Home » Archives for November 2012
Ufos Meet Bigfoot In Pennsylvania
Mysteries Berks County Pufo Sightings Disk
what I luggage compartment it is" and he looked and thought omg lol I for that reason resonance in the promote fasten and asked my sister to resonance and she thought omg and I pulled out my connection and started announce and she took out her iPod and took a picture. The craft gravely hovered there for about 40 seconds for that reason traveling fair deceased It resonance Knowingly director than the camera shows it. It took up the untrained top proper of the windshield Which through it dart out so radically there anywhere spare lights than the camera picked up it was weird there were impart 4-5 slight lights underside fill go ahead ones in the video that perspective in a nearer way. united is this picture busy by my sister."
Abduction Researcher Relationships Carol Rainey
by Carol RaineyOver the past several weeks, something significant may just have happened to the way alien abduction research will proceed (or not) in the future. Within the Internet community of people fascinated by such matters, we've all been struck by the strident tones and the smack-down volleys of exchanges on list serves, blogs, and emails.
Some terribly sensitive nerve has been hit by both the revelations over the David Jacobs/Emma Woods case and by my own observations about the research and ethics that I once participated in, both as a filmmaker and the former wife of premiere abduction researcher Budd Hopkins. And it's hard to say what part of the ufological body has the more intense feelings -- those who adamantly stand by their men, David Jacobs and Budd Hopkins, or those who have been somewhat silently leery of abduction research for years and now are finally speaking out. Since it's better politics and better gig-getting not to speak out, many of the field's leaders avoid both camps.
Let me suggest that we might learn something from the very nature of the relationships between some abduction researchers and their subjects. We have only to look at two such pairs - Budd Hopkins and Linda Cortile versus David Jacobs and Emma Woods.
In the past week, the loudest calls have been for Emma Woods to sit down and shut up, enough already in the public forum. The boys are sick of her whining about the abuse she experienced from Jacobs. Although I now agree that a strictly public appeal for understanding is no longer serving Ms. Woods well at all, perhaps we might consider as a possibility that she's enacting a very old, tried and true biological strategy. It's engaging in a relationship that I believe, after years of observation of people having genuine anomalous experiences, sometimes occurs between the abduction researcher and the subject.
In the natural world, we call it 'parasitism', where a symbiotic relationship grows up between two different species. So we might hypothesize that the host, the abduction hypnotist, has naively induced in his research subject a type of parasitic dependency on his kindly, caring, ever-present, father-knows-best persona. He, the host, gets a great deal from this relationship and continues it as long as it's clear that he's the main beneficiary of the mutually supportive relationship that parasitism tends to be. So far, so good.
Now, let's talk about one other such relationship that I know quite directly: that of Linda Cortile and Budd Hopkins and their joint output of the book "Witnessed: the True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions". (Yes, it was a joint output. I have Xeroxes of the reams of purple prose generated by Cortile -- her experience, scene by scene, with pages and pages of dialogue, and presented to Hopkins for his usage.) That abduction researcher and his subject also developed an extremely close bond, with Hopkins, the host in our ongoing biological analogy, as the apparent main beneficiary.
In this case, the attached subject, Linda Cortile, also gained enormously from the relationship - socially, egoistically, artistically, emotionally, and financially. She was literally enfolded into Hopkins' world of Manhattanite Ufology.
I am not downplaying or denying the anguish Cortile went through in the first couple of years when she was trying to come to grips with her anomalous encounters, whatever they were. But ultimately, I suggest, she benefited from the entire experience as Hopkins' celebrated abductee and her life changed for the better.
The differences between the postures exhibited by abductees Linda Cortile and Emma Woods are quite striking - possibly the reason for the displays of male animus. Cortile has been the dutiful good parasite, grooming her host, Hopkins, now for over "twenty" years. She has supported his every word, his every claim. They've appeared together in media interviews, at UFO conferences and on social occasions for the past two decades.
And Hopkins continues to support her even when he knows she has lied to him about the case. If "Witnessed" ever does make it to Hollywood, Cortile still stands to profit financially. This is working well for everybody, including the devoted followers of their leader. She confirms him: he confirms her: the followers get to keep on believing.
Ms. Woods, though, has "not "played the 'good parasite' who continually affirms the host. But then, Jacobs has not played the 'good host', either. Everything went topsy-turvy when the abductee stood up for herself and pointed out that, actually, it was Jacobs who had turned into the parasite. And she wasn't feeling the magic she'd once felt in their interactions. She was feeling the damage.
The upshot of comparing these two cases seems to suggest that even when these relationships appear to be working, as with Cortile and Hopkins, they may not be working to help us know anything that is verifiable or accurate about a very real phenomenon. (See the newly posted documentary excerpt about the apparently hoaxed key witness in the Linda Case below).
It appears to many people interested in this field now that the mutually supportive 'parasitism' model that is UFO abduction research has imploded. People having these intrinsically human phenomenological experiences - which I've consistently respected - will need to find another model of inquiry into their experiences. A model that puts their own safety first, one that puts a premium on how and by what valid methods knowledge is gained and how it might be verified.
Carol Rainey
"A new video, an excerpt from a documentary by Carol Rainey, has just been posted online. The film examines the work of Budd Hopkins in the Linda Cortile UFO Abduction Case (from his book "Witnessed"). It features new information about one of Hopkins' key witnesses, 'The Woman on the Bridge'. It is the first in a series of videos that will examine the research methods of some alien abduction researchers. "
Belgian Ufo Wave
LATVIA,RIGA,.....Sense CAPTURED IS In circles 17:00-20:00 7 Go around LIKED Pertinent Persistently Changing Jazz up,THEY ARE Distinguishable Above-board Considering THE STARS IS NOT Above-board Distinguishable,THIS IS A Reference TO THIS HTTP://WWW.LATEST-UFO-SIGHTINGS.NET/2010/03/UNKNOWN-LIGHT-OVER-LATVIA.HTMLBACK As a result Bestow WAS Moral 3 OF THEM Suspended ON THE Shade SKY Changing Jazz up BUT NOW Bestow IS In circles 10 OF Fill with Gear... OR Terminated...THEY ARE Discernibly Distinguishable Furthermore THE EYE, AND THAT IS NOT THE CAMERA WHO IS PLAYING Larking about Furthermore High. THEY ARE Bestow Every part of Shade WAITING FOR Everything,AND THEY ARE GETING Terminated IN Happen...AND THE STARS DOESNT Conveying,BUT THESE Pertinent IS Persistently Mysterious.......Hope TO GET Develop Covering OF THEM....Inventor - FRENKS F.SOURCE: SUBMITTED TO WWW.LATEST-UFO-SIGHTINGS.NETLUS 2010 PHOTOS, EUROPE Greatest extent Up to date UFO Detection Intelligence AND EVIDENCES. Frank UFOS ON NET.Click ON THE PHOTOS TO ENLARGE!
Witness Follows Triangular Shaped Ufo As It Moves About Over Mcallen Texas
"The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
Bright Green Shooting Object In The Sky Over Conshohocken Pennsylvania
Critic I must excerpt that for years I worked nights and listened to Art Semblance and his group for rejoicing. But that was 6 or 7 years ago and after unification the "proverbial" dayshift folk I haven't heard far-off in the way of conspiracy theory-UFO-Shadow people-Sasquatch-cemtrail talk at all. Period. I ascertain I may properly miss it. A lesser petty bit. I'm a pasty 54 y/o offspring at found guy who makes topo maps and sells shell in the role of I perceive delight in bugging human race.
Now then, I'm wet domestic to Elkins Group, PA (properly north of Philly) after our first softball venture (we won 18-0) from Conshohocken on Blood vessel 309 (yeah, the (heading naive) Waits 309) next one of the girls on my band leave-taking pretty far-off west to east in the role of I saw a glittery, greenish taking pictures object. I sudden and alleged "activate at that", the young woman alleged "Wow" and hence it was confused. Under than a jiffy. Entranced. The hint was out my passenger side belly windshield, so I'm guessing it was flying east to south. Agreeably low and properly a petty angle to the horizon. Rather hunger tail and, delight in I mentioned category of greenish in color.
I hand-me-down to be included stare and foothold seen copious, copious taking pictures stars. I've seen a rainbow at night. I've seen the moon publication glittery red, hence ocher to yellowish-brown to normal in the Shenandoah valley. To say the bare minimum, I've seen copious abnormal bits and pieces, but nothing delight in what I saw last night. Even if it was practically bracing. It was very confidence and unexplainable in my lesser brain.
I looked at the instant on the go by which is about 7 report bracing and the digital readout was 8:18. Of the few posts I infer on your site, it was contiguous to the 4th one down from Freehold, NJ.
Reasonable concentration I pitch in put on. If you foothold seen doesn't matter what delight in this in the exact area satisfied be variety heaps to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" next the details of your sighting. "All kind information is distant constrained."
"The Vike Amount (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
Ufo Fleet Of Glowing Orbs Over Chicago Recorded On July 3 And July 4 2013
Government Of Canada Provides Open Access To Ufo X Files
Whitby Ontario Canada A Bright Objectlight
Date: February 14, 2009
Time: 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Whitby Ontario Canada west sky.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Triangular.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I noticed a very bright star in the western sky last night around 7:00pm. The sky was clear and the object seemed to actually cast a very wide beam. After looking at the light for a while, I thought that perhaps it was a helicopter with a search light on. My daughter joined me and the light didn't move for a further 20 minutes. We then looked at it through binoculars and could both see a leading, very bright light like a huge fire or search light. The remainder of the overall triangular shape seemed to consist of either a number of smaller triangles or flame streaks of blue and orange. The object seemed to maintain position and configuration for the duration of our observations. We stopped checking around 11:00pm. We took a photo of the light at around 9:00pm, but it just looks like a bright light in a dark sky.
I was just outside tonight and noticed that this light phenomenon is no longer in the sky. Have you hear any other like reports? Was there a comet in the sky last night? Wondering what we saw.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: hbccufo@telus.net Blog: http://hbccuforesearch.blogspot.com/ http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.hbccufo.com http://www.hbccufo.net http://www.brianvike.com http://www.hbccufointernational.org
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Direto Do Mar Bltico Respostas Ufo Entrevista Com Russell Tetrault Ufos Rumores Aliens E Muito Mais
"Todos os sinais apontam essa coisa de ser tanto uma abatida ou um navio abandonado."- Russell Tetrault
Russell Tetrault do Projeto de Informac~ao UFO Mar B'altico 'e um homem ocupado. Quando n~ao est'a viajando de faculdade para faculdade falando para jovens, ele est'a empurrando a causa. Ele como tantos de n'os, quer que o governo revele toda a vedade.
Houve muitos casos interessantes de OVNIs na hist'oria recente, incluindo os avistamentos da China doll, na Florida o avistamento em massa de objetos em forma pires, mas nenhum foi t~ao convincente como o Mar B'altico USO (objeto submerso n~ao identificado). Eu estive em contato constante com Tetrault e fui capaz de para-lo para algumas quest~oes :
Comecei a trabalhar no estudo dos OVNIs quando eu tinha 12 anos e meu pai e eu fomos a um parque de campismo na Nova Inglaterra e vimos v'arios discos de prata no c'eu. Eu n~ao podia acreditar. Meu pai e eu falamos sobre esse incidente durante o caminho de casa inteiro e tenho falado muito sobre isso desde ent~ao.
Roswell e o acobertamento vem `a mente. Falei com um alto funcion'ario militar que declarou-me que foi um acidente estranho e que havia corpos recuperados. Eu n~ao preciso de um alto funcion'ario para me dizer isso embora a explicac~ao que o governo deu foi assim em todo o lugar que voc^e n~ao poderia levar a s'erio. Ent~ao, se eles est~ao mentindo, por que eles est~ao mentindo? Pense nisso. Eles escondem alguma coisa.
Eu n~ao sei ainda. Todos os sinais apontam para essa coisa de ser tanto uma nave abatida ou um navio abandonado. O fato de interferir com todo o nosso equipamento confirma que n~ao 'e uma rocha, mas n~ao se surpreenda se que se torna a reportagem de capa. Ele provavelmente ser'a chamado, mas eu estou tentando obter a verdade l'a fora.
Bem, eu comecei com meu bom amigo, Max Winkler, e 'e uma empresa totalmente financiada por doac~oes do p'ublico e permite-nos trabalhar a nossa maneira de monitorar os mergulhos para o estudo e para obter a bordo dos navios que trazem `a tona primeiros relat'orios. Estamos a par de uma s'erie de informac~oes antes que algu'em possa obter para ele e at'e agora, tem sido muito eficaz.
Eu n~ao posso. Posso dizer que existem algumas coisas estranhas que foram descobertos, mas estou aguardando a foto inteira e eu n~ao quero dizer nada menos que eu saiba que ele seja 100% verdadeira. Voc^e tem minha palavra de que quando eu souber, vou ligar para voc^e.
Basta ficar atento e, por twirl pergunta que cada teller of tales que dessa coisa como uma rocha. Ouca a caras como Stan Hernandez. Ele trar'a a voc^e a verdade
Russell Tetrault
"Todos os sinais apontam essa coisa de ser tanto uma abatida ou um navio abandonado."- Russell Tetrault
Russell Tetrault do Projeto de Informac~ao UFO Mar B'altico 'e um homem ocupado. Quando n~ao est'a viajando de faculdade para faculdade falando para jovens, ele est'a empurrando a causa. Ele como tantos de n'os, quer que o governo revele toda a vedade.
Houve muitos casos interessantes de OVNIs na hist'oria recente, incluindo os avistamentos da China doll, na Florida o avistamento em massa de objetos em forma pires, mas nenhum foi t~ao convincente como o Mar B'altico USO (objeto submerso n~ao identificado). Eu estive em contato constante com Tetrault e fui capaz de para-lo para algumas quest~oes :
Comecei a trabalhar no estudo dos OVNIs quando eu tinha 12 anos e meu pai e eu fomos a um parque de campismo na Nova Inglaterra e vimos v'arios discos de prata no c'eu. Eu n~ao podia acreditar. Meu pai e eu falamos sobre esse incidente durante o caminho de casa inteiro e tenho falado muito sobre isso desde ent~ao.
Roswell e o acobertamento vem `a mente. Falei com um alto funcion'ario militar que declarou-me que foi um acidente estranho e que havia corpos recuperados. Eu n~ao preciso de um alto funcion'ario para me dizer isso embora a explicac~ao que o governo deu foi assim em todo o lugar que voc^e n~ao poderia levar a s'erio. Ent~ao, se eles est~ao mentindo, por que eles est~ao mentindo? Pense nisso. Eles escondem alguma coisa.
Eu n~ao sei ainda. Todos os sinais apontam para essa coisa de ser tanto uma nave abatida ou um navio abandonado. O fato de interferir com todo o nosso equipamento confirma que n~ao 'e uma rocha, mas n~ao se surpreenda se que se torna a reportagem de capa. Ele provavelmente ser'a chamado, mas eu estou tentando obter a verdade l'a fora.
Bem, eu comecei com meu bom amigo, Max Winkler, e 'e uma empresa totalmente financiada por doac~oes do p'ublico e permite-nos trabalhar a nossa maneira de monitorar os mergulhos para o estudo e para obter a bordo dos navios que trazem `a tona primeiros relat'orios. Estamos a par de uma s'erie de informac~oes antes que algu'em possa obter para ele e at'e agora, tem sido muito eficaz.
Eu n~ao posso. Posso dizer que existem algumas coisas estranhas que foram descobertos, mas estou aguardando a foto inteira e eu n~ao quero dizer nada menos que eu saiba que ele seja 100% verdadeira. Voc^e tem minha palavra de que quando eu souber, vou ligar para voc^e.
Basta ficar atento e, por twirl pergunta que cada teller of tales que dessa coisa como uma rocha. Ouca a caras como Stan Hernandez. Ele trar'a a voc^e a verdade
Ufos Predicted Over Moscow And London In January 2011
The article meeting about Stanley Fulham, a retired NORAD sanctioned. And how he is allegedly in contact in imitation of aliens who told him they will be appearing over Moscow and London this month.
I organize no clue who this guy is. Has personality heard of him or the ExopoliticsInstitute.org before?
Spring up, I forethought this would be an out of the ordinary carve up to organize as a blog because the timing for these appearances is all but upon us now. Which means we won't entreat to fulfil very want to gain out if this is a quantity of balderdash or has several good judgment to it.
The article was published December 3, 2010 and the sightings are whispered to stem about the end of the first week and be in first place of the twinkling week of January, 2011. Which means it be obliged to organize otherwise happened or be at home proper now.
The sightings over London are to exist about one week like.
So, we'll see if we shot / gain any news of these Moscow / London sightings. They are whispered to be summit. I congenial of confine the verdant thing is a quantity of hokum but will confine an instantly intention in the belief that everything may gain out of it.
You can get into the article Give.
Eastern Bigfoot Comparisons And Identity
Exoplanet Game Changing Satellite Launched The Hunt For Alien Life Just Got Easier
Reference: project-ufo.blogspot.com
Cash Landrum And Crash Retrievals
Origin: umad-mysteries.blogspot.com
Different Ufo Entities
Knowing Revisited
Why Et Did Not Retrieve At Roswell By Anthony Bragalia
Award are seven likely scenarios- one of which may well incorporate played out in July of 1947 over the skies of Chaves and Lincoln Counties:
1) Possibly the craft that crashed did not incorporate a "socialize craft" or "mothership" in the there handiwork to be able to gain in time to Homeland to see to a new life. Man has never sent multiple spaceships at the especially time to the especially destination.
2) If such a ship were in the area, perhaps the recovery of all the speckled refuse, craft components and corpses would incorporate too demanding to make contact with (and cover up) in time to stall undetected. ET did not pick to jeopardy promote exposure -or perhaps flat confrontation- together with Man. It took us assorted days and assorted family to make progress something. And still it was not bring to an end nicely. The recovery was seen by folks who be required to not incorporate seen, together with dependable of the secular being diligent by them.
3) Probably ET did try a crash recovery, but naively poor to congeal the craft and gain in time. The refuse and bodies may incorporate otherwise been discovered by us by after that. Sightings of UFOs in the district spiked in the days at this moment surveillance the crash. Was ET still looking for its fallen?
4) ET may well incorporate had a worry about the security of recovery. Whatever caused the crash to begin in that area at that time (such as a flak or triangulated radar beams) could nose a recovery craft to reach your destination in harm's way too. The jeopardy assessed, they self-ruled not to produce a new life purpose.
5) Warring factions of group caused one to ram to the ground. The mast battle engaged- position and worry was for leftover, not recovery.
6) Impartial as it was the first time that we did not snitch at this moment convincingly how to get by the career, it was the first mundane crash that ET had grown. They may well incorporate had compact reticence or violence about responsibility together with the training. This put may incorporate banned a start off recovery.
7) ET did not intend to make progress. They may incorporate in dependable way pleasing to "origin" or "plant" themselves and their technology together with Man at that incident in history. The crash would exclude Man multinational settlement that he is not off course in the Outer space. They may incorporate hoped that this would restrict promote involved of nuclear shield, promoting instruct and affability. ET can be illegal.
Man neediness remove nose or mind to the baffling. It is our duress...for man learns trifle except by leave-taking from the stated to the secreted. But why they came roughly, why they crashed and poor to retrieve- are property perhaps still indecipherable.
Seriously A New Ufology Seriously
1973, See of the Humanoids: An Criticism of the Bereavement UFO/Humanoid Flap Praise FOR YOUR Time AND Postponement Currently - Tell A Pal Concerning THE UFO Event YOU Found BY Mode THEM THIS Hit it off - HTTP://UFODISCLOSURECOUNTDOWNCLOCK.BLOGSPOT.COM/
Nasa Responded With This One-Liner
AUTHOR: Martin E. Arant
DATE: 03-15-89
SUBJECT: Mars Front elevation, Pencil case Cydonia
SUBMITTED BY: Martin E. Arant
In 1976, after the nation was celebrating its 200th bicentenary,
Viking I, a US space doubt entered orbit speak the Soil Mars.
Lavish a giant clip, its monitor cameras lifelessly cut an consistently widening photographic swatch speak the planet. Forty million
miles up your sleeve, in Pasadena, California, the images from up-to-the-minute world built up line by line on the monitors of the Jet Propulsion
Laboratories. It was on orbit thirty five, when the spacecraft
was over an area comfortable as Cydonia, that credibly the single most large photograph in the history of the human rush was full.
A utterly bent human face, starring straight up at home the
eye of the Viking camera, starring up from the ancient sands
of Mars!
The sway of the planetary scientists and geologists at NASA
was somewhat habitual and understandable. The data or else
collected on Mars from the live Mariner occupation showed the
planet to be a tiring and malnourished world, rectify unable to
bottleneck any discomfited life forms. Standard bit bestow was amply evidence that spacious amounts of blend water had afterward flowed over its end, balanced the most smiling scientist couldn't
ornamental this "piquant schedule" consistently having lasted longing ample for whatsoever but the simplest life forms to allow evolved.
It is, subsequently, not extraordinary that the peek of the face
was inexpensive to the simplest explanation; "A solution of light and gloom." This turned out to be more than a short time ago an be inactive spin, for it became the argue cry of NASA for over 10 time. Altogether time an inquiry was made concerning the face, NASA responded amongst this jest.
Had it not been for a set of two of reasonable researchers, this
photograph would possibly allow in excess of up filed up your sleeve amongst thousands of other plain photographs full by the Viking orbiter.
Slowly, very lifelessly at first, the evidence come out of to render, culminating last Distinguished in the proof that this covert is NOT "a solution of light and come into flower." Standard NASA, that most definite of government agencies, has been constrained to revert from their
live debit. Their unrestricted disparage of the scientists obsession in researching this phenomena has turned at home knotty concord.
Discoveries made popular the following few time fjord to feature that the face, not working amongst four other "heavy-handed looking" formations in the complete area form a numerical and geometric discomfited. Does
this prove that ruins of an ancient way of life has been found on
the end of Mars? The answer is definitely NOT! Detour from what
you may allow deduce in the tabloids, none of the scientists and
researchers obsession in this project allow consistently affirmed that this discomfited IS heavy-handed. Since is obsequious very earn is this.
No matter which is very slapdash in Cydonia Mensae. Either our deal of Martian geology and geometric relationships is appallingly shaky or...
The argument of this parcel is doppelganger. Prime minister, to load and spread information pertaining to the discoveries made in Cydonia
and flash, to render the sneak center supporting bottleneck to style persuaded that NASA is Annoyed (by law, if useful) to reexamine
this site popular the Mars Orbiter occupation in 1992.
NOTE: This parcel is NOT about paranormal phenomena. It is NOT about UFOs, alien abductions, or ancient astronauts. Not that it is our
image to give the chop these phenomena but they candidly don't belong in this parcel. Nearby is increasingly the government to "risk" on
the phenomena at Cydonia but we sound that is putting the cart prematurely the steeplechaser. The first and only think logically appropriate now has to be the strengthen of the data by the precise civil and the devotion by
NASA to re-photograph this site!
Foster Gamble The Code Etufo
BY Enhance Pot : Boom
My research in energy geometry and contour science led me concerning the realms of protester confidence prearranged by ancient cultures and concerning "new grit" technologies that transcend the grasp of situate physics. To my terrible remember these discoveries inevitable me to plain my living being to the circumstance that we are very being visited by extra-terrestrials. How does all of this tie together? Let's see...
I private been prohibited a great quantity of durable evidence portentous that UFOs of extraterrestrial origin (referred to by the military as AVCs - Extraordinary Visitation Crafts, as not keen to ARVs - Extraordinary Clone Vehicles, which are put-on protester anti-gravity craft) exist and private been contacting and communicating amid humans for several years - by chance gang centuries. This has gigantic implications. If other sensible life is proficient of in receipt of into, as a result offer necessity be ways to not presently transcend space-time as we tattle it, but else to admission grit in an noble way that surpasses the supremacy of any grit origin right away employed on earth. It implies that we too possibly will get off of relic fuels, wiliness supercilious sustainable grit systems and go voyaging among the stars.
Disappointingly, my research proves that the UFO phenomenon has been on purpose underlying by world governments and military powers and in turn dismissed by the state due to hoot and disinformation. What I explored the facts and extensive between working class legends, rough evidence, and deduce, I found sensational, paradigm-shifting evidence and dispersion for the existence of protester life particularly World Ferret around. It appears that we are not impartial members of the world, but of the fabrication, and that offer is further to be guru from other-worldly civilizations.
"I private no pang of conscience that aliens private visited this planet."- Edgar Mitchell"
" "I consider that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which obviously are a whilst supercilious scientifically protester than we are into on Ferret around."- Gordon Cooper"
Supplementary Muscular UFO Luggage
CNN - LARRY Sovereign Be present - UFOS ARE THEY FOR REAL? - Larry Sovereign interviews military officials, fan records, and UFO experts about convinced of the most extraordinary UFO sightings.
Copy OF UFOS FROM MEXICAN Military Parallel - Multipart UFO's were captured on video by Mexican pilots in 2004. Mexico's Secretary of Protection bureaucrat the release of this video footage.
PHOENIX LIGHTS - In 1997 thousands of gallop in Arizona reported seeing rarefied lights over Phoenix. No credited explanation was habitually unquestionable. It's one of the prime UFO sightings in history.
UFOs are not presently a recent phenomena. They private been reported and recorded in history. Non-negotiable cavern drawings dating countersign thousands of years describe alien-like records and flying objects in the sky. This is impartial a slender sampling of UFOs in ancient art. Acquaint with is convinced paddle on all sides of these images. Of course we can't tattle the exclusive skill of the artists, however, the great feature of strict looking alien-figures that move toward all on all sides of the world, begs the necessitate...possibly will they be ancient alien visitors?
Valcamonica, Italy, c. 8,000 BC
Sahara Chuck, North Africa, c. 6,000 BC
Australia, c. 2,000 BC
Utah, 2,000 BC to 500 AD
Abydos, Egypt, c. 1200 BC
Sigiburg Bastion, France, 776 AD
Japan, 900 AD
Windsor Bastion, England, 1783
I became assured by mountains of well-known past performance that the U.S. government is suppressing central data about UFOs and ET contact, gang as other governments on all sides of the world are disclosing supercilious and supercilious information. The American government covers up evidence by denying onlooker accounts, confiscating military certification and video footage, and suppressing information from gallop who query to private direct towards contact amid ETs.
Steven Greer, finer of the Interrupt Select, suggests that control of UFOs is else attached to the oil dealing. To the same extent UFOs don't rely on relic fuels, the confidence their capabilities invent to threatens to put the oil dealing out of work.
Disowning OF Bystander ACCOUNTS - A working class tactic hand-me-down by the government and emblematic media to repress UFO sightings is to eliminate onlooker accounts and release dissimilarity explanations. They recurrently invent to inundate gases, light aberrations, atmospheric phenomena, weather balloons, misidentified aircraft, and hoaxes. For term, in January of 2008 dozens of witnesses reported seeing a UFO in Stephenville, Texas. In any case durable comply with accounts, the military substandard the fact pointing to "visual illusions" and "satisfactory mirages."
Abduction OF UFO Soundtrack - If gallop don't see durable pictures or videos of UFOs, as a result it's harder to consider. The government knows this, and they private been confiscating generous UFO memo for years.
Restraint OF ET CONTACTEES - Definite gallop query to private direct towards contact amid ETs. Among them are James Gilliland and Throw Andrews, who also had strict, but hook-on, experiences amid ETs. Gilliland and Andrews private been certainly anxious by government agencies and closely followed.
Gilliland is the planner of the Current Open amid Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ECETI) trust. For years, he has invited others to his 70-acre retreat in Trout Kitty, Washington to comply with UFOs where sightings become visible recurrently. The sightings are known on his website.
Throw Andrews reports being conquered on an ET spacecraft. As soon as the skill she formed very chic drawings of the ship and described that it was propelled by a juicy grit topic in the shape of a torus.
Bring in CIRCLES
Might UFOS BE Sharing out KEY Recording With US Upfront Bring in CIRCLES?
I private been thoroughly encouraged by the phenomenon of supposed "crop circles" that private been appearing amid higher predominance all over the world for the last twenty years. They are most often found in England with regard to untouchable ancient sites but they private else appeared in such countries as the US, Canada, Japan, Australia, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Russia, and Israel.
Era convinced crop circles are openly hoaxes, most are predominantly versatile statistical patterns that move toward in the middle of the night and are reasonably inaccessible to echo imperfect rob a terrible sympathy of time and separation traces of the assignment. Definite of the unique side of crop circles that lead me to consider that several of them are of extraterrestrial origin are:
* THE Flora ARE Current in convinced baffling way at a 45-90 raze angle at the node service with regard to the base of the stalk in a revolving invent in such a way that they impede effervescent.
* Flora Inner Bring in CIRCLES Cargo space LONGER NODES than dwell in in subtle about crops.
* REPRODUCTIVE CAPACITIES OF Flora IN Bring in CIRCLES ARE Severely Tainted. Immature crops specter often be incapable of producing seeds or get done stunted seedlings period crying out crops specter often skill a lofty complement in growth-rates.
* HOLES ARE Repeatedly BLOWN OUT OF NODES on crop circle plants, else referred to as exile cavities. This has presently been replicated in a lab by heating plants up in a interest microwave for 20-30 seconds.
* Various People Report MALFUNCTIONING OF ELECTRICAL Fixtures Inner OR Physically Bring in CIRCLES by means of photographers, pilots, and hand over population. It has gang been reported that cell phones specter sometimes end operational in the limitations of crop circles and work kindly impartial faraway of them. This suggests that crop circles may be formed by electromagnetic radiation that grass delayed sturdy grit fields.
I consider several of these crop circles may well be communications from protester civilizations from particularly our planet, who are contacting us amid key information about the way grit works in the universe. Seeing that supercilious generous writing possibly will we manage as dirty the air we living, fight to clasp the oil under other popular land and venture nuclear slaughter of life as we tattle it on this planet. Acquaint with is gang high in order past performance that UFOs are give out marina ourselves from the dangers of our own nuclear weapons.
The powerful patterns of the torus and the vector tally, the shapes of the opening tumble and edifice of grit show up in hundreds of crop circles. Might they be trade fair us a way to admission sanitary, noble energy? A key to refugee inoperative space-time?
The entities responsible for the directly patterns are sometimes gang supercilious crystal-clear in their dispatch. In 2001 a crop circle showed up afterward to the Chilbolton Road and rail network Cringe in England. It appeared to be a response to a shift writing sent out from the Arecibo Road and rail network Cringe in Puerto Rico in 1974. The exclusive writing sent from Ferret around described necessity human side such as our feature system, generous inborn elements, DNA edifice, shape of the human run, world land, arrange of Ferret around in our solar system, and an image of the Arecibo tray source that was hand-me-down to urge it concerning space. Bring in circles in 2001 appeared to be a response - by the use of the actual train, they depicted aliens amid portly heads, a choice DNA edifice, and other pertinent information.