The preceding U.S. Capitol Adjust head, who has requested anonymity, provided the leaked reports in 2008 and 2009 to supporter and author Robert M. Stanley after Mr. Stanley ready research inquiries of the U.S. Capitol Adjust about Wilbur "Mood" Allen's chronicle of 2002 UFO/ET flyovers over the U.S. Capitol.
The leaked reports by the U.S. Capitol Adjust head, which Mr. Stanley has examined and claims express to be frank reports, back up frank UFO/ET flyovers on April 22, 1999 and in suitably 1995 in P-51 limited airspace over the U.S. Capitol.
Mr. Stanley has ready these leaked reports by a preceding U.S. Capitol Adjust head common in an fact Exopolitics Means of communication viewers between relator Alfred Lambremont Webre, and in the article under.
These leaked reports obscure arrange witness observer evidence of UFO/ET over flights over the U.S. Capitol by the U.S. Capitol Adjust, competent officers in tax of the ecological precautions of the U.S. Capitol area. The U.S. Capitol Adjust, according to Mr. Stanley, report to the Mess Warranty Working group (NSA) on matters stuck between to incursions in the sphere of P-51 watched over airspace by UFO/ET flyovers or landings on watched over buildings, such as the U.S. Capitol, the Ashen Back home, the shiny pooled money, etc.
The leaked reports by the preceding U.S. Capitol Adjust head back up the assertions of Wilbur "Mood" Allen, a preceding Ashen Back home furnish and Air Cataract One artist under U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Hedge plant, and Statement Clinton, that a U.S. Capitol Adjust head had concerned him in 2002 at whatever time he filed photos of UFO/ET flyover between them that the U.S. Capitol Adjust were experiencing akin to UFO/ET flyovers over the U.S. Capitol to the ones Mr. Allen was photographing, as reported in a May 19, 2010 article, UFODC-Obama guide says documented UFO/ET landings on U.S. Capitol "might hesitate method.
These reports by the preceding U.S. Capitol Adjust head are not a conventional announcement or attributed "disclosure" by the U.S. Capitol Adjust of a persistent UFO/ET phantom in the U.S. Capitol area. The reports do construct a fat unsupported UFO/ET disclosure by a preceding U.S. Capitol Adjust head through the persistent email description of a current U.S. Capitol Adjust head at the U.S. Authority Sergeant at Ordnance of the UFO and hyperdimensional phantom in the watched over airspace of the U.S. Capitol and the Ashen Back home.
--Please stifle out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring
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