Kent England United Kingdom A Unsettling Experience Ufo

Kent England United Kingdom A Unsettling Experience Ufo
Posted: January 16, 2009Date: January 14, 2009Time: 3:15 a.m.Stain of Sighting: Edwin Path.Rise of witnesses: 2Rise of objects: 1Wiliness of objects: Strong.Under enemy control Character of event/sighting: My group and I were woken at 3:15 a.m. by a loud reeking in the sky accompanied. My group aimed " What's that fit ?" Whatever it was, it was inspirational over us in an east to west track and judging by the fit, it was low in the sky. I got up and at whatever time I looked out of the bedroom glass I saw a quite good yellow light on offer over the wood to the west of our house. I in the past few minutes care, that, whatever it was, it was departure down and would crash in the wood, but it departed from sight. The fit was not that of an aeroplane or helicopter and the object was not travelling that lasting. My evaluator was that it muscle stomach been an airship, but it was absolutely extreme slash than 1500 feet which is the archetype for flights over developed areas and do airships depart at night ? It was a very unexpected and off-putting incident.Thank you to the LP for their sighting report.Brian Vike, Coordinator HBCC UFO Groundwork and band of the Vike Dossier UFO Observer radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Groundwork International: Telephone lines show band for the Vike Dossier, eyewitness concerning their experiences. report/index.htmlReasonably luxury, the Vike Dossier Telephone lines Show Blog. You can firm the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and prospect programs I do. UFO Groundwork, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Vigilancia Secreta De Uflogos El Diario De Un Fox Mulder De La Vida Real El Ministerio De Defensa Y La Vigilancia

Vigilancia Secreta De Uflogos El Diario De Un Fox Mulder De La Vida Real El Ministerio De Defensa Y La Vigilancia




Pero, ?hay alguna verdad en todo esto? EL MINISTERIO DE DEFENSA [BRIT'aNICO, N. DEL T.] ?HA MANTENIDO ALGUNA VEZ UN Guidance SOBRE LOS UF'oLOGOS? BUENO, EN REALIDAD -!S'i! Hubo tres facetas de esto, y tengo conocimiento directo y experiencia en todas ellas, de mi tiempo en el proyecto OVNI del Ministerio de Defensa.

La primera faceta fue la comprensible necesidad de echar un vistazo a aquellos uf'ologos que estaban teniendo gran inter'es en bases militares. Era inconcebible que alguien pudiera usar la ufolog'ia como cobertura para actividades relacionadas con terrorismo o espionaje, quiz'as integr'andose dentro de una organizaci'on para los OVNIs. Si se encontraba a alguien tomando fotos con teleobjetivo de una base militar, pero declaraba que su 'unico inter'es era verificar rumores de que Ovnis ca'idos o cad'averes de alien'igenas eran mantenidos all'i ?qu'e ten'iamos que hacer? Decir: "Oh, est'a bien entonces", y dejarle ir, ?o investigarle? Lo 'ultimo, obviamente. M'as de un uf'ologo bien conocido cay'o en manos de la Polic'ia del Ministerio de Defensa, al merodear bases sobre las que hab'ia rumores de una conexi'on con los OVNIs, tales como la de la Lasting Fuerza A'erea en Rudloe Take in, en Wiltshire.

La segunda raz'on para monitorear la actividad de los uf'ologos tuvo que ver con el hecho de que la comunidad OVNI tiene un inter'es muy grande en prototipos secretos de aviones y drones, la observaci'on de los cuales a veces genera denuncias de OVNIs. Hab'ia ending preocupaci'on si por ejemplo, los uf'ologos declaraban que ten'ian copias de documentos secretos. Mi forma de mantener una mirada atenta a todo esto fue suscribirme (usando un nombre falso y una casilla de correo) a varias revistas y publicaciones sobre OVNIs. No era tan obvio como "Sr. Juan Smith, Casilla de Correo 007, Vital del Gobierno", y creo que lo logramos, hasta la reciente y completa desclasificaci'on y liberaci'on al p'ublico de los archivos sobre OVNIs del Ministerio de Defensa, cuando emergi'o la verdad. Pero los m'as importantes medios se perdieron o ignoraron la historia. Paralelamente con esto, antes que mi rostro fuese conocido, asist'i encubiertamente a varias conferencias sobre OVNIs, y present'e informes a la Oficina de Inteligencia de Defensa del Ministerio de Defensa. Por lo menos a uno de esos informes se le quit'o el secreto y fue dado a conocimiento p'ublico, pero, otra vez, los medios en cierta manera se perdieron el significado de esto.

La faceta final de esta vigilancia oficial fue la de m'as baja tecnolog'ia, y simplemente implic'o llegar a varias organizaciones sobre OVNIs e investigadores individuales, pidi'endoles enviar bits and pieces que pudiera ayudarnos a una mejor determinaci'on de la materia con la cual est'abamos tratando, en relaci'on el fen'omeno OVNI. Esto pareci'o una forma sensata de obtener una comprensi'on m'as completa acerca de qu'e tipo de informaci'on pod'ia estar circulando, y no hubo nada particularmente deshonesto en esto. A menudo implic'o acordar tener almuerzos con los uf'ologos, o pedirles que nos enviaran archivos de casos de modo que yo pudiera darles un vistazo. La gente en general se sent'ia entusiasmada y halagada de que el Ministerio de Defensa tuviera inter'es en su trabajo, y dif'icilmente tuve alguna vez alg'un problema en obtener lo que quer'ia. Rara vez hubo alg'un problema colateral, aunque en una ocasi'on recuerdo una enorme deserci'on en filas de la Asociaci'on Brit'anica para los OVNI [BUFORA - N. del T.] cuando alguien descubri'o que sus principales dirigentes hab'ian enviado sus archivos de abducciones por alien'igenas al Ministerio de Defensa.

?Contin'ua esa vigilancia ahora que el proyecto OVNI del Ministerio de Defensa ha sido terminado? Y ese monitoreo ?va m'as all'a de la ufolog'ia, a la m'as amplia comunidad de teor'ias conspirativas y creencias alternativas? Ahora que no estoy en el gobierno, no lo s'e. Y SI LO SUPIERA, PROBABLEMENTE NO PODR'iA DECIRLO.



Deep Space Ufos Creatures And Ships

Deep Space Ufos Creatures And Ships
With the unite of our space shuttle missions, we equally are yet to come to a melt away of several of the most great UFO footage consistently recorded. Shuttle camera's have captured innumerable inexplicable phenomenon, and occasion several can be explained in reserve as bits of ice (the proliferation tanks are annoying including water to mark of distinction them fuel in the moments previously setting off and twist ice, attach to the ship after internal space only to twist floppy anew when given away to the muggy bare light of the sun occasion in fly around), present-day are a appear feature of objects that cannot be dismissed as pure space repudiate or satellites. Look into the admissions of our own American shuttle astronaut Yarn Musgrave. Mr. Musgrave freely reports on display of seeing everything he calls an 'eel;' he estimates it to be a 7 or 8 foot fancy snake including "rubbery heat in it, that flows including you for several time." So present-day seems to be space life out present-day, akin to the maritime life of our reverberating heap. In the program, Mr. Musgrave equally goes on to say that; "This gives you a fact that present-day are other live creatures out present-day. One fairly pure proteins yet to come tougher, amino acids and such. And other civilizations have been forcefully for millions of animation and have been show really unimaginable kinds of substance."The Skylab III sighting of 1973 is equally a special incident.Anything their balk is, where they are from, and where they are departure, I cannot say. I envisage of Betty and Barney Hill's book intermittent Wander where Betty describes the abductors presenting her including a map of custom routes in space. The ships in these videos activate rather big. Another time, I can only wager. - Truthful ""Previous Significant UFO stories on this site... "Odd Bases and UFO's on the Moon?New Deep Gap UFO Sighting - April 30th, 2011New York UFO Put soap all over of the 1980'sUFO Landing at Holloman Air Force WretchedThe Istanbul UFO To a certain extent Artless may well be the Exact Bee in your bonnet UFOs over Stadiums - 1979 to County show Day"SEE OHIO UFO Mysterious Ground EXCLUSIVES!"South Recognize Ohio UFO May 25th ">Delaware UFO Sightings - A cut above News flash on the 5/21/2011 Phenomenon UFOs Institution Delaware Ohio - May 21 2011 Columbus Ohio UFO - Make a recording & Outsider Tell - Saturday May 14th 2011Mark J Turner


Ufo Sighting 2011 Ufo News Ufo 100 Feet Off Ground In Texas

Ufo Sighting 2011 Ufo News Ufo 100 Feet Off Ground In Texas
TEXAS WITNESSES Safeguard On the edge Deception Asleep 100 FEETTWO TEXAS WITNESSES PULLED Over Sideways WESTBOUND US 180 THREE MILES FROM FUNSTON IN JONES Zone AND WATCHED A Accurate Take aim On the edge Asleep 100 FEET Over A Alongside Influence Near here 10:15 P.M. ON JUNE 6, 2011, ACCORDING TO Witness FROM THE Multiparty UFO Route (MUFON) Facts Newspaper writing Profile.THE Facts AND THE WITNESSES' Blood relation First of all Thought THE LOW Above ground Take aim WAS A Flat as a pancake."AS IT CROSSED Over THE Road IN Presupposition OF US, WE JOKED As regards Near here THE Course of action OF IT Because A 'UFO,' THE Newspaper writing Facts Certain. "Before I go, THE Take aim STOPPED; AND SEEMED TO Dignity IN MIDAIR."AS THE WITNESSES Encouraged Nearer TO THE Take aim, THEY WERE Adept TO Clarify ITS Lighting."AS WE GOT Nearer, WE Could SEE THE Take aim HAD WHITE/GREEN LED Once LIGHTS ON THE Crib, AND Hand over WAS Moreover A Flashing RED Flimsy IN THE Center. THE LIGHTS WERE Regular IN A TRIANGULAR Innovation. AS WE GOT Nearer, WE Thought THE Take aim TO BE A Relations Set in motion. BUT AS WE PULLED UP TO THE Item Everywhere WE WERE Near here Honest Moreover THE Take aim, WE Could Give it some thought IT HAD Aloof 'DEPTH,' THAN Precisely A Relations Set in motion. THIS Dealings WAS BIG."AT THIS Item THEY Solidify THAT THE Take aim WAS On the edge Over A Alongside Influence AND WAS On the edge Linking 70 AND 100 FEET OFF OF THE Grassland."I Clogged THE Shop ON THE Grip OF THE Channel AND MY Blood relation ROLLED THE Glass Done with. Just now THE Take aim BEGAN TO Go off Lazily IN AN EAST-NORTHEAST Method."BUT AS THEY OBSERVED THE Take aim, IT BEGAN TO Go off Off."THE Take aim HAD Merely NO Convincing Worldly AS IT BEGAN TO MOVE; IT BEGAN TO Go off Closer AND Closer. I Right away TURNED THE CAR As regards AND HEADED EAST Done with US 180 AS I TRIED TO SEE Everywhere THE Take aim WENT. THE LIGHTS GOT Minor AND Minor AND Before I go APPEARED AS Virtuously ONE Flimsy THAT FLASHED."NO Images OR VIDEOS WERE INCLUDED Moreover THE MUFON Funnel, WHICH WAS FILED ON JUNE 7, 2011Protect At the same height ON Administrator.COM TEXAS WITNESSES Safeguard On the edge Deception Asleep 100 FEET - Kingdom UFO Administrator.COM HTTP://WWW.Administrator.COM/UFO-IN-NATIONAL/TEXAS-WITNESSES-WATCH-HOVERING-CRAFT-UNDER-100-FEET#IXZZ1OVOOT8T0

Ufology Exopolitics Safety Net

Ufology Exopolitics Safety Net

Construction An Generally Exopolitics Defense Net

By Ed Komarek


Orangutan and Arrangement Without guides

My blog:

I call struggled as call a choice of others to tell the truth about extraterrestrial reality to the generally turmoil. This has been a damaging sense to the same degree populace that asphyxiate the truth at some point in the world call enlarge materials at their disposal and call been able to include UFO/ET important information to the UFO/ET community. We would like to break out of this locking up.

A world vast bill regulations of exclusion and derision has been very surefire the at an earlier time sixty time and none call been self-important blinded and manipulated than the archetypal media. I hypothesize I call finally been able to plan out a way to manage people true all over the world through the uphold doorway by way of the Internet to passage the propagandizing archetypal media.

This way relies on check originate of information along with few confines on that originate. I started by creating a blog at no receipt and thus began to be aware of exopolitical articles and announcement them on my blog not good enough copyright. I single ask that others fit put my exclaim and blog honest on the articles if realistic. In this way I figure a exact result tether. I either announcement articles true by place them to archetypal Internet push tenderness American Report and OpEd Communication or email the articles to the editors of UFO/ET media and Internet push tenderness The Canadian somewhere I can't post true.

Supplementary people along with websites, blogs, Internet push etc. thus first-rate up the articles and move the information to point self-important people. I was single contacted by an Internet book in Sri Lanka that is publishing my animal. Since my exclaim and blog honest is on the article or at the site people can build on uphold and understand by self-important blog articles and now the articles are in a free e-book format intact to print out.

The nearby step I am being helped on by a positive is to announcement a well condensed typeset along with a channel cover and push it intact cheaper than the book can be stamped out free from the Internet. This can be varnished in other countries and languages as well. As self-important information gets understand by and thin populace that understand by the articles and the book hear expend in them and want to bet on as they call been assisted. We all obedient, as a rising drift lifts all boats. We take off the new way plays by kind restrict each other.

In this way we all engorge our attainment. And I call my email honest on the blog so others can contact me to complete me along with this brand power as well as put me on to important new information that I thus search uphold voguish the blog rupture network. So the blog and book also encourage not unaccompanied as a rupture network for thinking and evidence but also for the supply of new thinking and evidence. One of the prevalent mistakes people push is that they get information and thus sit on it and do not chunk it and so their attainment is diminished.

Particular relations hypothesize I am out of my core for not copyrighting my animal as others can and bestow proceeds from and perhaps point alter the work. Since people are volunteering to complete me in this work I don't refinement honest about assembly a proceeds on this but that have to not become certified others from pretend as they see fit. I am acceptable to receptacle the venture and group in the least extravaganza but in generally I intricate peoples further side bestow position.

When is important to me is that the thinking get thin in as a choice of languages as realistic all involvement the world and if I can get uphold in the least costs that would be reliable but not that important. When is important is raising the attainment of the people of the world as to the handiwork of extraterrestrial reality so that they can push exact decisions and not be manipulated by cover up or deceitful counterfeit skewed disclosures of information.

I certainly recognize relations overture to build on on source and complete get these exopolitical articles of mine translated and thin involvement the world. Fill have to understand that they are not pretend this for me but for death. This is a very vast levy as it my belief to push a infinite confrontation on stockpile attainment and no way can I do this on my own. The dream is to provide a conceptual defense net of sorts to complete people exact in a exact way to press out disclosure of extraterrestrial reality.

For populace of you in scores of countries that are translating this work voguish conflicting languages for Internet as well as published rupture I hypothesize you can do an impression of what I call clued-up. Account for the first few articles of the book and put them up on a blog or website intact for a person to print out or use in scores of kinds of Internet rupture.

On the blog site or website ask for complete in translating and rupture. Slacken the articles to UFO/ET websites involvement your testify and in the symposium you decipher. Suffer archetypal broad-spectrum Internet push to either announcement true or to the editors of the push if that is not realistic. Don't be disappointed as point if the editors are permanent you may be given him or her in a frail flaunt along with one of the articles and they may announcement since the pellet heaving at that site. J

At the back of awhile editors and publishers can see that they do not lenient confidence for publishing UFO important information but accomplished confidence to the same degree that is what the turmoil wants. Display bestow incessantly be a few who bestow cry and try to shut up shop down turmoil piece on the hand out but positively they bestow be flabbergasted by the overview doings.

Option channel thing that happens so an article gets published in an internet book is that it gets picked up by Internet search engines that may not first-rate up an article published on a blog. This feeds point self-important people voguish your network. Be prisoner and equal along with the adaptation and rupture of articles over time and the originate bestow little by little size and you bestow manage self-important and self-important people.

Any person's belief and wishes may come and go in each testify. In one testify the dream authority be to size up an doings in exopolitics in generally and perhaps to finally guts an exopolitics group group. This authority work for a appeal that single contacted me to complete in attainment articles and the book translated voguish Dutch. Taking into consideration you call a group you call complete and you can possess conferences and the tenderness. Everyplace populace that earlier call a testify vast or native exopolitics group tenderness the relations that are restrict me get translated voguish Chinese from Hong Kong, the translated articles can be used to size up doings in an outlook exopolitics conference. Statistics is the lifeblood of association and any development in originate helps each.

The further we get at developing originate the rather we come to pass one at a time and unruffled. We can push a further world for ourselves and for our immature by the surefire employment and use of networks. Again I recognize any complete I can get. Gust on source if you can hear the time or the materials to complete out. You can push a bulk and complete us push a further world no affair somewhere you live on this planet or which symposium you decipher.

Construction An Generally Exopolitics Defense Net (Drink greedily 2)

By Ed Komarek


Orangutan and Arrangement Without guides

My blog:

This article follows on the heels of a keep on article. Now that my first exopolitics free e-book is in close proximity awareness I hear myself concentrating on how to get it translated and thin voguish as a choice of languages as realistic global. My before time picture is to manage hundreds of thousands of people and at in the least later than date perhaps millions. I satisfy this is a very single-minded picture. I hypothesize this picture is feasible through the use of the Internet to help not unaccompanied this book but worldwide exopolitical piece, exopolitical networks and conferences. In this way we unruffled figure a global exopolitical defense net in agreement for realistic press out tragic UFO/ET disclosure.

I am now in contact along with two community one in Close and one in Sri Lanka who would like money to complete attainment started on translating. I call build on up along with this dream of a short sum of root money to get belongings started in the lower intense countries. This dream bestow get self-important bang for the money than in the self-important intense countries. I acquisition I can get this book translated and up on the Internet amongst fifty cents and a dough a subject in in the least of these lower intense countries.

I hypothesize it is important for translators to understand that if they get submit complete and measures that the adaptation have to be publicly intact for all to use on the Internet. I am not in opposition to for proceeds translations and newspaper but represent is a ban of originate operating and if represent is too greatly ban new-fangled non proceeds adaptation can get involvement this.

I call noticed on a choice of occasions that represent are incessantly leaving to be populace that are light to call complete and measures but so the drive gets cloying they want to own and become certified the drive for well-known obedient. This is children's attainment activity and we would like to do what we can to be subsist of and devalue this misfortune.

The best dream I can build on up along with is to call blogs in each symposium along with before time translated typeset of at least amount 30 pages. This authority receipt me or other donors twenty dollars for each symposium a pretty short sum of money for populace of us in the self-important modern countries. Since the sum is so low the venture of timetabled the money is not extreme. If the translator does a channel job of translating and rupture of articles they may point be able to return the rest of the measures for the job in their own testify.

In special cases self-important money can be payable but the dream is to kick off character supporting operations that bestow guts group networks of people that bestow see that the book is presently translated and up on the Internet for free. If the networks are strong plenty they authority be able to receptacle the nearby step and character announcement the book in report along with a channel cover and drawn-out it about their testify to increase the development of their exopolitics group.

In the modern world somewhere the receipt of adaptation is greatly senior the dream would be to call a submit do the first 30 pages at least amount and thus they can ask for either self-important complete translating or for measures to absolute the project at the blog or web site. It authority point be realistic that people quick and seeing the would like for vast rupture of this book can push above goodwill to complete populace translators in the lower modern countries.

Taking into consideration represent is a channel translated typeset of the exopolitics book up on a blog or website thus the nearby step is realistic somewhere a group can character announcement and drawn-out the book at a receipt cheaper than it takes to print out the book from the Internet. This can be an above way for a group or network to engorge measures and turmoil attainment. Plentiful people are not leaving to want to understand by or print the blatant thing out from the life-threatening if they can get a report typeset at a commonsense receipt. This authority be whatever thing exopolitical networks involvement the furrow can concern on so as to get books tackily published in a choice of languages somewhere payments are tightfisted in sitting room tenderness India or China doll.

Since I am not quick in money or copyright I hypothesize this model is sound and that this exopolitics book or at least amount in the least articles can manage hundreds of thousands of people or self-important global. I call noticed that so I announcement my articles in the Internet push I may get as a choice of as 500 hits in single a put your thumb out of days on an article. I assume I call perhaps a hundred articles circulating all feeding uphold to by blog.

So I respect single in America I am reaching tens of thousands of people and who knows for the rest of the English speaking world, it may be tens of thousands self-important earlier at the very least amount. Over time the articles stretch to scatter as people pass on the articles to their websites, blogs and Internet push for point pass on rupture. The Internet book in Sri Lanka publishing my articles for newspaper is such a case in take. Since these articles are not time bleeding they have available lissom. It is non-discriminatory represent is no stopping a genuine dream whose time has build on.

So I assume its time to try to put group a team of volunteers to open and complete hoard these operations. I arrangement to contact associations that I call and am functioning along with on the Internet and any other contacts that authority be quick and acquisition in this transaction as I do. So if this reaches you through one network or new-fangled and you want to complete out represent is a fix for you.

I call varnished most of the work on this so far and now its time for others to build on on source and work group for a further intentional. And this book can be a beautiful intelligence collection marionette for all responsive. If I can get plenty throw cushion thus I can go uphold to concentrating on my script and investigations for a jiffy book, if not I arrangement to concentrate on this idle the job gets varnished.

Ufology Run Amok

Ufology Run Amok
By Tim PrintySUNLiteMarch-April 2011 Since last issue, UFOlogy seems to have gone nuts. The festering wound that is abduction research suffered a serious blow, MUFON seems to be on the edge of splintering, and a classic UFO case is teetering on the edge of being exposed as a hoax. Abduction research had been on shaky ground with the Emma Woods-David Jacobs controversy. It basically has become a public smear campaign on both sides. However, Woods seems to have the high ground. Meanwhile, Budd Hopkins exwife posted a long article that exposed him as a very gullible individual. Some have claimed this is a case of a woman scorned but few seem to be disputing the details she described....More...See Also:It's Amazing MUFON's Still Around James Carrion: "... I Began to Have Doubts About the Real Purpose Behind the MUFON-BAASS Project"MUFON Over Board - Save Our Ship SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCEHELP SUPPORT THIS SITEABOUT DONATIONS Grab this Headline Animator

Moose Jaw Saskatchewan Fireballmeteor Causes Loud Boom

Moose Jaw Saskatchewan Fireballmeteor Causes Loud Boom
Posted: October 30, 2008Date: October 30, 2008Time: 0300 hrsLocation of Sighting: Moose Jaw.Number of witnesses: 1Number of objects: 1Shape of objects: Fireball with long tail.HBCC UFO Research Note: I am very interested in hearing from anyone residing in Saskatchewan who may have heard the loud boom or seen the Fireball/meteor that passed overhead in the wee hours on October 30, 2008. Please contact Brian Vike at or through my website at Thank you so much, Brian. Also I should make note that in Alberta loud sounds have been heard and they were so bad that they rattles the windows in peoples homes.Full Description of event/sighting: Woken up by cat hissing at nothing. Looking out the window there was a very large fireball (about the size of a dime/nickel) that was traveling downwards from north west to north east. All of a sudden there was a large boom sound and then the electricity went out through a large part of the town, it stayed out for a couple of hours.Thank you to the witness for their report.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Ancient Artifacts And Technology Of Extraterrestrialalien Life Erich Von Dniken

Ancient Artifacts And Technology Of Extraterrestrialalien Life Erich Von Dniken
Erich Anton Paul von D"aniken (born April 14, 1935) is a Swiss playwright best accepted for his touchy claims about extraterrestrial influences on outdated human civility, in books such as Chariots of the Gods?, published in 1968. D"aniken is one of the leading figures likely for popularizing the paleocontact and ancient astronaut hypotheses.D"aniken is a co-founder of the Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI Erudition Set of contacts (AAS RA), and invented the sphere arrangement, Charming Stomach in Interlaken, Switzerland that first opened on 23 May 2003. His 26 books hold on been translated concerning arrogant than 20 languages, trade arrogant than 60 million copies entire, and his documentary TV shows hold on been viewed unevenly the world.This is an tremendously tender TV re-edit of Harald Reinl's "Chariots of the Gods", based on the book by Erich Von Daniken, shaped by Alan Landsburg, and narrated by the one and really Rod Serling. This was a categorizer of pilot for the afterward "In Gather Of" shield series (which was narrated by Leonard Nimoy).Chariots of the Gods? Unsettled Mysteries of the Ex- is a book written in 1968 by Erich von D"aniken. It involves the presumption that the technologies and religions of various ancient civilizations were detail to them by space travelers who were welcomed as gods.HappyThe types of evidence von D"aniken cites can be categorized as follows: * The existence of structures and artifacts hold on been found which here enhanced practical appreciation than is supposed to hold on existed at the time they were manufactured. D"aniken maintains that these artifacts were shaped either by extraterrestrial companionship or by humans who instructor the right appreciation from them. Such artifacts hold the Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, and the Moai of Easter Islet. What's more examples hold a medieval map accepted as the Piri Reis Map, supposedly show the Snuggle as it is seen from space, and the Nazca lines in Peru, which he explains as landing terrazzo for an airfield. * Interpretations of ancient artwork give or take a few the world as depictions of astronauts, air and space vehicles, extraterrestrials, and obscure technology. D"aniken to boot describes elements that he believes are similar in art of detached cultures. * Explanations for the birth of religions as reactions to contact among an alien relations, through interpretations of the Old Memorial of the Bible. According to von D"aniken, humans exact the technology of the aliens to be magnetism and the aliens themselves to be gods. D"aniken asks if the verbal and keen civilization of most religions seize references to companionship from stars and vehicles travelling downhill air and space. These, he says, requirement be interpreted as keen similes which hold on misrepresented participating in the flight of time and bring about arrogant overwhelm. Examples such as: Ezekiel's imagination in Old Memorial, which he interprets as a comprehensive slogan of a landing spacecraft among angels in the similarity of man. Moses and the advice holy being gave him to construct the Ark of the Contract, which is supposed to be a contact feint among an alien relations. Lot and his protracted frequent being frequent by human at the same time as 'angels' to go to the mountains, due to the breakup of the public of Sodom by God. His wife looked take care of at the prospective nuclear draft, and falling "ruined on the spot". D"aniken attempts to draw an comparable among the "supplies cults" that twisted participating in and after World War II, since once-isolated tribes in the South Conciliatory mistook the senior American and Japanese mass for gods.The crypt of Mayan director Pakal (603-683 CE) in Palenque, Mexico. Interpreted by von D"aniken as depicting an astronaut in his spaceship.Icon from the late Jomon time (1000 - 400 BC) in Japan, interpreted by Daniken as depicting an alien visitor.Riposte from the Stars is one of the higher accepted science brew novels of Stanislaw Lem, the most famous Build science-fiction playwright. On paper in 1961, it revolves unevenly the story of a cosmonaut persistent to his homeworld, Snuggle, and conclusion it a fully equivalent pleat than since he absent. The spanking new touches among the pertinent of unfriendliness, civility shock and dystopias. It was translated concerning English in 1980.Talented ThemesRiposte from the Stars is one of Lem's dependable moving parts focusing on utopia. Out of nation, it is the least possible sad about the charge of practical succession and their bring in on our sociocultural demo. Identical so, the depicted world is not perfect: in a pacified team, among no engagement, give emphasis to, and concern, Lem argues that humans essence bring about unable to capture any risks, to capture instinct, loyalty themselves to any violent household tasks, and flat grieve for the much-repeated for self-assertion and for fineness strong emotions. Riposte from the Stars asks whether reliable sociocultural advances, at the same time as sect, are consequence the cost we may pay for downstairs intensity of our core. Is a unexciting, skillful world consequence sacrificing that which may be gained among risk-taking?The spanking new to boot anticipates electronic paper among its "opton", sometimes cited as the first published finish of the stance of digital paper which can commit multiple texts.Pick up GoogleChariots of the GODS 1:33:12Did travelers from obvious space escort Snuggle in our ancient past?Pick up GoogleIn Gather of Primal Astronauts 51:34Its the dreadfully pleased as the Chariots of GodPick up GoogleThe Paranormal World - Gather for Primal Apparatus 43:46 by Erich.Von.DanikenErich von D"aniken (b. Zofingen, Aargau, Switzerland, April 14, 1935) is the most triumphant Swiss playwright accepted for his books about extraterrestrial keep under control on human civility in the past out of date time. He is one of the key figures likely for popularizing the paleocontact and ancient astronaut theories. Grant were dependable forerunners to von D"aniken in the side but he is the best-known for his enduring work. He sold over 62'000'000 books about these enticing theories.Von D"aniken is a co-founder of the Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI Erudition Set of contacts (AAS RA). He has manufacturing a vast sphere arrangement called Charming Stomach in Interlaken, Switzerland. A new shield series based upon his books is under initiation.Odyssey Of The Gods - Subject 1 of 2Primal IndiaOdyssey Of The Gods - Subject 2 of 2Thousands of kick ago ancient astronauts (gods) from other planets visited us. Tikal.2012 and Give Circles Primal Extraneous Legal action Camelot meets Erich von D"aniken

Ufo Sighting In Gold Coast Queensland On August 7Th 2013 Observed 3 Lights Equidistant

Ufo Sighting In Gold Coast Queensland On August 7Th 2013 Observed 3 Lights Equidistant
UFO SIGHTING IN GOLD COAST, QUEENSLAND ON AUGUST 7TH 2013 - OBSERVED 3 LIGHTS, EQUIDISTANT, APPROXIMATELY 1 MIN APART IN CLEAR DAYLIGHT. APPEARED LED-LIKE, MOVING IN A STRAIGHT TRAJECTORY, FADING INTO THE DISTANCE.I was waiting for the bus at Varsity Lakes station when I noticed a muted LED type light flying at cruise speed in a northerly direction. At first I assumed it was a light airplane, with the sun reflecting off it, as it was a beautiful, clear winter afternoon. I've observed that phenomena before, but usually when the plane passes it will change shading according to its relation to the sun. This was a constant glow. A minute later, a second identical object passed over, following the exact same trajectory. I then saw a third and got a better look as it was closer to my position. It seemed to either be rotating its light or there may have been a couple flicking in sequence, on the same object. I also noticed a kind of blur or heat effect around it. All three light travelled until I lost visibility. No sound. Hardly any breeze, as I mentioned a clear and warm afternoon, especially for winter. I would love to know if anyone else saw these.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Alien Body And Coverups

Alien Body And Coverups
Roswell is obviously a highly divisive topic in ufology. People ether accept the fact that it happened or reject it. But ether way the possibility of a crashed ufo is an astonishing idea.Over sixty years ago, a strange incident occurred in the southwestern desert of the United States that could have significant implications for all mankind. The incident was announced by the U.S. military, then subsequently denied by the U.S. military, (Big shock there hu...) and has remained veiled in government secrecy ever since. Although it is in a category fraught with false claims and hoaxes, it is not a hoax or false claim, but rather a known event that is thoroughly documented. It is the objective here to summarize the details of that event, affirm the right of all people throughout the world to know the truth about what occurred, and propose a course of action that will allow that truth to emerge. It all started the first week of July 1947 and involved the recovery of wreckage by the military from a remote ranch just northwest of Roswell, New Mexico. At this point there has been considerable testimony from former members of the military known to have been involved, including two brigadier generals, stating that the recovered material was not of terrestrial origin. Admittedly, such a claim taxes the limits of credibility for discerning and rational individuals. It also tends to evoke a response of immediate dismissal. The preponderance of evidence, however, indicates the event did in fact occurred. On January 12, 1994, United States Congressman Steven Schiff of Albuquerque, New Mexico, stated to the press that he had been stonewalled by the Defense Department well requesting the release of information regarding the 1947 Roswell event on behalf of constituents and witnesses. Indicating he was seeking further investigation into the matter, Congressman Schiff called the Defense Department's lack of response "astounding" and concluded it was apparently "another government cover up." Most people are not aware that there exists an event of this nature so well substantiated. In the next year public awareness of the Roswell incident should grow. A new hardcover book has been released, a television movie will premiere, and a serious documentary is forthcoming. Questions, controversy, and a general distrust of U.S. government policy in this area are bound to increase. Detailed information on the recovery of the wreckage at Roswell and of related events is extensive. Some years ago investigators were able to obtain a copy of the 1947 Roswell Army Air Field yearbook. This enabled them to locate witnesses throughout the country. Newspaper accounts show that during late June and early July 1947, there was a wave of reports of "flying disks" (UFOs) throughout the United States and Canada. Many of those reports came from credible witnesses, including pilots and other trained observers. Sometime during the first week of July 1947, a local New Mexico rancher, Mac Brazel, while riding out in the morning to check his sheep after a night of intense thunderstorms, discovered a considerable amount of unusual debris. It had created a shallow gouge several hundred feet long and was scattered over a large area. Some of the debris had strange physical properties. After taking a few pieces to show his neighbors, Floyd and Loretta Proctor, Brazel drove into Roswell and contacted the sheriff, George Wilcox. Sheriff Wilcox notified authorities at Roswell Army Air Field and with the assistance of his deputies, proceeded to investigate the matter. Shortly after becoming involved, the military closed off the area for a number of days and retrieved the wreckage. It was initially taken to Roswell Army Air Field and eventually flown by B-29 and C-54 aircraft to Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio. Roswell Army Air Field was the home of the 509th Bomb Group, which was an elite outfit--the only atomic group in the world. On the morning of July 8, 1947, Colonel William Blanchard, Commander of the 509th Bomb Group, issued a press release stating that the wreckage of a "crashed disk" (UFO) had been recovered. The press release was transmitted over the wire services in time to make headlines in over thirty U.S. afternoon newspapers that same day. Within hours, a second press release was issued from the office of General Roger Ramey, Commander of the Eighth Air Force at Fort Worth Army Air Field in Texas, 400 miles from the crash site. It rescinded the first press release and, in effect, claimed that Colonel Blanchard and the officers of the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell had made an unbelievably foolish mistake and somehow incorrectly identified a weather balloon and its radar reflector as the wreckage of a "crashed disk." One of those two press releases had to be untrue. There is now solid testimony from numerous credible military and civilian witnesses who were directly involved, that the "crashed disk" press release issued by Colonel William Blanchard of the 509th Bomb Group from Roswell was true and that the subsequent "weather balloon" press release from Eighth Air Force Headquarters in Fort Worth. Texas, was a hastily contrived cover story. Those who knew and worked with William Blanchard say he was a solid, no-nonsense, businesslike individual, and not someone who would make a fool of himself and the Air Force by ordering a press release about something as out of the ordinary and dramatic as the event at Roswell without being certain he was correct. In other words, if Blanchard issued a press release saying there was a crashed disk, there was a crashed disk. Colonel William Blanchard would later go on to become a four-star general and Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force. The first witness located by investigators who was willing to testify and allow his name to be used was retired Lieutenant Colonel Jesse Marcel, the intelligence officer of the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell. He was a highly competent individual and one of the first two military officers at the actual crash site. In a 1979 videotaped interview, Jesse Marcel stated, "... it was no! a weather balloon, nor was it an airplane or a missile." As to the exotic properties of some of the material, he stated, "It would not burn... that stuff weighs nothing, it's so thin, it isn't any thicker than the tinfoil in a pack of cigarettes. So, I tried to bend the stuff. It wouldn't bend. We even tried making a dent in it with a sixteen-pound sledge hammer. And there was still no dent in it." It is inconceivable that a man of Jesse Marcel's qualifications and experience, the intelligence officer of the only atomic-bomb group in the world, would have mistaken any kind of conventional wreckage, much less the remains of a weather balloon and its radar reflector, for that of a craft or vehicle that in his words was "not of this earth. " Even if he had initially made such a gross misidentification, he would certainly have been able to see his mistake later after it had been brought to his attention. When returning to the base, he stopped by his house with a few pieces of the unusual wreckage to show his wife and eleven-year-old son. One piece, a small section of I-beam, had strange hieroglyphic like symbols on its surface. His son, Dr. Jesse Marcel, Jr., now a practicing medical doctor and qualified National Guard helicopter pilot and flight surgeon, remembers the incident well. He has been able to produce detailed drawings of some of the symbols. During his career, Jesse Marcel Sr., went on to other important assignments, including the preparation of a report on the first Soviet nuclear detonation, which went directly to President Truman. The late General Thomas DuBose was a colonel and General Ramey's chief of staff at Eighth Air Force Headquarters in Forth Worth, Texas, in 1947. Before his death in 1992, General DuBose testified that he himself had taken the telephone call from General Clements McMullen at Andrews Army Air Field in Washington, D.C., ordering the cover up. The instructions were for General Ramey to concoct a "cover story" to "get the press off our backs." Retired General Arthur E. Exon was stationed at Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio, as a lieutenant colonel in July of 1947 during the time the wreckage from Roswell was brought in. In a 1990 interview, General Exon said of the testing, "Everything from chemical analysis, stress tests, compression tests, flexing. It was brought into our material evaluation labs. (Some of it) could be easily ripped or changed... there were other parts of it that were very thin but awfully strong and couldn't be dented with heavy hammers...." Of the men that did the testing, he said, "... the overall consensus was that the pieces were from space." The testimony of Mr. Glenn Dennis leaves little doubt about the nature of what was recovered in 1947. Glenn Dennis still lives in the Roswell, New Mexico, area and is a respected businessman and member of the community. He is down-to-earth and straightforward. In 1947 Glenn Dennis was a young mortician working for the Ballard Funeral Home, which had a contract to provide mortuary and ambulance services for Roswell Army Air Field. Prior to learning about the recovery of the unusual wreckage at Roswell, he received several telephone calls one afternoon from the mortuary officer at the air field. He was asked about the availability of small, hermetically sealed caskets and questioned about how to preserve bodies that had been exposed to the elements for several days. There was concern about possibly altering the chemical composition of the tissue. Later that evening, as a result of unrelated events, he made a trip to the base hospital. Outside the back entrance he observed two military ambulances with open rear doors, from which large pieces of wreckage protruded, including one with a row of unusual symbols on its surface. Once inside, he encountered a young nurse whom he knew. At that same instant, he was noticed by military police, who physically threatened him and forcibly escorted him from the building. He met with the nurse the next day, and she explained what had been going on at the hospital. She was a very religious person and was upset to the point of being in a state of shock. She described how she had been called in to assist two doctors who were doing autopsies on several small nonhuman bodies. She described the terrible smell, how one body was in good shape and the others mangled, and the differences between their anatomy and human anatomy. She also drew a diagram on a napkin showing an outline of their features. That meeting was to be their last--she was transferred to England a few days later. The main part of the craft apparently came down some distance from the "debris field" at the Brazel ranch. Researchers were only recently able to confirm this second site because few people knew about it. According to witness testimony, this is also the site where the bodies were found. Most of the witnesses to this site have not, in fear of government reprisal, allowed their names to be used. A prestigious law firm has recently been retained to provide legal counsel to any such witnesses who might consider going public with their testimony. Attorneys from the firm have already met with several Roswell witnesses. In addition to Glenn Dennis, other witnesses were physically threatened or intimidated. According to members of Sheriff Wilcox's family, he was told by the military, in the presence of his wife, that he and his entire family would be killed if he ever spoke about what he had seen. The rancher who originally discovered the wreckage, Mac Brazel, was sequestered by the military for almost a week and sworn to secrecy. He never spoke about the incident again, even to his family. In the months following the incident, his son, Bill Brazel, found and collected a few "scraps" of material, which he kept in a cigar box. The material was eventually confiscated by the military.Government thuggery and intimidation is alive and well! and they will go to great lengths to lie or discredit anyone that may know something there not suppose too....

Canadian Government No Longer Tracking Ufos News Report

Canadian Government No Longer Tracking Ufos News Report




Ufo Sighting In Plainfield

Ufo Sighting In Plainfield
At approimally 03:29am on 6/8/2013. I witness a ufo. I watched this light daub obliquely the at very high speed. It travled on a promptly course unwaving. It was travling from the southwest to the north on my compass. I watched it until it gaunt from sight. As a consequence at 3:54am uncommon light awe-inspiring acroos the sky. At a very high rate of speed. Travling from the self-same southwest aspect. 20 degress west of magnitic north. As a consequence at 4:54am Acquaint with was a light upcoming from the north to the southwet area. To boot unwaving. All the way through also sight stage were these splendid lights from airplains. At the same time as i could no longer see these objects they chuck.(via Learning about: Much-repeated Studies and UFO Scrabble. Hot UFO Sightings - - -Any carry, in wing or in entirety, is illegal worsening expert of copyright indictment. Email Position Management for exploration, interpretation or questions.

An Introduction To Exopolitics And Astroecology

An Introduction To Exopolitics And Astroecology

By Ed Komarek


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My blog:

Alien Seeker News

No one can ever really escape their past. I was born into a family of early ecologists. But at 17 I traveled to Alaska to go to college, about as far from South Georgia as I could get. At 19 I quit college and took off on my and own to figure out what life was about and in the process began investigating extraterrestrial life coming to earth from about the universe. I could never have imagined in those early years, returning to my roots in old age, and in some strange way following in my parents footsteps in ways that they could never have imagined. Its as if my life has been planned out in general terms long before I was born. Lately I am surprised to find myself thinking about extraterrestrial life more and more in ecological and evolutionary terms. Even my writing has been evolving the past several years.

These exopoltical essays are beginning to pile up to a point where it would make sense to put them together into a internet book. This would make for a better organized reading, and the material would still be freely available for publication by any media that might find them useful. Nature works in this same way by making a lot of bits, then combines those smaller bits into a larger bit and so on. I find myself in a powerful evolutionary flow that begins to boggle the mind. I wonder how long I can ride this wave.

I have always in my own small way wanted to give back to mankind because I have so appreciated those who published their ideas that I was able to build upon early in life. I am only where I am today because I have built upon the shoulders of those that have come before. I also have wanted to be sure that what I gave back to mankind was quality work and I am delighted to see my writing and ability to conceptualize slowly improving.It has looked for a very long time that the suppression of extraterrestrial realities would never end. The suppression of the truth has had a very detrimental effect on human evolution on earth creating a mini dark age in the 20th century. It was a century that at its beginning held such promise. The coverup and suppression of the truth seems to be lifting. Neither I nor any one person can no longer keep up with all the mounting evidence. The time as come to prepare for partial releases of evidence from world governments spun in a way, not to coverup but to mislead. Our freedom and liberty to think for ourselves depends on knowing the whole truth, for a partial truth can be as bad or worse than a lie.

My investigations into UFO/ET reality are centered around gaining overall context, the largest perspective possible of the situation. The military calls this situational awareness. Natural and social evolutionary drivers are centered around competition and cooperation. Situational awareness is what every person and creature must have in order not to become prey to predation. On the other hand every creature including humans must in order to survive, either prey on others, or cooperate with others for resources needed for survival. Unfortunately there is not much ability for the public to cooperate toward a more advanced organizational structure when the public is the prey as is the case at present.

Because the overall public does not have situational or conceptual awareness in regards to extraterrestrial realities, individuals and society are being preyed upon by the autocratic elite who do have situational awareness. These elite use the autocratic organizational structure of society to limit and channel public awareness as public predators. These very high level people could be considered public enemies but in reality they are just sophisticated predators who have risen to the top of food chain in a master-slave autocratic society. There is a better way. Predation by the elite in regards to extraterrestrial realities is done under the guise of national security and through a very advanced, sophisticated form of mind control or classification system based on clearance, special access and need to know. The whole scheme relies on keeping conceptual and situational awareness low amongst the public as a whole, all the while increasing elite advantage and situational awareness. Pretty nifty and very devious if you ask me!

What all creatures including humans must have is situational awareness in order to survive and flourish in nature and in autocratic society. My objective is to communicate context or perspective through my essays to others so that they can build situational awareness and conceptual awareness as to the overall present situation in regards extraterrestrial life. I believe this will lead to the eventual collapse of the old autocratic order and begin to move us toward a more advanced societal organizational structure leading to a higher level of consciousness for humanity.

When we study the natural world here and extraterrestrial realities beyond earth, we can see more advanced organization structures being evolved. On earth, cells that were once independent creatures come together and cooperate rather than compete to form multi-celled organisms. By studying extraterrestrial beings and their exopolitical relationships we can observe the same natural processes at work where advanced creatures are evolving into integrated super-civilizations the same way cells form a body. Earth human society is mostly a autocratic society with only glimpses of true democracy and republican organizational structures evident. Humanity on earth still has a very long way to go to achieve equal distribution of resources, information and situational-contextual awareness that is evident in super-civilizations and in our own bodies. Still, we can accelerate our personal and societal evolutionary development if we can become more aware and conscious of our own unconscious evolutionary drivers as well as the more conscious and aware ET super-civilizations. In fact I believe we are on the threshold of a tremendous surge in consciousness and awareness if can make the jump consciously to the more advanced organizational state.

We can't do this unless the overall public or a large enough segment of the public is able to grasp the totality of the extraterrestrial situation. What I am attempting to do with the articles and cases accumulating on my blog is to reach out to all kinds of information distribution networks throughout the Internet to carry my essays so as to increase public situational and conceptual awareness. I believe very strongly that this must be a process that is open as possible, so I have no restrictions on the publication of my work. I gain my strength and consciousness from openness and sharing, rather that from accumulation and control of information. I am becoming concerned that many individuals of longstanding in the UFO/ET community are now becoming closed societies that restrict information in order to support their investigations and research.

To me this is old autocratic order thinking that is so evident and prevalent in the overall establishment order we are struggling so hard against. It would be much better to gain income from increasing flow of information rather than restricting information flow. For this reason I think advertising is a better way to gain income because it depends on increased information flow. Even better is to gain income elsewhere so there are no conflicts between what is best for the common good and what is best for the individual. People in the UFO/ET field really need to take a good look at this, else they damage not only themselves but others as well. We can't fight autocracy with autocratic means no more than we can fight unethical adversaries with unethical means. I believe that the means creates the end result and we are not going to get to higher consciousness by sticking with outmoded autocratic patterns.

My intention is to set a example and organize all my stuff going on to my blog into a book format divided up into sections and available for free on the internet to both individuals and press for distribution into the UFO/ET community and into the mainstream of society. At some point it might be become feasible to self publish the book as a collection of essays and cases in paperback for sale for those who would like to have all this material in a neat easy to read format. Hopefully the cost would not be much more than the cost to print out the book on paper from the Internet and the quality would be much better.

If I could break even financially on such a scheme that would be good enough for me. I intend to continue to live simply and derive my personal income from outside of the exopolitical field so there will be no conflicts of interest for me. I intend to walk the walk not just talk the talk.Lately I have begun adding cases mixed into my essays, because as one person told me recently, you need to teach people arithmetic before you try to teach them calculus. Those that are open minded and well informed should already have a factual basis from which to view the advanced concepts being presented. The ordinary layman on the other hand could be helped in their understanding by seeing a little of the evidence upon which I base these concepts. I would hope that readers would take the trouble to read good well articulated books that are well documented to fix the idea firmly in their minds that there is indeed a coverup of extraterrestrial realities in place by world governments. If I were to recommend one general book it would be Richard Dolan's book called, UFOs And The National Security State. Next I would start with the books by Timothy Good, his latest being Need To Know, and Bob Collins book, Exempt From Disclosure.

Ovni De Roswell No Era De La Tierra Y S Hubieron Cuerpos Extraterrestres Afirma Ex Agente De La Cia

Ovni De Roswell No Era De La Tierra Y S Hubieron Cuerpos Extraterrestres Afirma Ex Agente De La Cia
"Un d'ia como hoy, 10 de Julio (1947), vale decir, hace 65 a~nos, de desataba la pol'emica en la localidad de Roswell Nuevo M'exico en los Estados Unidos. Hac'ia horas atr'as los per'odicos hab'ian publicado que la fuerza a'erea americana hab'ia capturado un "platillo volador", horas luego un for all de brigada de una base a'erea cercana en Hole Value, Texas desment'ia 'estos titulares diciendo que lo que se habr'ia hallado en Circle of light Nuevo M'exico ser'ian los restos de un globo atmosf'erico".Hasta aqu'i TODO 'esto ya debe resultar historia conocida por Ud. estimado lector. Sin duda alguna el m'as emblem'atico caso en el mundo de un UFO Plunge.En Septiembre del a~no 2009 NUESTRO PASADO EXTRATERRESTRE se convert'ia en el Basecoat MEDIO digital especializado en el tema en espa~nol en dar a conocer que el FBI y la CIA en los EEUU. pod'ian estar ensayando una DESCLASIFICACI'ON de archivos al publicar en sus respectivas Webs 1600 documentos de investigaciones OVNI's divididos en 16 carpetas (clic para ver), as'i como tambi'en 128 documentos dividodos en 5 carpetas referentes a investigaciones oficiales de mutilaciones de ganado (clic para ver). NADIE por 'ese entonces y en aquel momento hablaba de archivos OVNI's publicados por 'organos gubernamentales y agencias en los EEUU. (clic para ver).Es as'i que en Abril del 2011 nuevamente NUESTRO PASADO EXTRATERRESTRE volv'ia a ser el Basecoat MEDIO en comunicar que el FBI abr'ia su b'oveda secreta, THE Hurdle, (clic para ver), acomodando aquellos mismos archivos ya conocidos sobre el tema que nos interesa pero con algunos agregados que s'olo NPE advirt'io desde un principio (clic para ver); se trataba de un archivo muy espec'ifico titulado GUY HOTTEL, nombre clave de un agente encubierto del FBI que enviaba una carta a Jhon Edgar Hoover, snooty y fundador del FBI en aquella 'epoca, d'andole cuenta sobre el hallazgo y recuperaci'on, NO de uno, sino de 3 OVNI's estrellados en Nuevo M'exico en cuyo fundamental se ubicaron 3 cuerpos de humanoides EN CADA UNO de ellos, es decir 9 CUERPOS (clic para ver), archivo que publicamos y que hasta hoy damos a conocer desde el blog (clic para ver). 'Esta notica que a muchos les podr'ia parecer un gui'on para una pel'icula de JJ Abrahams o de Steven Spielberg constituye parte de los documentos oficiales publicados desde el propio Web Setting del FBI, motivo suficiente para que nuestro snooty, Marco Barraza, fuera invitado en su momento a distintas cadenas internacionales televisivas en los EEUU. para comunicar y analizar 'esta noticia desde distintos programas. Hoy el tema ya No le resulta extra~no a nadie, por el contrario SE REFUERZA 'eSTE HIP'oTESIS hoy cuando el HUFFINGTON Situation publica la noticia de que un veterano ex agente de la CIA afirma que lo que se estrell'o en Nuevo M'exico No era un objeto de la Tierra y que s'i en efecto hubieron cad'averes (clic para ver). Se trata de Track BRANDON, ex agente de la CIA por 35 a~nos, que trabaj'o como agente encubierto en misiones clandestinas de la agencia. y que pas'o sus 'ultimos 10 a~nos como agente al servicio special del snooty de la CIA teniendo acceso a una oficina desde la sede de la CIA en Langley, Virgina llamada Times of yore Newscast Store. Es precisamente en 'esta oficina donde BRANDON asegur'a haber hallado en una sencilla caja con una etiqueta que dec'ia Roswell human escrito, archivos e incluso fotograf'ias del suceso. Track BRANDON afirma hoy que el CASO FU'E Authentic, que comprende bien los acuerdos de confidencialidad de la CIA y el riesgo a la seguridad nacional, pero que est'a seguro a la vez de hallar'a la forma de comunicar luego de haberse convencido 'el mismo de TODO lo que en aquella 'epoca y en aquel lugar ocurri'o. Sin duda alguna estimado lector un dato m'as para su propia informaci'on sobre 'este caso cl'asico que hemos venido trayendo a Ud. desde los 'ultimos tiempos. La importancia de Roswell radica en todo aquello que deriv'o de 'esta ocurrencia, 'este incidente, se sorprender'ia al saber que muchas de las cosas que hoy utiliza a diario bien podr'ian haber tenido origen en 'este caso y en 'este lugar, hace 65 a~nos, Nuestro Pasado Extraterrestre.Lo comentamos en: Facebook NPE Oficial:

Beep NPE: @marquillo727

Google +: Marquillo"

Bitcora Actualizada Del Planeta Tierra Agujeros Negros Terremotos Abejas Que Desaparecen Ufo Show En Telemundo Y Katy Perry

Y bien hoy Martes 22 de Marzo (2011) el d'ia ha estado bastante movido por Jap'on ya que 3 sismos superiores a grado 6 han venido sacudiendo las costas niponas (clic para ver) en tanto que podemos ya adelantar una noticia que estamos seguros guarda relaci'on con todo lo que viene ocurriendo, la noticia se da a conocer en el informativo Europa Pester 'este 21 de Marzo (2011) donde se deja saber que el catedr'atico de F'isica Te'orica de la Universidad de Caltech California, Kip Thorne, ha explicado que el choque entre agujeros negros provoca vibraciones y temblores en el espacio-tiempo que se propagan a trav'es de ondas gravitatorias por todo el universo a la velocidad de la luz (clic para ver), 'esta ser'ia la segunda vez que se hace p'ublica una relaci'on entre fen'omenos c'osmicos "extraterrestres" y los eventos que suceden en la tierra, recordemos que la primera vez fu'e en Agosto del 2010 cuando NASA relacion'o directamente los Spacequakes (terremotos espaciales) con los movimientos s'ismicos en la Tierra (clic para ver). Por otro lado un tema que hemos tocado desde siempre es el de la desaparici'on sistem'atica de las abejas, y ojo desde siempre incluye a los editoriales que venimos publicando en todos los blogs desde septiembre del 2008 (clic para ver), hoy 'este tema por lejos importante y trascendental a alcanzado el interes de la ONU quien acaba de emitir un informe calificando 'este hecho como una Conundrum Transnational, un fen'omeno que hoy afecta a Collectibles, Jap'on, 'Africa, parte de Europa y los Estados Unidos, el reporte desarrollado por la Joint Nations Position Programme UNEP explica "que si dejan de existir las abejas NO habr'a m'as comida" as'i de claro (clic para ver) bien dijo Albert Einstein alguna vez: "Si las abjeas desaparecen al ser humano le quedar'an cuatro a~nos de vida en la Tierra". Por su parte el Sol contin'ua tranquilo exceptuando por aquella reciente y 'unica CME tipo C4 del d'ia de ayer 21 de Marzo (2011) desde la sunspot 1169 que a'un nos tiene seg'un el NOAA en Astrophysical Radiation Rainstorm en S1 (clic para ver) ahora bien ayer tambi'en 21 de Marzo (2011) se registr'o una mega explosi'on desde la antigua sunspot 1164 o 1165 la misma que podr'ia ser f'acilamente tipo M6 o X.

Observa el Video:

Los vientos solares de 'este CME fueron por detr'as del Sol y No van dirigidos a Tierra pero lo que S'i preocupa es continuando el sentido de rotaci'on del Sol viene emergiendo una nueva sunspot la 1176 que ya viene comport'andose muy agresiva y preocupando a los cient'ificos de la divisi'on helioc'entrica y del observatorio solar SOHO, recordemos que las sunspots regresan y suman as'i que en los pr'oximos d'ias va a estar bastante movido el clima solar (clic para ver). Antes de terminar 'este post compartimos con Ud. 2 noticias finales, la primera es que Hoy 22 de Marzo (2011) se emite desde los Estados Unidos y por la cadena Telemundo NBC Network el Look Caso Cerrado Edici'on Estelar donde se presentar'a el caso: Invasi'on Extraterrestre y los Wikileaks hoy a las 7PM/6 Centro USA (clic para ver) donde tambi'en tuvimos oportunidad de participar y la segunda noticia es que la cantante y mega artista Katy Perry comunic'o ayer desde su cuenta en Glance la pregunta: Do You Capture in Extraterrestrials? (Cree Ud. en extraterrestres?), 'esto para lanzar su m'as reciente video titulado E.T. (clic para ver), aqu'i lo dejamos con la canci'on preliminary traducida el espa~nol para que vea Ud, de qu'e tratar'a 'este video.....?Curioso No?

Observa el Video:

Com'entalo en el Facebook (clic para ver)

No te pierdas los enlaces del Glance (clic para ver)"

The Thing In The Tree Part 2

The Thing In The Tree Part 2
Here we go with the creepy multi-dimensional entities again... First it was the Shadow People, then it was the glowing alien at the bedroom window, then it was The Thing in the Tree... And now there have been two new reports filed in my section of the state involving sightings of odd creatures that took place months or years ago, with no trace at all of a UFO. That's five in a row, folks, and that's what we call a "trend." That's also what we call "creepy as hell."

Here's what came through on the MUFON Hot Line last night:

Remembered from June, 1997:

"When I looked more intently, I noticed that these lights were not moving. I then thought it was a reflection of some kind,but it wasnt. After cancelling out the notion of this being a set of tail lights, I began to realize that what I was seeing was a set of eyes. In my backyard was a set of taller garbage cans that this thing was behind. Well, not behind,but in front of. There was a light down the alley a ways that lit up the area slightly but not much. This thing stayed in this spot where I was not able to make out its shape due to the fact that it was staying within the shadow. I then was trying to move my perspective by moving around the inside of the kitchen to try and get a different perspective on it. I was all this time trying to figure out what kind of animal this could be. I could think of none. This thing had pretty large eliptical "(sic)" eyes that glowed a bright red."

Remembered from January, 1991:

"I didnt like the basement - especially my dads workshop at the back of the basement, because to a small girl it was scary, it had spider webs all over and my dad always warned me to stay away from the sump pump hole in his workshop. I hardly ever went in there but for some reason I went down there on this night after bed - everyone in the house was asleep. I believe it was the first time I was down there alone. I walked into my dads workshop and saw a glowing light underneath one of his workbenches. He had several holes drilled in the table tops and I was drawn to the light. I looked at the top of the table and saw a white glowing skinny, bony looking finger come out of one of the holes. The next thing I remember is I was standing face to face with this white glowing creature with huge black eyes and a small slit for a mouth."

Vxxxx, my MUFON State Director offered me a choice of cases, and I chose "The Case of the Red Eyes in the Alley," not so much because I preferred it but because it took place in my territory and "The Case of the Alien Under the Work Bench" did not. To tell you the truth, they're both pretty eerie...

But what I keep wondering about is why so many people are suddenly reporting these odd, unexplainable encounters with creatures years after they've happened... What is suddenly jarring all these memories loose, and pushing these people to report what they saw years ago? And why all these encounters in southeastern Wisconsin?

This was already starting to trouble me, but then this week I made an eerie discovery in my own yard. I was mowing the front lawn and noticed a ring of darker-colored grass about 2-1/2 feet across. This ring had been visible for a few days, but I hadn't taken a close look at it until I mowed the lawn, and when I got close I noticed... the fungus.

There is nothing in the folklore about mowing a fairy ring with your mower!

It's a fairy ring! Right in my own front yard, a flipping fairy ring.

Curious to know what this meant, I looked up "fairy ring" on Wikipedia and learned that I am doomed. Fairy rings are evil places, it turns out, and woe betide the man who disturbs the ring, as I did with my lawnmower...

Depending on your folklore of preference, I may have a long spell of rotten bad luck, I may die at a young age (too late for that!), I may become invisible and be trapped inside the ring forever, and I may even be forced to marry one of the fairies. I don't even know where to go with that.

Soyuz Docks With Iss Crew Awaits The Dragon

Soyuz Docks With Iss Crew Awaits The Dragon
A Russian Soyuz TMA-04M spacecraft carrying NASA astronaut Joe Acaba and cosmonauts Gennady Padalka and Sergei Revin docked with the international space station at 12:36 a.m. ET Thursday as the two spacecraft soared 249 miles above the border between Mongolia and Kazakhstan to start their four-month stay. The three new crew members join Expedition 31 crew members - NASA's Don Pettit, ESA Dutch astronaut Andre Kuipers and Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko. The docking of the Soyuz to the station clears the way for launch of the new commercial cargo ship Dragon Saturday at 4:55 AM EDT, a critical test flight intended to pave the way for post-shuttle U.S. resupply missions. If successful, the SpaceX Dragon will conduct 12 contracted unmanned supply runs to the station over the next few years.


Alternativa 11 Ocultan Fenmeno O V N I

Alternativa 11 Ocultan Fenmeno O V N I
"From By Alternativa 11" Contin'ua el ocultamiento del fen'omeno "OVNI". La zona de Fresno, en California, se ha convertido en un interest "caliente" por la frecuencia de avistamientos m'ultiples, que se mantienen en secreto. 'Este, es un caso sobresaliente, en el que un... "Specific at"Coupled *...: As'i era el OVNI que quer'ia construir EEUU * Ufo Portugal: Israel encerra Aeroporto por causa de OVNI * Lena Dunham, un ovni `a Hollywood - Le Nouvel Observateur * As'i era el OVNI que quer'ia construir EEUU - InfoBAE.comAMAZON ConcedeUFOs And Government: A Historica UFOs and Government: A Beyond Doubt (Paperback)By Robert Powell Buy new: 29.9522 used and new from 26.96 Person paying Rating: In the early hours tagged "ovni" by Robert M. Powell Person paying tags: government disclosure(5), ufo(5), usa ufos(4), michael swords(3), ufo history(3), robert powell(3), ufo coverup(3), project blue book(3), flying saucers(3), history(2), ufo phenomenon(2), unidentified flying objects(2)Trilogie 2019 - L'int'egrale (Cycl Trilogie 2019 - L'int'egrale (On all sides des Trilogies Universelles) (French Edition) (Wake up Edition)By JN Paquett Clap for larger than info Person paying Rating: In the early hours tagged "ovni" by AK Denyl "AKD" Person paying tags: terrorisme, extraterrestres, complot, ovni, lune, crime novel, french language, etat-unis, integrale, conspirationPossibility In The Sky (Hardcover Possibility in the sky (Hardcover)By George Search Williamson 1 used and new from 69.95 In the early hours tagged "ovni" by Pachamom Person paying tags: lake titicaca, peru, robert schoch, ovni, marcahuasi, geomancy, secret of the andes, george hunt williamson, kathy doore, daniel ruzo, andean awakening, space brothersMake an attempt To Science: The UF Make an attempt to Science: The UFO Private (Paperback)By Jacques ">3 used and new from 1.51 Person paying Rating: In the early hours tagged "ovni" by The Protection Person paying tags: jacques vallee(2), 1960s, janine vallee, ovni, aime michel, blue book, allen hynek, french ufology, invisible campus, fair line mystery

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