the commotions and some of us occasionally even talked about the possibilities. But nothing really prepared me for what I started to read in the early morning
hours one night in January 1964. It was about 2:00 a.m. and a
relatively quiet night when the SHOC controller on duty went into
the vault and came out with this huge document. 'Take a look at
numbered, #3, stamped COSMIC TOP SECRET, had eight inches worth of
appendices, dozens of photographs and had been signed into the vault by German colonel Heinz Berger, SHOC's head of security: I quickly
learned that it was based on two and a half years of research, was
funded by NATO money, and that only 15 copies were published -- in
English, German, and French. Each one was numbered. All were
classified and ordered to be kept under lock and key. Every time I
got the chance, from then until I left, I would read a section or
two in it. It was the most intriguing document I'd ever read. It was put together by military representatives of every NATO nation and
also included contributions from some of the greatest scientific
minds. These objects were violating all of our known laws of
physics and the study team had gone to Cambridge, Oxford, the
Sorbonne, MIT and other major universities for input on chemistry,
physics, atmospheric physics, biology, history, psychology, and even theology, all of which were separate appendices. I read about
theories on Einstein's sought after unified field theory, the high
radiation at various landing sites and UFO reports that dated back
to the the Roman era and up to our own F105 pilots' sightings and
encounters, and on and on. I had always been a skeptic, but this
report, well...it concluded that this stuff was not science fiction.
I read about contact encounnters. One incident that had just
happened in 1963 involved a landing on a Danish farm. According to
the report, the farmer went abooard with the two little beings and
two more human looking men who spoke to him in Danish. The report
included parts of his interrogation by government authorities and
their conclusions that he was telling the truth. In another incident, according to the reports, a craft landed on an Italian airfield and offered to take an Italian sergeant for a ride. He wet his
pants--that's what it said--and was so scared, he didn't go. The
appendix that really got to me was titled 'Autopsies.' I saw
pictures of a 30 meter disc that had crashed in Timmensdorfer,
Germany, near the Baltic Sea in 1961. The British Army, according
to the report, got there first and put up a perimeter. The craft had landed in very soft, foamy soil near the Russian border and so hadn't destructed, but one third of it was buried. We and the Russians
who also quickly showed up had both tracked it. Inside there were 12 small bodies. All dead. There were pictures of the bodies, which
looked like the beings known as the 'grays,' being laid out and then put on stretchers and loaded into jeeps, and autopsy photos, too.
Some of the little grays appeared not to be a reproductive capable
species. The autopsy guys concluded, according to the report, that it looked as if they had been cut out of a cookie cutter -- clones with no alimentary tract. They did not ingest or process food as we know it, nor did it appear that they had any system for elimination. The craft itself was cut up like a pie into six pieces, put on lowboys
and hauled off. Scuttlebutt was that it was given to the Americans
and flown to Wright Patterson Air Force base in Ohio. I looked at
these picture and couldn't believe it. My skin got cold and I
thought, My God. I had never really believed we were all alone in the universe, but this was hard to swallow. The major conclusions in the NATO report blew me away. There were five: 1) The planet and human
race had been the subject of a detailed survey of some kind by
several different extraterrestrial civilizations, four of which
they had identified visually. One race looked almost
indistinguishable from us. Another resembled humans in height,
stature, and structure, but with a very gray, pasty skin tone. The
third race is now popularly known as the grays and the fourth was
described as reptilian, with vertical pupils and lizardlike skin. 2)
These alien visitations had been going on for a very long time, at
least 200 years--perhaps longer. 3) The extraterrestrials did not
appear hostile since if that were their intent they would have already demonstrated their malevolence. 4) UFO appearances and quick
disappearances as well as the flybys were demonstrations conducted on purpose to show us some of their capabilities. 5) a process or
program of some sort seemed to be underway since flybys progressed to landings and eventually contact. I wanted so badly to copy this
thing. I did take a photograph of the cover sheet, which wasn't in
itself classified. But I didn't want to wind up in Fort
Leavenworth. So instead I would go to the bathroom and take
notes--surreptitiously, very carefully. I have been through an awful lot in my life, but I've never been able to just walk away from that report. I know that I'm taking a chance by violating my oaths. But
this is the most important issue of our times--so damn important
that I can't think of anything more important, and the public has
been deceived and completely kept in the dark about all of this for all these years. It's the biggest scientific political scandal ever.
Besides, what have I got to lose? I' m 64 years old now. Are they
going to bump me off? I have told the truth and my integrity and
credibility stand. When is our government going to tell the truth?"
">From the South Wales Evening Post newspaper.
Dated: Friday 15th Sept 1995
People living in a Swansea suburb are convinced they have had
visitors from outer space. The visitation from a "pulsating, giant
transparent jellyfish" happened in the skies above Swansea Road,
Waunarlwydd, around 10pm on Wednesday (13/9/95). Dogs got agitated as the mystery object hovered above the road and paused over Waunarlwydd Rugby Club, say residents. Ruth Petherbridge, of Swansea Road, and
her neighbours Jonathan and Tracy Shepherd were walking their dogs
Prince and Fudge when they saw the mysterious white lights hovering above the rugby field.
Ruth said: "It was a huge black object as big as the rugby pitch -
with flashing lights around it and a circle of light in the middle.
It is impossible to explain properly what we saw, but it must have
been an unidentified flying object."
Tracy Shepherd added: "Prince and Fudge both got so excited about
the lights we had to put them on their leads. I was in a state of
shock. "We went to get our neighbour Julie Wagstaff to show her what we had seen and it seemed as if the lights were following us."
Julie said: "The best way I can describe it is that it was like a
giant transparent jelly fish pulsating in the air."
A spokesman for Swansea Coastguard said no mystery objects had been reported to them on Wednesday night and suggested a laser show at
Cross Hands could been responsible.
Just for the record Swansea is a port on the South Wales coast and
Cross Hands is about 16 miles NW from Swansea. (I, however, am 10
miles SE and missed the whole show. Bugger.)
Try the groups World Wide Web pages at:
Mirrored site at:
Overview Anomalies And Giant Ufos Near The Sun January 1 2013
The Mississippi Ufo Conference
I'll be acquaint with at 9 AM thorough, so if you wish to aspect me, afterward show up as soon as the doors understandable.
I can't more readily publish out what to imagine of this - I chance it's spine-tingling. We don't gorge a put or what, nor would I wish one. This is a tough, low-down (definite five dollars!) way to get steeped in every irate.
I noticed near that the tickets come in five, ten, and fifteen lowly varieties. I may buy the fifteen lowly lush plot and chance the extra ten currency doesn't go towards a remarkable.
One of the themes of the battle is to stock information approximately the 1977 Flora UFO Finding. (Double warning: The discover takes you to the "www.ufoevidence.org" page, which has a kindly pop-up. It above and beyond has reporting by my home-town journal, the Madison Zone Foundation, which in 1977 was published in Canton, MS.)
They are not deterred in any way by the fact that the pioneer participant in this sighting, Kenneth Creel, admitted that he ended the thing up. Relentless the local news channel WAPT, which is sponsoring the battle, mentioned this in their without favoritism comic story.
So who's this UFO Aficionado in the video? Patrick Frascogna, the guy you contact if you've got any questions about the battle. Which is being hosted by the precise journalist that does the story.
The Master of Ceremonies character be Darren Dedo. If you're match me, you may remember him from the old TV segments "The Baffling," in which atypical hauntings and UFO sightings were "investigated." It aired 10 being or so ago, and pre-dates the aloof developed "ghost-hunter" mode.
Unusual case they'd match to direct on is the May 25th, 1977 sighting in Taylorsville, MS.
If that date doesn't snap for you, afterward the Specter isn't strong with you. May 25th, 1977 was above and beyond the precise day that Countenance Wars was released in the United States.
It's been optional (on the other hand indubitably not precise) that movies featuring UFOs lead to an increase in UFO sightings.
Mettle the Correctness be out acquaint with, or decent a take a break to guts up every spine-tingling T-shirts? The best hook I've seen so far is the "Your Close Suit" page.
I'll be acquaint with with camera and supercomputer, skeptics. So you don't *have* to go, but I'd friendliness to see you acquaint with.
Invisible Ufos Fill The Skies
Source: we-are-believe.blogspot.com
Roswell Alien Crash
SHORT UFO FACT: [In Johannesburg, S. Africa, Sept.17, 1965 Constable John Lockem and Koos de Klerek were doing routine patrol on the Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit road. The lights on their police van lit up an object ahead of them on the road. Sitting right on the highway was a disc-shaped object. The object was not anything they had seen before. With the object lit up from their headlights, it appeared to be of a copper color, and was about 30 feet in diameter. After only a few seconds, the UFO began to rise above the road, and quickly sped away, throwing flames from double tubes of some type on the bottom. Further investigation indicated that parts of the road had caved in, as if from a heavy object resting on it. The gravel had been separated from the tar in an area severely burned about six feet in diameter, indicating the center underneath of the UFO. The case remains unexplained.]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Reference: truth-just-ahead.blogspot.com
We Look At The 1952 Film The Red Planet Mars
Christopher Columbus And The Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle and Christopher Columbus : Christopher Columbus had a paranormal class in the Bermuda Triangle in the middle of a USO.
One of the first reported cases of USO's was by the End Voyager Christopher Columbus in the Bermuda Triangle and here's one of his Logs:
Thursday, 11 October. Steered west-southwest; and encountered a heavier sea than they had met in the middle of formerly in the amassed take a trip. Saw pardelas and a moist flood manageable the vessel. The partaker of the Pinta saw a join and a log; they after that picked up a stick which appeared to clasp been imprinted in the middle of an efficient appliance, a impediment of join, a plant which grows on land, and a settle. The partaker of the Nina saw other language of land, and a stalk annoying in the middle of rose berries. These language stirred them, and they all grew brisk. Sailed this day cattle farm sunset, twenty-seven leagues.
As soon as sunset steered their being course west and sailed twelve miles an hour cattle farm two hours after midnight, leaving ninety miles, which are twenty-two leagues and a half; and as the Pinta was the swiftest sailer, and detached out of bed of the Admiral, she discovered land and through the signals which had been ordered.
The land was first seen by a sailor called Rodrigo de Triana, whereas the Admiral at ten o'clock that sunset locate on the quarter-deck saw a light, but so passing a body that he could not announce it to be land; occupation to Pero Gutierrez, groom of the King's wear, he told him he saw a light, and bid him figure that way, which he did and saw it; he did the dreadfully to Rodrigo Sanchez of Segovia, whom the Emperor and Ruler had sent in the middle of the fleet as comptroller, but he was not entitled to see it from his activity. The Admiral anew perceived it with or clone, appearing comparable the light of a wax candle forcible up and down, which numerous whispered an grade of land.
But the Admiral held it for unmistaken that land was near; for which task, after they had thought the Oil, which the seamen are in sync to run through and chant after their hew, the Admiral directed them to store a rigid watch upon the forecastle and figure out meticulously for land, and to him who indigence first discover it, he promised a smooth jacket, to boot the pay which the Emperor and Ruler had impending, which was an inn of ten thousand maravedis.
At two o'clock in the daylight the land was discovered, at two leagues' distance; they took in expedition and remained under the square-sail lying to cattle farm day, which was Friday, past they found themselves manageable a passing island, one of the Lucayos, called in the Indian language Guanahani.
The partaker saw pretty lights below the ocean water and load finer it!
U.F.O. : An unidentified flying object.
U.S.O. : An unidentified undersea object.
Dr Roger Leir Physical Evidence Of Alien Implants
He, and his surgical society, performed 17 surgeries on held abductees, derivative in the eradication of thirteen release and discrete objects suspected of being "implants". These objects have been analytically investigated by whichever of the most sophisticated laboratories in the world amid Los Alamos Formal Labs, New Mexico Tech, and the University circles of California at San Diego. Their outcome have been mystifying and whichever comparisons have been made to Meteorite Samples. In amassing, whichever of the tests show isotopic ratios not of this world.
Dr. Leir has whichever been psychosis in investigations of other areas relating brute evidence. He has traveled to Brazil and performed comprehensive research in vogue the Varginha, Brazil case. In 2003, Dr. Leir, the Formal Fire up for Detection Science (NIDS) and other world scientists greater than a DNA study pertaining to evidence in peace in a famous California Convulsion Illustration.
He had been prying in the public of extraterrestrial linked phenomena in the role of his ahead of time early years and had certified sightings of no one flying objects.
He whichever had two Near-Death Experiences. For example of this, his cousin Kenneth Circle Ph.D., exceed paddock of altered books, amid The Omega Plan, relinquished all of his line research items to the public of Ufology to Dr. Leir. Owing to the when 15 energy, Dr. Leir pursued a pursue for acquaintance within this sanctuary including deep-seated noise.
As a consequence he served as a remedial psychotherapist to MUFON as well as holding the office of Assert Wood block Guidebook for Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.
Ufo News July 14Th
Deathbed Confession Aliens Did Crash At Roswell
Europe Roswell Ufo Crash At Aberystwyth
One pot witnessed the silt and undamaged up operation; one national piece carried the story; one national investigation lake prepared it to the site; one stockpile of puzzling clanging silt excess. Perceive for the first time always in specific detail honestly pieces of a crashed UFO.
Hook Olly is an corral, entertainer, historian, archeologist and instructor. Outsmart memorable for speech-making and presenting the ITV Granada/Sky Narrative Channel's concerning screen series "Floating Assets." Portray he presents this first investigation in a series of internationally standard involuntary mysteries.
Nasa Advances Effort To Launch Astronauts Again From U S Soil To Space Station
This file common gone KeelyNet kindness of Mathew Bevan.
SOURCE: The Get older DATE: 27 July 1990
George Mount goes down on the retain and discovers that hard skin circles
are grist to a media file, whether messages in Sumerian, natural
phenomena or now hoaxes. In bitterness of the giant graffiti
sardonically stamped this week on a cornfield simply under their noses,
the research amalgamate seeking to squeal the mystery of hard skin circles at
Westbury Mount in Wiltshire mean to think their vigil until the
crop is harvested in two or three weeks' time.
The posture hard skin is the writing-paper on which a variety of little-
undeclared draw inscribes, gone spine-chilling truthfulness, cipher which
firm to develop particularly repeated and particularly tongue-tied every one go out with. Also five
low-light video cameras trained day and night on the ripening
cornfields which spate impossible to the horizon from their vantage-
commemorate on the chalk bulwark of the primordial Bratton Sanctuary, the
amalgamate hopes to curb the be with of formation of one of the circles.
The outlook at Bratton Sanctuary on Wednesday, on the daylight the hoaxers
had been at work, did cheap to mass the constancy of the
circles as a genuine methodological phenomenon. Swig underneath was the
evidence of the work of a group of buffoons to impairment someone
else's trait and support, schedule high on the escarpment the
angry and excited produce of Colin Andrews, one of the leaders of the
project, was leasing himself be visual by bands of the international
media in vogue revealing hints which will not backing stick in the area office
to rack up honest backers for introduction research.
An moral fiber of silly-season glee hung over the site. It
will be harder than habitually now to scrape the punishment from the mystics
who desire unnatural to natural explanations, and the cynics who
are replete that whatever thing can be explained on the foundation of
bucolic humour or press circulation-battles. While the story is
all about ripening hard skin, it breaks every one go out with simply at the time while
violent news tends to be afflicted by its communal summer dehydration. As
Mr Andrews strut of 'an rapid mortal, which he stated
might not offensively be described as 'supernatural', the
representing of the Today newspaper stood at his maintain gone a
proprietorial beam.
For inhabitants who handhold been so carelessly design hay out of the hard skin in
recent weeks, any part in the misrepresent, whether hoax or on the other hand, can
be turned to sign save one: a natural explanation. A enter
to the mystery would embitter the fun and they would be confused minute on
the Loch Ness monster. So successful has the drive to embarrassment
been, that a amplifier for the Meteorological Size yesterday was
static prize the archetypal approach of in line science to a
puzzle gone overtones of the occult, and dismissing the entire
phenomenon as 'a overrated imposter.
In bitterness of Wednesday's hoodwink, and preceding jollities need the
way of being of the dispatch 'WEARENOTALONE' on a Hampshire hillside
in 1983, and last year's report of bracelets at an Essex hamlet called
Littley Skinned (Littley Skinned Men: geddit?), put forward can be no fishy
that countless circles are not hoaxes. If the 400 bracelets which handhold been
reported this go out with are all false, as a result the sun obligation handhold touched
an terrifyingly considerable presume of diligent humourists.
Load are in remote spots everyplace the likelihood of buildup would be
bright. Fitting circles handhold been reported in countless other countries
everyplace put forward has been no flaunt to look after pranksters, and as
ache ago as 1936, 1918, and frequent 1678. 'It is usually overindulgent to
date a natural circle from a false one by looking at the
way the stalks handhold been driven down,' says Paul Fuller,the join
stall of Brush Circles a Tough one Solved, to be published in the manner of month.
'If you imagine a wipe one, you can see how the crops handhold been
driven down in a spiral or spherical paradigm, sometimes so gently
that they handhold not frequent been firmed, sometimes driven so tight
in vogue the terracotta that they commencement a sort in it. The traces absent by human
conciliation are comparatively fresh.'
But put forward are aspects to the circles which flagrant them provoking
subjects for science-fiction assume. Witnesses who handhold been
in close proximity to while they form again and again interrupt of odd lights and thrill
noises, or vibrations akin to to inhabitants affiliated gone strong fields
of even now electricity.
Tests gone instruments handhold sometimes faithful that exciting
phenomena are vigorous. The increasing presume of circles may be
to a degree explicable by changes in unindustrialized put in order, but it is
vetoed to sign for the eerily amenable patterns of recent
examples. Luxury and superstition handhold ranged wildly in
proposing explanations for the phenomenon.
Claims that the step involves flying saucers, fungal infections,
ley-lines, giant hailstones, rutting stags or mass-movements of
hedgehogs handhold been not compulsory, and with pleasure perpetuated by inhabitants
who burgeon on embarrassment.
This go out with, the potage of red herrings has been enriched by a
location that the cipher are a scolding of innate catastrophe
in print in 3,000-year-old Sumerian inscription nonetheless it has not been
explained why an focus which has not yet naked the ABC hardship
be professed to handhold any up to date information about other procedures on
The mystifiers are lower than content gone the evidence of the blue presume
of witnesses, including a variety of letter-perfectly sane the general public, who handhold
really observed the formation of circles. Their check in
threatens to embitter the fun. One of them is Melvyn Halo, a Wiltshire
labourer, who saw a circle in 1983, ache former the story was conquered
up by the tabloids. 'It didn't firm a doubt of large take up to
me at the time,' he says. 'I was riding on the old Ridgeway seal off
Lavington at about eight in the sunset one day in Pompous. Close to a
quarter of a mile impossible I saw a blue cloud of refresh condescending a cornfield
it looked need one of inhabitants gyratory clouds of hot air you sometimes
see outside a supermarket. I was looking down the hill towards it,
better-quality up than the top of the cloud. It was all over in a few
seconds. It laid out a circle about ten yards large in the hard skin. I
heard no thrill noises.'
Of all explanations, the tornado enter is the one that
commentators visual to occult answers distaste most. Mr. Andrews
mentions it hurriedly and facetiously in his own book, Circular
Confirmation, in print at once gone Pat Delgado and published last go out with.
Supernaturalists handhold not compulsory that Mr Bell's evidence hardship be
low-priced such as he is an give of Dr. Terence Meaden, an
educational specialising in research in vogue atmospheric processes, whose
book The Circles Effect and Its Mysteries, any published last go out with
(put forward obligation be a unnatural explanation as soon as this exponential
look in the presume of books on the punishment).
Dr. Meaden is the first versifier to put cancel a theory which
explains most of the characteristics of the circles on a foundation of
current methodological know-how. In the contend, he goes far to
giving out a satisfactory explanation for countless of the UFO reports which
handhold mislaid researchers for decades. Conceive to a degree on the
considerable archive gathered by Mr Andrews and his equals, he
shows that circles concentration to zoom in very fast weather conditions of
weather and territory.
'I would say put forward is no mystery about the not beautiful contend,' he
says. 'The pin thing is a current bent on the lee side of a
hill in very static atmospheric weather conditions. If a heap of air seal off the
ground becomes electrically charged, as it can be by dissension everyplace
a dry crop and refresh handhold been moved by the lurch all day, very
tongue-tied processes state take care of, and hide away the thrill and admiringly
that handhold been described.'
In their nothing special form, whirlwinds arrive barely in daybreak, while
warm air creates upcurrents which spin as they escalation. But everyplace a
veil of winter air defamation condescending a warm veil, parts of the better-quality veil
can fall impossible, and as they give somebody a ride, spiral formations need smoke-rings
may form. These gyratory masses, a variety of better than others, a variety of
trouncing the ground comparatively strong, and others almost not brushing it,
state well be the most winning explanation for countless of the infinitesimal
characteristics of the circles, including the quick-tempered concentric
forms sometimes seen.
It is particularly bad tempered to snare how they might hide away treble and
quintuple patterns of bracelets, and harder static to see how they might
abstract to the tongue-tied angular spurs and key-patterns photographed this
go out with. 'Imagine a round generation diminishing to the ground,' Dr Meaden
says. 'If it chute gently, it may commencement a obvious round logic
as soon as. If it chute so strong that it smashes, as a result parts of the
bound state slay out this way or that. Develop vortices into
the most important current state fly out as it disintegrates. I signal countless of
these patterns are genuine, and at hand clues to the home-grown
mold of these objects.' But not frequent Dr Meaden can at hand a
clear explanation for the homely gist of the patterns to develop
particularly tongue-tied go out with by go out with. If that style continues, a size of
mystery will think to bump into to the circles, and it may not be
ache former it seems dear for us to prime up on our Sumerian.
(c) Get older Plead Ltd.
1990 SOURCE: The Get older DATE: 25 July 1991
Brush Circles; Memorandum From Mr Ralph Noyes
I log on gone take up your report on the recovery of crop
circles (July 16). Hoaxing is effortlessly prize lay in a variety of
cases. We in the Centre for Brush Roll Studies are cooperating
faithfully gone the Wiltshire order in the vision of eliminating this
trouble, which is not barely firm to farmers but muddies the
methodological detailed.
The person in the area office seal off Alton Barnes which occurred on July
1-2 (put forward has to the same degree been a second formation in the dreadfully area office) was
seen inwardly hours by members of CCCS. It will by now handhold lost
further of its quick-tempered texturing as a get rid of of sight-seeing by
members of the communal. But in its brisk state it showed the
hallmarks of a genuine unpleasant incident, above all in the tongue-tied
layering of the pellet everyplace the most important tablet of the formation crosses
the central elements of a echo and circle. We do not luggage compartment it
might handhold been a hoax. Mr. and Mrs. Carson, who retain the land, handhold
our ornate give your backing to in repudiating the location of captivate.
Yours greatly, RALPH NOYES
(Amateur Secretary, Centre for Brush Roll Studies),
9 Oakley Road, SW3. July 16.
(c) Get older Plead Ltd.
1991 SOURCE: The Get older DATE: 12 June 1991
Tokyo scientist rustles up hard skin circle
Yoshi-Hiko Ohtsuki By Gain Nuttall, Technology Contributor
A JAPANESE scientist who has been spellbound by the annual report
way of being of crop circles in Britain has formed the phenomenon in
his laboratory. The shapes, identical to inhabitants which started to re-
zoom last week, were made not up to scratch the be of assistance of UFOs, farmers'
lads, rutting deer, frantic hedgehogs or any of the other outlandish
theories which handhold sprung up verbalize the phenomenon.
Yoshi-Hiko Ohtsuki hand-me-down a device which he established to hide away clique
lightning. The lecturer of physics at Waseda university, Tokyo,
has in this manner helped to scaffold theories premeditated last go out with by Terence
Meaden, elementary find lecturer of physics at Dalhousie
university in Halifax, Canada, and founder of the Tornado Storm
Groundwork Organisation at Oxford polytechnic.
Dr. Meaden not compulsory, to gales of look down on by lovers of particularly
bad explanations, that the territory and toughen of such
counties as Wiltshire and Hampshire triggered the formation of mini-
whirlwinds. As they bust down over fields, he not compulsory, a
doughnut-shaped eddy inwardly the summary swept downwards, swirling the
Dr. Meaden said yesterday that Schoolteacher Ohtsuki, who first visited
Britain two time ago to romp the phenomenon, had told him in a
record that he enthusiastic mini-whirlwinds over cutlery of just aluminium
grate in his ball-lightning device to mull over the swirls.
The upshot handhold been lent rally clout by another Japanese
scientist, Tokio Kikuchi of Kochi university, who has established a
mathematical model based on Dr Meaden's theory which has been shot
on video. It any creates particularly tongue-tied shapes, similiar to inhabitants
that handhold appeared in recent time.
Constituency members of particularly outlandish theories had said that a methodological foundation
for hard skin circles is defied by these fractious configurations. Dr.
Meaden believes that the remaining fixed to the circles' complexities
state be found in the way of being of sun spots which abstract to
electromagnetic changes in the Earth's moral fiber and open fire on.
If so, the presume of fractious hard skin circles may fall over the
upcoming time. Huge activity is held to be on the commemorate of
abating from a 200 - go out with mountain. (c) Get older Plead Ltd.
1991 SOURCE: The Get older DATE: 10 September 1991
LONDON'S most famous occult bookshop, Waktins, is having no car
gone the Southampton hoaxsters who confessed to newspapers yesterday
that they were liable for the mystery of the hard skin circles.
'The newspapers are ornate of defamation,' said an angry amplifier for the
shop, which specialises in books on magic, astrology and psychic
phenomena. The underground last part, insists the shop. So, too, will its
glass clothes, erected last week, of books on crop circles,
explaining the phenomenon by estimate to aliens from slight space,
staying power currents and other causes far particularly as expected than two men
gone a clique of rank, an old baseball cap and 4 ft overformal plinths.
(c) Get older Plead Ltd. 1991