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Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may notice that this and future entries are shorter than usual; Career, family and book deal commitments have forced me to cut back some of my projects. Now, here's today's news:- STARS - A month ago, my daffodils began blooming, and I knew that spring was coming. But now it's official. On March 21 at 00 07 UT (universal time), the Earth spins through the vernal equinox. It's that special moment in our annual trek around the Sun that marks the beginning of spring. Seen from Earth, the Sun is crossing the celestial equator headed north. Here in the United States, it's still March 20 at that moment, and so we're celebrating the first day of spring on March 20, and you're invited to celebrate "Sun-Earth Day." See http://space.com/searchforlife/070315 seti sun.html.g ABODES - The Long Range Reconnaissance Imager on New Horizons captured another dramatic picture of Jupiter's moon Io and its volcanic plumes, 19 hours after the spacecraft's closest approach to Jupiter on Feb. 28. See http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n0703/14iovolcano/.g LIFE - Researchers at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and the University of Colorado have now obtained the first 3D visualization of a complete eukaryotic cell at a resolution high enough to resolve the cytoskeleton's precise architectural plan in fission yeast. The image of this unicellular organism will be published in this week's issue of the journal Developmental Cell and reveals remarkable insights into the fine structure of the cytoskeleton as well as its interactions with other parts of the cell. See http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/03/070306101110.htm.g MESSAGE - What would be a sign of alien intelligence? Forget mathematics - try a simple, pure-tone radio signal. See http://www.space.com/searchforlife/seti artificiality part2 030220.html.g COSMICUS - NASA notified the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory last week that its contract to build a robotic lunar lander would be allowed to expire at the end of March and would not be renewed - at least not anytime soon. See http://space.com/news/060316 nasa moonlander.html.g LEARNING - Here's a neat classroom activity courtesy of NASA: "Interstellar Real Estate." The lesson examines what makes Earth the perfect home for life as we know it as students explore the orbital characteristics a planetary home needs to support Earth-like life forms. See http://btc.montana.edu/ceres/html/Habitat/habitablezone.htm.g IMAGINING - ke stories about alien anthropology and cultures? Then be sure to read James Blish's classic novel "A Case of Conscience" (1958), in which he explores if original sin exists among the Lithians. See http://members.aol.com/firoane/blish.htm.g AFTERMATH - Would should we say to an extraterrestrial? Try the World Wide Web. SETI astronomer Seth Shostak opines at http://www.seti.org/site/apps/nl/content2.asp?c=ktJ2J9MMIsE&b=194993&ct=308803.
Posted: December 26, 2007HBCC UFO Solicit votes Note: HBCC UFO Solicit votes would similar to to crash into from any corner man or organism who served in Viet Nam who control had a UFO encounter to tempt weigh up free to file their sighting report. Dowry were a gigantic issue forth of UFO sightings at the time of the Viet Nam drive.Red and ashen at a set against of five feet external the rotor clique and 200 feet over the landing field at DaNang. No photo but I'll never fail to see what it looked similar to.Overload Information:This is from celebration but it was accurately after worry. Re 1300 on a July day. Shaft and clear skies. Unhampered visibility. We took off and slowed way down at 200 feet. From 7 o'clock this thing comes up and starts to pace us about five feet external of the rotor clique. The pilot called keep up to the outline but radar alleged he saw nil on the arrive at. Equitable us. We accelerated to the go that the aircraft shook and the thing stayed understand in attendance. Conceivably a very well, then it accurately passed on us similar to we were sponsor up. You may possibly crash into it similar to an arms insulate over the strip of the aircraft. Fit I remembering it headed due north across the bay from DaNang. If the optional extra doesn't work for you I'll urge the personal if you similar to.Brian, I forgot to suggestion that the thing flew without any plain means of go on or propulsion. Equitable as if you preference up a cup and move it by hand. I'm jovial that it helps what you're perform.Thank you to the affidavit for the report.Brian Vike, Senior HBCC UFO Solicit votes. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Solicit votes International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/HBCC UFO Solicit votes, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Welcome! "Odd Nature" tracks the latest discoveries and sentence in the varied elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may learn that this and development entries are shorter than usual; chore, land of your birth and book comprehension commitments clutch inevitable me to cut fund several of my projects. Now, here's today's news:g ABODES - A provoking new study of photographs in use from clique suggests that liquid water flowed on the look of Mars as finally as numerous being ago, raising the chance that the Red Ground may possibly harbor an surroundings favorable to life. See article.g Nature - Here the Jurassic, worldwide warming and urgent immature refashion led to the execution of many classify. One of the most strange possessions was that the load became thin of oxygen. See article.g Investigate - How locale are other civilizations in the universe? This inquisition has spellbound organization for centuries, and regardless of we quiet clutch no extreme way out, a consider of recent developments clutch brought it gone once more to the fore. Director among these is the corroboration - after a fancy convene and numerous faulty starts - that planets exist in the sticks our solar system. See article. My apologies in pace for the Web site that I found this facing influential article on.g Consequence - Spring up, if we are not in competition in the universe, submit are several be adjacent to theological and insightful result. We air that the assignment of extraterrestrial life is one of the most influential questions raised in science to the progressive. We want deliberate on the result of a crash side-effect of either sentence extraterrestrial microorganisms, or sound a radio remark form an extraterrestrial source: For example such discovery occurs, the implications are geographical to clutch an rear-ender on our learning requiring adjustments perhaps even more insurgent than colonize arising form the evidence that humans elapse from microorganisms. Note: This paper is from 1999. See article.
Location of Sighting: DunfermlineDate of Sighting: 5/12/13Time: 5.45PpmWitness Name: John Millar Witness Statement: We were having our tea last night around 5.45pm and I noticed the Crescent moon and then I noticed a really bright light that we thought was a UFO although with a little bit research learned was Venus as despite having a slight knowledge,of the night sky, I am no Patrick Moore.We got out basic binoculars and had a closer look at Venus.To our amazement,and only through binocs we could see a saucer shape object hovering horizontally,just left of Venus that was grey in colour and illuminated and sat stationary in that position for at least 5 minutes as we all took turns with the binocs. As I took about a minute trying to take a photo using my iPhone through the binocular lense "Attached" when I returned to observe the object again through binocs it was now on the right hand side of Venus and was no longer stationary and now moving,still horizontally,about the same speed as an aircraft appears to fly through the sky,and then disappeared or fizzled out about the same distance we had first observed it left of Venus but now on the right. Strange thing is,as when I looked at the picture on phone,and as can be seen,the object appears to be pointing vertical and it definitely was sitting horizontal and stationary whilst I was trying to ready the camera as my wife and daughter confirmed. We are not UFO hunters and our attention was mainly drawn to Venus as it was really bright last night in the southern sky.My wife suggested that it may appear vertical in the picture if I maybe took pic at wrong angle,although the tree line is visible so that can't be explanation ? 1 pics Taken on iPhone showing Venus and said object to the left and is also in focus quite well as we seen.Two other close up captures of the original pic also attached. Any help would be great to possibly explaining this for us.as you couldn't see this object with the naked eye and I think I was lucky to capture the image through a basic binoc lense with the IPhone too as it is clear as looking through the binoculars. Source: www.uk-ufo.co.uk Comment : If you can provide further information on this or other possible UFO sightings in this area then please leave a comment or send details through our "submit sighting" form
In this excerpt from an interview I conducted with him in 2003, Stanton Friedman talks about his relationship with fellow ufologist William Moore, who was his research partner on Roswell and MJ-12 for a decade from the late 1970s through the 1980s.
Much grist for the mill here, most of it centering on the cognitive dissonance of what Stan says about Moore's honesty - "Bill was a tricky guy, He liked to float proposals, run them up the flag pole and see how people would react," he was committing mail fraud - and his blithe brushing off of the prospect that Moore created the MJ-12 documents by saying that Bill couldn't have know certain details so he couldn't have created the documents. What Stan ignores is the probability that Moore was working with someone else (or a small group of people) who could have found all the needed information, namely Moore's other "partner" in the 1980s - Rick Doty.
As for a motive, Stan details that as well, even as he ignores its implications - Moore's financial problems in the 1980s. Nothing like some fake documents to gin up interest in his cash-cow story (Roswell) which was starting to grow cold.
The MJ-12 story really is that simple. Stan has all the facts at his command, but he just can't see the forest for the trees - a triumph of belief over reason and common sense.
Paul Kimball
SUBJECT: U.S.NAVY SHIP ENCOUNTERS A UFO NEAR CAPE HATTERAS... KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOSWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORGU.S NAVY SHIP ENCOUNTERS A UFO NEAR CAPE HATTERAS SUMMER OF 1986While in the US Navy in the summer of 1986, I was standing lookout aboard the USS Edenton ATS 1 (currently decommissioned). The lookout watch, stood outside on top the bridge of the ship, and was responsible for reporting all contacts seen both in the water and sky. It was around eleven p.m. one clear night at sea, located about fifty miles off the coast of Cape Hatteras, NC. During one of my scans of the night sky, out of know where, four red circular lights appeared. The lights where hundreds of yards apart from each other and formed a square. At first, I thought it was four separate air craft, such as, military helicopters because the lights were stationary; however, due to the distance from the ship, the lights where too large to be aircraft running lights. There were also no other normal running lights like green and white, which make-up the normal outline of an aircraft seen at night. The lights where located about twenty degrees above the horizon and about a mile away from the ship. Again, these four red lights were each about the size of a small plane, which were very bright and visible in the night sky. The night sky was also clear, moon lit, and a moderate amount of stars were visible, which also aided in calculating the distance and size of these lights. As stated, when I first saw these lights they were all stationary in the sky and appeared out of know where. Once I noticed that these were not normal lights, grouped in a square and not moving, I called down to the bridge over a salt and pepper line informing the conning officer of a possible UFO sighting. This brought laughter across the wire at first, but I relayed the contact again in a stern but excited voice, which succeeded in getting the bridge officers attention. After relaying the contact information a second time, the four lights, in a flash, darted towards the horizon amazingly fast. The lower two lights in the square went first, with the top two lights following directly behind them in a curved swooshing motion and there was no sound. Then all four shot straight up into outer-space and out of sight, all within a split second. At this point, I felt very excited and shocked, and was personally praying someone on the bridge had seen what I just saw. Having been an avid watcher of the night sky, seen shooting stars and a believer in that life has to exist somewhere out there, I become even more excited because I knew, I just saw my first unidentified flying object(s). To my amazement, when I returned to the bridge after my watch, I was very pleased to learn that the conning officer and everyone else on the bridge had seen this sighting and logged it into the ship's log as a UFO sighting. Next, after a half hour had passed since the sighting, the radiation detection system (gamma roentgen meter) on the bridge started making a loud clicking sound. At first, no one seemed to know what was making this sound then a very loud bell went off notifying us as to what was going on, we were being radiated. When the instrument stopped clicking, it indicated we had taken a hit of 385 roentgens in the period of about one minute. At this point, the captain of the ship was awoken and called to the bridge, as well as the chief in charge of the radiation metering equipment onboard ship. The captain was not impressed with an entry of a UFO sighting being placed in the ship's log, and at first, took the roentgen meter as being defective. However, the chief informed the captain that the meter had been serviced and calibrated the day before and that other like meters throughout the ship had just gone off indicating the same amount of roentgens received as the bridge. The captain stated not to log the instance concerning the radiation exposure and left the bridge. During the rest of my watch duty that night, no officer or enlisted person spoke of what happened, and also acted liked nothing happened. This experience, however, was etched into my memory as if it happened yesterday and I have told this story to only a few people, people who I thought would believe me. This is also the first time I have documented the events of this night.In conclusion, as an indication of the strength of gamma radiation, I and others received that night; all the personnel during the Project Trinity experiments conducted in 1945 at ground zero, only received between 1 and 6 total roentgens of gamma radiation. This leads me to believe, we traveled through the wake of radiation produced by the UFOs seen thirty minutes earlier. KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS AND NEWSWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORGThanks to http://naturalplane.blogspot.com and www.mufon.comWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORG SUBJECT: ALIEN CRAFT LANDING WITNESSED BY MANY IN NEW GUINEA... KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOSWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORG ALIEN CRAFT LANDING WITNESSED BY MANY IN NEW GUINEA 6-26-59 PAPUA NEW GUINEA "WILLIAM GILL WOULD HAVE ONE OF THE MOST CELEBRATED UFO SIGHTINGS TO EVER BE DOCUMENTED, WHICH WAS VALIDATED BY A WHOLE GROUP OF ADDITIONAL WITNESSES. THIS EXTRAORDINARY EVENT WOULD TAKE PLACE AT 6:45 P.M., JUNE 26, 1959. FATHER GILL SAW WHAT HE DESCRIBED AS A BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT TO THE NORTHWEST. WORD OF THE SIGHT SPREAD QUICKLY, AND WITHIN A FEW MOMENTS, GILL WAS JOINED BY NO LESS THAN THIRTY-EIGHT ADDITIONAL WITNESSES, INCLUDING STEVEN MOI, ANANIAS RARATA, AND MRS NESSLE MOI. ACCORDING TO SWORN STATEMENTS, THESE THIRTY-PLUS INDIVIDUALS WATCHED A FOUR-LEGGED, DISC-SHAPED OBJECT APPROXIMATELY THE SIZE OF 5 FULL MOONS LINED UP END TO END. THIS UNBELIEVABLE CRAFT WAS HOVERING OVER THE MISSION! TO THEIR UTTER SURPRISE, THEY SAW FOUR HUMAN-LIKE FIGURES THAT SEEMED TO BE PERFORMING A KIND OF TASK. NOW AND THEN ONE OF THE FIGURES WOULD DISAPPEAR, ONLY TO REAPPEAR IN A MOMENT OR TWO. A BLUE LIGHT WOULD SHINE UP FROM THE CRAFT AT WHAT SEEMED TO BE REGULAR INTERVALS. THE WITNESS WATCHED THE CRAFT AND ITS ACTIVITIES FOR A FULL FORTY-FIVE MINUTES, UNTIL THE SHINING SHIP ROSE INTO THE SKY, AND DISAPPEARED AT 7:30 P.M. GLUED TO THE SKY, THE WITNESSES WOULD SEE SEVERAL SMALLER OBJECTS APPEAR AT 8:30, AND TWENTY MINUTES LATER, THE FIRST CRAFT REAPPEARED." THIS PHENOMENAL OCCURRENCE WOULD LAST AN INCREDIBLE FOUR HOURS, UNTIL CLOUD COVER OBSCURED THE VIEW AT 10:50. FATHER GILL PREPARED A FULL WRITTEN REPORT OF THIS EVENT, AND 25 OTHER OBSERVERS SIGNED THE DOCUMENT. THIS FIRST SIGHTING, A ONCE IN A LIFETIME OCCURRENCE, WOULD INCREDIBLY BE FOLLOWED BY ANOTHER SIGHTING THE VERY NEXT NIGHT. AT 6:00 P.M., THE LARGER OBJECT APPEARED AGAIN, WITH ITS OCCUPANTS. IT WAS SHADOWED BY TWO OF THE SMALLER OBJECTS. IN WILLIAM GILL'S OWN WORDS: "ON THE LARGE ONE, TWO OF THE FIGURES SEEMED TO BE DOING SOMETHING NEAR THE CENTER OF THE DECK. THEY WERE OCCASIONALLY BENDING OVER AND RAISING THEIR ARMS AS THOUGH ADJUSTING OR "SETTING UP" SOMETHING. ONE FIGURE SEEMED TO BE STANDING, LOOKING DOWN AT US." (IN A MOMENT OF ANTICIPATION, GILL RAISED HIS ARMS AND WAVED TO THE FIGURE.)"TO OUR SURPRISE THE FIGURE DID THE SAME. ANANIAS WAVED BOTH ARMS OVER HIS HEAD; THEN THE TWO OUTSIDE FIGURES DID THE SAME. ANANIAS AND MYSELF BEGAN WAVING OUR ARMS, AND ALL FOUR SEEMED TO WAVE BACK. THERE SEEMED NO DOUBT THAT OUR MOVEMENTS WERE ANSWERED..." GILL AND ANANIAS CONTINUED TO OCCASIONALLY WAVE, AND THEIR WAVES WERE RETURNED. ANOTHER WITNESS, ERIC KODAWARA, WAVED A TORCH, AND THERE WERE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS FROM THE CRAFT. GILL WENT INSIDE TO EAT, BUT WHEN HE CAME BACK, THE CRAFT WAS STILL THERE, ONLY FARTHER AWAY (SMALLER). AFTER A CHURCH SERVICE, AT 7:45, GILL AGAIN CAME OUTSIDE TO LOOK FOR THE CRAFT, BUT CLOUDS HAD APPEARED, AND THERE WAS NO SIGHT OF THE OBJECT. THE VERY NEXT EVENING, THE SHINING CRAFT WOULD MAKE ONE MORE APPEARANCE. GILL COUNTED EIGHT OF THEM AT 6:45. AT 11:20, GILL HEARD A LOUD BANG ON THE ROOF OF THE MISSION. GOING OUTSIDE TO SEE WHAT HAD HAPPENED, HE SPIED FOUR UFOS IN A CIRCLE AROUND THE BUILDING. THESE FOUR CRAFT WERE EXTREMELY HIGH IN THE SKY. THE ROOF WAS CHECKED FOR DAMAGE THE NEXT MORNING, BUT NONE WAS FOUND. "" KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS AND NEWS"WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORG"THANKS TO WWW.UFOCASEBOOK.COM"WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORG"
Title: "Balloons most popular theory behind Chelsea UFO sighting"from: www.amny.comauthor: Sheila Anne Feeney published: 10/14/2010"The Chelsea UFO mystery deepened Thursday, as people claimed credit and proffered theories as to the nature of the blobs glimpsed in the sky Wednesday.Mount Vernon fourth graders told the Daily News the shining orbs were escaped pearlescent balloons from an engagement party they threw for their teacher.The National Weather Service told the paper that air currents could have put the balloons over midtown by the time they were spotted.Others said the balloons may have come from a Times Square press event announcing a promotional partnership between NYC and Madrid. "Maybe a few of those suckers escaped," although there was no deliberate release, said Kimberly Spell, an NYC and Co. spokeswoman.Helium balloons can change shape at high altitudes and appear to be different colors, which might explain the varying descriptions."We don't know," what it was, said FAA spokesman Jim Peters, who was leaning toward the balloon theory."
Date: January 10, 2015Time: Approximately 8:05 p.m.This evening at about 21.05 my family and I noted an orange/red light moving steadily at reasonable low altitude over the Durban Sky, moving from North to South. The light seemed to be a large glowing ball, not pulsating nor blinking.It moved in a relatively straight line, but seemed to go up and then slightly down. It moved steadily and crossed our line of sight in about a minute to a minute and a half.This was followed by another almost identical occurrence about two to three minutes later and then again in three minutes another. The third occurrence seemed to be slightly lower in the sky.This has not been the first sighting that we have made. Over the past year we have had several such sightings, but on those occasions we only saw one such sighting.We live about 30 km inland NE of Durban (Hillcrest, Kwazulu Natal, 29.8 S, 30.8 E.)The nights have been crystal clear and cool summer night.The sighting have never been accompanied by sounds or other lights."IF ANYONE HAS HAD A UFO/UFOS SIGHTING, PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL AT sighting@telus.net OR FILL OUT THE ONLINE UFO REPORT FORM AT http://sightings1.yolasite.com/ WITH DETAILS OF WHAT YOU SAW."Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City - State or Province) and as much detail as possible."VIKE FACTOR NOTE: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here: http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"Brian Vike.Box 1091Houston, British Columbia, Canada.Email: "sighting@telus.net" or "b vike@telus.net""THE VIKE FACTOR - HOUSTON, BRITISH COLUMBIA CENTRE FOR UFO RESEARCH. CANADIAN UFO INVESTIGATOR BRIAN VIKE."
Organizer of the Citizen Hearing, Steve Bassett, introduced the video saying it offered an insight into the suffering of many military and government officials who are forced to live a world of secrecy and fear in what he calls the "truth embargo" about extraterrestrial encounters.
"In a sense, this video represents the many individuals out there who could not come before a committee like this, who want to talk, but it's difficult. The vast majority of individuals who have interacted with this issue while working for the government, going back to the 40s, took the information that they had to their grave and did not talk if they were told not to talk.
"This gentleman has received numerous threats from his government not to talk, but he wanted this testimony to be presented and we agreed. He has only been interviewed by two researchers who are here today, Linda Moulton Howe and Richard Dolan," he said.
After the screening Linda Moulton Howe authenticated the former CIA official's credentials and his account, telling the hearing she had spent three days with him in which she had recorded eleven 90 minute audio tapes in 1994. She said on her return to her home after the three days she had received a phone call from him saying he and his wife had been threatened with retaliation if they went public and she could not release the tapes.
Richard Dolan, who is visible in the video, also authenticated the man's position.
The former CIA official had been involved with the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue Book study of UFOs, which was initiated soon after the crash of a large object at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
Source: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/39890-cia-official-breaks-silence-on-extraterrestrials/
Like many of his colleagues at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., Shyam Bhaskaran is working a lot with asteroids these days. And also like many of his colleagues, the deep space navigator devotes a great deal of time to crafting, and contemplating, computer-generated 3-D models of these intriguing nomads of the solar system.
This spectacular image of comet Tempel 1 was taken 67 seconds after it obliterated Deep Impact's impactor spacecraft [Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UMD]"
But while many of his coworkers are calculating asteroids' past, present and future locations in the cosmos, zapping them with the world's most massive radar dishes, or considering how to rendezvous and perhaps even gently nudge an asteroid into lunar orbit, Bhaskaran thinks about how to collide with one.
"If you want to see below the surface of an asteroid, there's no better way than smacking it hard," said Bhaskaran. "But it's not that easy. Hitting an asteroid with a spacecraft traveling at hypervelocity is like shooting an arrow at a target on a speeding race car."
The term hypervelocity usually refers to something traveling at very high speed -- two miles per second (6,700 mph / 11,000 kilometers per hour) or above. Bhaskaran's hypothetical impacts tend to be well above.
"Most of the hypervelocity impact scenarios that I simulate have spacecraft/asteroid closure rates of around eight miles a second, 30,000 miles per hour [about 48,000 kilometers per hour]," said Bhaskaran.
In the majority of our solar system, where yield signs and "right of way" statutes have yet to find widespread support, hypervelocity impacts between objects happen all the time. But all that primordial violence usually goes unnoticed here on Earth, and almost never receives scientific scrutiny.
"High-speed impacts on asteroids can tell you so many things that we want to know about asteroids," said Steve Chesley, a near-Earth object scientist at JPL. "They can tell you about their composition and their structural integrity -- which is how they hold themselves together. These are things that are not only vital for scientific research on the origins of the solar system, but also for mission designers working on ways to potentially move asteroids, either for exploitation purposes or because they may be hazardous to Earth."
Hypervelocity impacts by spacecraft are not just a hypothetical exercise. Scientists have taken the opportunity to analyze data from used spacecraft and rocket stages that have impacted the moon and other celestial bodies since the Apollo program. On July 4, 2005, NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft successfully collided its dynamic impactor with comet 9P/Tempel 1 -- it was the first hypervelocity impact of a primitive solar system body.
Bhaskaran, who was a navigator on Deep Impact, would be the first to tell you that not all hypervelocity impacts are created equal. "Impacting an asteroid presents slightly different challenges than impacting a comet," said Bhaskaran. "Comets can have jets firing material into space, which can upset your imaging and guidance systems, while potential asteroid targets can be as small as 50 meters [164 feeet] and have their own mini-moons orbiting them. Since they're small and dim, they can be harder to spot."
Along with the size of the celestial body being targeted, Bhaskaran also has to take into account its orbit, targeting errors, how hard an impact the scientists want, and even the shape.
"Asteroids hardly ever resemble perfect spheroids," said Bhaskaran. "What you've got floating around out there are a bunch of massive objects that look like peanuts, potatoes, diamonds, boomerangs and even dog bones -- and if the spacecraft's guidance system can't figure out where it needs to go, you can hit the wrong part of the asteroid, or much worse, miss it entirely."
The guidance system Bhaskaran is referring to is called "AutoNav," which stands for Autonomous Navigation. To reach out and touch something that could be halfway across the solar system and traveling at hypervelocity requires a fast-thinking and fast-maneuvering spacecraft. It is a problem that even the speed of light cannot cure. "When it comes to these high-speed impact scenarios, the best info you get on where you are and where you need to be comes very late in the game," said Bhaskaran. "That's why the last few hours before impact are so critical. We need to execute some final rocket burns, called Impactor Targeting Maneuvers (ITMs), quickly. With Earth so far away, there is no chance to send new commands in time.
"So, instead, we have AutoNav do the job for us. It is essentially a cyber-astronaut that takes in all the pertinent information, makes its own decisions and performs the actions necessary to make sure we go splat where we want to go splat."
Currently, Bhaskaran is running simulations that make his virtual impactor go splat against the furrowed, organic-rich regolith of asteroid 1999 RQ36. The 1,600-foot-wide (500-meter-wide) space rock is the target of a proposed JPL mission called the Impactor for Surface and Interior Science (ISIS). The impactor spacecraft, which looks a little like a rocket-powered wedding ring, would hitch a free ride into space aboard the rocket carrying NASA's InSight mission to Mars. The impactor's trajectory would then loop around Mars and bear down on RQ36.
"One of the things that helps me sleep at night is that we know a lot about RQ36 because it is the target of another NASA mission called OSIRIS-REx," said Bhaskaran. "But it also provides some challenges because the scientists want us to hit the asteroid at a certain moment in time and at a certain location, so that the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft can be sure to monitor the results from a safe vantage point. It is a challenge but it's also really exciting."
The part of the ISIS mission Bhaskaran is most interested in is what happens after our rocket-festooned, cyber-hero rounds Mars and begins to close the distance with the asteroid at a speed of 8.4 miles per second (49,000 kilometers per hour). Over the next several months, the mission navigators would plan and execute several deep space maneuvers that refine the spacecraft's approach. Then, with only two hours to go, AutoNav would take over to make the final orbital changes.
"AutoNav's imaging system and its orbit determination algorithms will detect the asteroid and compute its location in space relative to the impactor," said Bhaskaran. "Without waiting to hear from us, it will plan for and execute three ITMs at 90 minutes, 30 minutes and then three minutes out. That last rocket firing will occur when the asteroid is only 1,500 miles [2,400 kilometers] away. Three minutes later, if all goes according to plan, the spacecraft hits like a ton of bricks."
While Bhaskaran loves ISIS for the navigation challenge it provides, the proposed mission's principal investigator likes what the out-of-this-world equivalent of the release of nine tons of TNT does to the surface -- and interior -- of an asteroid.
"We expect the crater excavated by the impact of ISIS could be around 100 feet across," said Chesley. "From its catbird seat in orbit around the asteroid, OSIRIS-REx, at its leisure, would not only be able to determine how big a hole there is, but also analyze the material thrown out during the impact."
The data would not only provide information on what makes up the asteroid, but how its orbit reacts to being hit by a NASA spacecraft.
"While the effect of ISIS on the orbit of asteroid 1999 RQ36 will be miniscule, it will be measurable," said Chesley. "Once we know how its orbit changes, no matter how small, we can make better assessments and plans to change some future asteroid's orbit if we ever need to do so. Of course, to get all these great leaps forward in understanding, we have to hit it in the first place."
Which leads us back to Bhaskaran and his hard drive laden full of hypervelocity impact simulations.
"We have confidence that whenever called upon, AutoNav will do its job," said Bhaskaran. "The trick is, we just don't tell AutoNav it's a one-way trip."
Bhaskaran will present his latest findings on guidance for hypervelocity impacts on Tuesday, April 16, at the International Academy of Astronautics' Planetary Defense Conference in Flagstaff, Ariz.
NASA detects, tracks and characterizes asteroids and comets passing relatively close to Earth using both ground- and space-based telescopes. The Near-Earth Object Observations Program, commonly called "Spaceguard," discovers these objects, characterizes a subset of them, and predicts their paths to determine if any could be potentially hazardous to our planet.
JPL manages the Near-Earth Object Program Office for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Steve Chesley of JPL is leading the Impactor for Surface and Interior Science (ISIS) mission proposal. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., manages the OSIRIS-Rex project.
More information about asteroids and near-Earth objects is at: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/asteroidwatch
"Source: NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory [April 17, 2013]"
Ufology Research
I shouldn't be surprised.
Fate Magazine has just publsihed its list of "100 Most Influential People in Ufology Today." The list includes Canadians Stan Friedman, Grant Cameron, Don Ledger, Errol Bruce-Knapp and Brian Vike. (In fact, I read about this on Errol's UFO Updates. http://www.virtuallystrange.net/ufo/updates/2005/may/m16-005.shtml )
Now, I like these guys and think they've been making some good contributions to ufology. Stan and Grant and I hail from the "good old days" of ufology and have seen it evolve into whatever it is today. I also don't want to diss anyone on the list.
But jeez, guys...
I have four books on Canadian ufology out. Along with Gf Dittman (who also wasn't mentioned on the list), I compile and produce the annual Canadian UFO Survey, a serious study of UFO data unparallelled elsewhere in the world, which generates a lot of media attention and helps get other Canadian ufologists a lot of airplay. Some years it even gets international attention. We've been at it since the late 1980s, and it's been featured in several books and mags.
I've done my stints on Rense and Errol's show. I've also been on three different A&E UFO specials, was featured on Unsolved Mysteries and have been recently filmed for what may be my 20th or 30th appearance on a UFO TV series or special.
My Swamp Gas Journal was the longest-running of any Canadian ufozine, from 1978 to the early 1990s. (It still kind of exists in this bLog and another one.)
In other words, I've been at this a long time, and I've received a significant amount of kudos within ufology for my work, which has included many peer-reviewed articles in scientific publications (advocating the serious study of UFOs by science), comments in UFO magazines, dozens of mainstream UFO books and many, many contributions to discussion lists.
I also have freely provided otherwise difficult-to-obtain case data for some on the list who used it later in their own books and articles.
And somehow, none of this has been "influential."
Billy Meier made the list, but not me. And Lynne Kitei, who has studied one particular recent series of sightings? Again, a nice person, but...
Well, this all says something. I'm not sure what, but it does.
Exopolitics: Strategies for ContactBy Ed Komarek4/3/05Copy and distribute freelyThere are three basic strategies towards developing contact with advanced ethical ET races that I would like to discuss. In this discourse I will discuss the second strategy with the third strategy being a combination of the two.The first strategy considered by most people is to travel to a area where ETV/ET activity has made it into the national or international news. Wither there is really is a increase in activity or simply a increase in reporting has to be established. It may even be that the perception of a increase in activity is due to the fact that they the ET's are simply allowing their craft to be seen while real activity remains constant.The second strategy that I personally have been pursuing is not as widely considered. My strategy has been and still is to borrow down into ET/ETV activity locally. This second strategy supposes that there is a large amount of ET activity going on everywhere under every bodies noses but is simply not discovered or reported.I built my own intelligence gathering network in the following manner. First I studied the literature in the ETV/ET field in depth then got to know many investigators personally and joined the organization MUFON as well as some other organizations. I realized at this point that this was much more than a scientific problem and the community was being steered away from seeing it as a political and intelligence problem. It was easy to see that you can't solve a intelligence problem and a political problem with scientific solutions because the evidence is being tampered with, suppressed and obfuscated.I began to read books on intelligence gathering and analysis as well as build my own local intelligence gathering network in my local area that encompassed about a fifty mile radius from Cairo Georgia. This included the capital of Florida, Tallahassee, and other Georgia cities like Bainbridge, Albany, Thomasville, Valdosta and several smaller communities. Over time I developed some high level intelligence connections on the Internet. Early on I gathered through my network quite a number of lower level retired military with intelligence experience and connections who had had ETV/ET experiences while working for the shadow government in different capacities including crash retrieval and a individual who supervised a elite group of pilots who flew mission was to photograph and study ETV's in the 1950's.He had a file at his job site in which there were pictures of different ET types dead and alive taken by Jimmy Doolittle the famous general and aviator of the Second World War. Jimmy Doolittle's involvement which I had never heard of before in the UFO community was confirmed by John Lear. In discussions with John he said that when he first got interested in UFO's his mother got worried and contacted their family friend who was none other than Jimmy Doolittle. Doolittle said to her that yes UFO's were real, but he could not talk about it.I built my network in this manner. First I began writing letters to the editor in local papers asking to be contacted by people who had seen UFO's. When I picked up several sightings this way I then went to local newspapers to have these people interviewed asking that my name and phone number be published. At this point things really took off. I was not only picking up current sightings which were numbering about two a week but a huge number of past sightings by people who were afraid of ridicule.These sightings seemed to cluster in certain areas and as I got to know the people who were having the peripheral sightings I burrowing down digging deeper and deeper, working down to the few people closest to the events. It was by generally pushing and prodding making a general nuisance of myself that I gathered more information from those few individuals closest to the sighting activity and the most close mouthed. It took years to build up enough trust to get much of the story beneath the story. To this day I have to keep much of this information secret. Most UFO investigators never get this deep. Most don't have the persistence, and few the integrity to gain the trust and protect the security interests of these individuals. An investigator gets a juicy morsel and go's public and people get hurt. That lack of integrity and trustworthiness stops the investigator in their tracts as the flow of information dries up. The investigator gets frustrated, moves on or even gets hostile to his contacts falling to find the fault within himself or herself. I think you can begin to get the point why I keep harping on this ethics thing.There are not many highly ethical investigators with high integrity in the ETV/ET community I have found out from personal observation. A first group of investigators have the usual fragile human psyche but they have powerful ego defenses that keep them from getting to the bottom of the matter. On the other end of the spectrum are those who's fragile psyche does not have the defenses of the first group and they get a little deeper but begin to fly off the handle into all kind of perceptions quite distant from reality. "grin" (Oh, not me you say.) To make matter worse, both of these types who again are two sides of the same coin get to fighting amongst themselves. I tell you from personal experience that no matter who you are if you think your psyche is not fragile you are fooling yourself and you have a lot to learn from the school of hard knocks.When one is able to dig deep enough, things really get interesting and heat up. I tracked down a individual who knew a lot but was not talking much. A friend of this individual was having a lot of sightings where this sighting cluster was going on so I started coming over with a camera. I got lucky I guess, because as it turned out later I was told that the ET's at the time were distracted and upset because the shadow government had got their hands on one of their friends from a affiliated group of ET's.The craft came in from the east as a bright red light with a little purple almost at the center. As it decelerated the bright red light diminished to only a small spot by the time it stopped and was hovering over the trees. At this point one could see windows and other lights on what looked like a airliner simply hovering over the swamp with no sound. I think I was seeing the thing edge on. I had taken a photo with high speed film but when developed the craft could not be seen in the picture while the light coming out of a window of a house of even less intensity could be easily seen. The craft began to move and the red light got brighter then dimmed again as it slowed again and stopped a little further away.This was the first craft I have seen and it kept my attention. Then my friend and I noticed that this other person had took off across the field with both my friend and I hurrying to catch up. The what turned out to be the contact person got down into the swamp first and pretty soon there were some very loud strange noises and my lady friend freaked. Hold my hand please hold my had. So damn, I had to deal with her for a little while and by that time the contact person came out laughing particularly at our friend who so wanted to have contact but freaked out.Apparently the ET's got surprised and did not meet with the contact for long and in fact I was told by the contact person that one of them had dropped the little remote control thing that opened and closed the door on the craft. Like the thing people use now days to lock their cars. Later my friend went back the next day to poke around but did not look close enough and missed finding the door opener. The contact went back and retrieved it, kept it for awhile and then gave it back to the ET's. He would not show it to us. But he teased our friend about not looking around well enough.That night I drove home and as I was driving down the long grassy road to my house I noticed two red lights fly over and across the corner of my property. They had followed me home to see where I lived. Later in a field the contact person took a picture of me in the field being scanned and later showed the picture to me. There were bands of light surrounding me but I had seen or felt nothing in the field. Later our friend and the contact person took a video of another type of craft of theirs that I was allowed to view. The video then had to be erased as it was for my eyes only. Later I was told by the contact person that the ET's would not interact with me directly because I had a big mouth and knew too many high level people in the UFO community. "grin" I have been trying over the years to keep it shut more but its hard as you can see from this post.After the contact person became a friend and could trust me this person confined in our mutual friend and myself about a lot of things over several years. Often we would have to make a nuisance of ourselves and aggravate things out of him. He had very legit security concerns as well as did his ETs. I hope I am not overstepping my bounds with this post. But as the events mostly happen years ago I think I am okay at least I hope so. I think I remember him saying it was okay to put out some of this as long as I was very careful. He does not want the government to get its hands on him either. I think its time to get some of this out but I still have to be careful.The ET's he is dealing with are human, short and barrel chested. Their civilization has not had a overt war for 2000 years but are locked into a low intensity conflict with some other groups that seem to be working with our government to keep this type ET out who won't have anything to do with our government. They are a small group affiliated with other groups who are more involved with humanity. They have been working in the local area for over 100 years. Their agenda is limited to some educational to their species and scientific work which involves taking water and soil samples and this is how the contact first met them. They also have a interest in the genetic blood lines of some Indian tribes as there is some kind of connections here from the past. They are from a local star about 12 light years away I think if I remember correctly.They did eventually rescue their friend that was being held in a underground room loaded with explosives and sensors so could not be beamed out. The shadow government did get highly sensitive information out of this ET through interrogation and torture before the other ET's were able to break him out. Not only does this information threaten this group but other affiliated groups as well, making it more difficult for them to operate here without being detected and shot down. It should not be difficult to see the benefit under these conditions that a person on the ground could be.I don't want to diverge too far here because what I am getting at is this. It seems that humanity and other civilizations like it that are emerging stellar civilizations are on the front lines of a mostly low intensity conflict at least on earth. This conflict between different ET federations can flare up into a high intensity conflict here or elsewhere in the neighborhood if certain bounds are breached. This is not unlike what is beginning to develop between China and the US as China become industrialized and more belligerent toward its neighbors or what happened with Germany causing the Second World War.Because my intelligence gathering network gathered up so much material this really helped me get a handle on the big picture. What may shock some people is that this conflict is much closer to them than they think. An individual who seems to now have benevolent ET contact was when I met this individual having typical abduction problems. After I had talked to this person in the beginning that night I was awoke in the middle of the night and was told mentally in not uncertain terms stay out of it. "grin" I practice the tao and I decided not to follow this any further but made a telepathic note that this was too much for me and somebody else better handle it. Several years later this person got back with me and has had changed very much no longer fearful and very clear and loving. The fearful abduction experiences had ended. This person now feels that there is contact with benevolent ETs.What really gets interesting is that in some cases I have studied various ET groups have interactions through families. A individual working for a agency in the government dealing with ET's may have children who part ways, one involved in benevolent contact with ethically advanced races and another sibling going to work for the shadow government involved with less ethical ET races and becoming a very dangerous person for those on the recieving end. Siblings having contact with opposing ethical ET groups can even share information between them protected by family bonds. The point I am making here is that the low intensity ET conflicts on earth filters down not only through generations of individuals but runs through whole family's. It even seems that the conflict even filters down into minds of individuals. I guess I'll stop now and let that thought sink in.
Credit: ufo-chronicles.blogspot.com
i was driving west bound on clyde rd just east of argentine rd in deerfeild township wed. evening on my way home from work and seen a green ball appear and streak across the sky from my left to directly in front of me. the object appear and disappeared within about a second. i was amazed that i actually foe the first time had seen a legitimate ufo. this happened only about 2 hours ago and i still can't believe that i seen a green orb streak the sky and just disappear and defy mans abilities in the sky. i have never witnessed something out of no where just show up and then just completely just go away like it was turned off like a switch. it was like a shooting star only it was no higher than the clouds. only thing i do know is that i feel a little bit different now having seeing with my own eyes
http://ifttt.com/images/no image card.png
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Further to my post of yesterday regarding Annie Jacobsen's new book, "AREA 51", there's another bit of data worth reporting on that also has a bearing on the story discussed in her book that has provoked so much controversy in the last few days - namely, that Roswell was a Cold War op initiated by Soviet Premier Josef Stalin and designed to cause "alien invasion"-based hysteria in the U.S.This additional piece of data comes via the notorious MJ12 documents. I'm not talking about the original documents (the Eisenhower Briefing Document and the Truman memo) that first publicly surfaced in Tim Good's 1987 book, ABOVE TOP SECRET, and that shortly afterwards surfaced just about here, there and everywhere.Rather, I'm talking about the even more controversial collection that came to researchers Dr. Robert Wood and Ryan Wood via UFO researcher Timothy Cooper in the mid-to-late-1990s. There seem to be four prevailing theories regarding the Cooper documents: (A) that they are the real thing (unlikely); (B) that they are government disinformation (not impossible); (C) that they are the work of someone in the public UFO arena acting alone, and who - by creating the documents - was intent on helping to champion Roswell as an alien event (interesting and plausible); and (D) that they were "still" the work of someone within Ufology, but who was getting the data for inclusion in the documents from old-timers who wanted to spill the beans, but in a fashion that would not come back and haunt them and provoke a government-driven backlash.Frankly, I'm not sure where I stand on all this, beyond stating that I don't believe the documents to be authentic, original documents. I "have" seen some intriguing testimony that suggests the creator of the documents may have been privy to startling insider data on UFOs, and duly used this to weave the documents for their own somewhat obscure reasons. And that's something to bear in mind as we now we come to the main part of the story.Of the near-Aladdin's Cave of documents that Cooper had in his possession, one is a highly-controversial (for its spelling errors, several date formats used throughout the document, and more) paper titled INTERPLANETARY PHENOMENON UNIT SUMMARY of 1947. As you might guess by its title and date, the IPU summary describes the events that have come to be known collectively as the Roswell Incident. It provides names, dates, places and events that tell an extraordinary story - and it's a story that some support, many dismiss as outright fabrication, and even more have forgotten, 15-years after the files surfaced.But, there's one very intriguing entry in the document. It appears in the last-but-one paragraph of the IPU report, and is presented as, essentially, the tentative conclusions of officialdom regarding what did, or did not, come down outside of Roswell in 1947.It states: "OUR ASSESSMENT OF THIS INVESTIGATION RESTS ON TWO ASSUMPTIONS: 1) EITHER THIS DISCOVERY WAS AN ELABORATE AND WELL ORCHESTRATED HOAX (MAYBE BY THE RUSSIANS), OR; 2) OUR COUNTRY HAS PLAYED HOST TO BEINGS FROM ANOTHER PLANET."As I mentioned, the Cooper collection of MJ12 material is as intriguing as it is controversial. But, I do find it very thought-provoking that (regardless of who wrote or created the documents, and for whatever purpose - obscure or otherwise) the IPU document suggested that U.S. authorities had allegedly addressed the idea that the Roswell event was borne out of a "well orchestrated hoax (maybe by the Russians)."This is, of course, all very relevant to the story told to Annie Jacobsen, and cited in her "AREA 51 "book. Did her source seen the IPU document at some point? Did her source have access to further files (or testimony) relative to how this determination of a Russian hoax had been made? What was it that prompted the creator of the IPU document to include that particular data on the "Russian hoax" in its pages? Are the MJ12-Cooper files nothing more than fabrications, or is the revelation above indicative of something weirder going on? I don't know, but I intend to keep digging - very, very deeply...
FEBRUARY 19, 2013 - UNITED STATES - The following report comes from the Mutual UFO Network's Case Management System. The eye-witness reveal details about unidentified objects seen from a plane, while flying over Detroit.
I was flying from Nashville to Detroit. The video was shot around 11 am ET.
Throughout the flight, the plane made an unusual amount of turns. Around 11 am, I looked out the window and observed a very bright light keeping pace with our airplane. It was cloudy and the sun was above.
I figured that the sun was maybe reflecting off something to generate the bright light. I took video as we went through clouds. It appeared that clouds would go over the object and to block its light.
The object then disappeared. Roughly two minutes later or so, the object reappeared. Thinking it was just a reflection of the sun, I tilted my phone camera up to shoot the sun and caught an object above our plane. My flight was scheduled to land at 11:30, so we may have started to make our descent into Detroit; our cruising altitude was 31,000 feet.
If we were descending it was in the very beginning stages of our descent when I shot the footage. I did not realize I had caught the image of the object above my plane until about 5 minutes after shooting it, and I watched the footage back.
I did not have lights on at my seat when I shot the footage of the object. I am not sure what the object is, or if its a reflection of some kind. Please let me know what you think. - MUFON.WATCH: Unknown Object Filmed from Plane over Detroit.
Credit: mystery-sky-lights.blogspot.com
While Mars was likely a more hospitable place in its wetter, warmer past, the Red Planet may still be capable of supporting microbial life today, some scientists say.
Ongoing research in Mars-like places such as Antarctica and Chile's Atacama Desert shows that microbes can eke out a living in extremely cold and dry environments, several researchers stressed at "The Present-Day Habitability of Mars" conference held here at the University of California Los Angeles this month.
And not all parts of the red planet's surface may be arid currently - at least not all the time. Evidence is building that liquid water might flow seasonally at some Martian sites, potentially providing a haven for life as we know it.
"We certainly can't rule out the possibility that it's habitable today," said Alfred McEwen of the University of Arizona, principal investigator for the HiRise camera aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft.
McEwen discussed some intriguing observations by HiRise, which suggest that briny water may flow down steep Martian slopes during the local spring and summer. Sixteen such sites have been identified to date, mostly on the slopes of the huge Valles Marineris canyon complex, McEwen said. The tracks seem to repeat seasonally as the syrupy fluids descend along weather-worn pathways.
While the brines may originate underground, Caltech's Edwin Kite noted, there is an increasing suspicion that a process known as deliquescence - in which moisture present in the atmosphere is gathered by compounds on the ground, allowing it to become a liquid - may be responsible. Read more
While researchers suggest that microbial life on Mars is possible, in 2008, the Vatican already confirmed that life on Mars and in outer space cannot be ruled out.
In 2008, The Pope's chief astronomer Jos'e Funes says that life on Mars cannot be ruled out.
Besides, Father Gabriel Funes, said intelligent beings created could exist in outer space. Just as there are multiple forms of life on earth, so there could exist intelligent beings in outer space.
And some aliens could even be free from original sin, he speculates.
Revealing interview with Jos'e Funes (video).
In 2009, Lachezar Filipov, deputy director of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences said that even the seat of the Catholic church, the Vatican, had agreed that aliens existed.
In 2010, The Pope's astronomer, Guy Consolmagno, said Intelligent aliens may be living among the stars and are likely to have souls.
The late prelate of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples Corrado Balducci, a theologian of the Roman Curia and a good friend of the pope perhaps most clearly spoke out about the existence of extraterrestrials.
Balducci has said repeatedly that extraterrestrial contact is real and that there are aliens among us.
"Referring to the episode of unsealed: Alien Files in the sign of the Vatican. The series is based on secret documents revealed by the FBI on April 8, 2011".
It is clear that the Vatican has evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life.
Probably a wise decision if researchers involved in the study of possible life on Mars and in outer Space, contact the Vatican. It would be an interesting revelation.
Origin: dark-sky-misteries.blogspot.com
I live in Southgate, Mich. From there, off to the west, I observed a bright, stationary object approx. 10-20 degrees off the horizon. Observing through binoculars did not help me to determine a shape, but I was able to determine a red glow around the bottom of it. As this object was hovering in the air, 4 other crafts ascended from the ground into sky one after the other over a span of 15 mins. These crafts were glowing orange and rose to an unknown height where the orange glow then ceased from shining. After this occurred, original bright object slowly disappeared. July 29, 2013 9:30p.m.
(via MUFON.com)
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:g ABODES - By studying sun-like stars, astronomers may have solved a mystery about the composition of comets. The study provides new insight into the processes behind planet and comet formation. See article.g COSMICUS - Nearly 40 years after Americans first set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969 with NASA's historic Apollo 11 flight, a host of private rocketeers are hoping to follow to win a 30 million prize. Here, SPACE.com looks at Team FREDNET, one of 17 teams competing in the Google Lunar X Prize. See article.g AFTERMATH - When an alien lands on the White House lawn, who should greet him (her? it?): Someone from the Immigration and Naturalization Service or someone from the Fish and Wildlife Commission? What legal rights would an extraterrestrial have? See article. Note: This article is from 1977, but the issue has been thought about very little.Get your SF book manuscript edited
The Planetary Society, founded in 1980 by Carl Sagan, Bruce Murray, and Louis Friedman, inspires and involves the world's public in space exploration through advocacy, projects, and education. Today, The Planetary Society is the largest and most influential public space organization group on Earth. Dedicated to exploring the solar system and seeking life beyond Earth, The Planetary Society is non-governmental and nonprofit and is funded by the support of its members.
You can keep track of the growing number of exoplanets with the new Planetary Society online Catalog of Exoplanets.
With the successful launch of Kepler, NASA's exoplanet-finding spacecraft -- and ESA's Corot already in orbit -- the Catalog of Exoplanets will be invaluable for keeping up with the many new upcoming discoveries from space and from the ground.
See: http://planetary.org/exoplanets
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:g ABODES - Scientists are testing a miniature laboratory that could be used to study the composition of rocks and atmospheres on moons, asteroids and planets in the solar system. A recent field test of the instrument was performed in the mouth of a sleeping Hawaiian volcano. See article.g MESSAGE - Analogies can provide a useful role for anticipating what might happen if, some day, we detect a signal from extraterrestrials. To briefly recap our last article in this series, some scholars have suggested that we might gain insights into decoding extraterrestrial messages that may be embedded in such a signal. These insights, they suggest, come from the experience that linguists have gained in the course of decoding ancient languages on Earth. See article. Note: This article is from 2001.g COSMICUS - President Barack Obama's new plan for NASA has been met with some anger and confusion in the weeks since its announcement, drawing sharp objections from critics who view it as a radical vision change for the space agency that would upset the world leadership of the United States in space. See article.g LEARNING - "Are we alone?" It's a question asked by curious kids of all ages including grown-up kids called scientists. In the classroom, the question may take different forms: Do extraterrestrials exist? Can we look for and find ET? Are aliens visiting Earth? Did ETs land in Roswell, New Mexico, or are ETs hidden in the Nevada desert? Can NASA send a spaceship to search the galaxy for ET? In this classroom activity, students consider how long it takes to travel to Sirius using different modes of transportation: walking, bicycling, driving, flying, and traveling in the space shuttle or a spacecraft.g IMAGINING - Although they're not nominated for an Academy Award, plants play a central role in the blockbuster movie "Avatar." A botanist provided the science behind how these unusual organisms may have evolved. See article.Get your SF book or manuscript edited
UFO Hunters is an American television series that premiered on January 30, 2008 on The History Channel, produced by Motion Picture Production Inc., and ran for three seasons.Jon Alon Walz was the Executive Producer of the show and was responsible for selling the series to History Channel after a bidding war for the rights to the show broke out between History Channel and Sci-Fi Channel (now Syfy).The concept for the show was tested in a segment of History Channel's 2006 UFO special entitled "Deep Sea UFOs", produced by Motion Picture Production Inc, which featured two of the final four cast members. "UFO Hunters" was not a spin-off from a 2005 History Channel special with the same title. The tagline of the show is: Hoax or History?The series should not be confused with a similarly themed and titled UFO Hunters, a special that debuted the same day and time on the Sci-Fi Channel, (now SyFy), and created by the producers of Ghost Hunters, but which only aired one episode.In the US, History Channel only released the first two seasons on DVD in the correct airdate order. However, the format was only released in full screen (1:33:1) instead of wide screen. In the UK, History Channel released the third and final season on DVD however, the episodes were released in the incorrect airdate order.In a 2011 interview with Jim Harold, William J. Birnes claimed that after the Dulce Base episode aired, the show was canceled by top level executives at History Channel.Season twoSeason Two aired from October 29, 2008 to February 25, 2009.Episode Title Original Airdate201 (14) "Invasion Illinois" October 29, 2008The team reviews a 2004 Tinley Park, Illinois UFO mass-sighting event where some eyewitnesses claim seeing three separate objects, while others believe it was a single triangular craft over 1500 feet wide. 202 (15) "UFO Emergency" November 5, 2008The hunters reopen famous police cold-cases involving mass UFO sightings such as the 1994 Trumbull County, Ohio and Holland, Michigan sightings and the 2000 Millstadt, Illinois case where 911 dispatchers were flooded with calls and police radio chatter of strange lights moving slowly through the sky. 203 (16) "Heartland Explosion" November 12, 2008The team investigates an April 16, 2008 Kokomo, Indiana report of a high decibel boom that echoed across the heartland and was supposedly followed by sightings of a fiery object in the night sky. 204 (17) "First Contact" November 19, 2008The team researches the story of the 1897 Aurora, Texas UFO crash where the townsfolk are rumored to have tossed the ship wreckage down a well and buried the body of the non-human pilot in their local cemetery. 205 (18) "The Real Roswell" December 3, 2008The team looks into rumors of the crash site of a flying disk recovered by the military in New Mexico on the same night of the famous Roswell UFO Incident. 206 (19) "Arizona Lights" December 10, 2008The hunters join Out of the Blue filmmaker James Fox on an investigation of an April 21, 2008 mass-sighting report of a triangular craft spotted over the Nevada/Arizona border to as far as Tucson and looks at connections to the "Phoenix Lights" incident of 1997. 207 (20) "Lost UFO Files" December 31, 2008The team delves into the University of Arizona archives to review the notes of late UFO investigator James E. McDonald and brings to light his research and evidence that has lain dormant since his death in 1971. 208 (21) "Alien Fallout" January 14, 2009The investigators take a look at close encounters of the second kind, such as the December 29, 1980 case of Betty Cash, and Vickie and Cody Landrum, who claimed they encountered a fiery object hovering over a road that emitted intense heat and allegedly left them suffering symptoms of radiation exposure. 209 (22) "UFO Storm" January 28, 2009The team joins UFO researcher Nick Pope and investigates a recent wave of UFO hysteria in the United Kingdom which started soon after the Ministry of Defense released formerly classified documents in May 2008. 210 (23) "Giant UFOs" February 4, 2009The team probes the skies over England following an airline pilot's official report of a pair of UFOs he believed to be at least a mile in length, and a review of other sightings of gigantic unidentified craft seen over the United States. 211 (24) "Aliens at the Airport" February 11, 2009The hunters investigate the growing number of encounters between commercial aircraft and UFOs, highlighting a November 2006 incident at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago and a 2004 sighting in Osaka, Japan. 212 (25) "Alien Crashes" February 18, 2009The hunters try to find what the military covered up in a recent May 2008 crash of an unknown object in Needles, California, and looks at other famous crash incidents like the Kecksburg, Pennsylvania case where the military supposedly undertook a massive clean up effort and intimidated local witnesses. 213 (26) "Area 51 Revealed" February 25, 2009The team finds new vantage points to spy on the recent activity at Area 51, which in the past decade has acquired more public lands to increase perimeter security, and built new towers, buildings and runways for the continued development of top secret aircraft.
Credit: mystery-sky-lights.blogspot.com
The National UFO ALERT Rating System has been updated April 4, 2013, with California, Florida, New York and Texas moving to a UFO Alert 3 as the highest reporting states during the month of March 2013, filed with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).
California was the leading high-reporting state in March with 59 cases, up from 53 February cases and 63 January cases.
Those states in a UFO Alert 4 category with 13 or more reports include: Michigan, Arizona, Washington, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Oregon.
All other states move to a UFO Alert 5 category with lower numbers of UFO activity. The Watch States -- with 10 or more cases -- are Missouri and Indiana.
MUFON released March statistics April 1, where the total number of reported UFO sightings is listed by state. The UFO Examiner uses these statistics to rate states. The entire country was moved back to the lowest alert level -- UFO Alert 5.
California takes the lead with 59 cases; Florida, 30; New York, 26; and Texas, 26.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/roger-marsh/national-ufo-alert-four-s b 3016802.html?utm hp ref=ufo