Portray was a few odd stuff in Daytona Seashore on Elegant 1, 2013. Multiply by two yesterday afternoon, amongst no keys in the report, my car's dashboard lit up pithily and then went out. And then last night at approx. 11:15 pm, the vigor went out for 1-2 hours from Ormond Seashore to New Smyrna Seashore defeat the seaside. The news reported this sunrise that display was no explanation. Inside the outage, I saw gauzy red trails in my sympathy factory for an instant. I believed that maybe it was a haze bolt from the blue factor in the casement, but after experimenting, I clear that it wasn't a factor. What's more, may perhaps be not any but my influence tells me otherwise. In observation, I did see a supernatural light in the sky last week measure prominence in my driveway, deliberations it was a introverted cloud, but it abrupty used up after possibly 3-5 seconds. The sky was very clear at the time. If I'm not the thoroughly outline reporting whatsoever in this zone, I would crave to chance on. THANK YOU
2013 Finding Say to
(via MUFON.com)
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