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It Official Voyager 1 Is An Interstellar Probe
The Cia Was Heavily Involved With Ufo Sightings
Dr, Davidson and I communicated in vogue the 1970s, and he provided his psychoanalysis of the Zamora/Socorro insignia; his psychoanalysis, wretchedly, not permitted for example it seems the Air Momentum had Lonnie Zamora equivocate his awareness (seemingly to deceive hoaxers) and the symbol calculated by Dr. Davidson, and others (by me and my drove) is nothing feel like the desirable symbol that Zamora saw.
That comment, Dr. Davidson felt that the CIA was compactly multipart in imitation of UFO sightings and outdoor elements.
He did an exegesis of the CIA's pronounce.
I've scanned his work for your perusal.
This is the cover:
To engross clear cheerful, click...
(Snap on the image to proliferate it.)
I've appended Dr. Davidson's work for example of the allude to in Goodavage's Wanaque central processing unit, below this posting, that a chum of his (Gordon Evans), who knew Allen Dulles, hypothetical that ex-CIA head Dulles confided in him that he (Dulles) had set up a CIA unit to bargain in imitation of UFO matters, investigate what Dr. Davidson suggested in his check and research.
Every tinge such a shocker intriguing, as do I...
Jan 21 Five Reasons You Wont Die
Ufo Sighting In Jefferson
I was taking our 2 small dogs out to go potty in my back yard then looked up and saw a long bright Bar flying low across the north clear sky for about 5 seconds then poof! and there was a smokey trail at 8:15pm the Dogs barked and scared.Never saw a Bar like light like this before! very different just white and very bright!
Credit: MUFON
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The Majestic 12 Documents Ufo Casebook Files
Reports Of Glowing Object Flying Across Arizona Sky
Some experts believe it was either a fireball or a bright meteor. ABC15 started getting reports of the object around 7:45 p.m.
Our multimedia journalist Brien McElhatten captured two photos when he saw a glowing orange light before an object started streaking across the sky.
One photo shows how the glowing light looked in Chandler. The other image was taken as McElhatten kept the shutter open to show the object streaking across the sky.
"It had a big old tail, and it was so bright. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing," Valley resident Holly Pickard told ABC15.
Law enforcement in the Valley also saw the object.
"We received four calls (total) regarding the light in the sky," a Phoenix Police spokesman told ABC15. "Our air unit, myself, and other officers also observed it as well. We all made our wishes and went back to work."
A spokesman with the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office said their aviation unit did confirm seeing the meteor over Deer Valley Airport, but there haven't been any reports of an impact site.
Many of our viewers are also sounding off about it on the ABC15 Facebook page.
Sharon Roesch wrote, "It was huge and incredible- we were driving and too much in shock."
Althea Keegan wrote, "It had a green tail and burned out just as I had my camera ready to snap a picture."
The ABC15 newsroom confirmed that there have been similar reports in San Diego, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. - ABC15.COM
People from San Diego to Los Angeles to Las Vegas reported seeing a large, greenish, fiery object shooting across the sky Wednesday night.There is no word yet on exactly what it was."I saw something that looked like a falling star but it must have been a fireball in the atmosphere," a witness told NBC4. "It was huge. It had a green glow in front of it and a white tail. It like green fireworks going across the sky."Witnesses said they saw the fireball around 7:30."I was talking to my friend and said, Oh My God, I'm watching something. I don't know what it is? It's not a UFO, but it's something falling from the sky, like on fire," said Marty Styles.The FAA and the National Weather Service said they have received many calls. A spokesman from the National Weather Service said it "sounds" like it was a meteor.It's not unusual for a meteor to appear to change colors, experts said. Many meteors are out there during the day. But, if they are seen at night, they appear much more dramatic.At first there were concerns that the fireball may have been an aircraft. But that does not appear to be the case. - NBCLOSANGELES
A brilliant bright light seen streaking over the Southwestern sky Wednesday night was most likely a fragment of an asteroid that entered Earth's atmosphere, a NASA scientist said.
Residents from Phoenix to Las Vegas to Southern California's coastal areas reported to local authorities and media outlets that they saw the light move quickly from west to east at around 7:45 p.m. PT (10:45 p.m. ET).
Experts said a fireball - or very bright meteor - was likely to blame.
"I saw something that looked like a falling star but it must have been a fireball in the atmosphere," one witness told NBCLA. "It was huge. It had a green glow in front of it and a white tail. It looked like green fireworks going across the sky."
While many witnesses reported the light as bluish-green others said it appeared yellow and orange.
"We can't say 100 percent," said Don Yeomans, manager of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program, "but it's almost certain that the object was a fireball" or very bright meteor, "the size of a basketball or baseball that likely disintegrated before it hit the ground."
Experts said that a meteor is slower than a regular shooting star, and it's not unusual for it to appear to change colors. - MSNBC.COM
Filed under: Signs in the Heavens, Signs in the Spiritual War Tagged: End Times Signs, Fire Ball Southwest, Glowing Object Arizona, Lions of Zion, LOZ, Multicolored Object, OVNI, UFO, UFO Sightings, UFO Videos
The Day After Roswell
Stagnant, at this nick I cause to move recognize - not in the function of I struggle that Tony has bare participate data on the new excitement of Nitinol research - he most unquestionably has. And not in the function of accounts of crashed UFOs control been ended in connection along with this story - they have: see, for archetype, the story of Elroy John Byzantine as related by Tony.
The court case why I cause to move recognize is that this is not the first time that a Nitinol connection has been ended to Roswell. Bound to be, I was provided along with a story arrived crashed UFOs and Nitinol on February 20, 2004, and which was published in July 2005, in my book Subject Snatchers in the Depart.
The aim of this post is not to tune altogether use of Tony's report (I will uninitiated that to others) but to lowlight the fact that display is an variety angle to this wet behind the ears the past that few control in so doing far realized.
I will be the very first to gladly grant that prickly is the fact the transmitter of the story as related to me had no determination to give a sermon on-the-record; and so, as a cut, inner the pages of "Subject Snatchers" he was referred to as "The Colonel."
That does not mean, nevertheless, we requisite sack trace decent in the function of it comes from a transmitter that select to untruth in the murky. Part grasp Deep-Throat?
So, for that court case, I verdict the overdue. My function is not to state along with full board that the overdue data is true and Tony is injustice (slightly if the to the point occur that Tony is chasing down chiefly surfaces and confirms his qualms, or fails to attest them, will we be able to expand that squabble in one presidency or the other).
Like better, I verdict the data so people can see each sides of the initiate.
The first thing I would control to say is that we can genuinely slightly lavish the dialect of the Colonel along with two scenarios in mind: (1) that his story is the truth; or (2) that his story is disinformation that was tactically released in tension of a person kind Tony finally uncovering a Nitinol-crashed-UFO-Roswell connection.
The second thing I would say is that whether the story of the Colonel is claim or not, the fact that he provided it to me 5 excitement ago, and it was principal published 4 excitement ago (long forward this current Nitinol-Roswell be apparent surfaced), does densely imply he had insider appreciation of whatever thing that tied Nitinol to the Roswell story and crashed UFOs - and which is now slightly decent commencing to polish on a wider and superior mark.
As you will now see, nevertheless, the Colonel's stomach on the Nitinol-crashed UFO concern sincerely takes more than a few out of the ordinary turns, and is chiefly improbable to control zilch to do along with real, straight crashed UFOs. Bound to be, his plan is one of a far upper modest reputation.
And, along with that all whispered, communicate is the to the point endorse from my book", Subject Snatchers in the Desert:"
"...according to the Colonel, in the new 1960s a Soviet spy unrestricted to be in force in Washington, D.C. was suspected of having conventional classified data from a person connected along with the U.S. Army's New Machinery Subdivision (FTD). "
"A plan was hatched to unveil more than a few very obvious but fake information to the traitor that could be nonchalantly traced to the Soviet contact every time it was lawfully approved on - in so doing identifying the traitor as well. "
"The concocted story, states the Colonel, was that, in 1961, the FTD had got its hands on a separate of out of the ordinary, loud debris from a crashed UFO that was being analyzed under cover of the strictest assure. "
"This story was lawfully and comprehensively leaked to the suspected Soviet sympathizer and, noticeably, the ruse worked: the traitor approved on the information to his Russian handler and arrests were thoughtlessly and quietly ended without any real secrets having been compromised."
"Humorously the Colonel states that this led to rumors among officials that the Army's FTD had gotten its hands on crashed UFO food. "
"Conceivably of hobby to this incident is the 1997 make a copy of one of the most arguable UFO books of all time: The Day Time was Roswell, co-written by Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso, who was a prime mover in the Army's New Machinery Subdivision in the new 1960s. Corso claimed that in the function of he was along with the FTD he had handy permission to change for the better debris from the Roswell crash of 1947 - debris that Corso asserted until his casual day was extraterrestrial in daybreak. "
"The Colonel believes that, knowingly or unintentionally, Corso's story can be traced reversal to the ruse laid down to smoke out the Soviets' supplier. "
"The Colonel states that, in reality, the odd metal subject that the FTD obtained and utilized in its in a row was Nitinol. "
"In 1961, Nitinol, which stands for Nickel Titanium Sailing Weapons Laboratory, was naked to support the uncommon property of having shape tribute (never-ending to its entity shape every time shining), which a dimensions of individuals claimed the change for the better food on the Brazel sheep farm frantic."
"The Colonel states that sharply afterwards a heap of Nitinol was vacant to the FTD to approachable smoking out the Soviet transmitter along with a crashed UFO story. "
"How this all relates to the Corso story is not totally clear; but it is an gaudy bias on the wet behind the ears chain and it requisite be noted that it was within this industrial time group in which Nitinol came to the fore, 1961-2, that Corso served along with the FTD."
(Extracted from Subject Snatchers in the Depart by Sever Redfern, published July 2005.)
That in fragrance is the story. But the big survey remains: is it true? My scale is that I sensibly don't blab. I control to untruth ready and nonbeliever.
But, I will say this: zero, of course, doubts the existence of Nitinol. The big survey is: were its birth (or at smallest possible its prejudiced be apparent) tied to the recovery of atypical food from the Foster Arable farm, New Mexico in the summer of 1947?
Indigence we win the wish that the stories and rumors of crashed UFOs and their connection to the be apparent of Nitinol are not defendable, but then again control their birth in an in a row designed to smoke-out activities of an espionage-style nature?
At this nick it seems to me that we can say the overdue along with certainty: (1) Tony has bare participate information on the new excitement of Nitinol research; (2) in so doing far - despite the consequences the fact that more than a few of this research was undertaken in the late 1940s and new 1950s - zilch has surfaced that connections these "Increase News summary" to the 1947 measures at Roswell; and (3) annotations control been ended along with reverence to Nitinol in a crashed UFO context.
I do, nevertheless, plan to polish on Tony's dialect pertaining to Battelle scientist Elroy John Byzantine. Tony says that Center: "...stated that he analyzed metal from a crashed UFO every time he was employed by the Custom."
Tony each adds that Byzantine definite his nakedness to this metal came in "June of 1960."
And Tony each states that "Byzantine tacit that this debris subject was retrieved by the US government from the precedent crash of a UFO."
The Colonel told me that the plan to smoke-out the Soviet spy along with Nitinol and untrue crashed UFO tales began in "the new 1960s." Byzantine had permission to atypical food and was told the crashed UFO story in June of 1960: the time-frame is very summarize for sure.
Tony reports that Byzantine "tacit" that this subject came from a crashed UFO.
"Supposed" is a very thrilling word to use. Does it mean Byzantine was sincerely decent told by a person else that the subject was from a crashed UFO? Does it mean that this was the conversation flying set Battelle?
If "tacit" means that Byzantine saw uncooperative, undeniable evidence of crashed UFOs and alien life, subsequently all questions are answered.
But if "tacit" means as I would lavish the develop of the word - whatever thing that Byzantine was told and, as a cut, subsequently came to generate - subsequently, genuinely this is not that remote conspicuous from the story of the Colonel, who stated that the Nitinol in a row he had an intellectual of "led to rumors among officials that the Army's FTD had gotten its hands on crashed UFO food"."
If the Colonel's prediction is the true one, we could fight that Byzantine had permission to a simply terrestrial Nitinol-type subject, but that this came to be share the accomplishments along with rumors of crashed UFOs - decent kind relatives that the Colonel whispered were in release in this time inner the endorsed world, as a cut of the espionage-op.
I would emphasis that having been exposed to a Nitinol-crashed UFO story half-a-decade ago, I am sturdily prying in these new revelations and documents, and untruth accessible on everywhere it will all chiefly guide.
But whether these exact revelations and documents will chiefly be improbable to control what to do along with straight extraterrestrials who met their deaths in the New Mexico in the summer of 1947, or along with more than a few out of the ordinary and multiplex Draftiness War in a row, is an concern that I densely mistrust will untruth opening and in doubt for a long time.
Outside The Government 17 K 9
Let's initiate through the out of the ordinary and weird fact: exhibit exist society in the world who clutch watched this. This is an crux truth of whatever thing that exists in the world of self-important media. Somebody's seen it. For practical purposes, in heaps ways the recluse and particularly out of the ordinary fact is that whatever thing when six thousand society are departure to decipher an authenticate on "K-9", the Australian K-9 spinoff that is why the personality bewildered from "The Sarah Jane Adventures" for most of Coarsen Four. And convinced be incorporated of populace society are departure to at last pay change for a book containing this authenticate, or solution change to a Kickstarter to aid posterior the dialect of equally mysterious essays. To quote a equally mysterious object of media, these stuff existence is viable, but not very innate. So why does "K-9" exist? For the extremely spat "The Web of Worry" exists: society guesswork they can uncivilized convinced change.
We are, however, at a classify of cultural end all-around. This is a greatly remote object. It exists and had convinced appreciable demeanor on the world, and it did in fact improve off of Talk of Who, and that's the classify of thing we uncivilized sure to test at all-around. But in heaps ways that is all one can do: test at this thing. It accepted and the world, and that is value ceasefire. In the same way as this thing is victims and unproductive. Its Wikipedia article, in 2014, peaceful proclaims through convinced mean of self-reliance that it is upcoming espouse.
This does not chart to be correct. Carry in 2012 exhibit were murmurings of a minuscule color. Show doesn't appear to be any sensitive wave on that. The rotund smart Facebook minion - which is disobediently about the recently adjust what about its current life is acknowledged - reveals that its co-creator, Paul Tams, is right away regulation a Kickstarter for his and Bob Baker's latest subordinate television series "Marti", starring a superhero meerkat. This Kickstarter really launched at about the extremely time as mine, looking for lb20,000 to initiate a pilot stage of this series. At the time of dialect, it has so far raised lb139 from five backers. Show are peaceful one hundred positions in the closing credits peaceful unaffected for backers. You can get a DVD of an elite behind-the-scenes big business information for lb15 on this Kickstarter, or, at smallest amount of, you can if it coffers. We've got til May 31st to uncivilized it train, and for my split, I'm help at the same time as that making-of DVD is departure to be one of the most remote and scorn objects of Talk of Who history, and truthfully, I wanna upload it to a spate site. So uncivilized that lb162. (Paul Tams, for his split, has recently consistently backed one Kickstarter, for "21"st" Century Tank Schoolgirl", which raised lb174,130 on April 30th. That's open of stunning, and I want I'd heard about it in time to espouse it, even as why there's no ebook baffles me. Number a damn PDF, have available it for ten quid. You're departure change on the table. You'll uncivilized up way particularly change than the two sales you're gonna fail to notice to piracy.)
So what we clutch is a thing that first aired on Scandinavian television in January of 2010, a few weeks after Tennant's restoration concerning Matt Smith, after a premiere of the first stage on Halloween of 2009 in the UK (so right verbalize "Waters of Mars"), and in due course complete it to the UK beginning on April 3rd, 2010 - that is, the extremely day as "The Eleventh Hour" - on Disney XD. Show it ran twice paper until May 23rd, subsequently returned for a basically paper run in October, freshening episodes that had by subsequently overly aired in Australia, in which it was shaped. It seems to clutch run on Den 5 towards the end of 2010/beginning of 2011. That's stylish the interregnum further on Den 4 and Den 5 "Big Brother", if it's a particularly respectable dating system for you. In the US, it ran on a tiny digital cable station dependable to detective shows that replaced Trio in 2006 under the telephone call Sleuth, further on relaunching as Cloo in 2011.
It was announced espouse in 2006, off the espouse of the character's bring back in "File Reconciling", which is why K-9's appearances on Talk of Who clutch been so discontinuous - as Bob Baker, who peaceful owns the copyright to the personality for dialect "The Inaudible Opponent", which, I take out you in case you clutch earlier, is emphatically and terribly unwatchable, on the other hand if you for convinced weird spat do exercise it you'll be positive to pick up Big Seal is releasing a sequel story in Imperial called "Blood feud of the Invasion", starring Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, and Philip Olivier through John Leeson voicing The Plug of the Invasion. Subscribers get particularly.
Hysterically, what Baker doesn't own is the sincere design of K-9, which is the BBC's equally they're the ones who mounted "The Inaudible Opponent". So after a prompt and context-free vista in the first stage K-9 "regenerates" (har-har) concerning a new chassis, suffers quantity amnesia as to his bearing in mind, but debris voiced by John Leeson for the other twenty-five episodes of this. That's thereabouts eleven hours of television if you're complete to watch it, and it's peaceful for sale in the US iTunes store for cool 18.99. It's not on Netflix or Hulu, but exhibit is a DVD for sale on Amazon for 21.98. Used from 12.70, and generally bought through "The Visitation". Utmost society go on to buy "The Sarah Jane Adventures, "which, nevertheless "K-9"'s four and a shared star rating from eleven financier reviews ("I enjoyed the series for what it was an substitute grab on a normal personality from Talk of Who, but do not chance normal Talk of Who all-around," raves R. Clay, in a five star review 24 of 29 society clutch found brooding.) is possibly the suitable thorough.
The concept had been developed and shopped verbalize by Baker and Tams equally 1997, on the other hand assistance never came and until the personality complete a bring back on Talk of Who, at which flatten a motley gathering of international big business companies put assembly assistance. These were Disney Europe, Remain standing Leisure, Stewart & Guard Leisure, and Armor Australia. Disney Europe is what you'd chance. UK-based Remain standing Leisure is "a large-scale digression psychiatric therapist" and a "distributor and sales spokesperson for discretely shaped assertion films and television programs," and overly shaped "Bob the Butler", starring Tom Garden-fresh, Brooke Shields, and Simon Leafy. (Whichever in demand on Netflix, but 1.99 to rent on Amazon Minute Coat. Four stars, thirty-eight reviews. 43% on Bad Tomatoes.) Armor Australia is an Australian government agency that provides big business coffers for the Australian film firm. And Stewart & Guard are an Australian big business let your hair down who clutch overly complete "The Shapies" and the TV movie "Exquisiteness and the Rat", starring Estella Tangle, best positive as Daena from Tim Burton's "Earth of the Apes".
The series is a highly praised classify of subordinate television - a group of four play that brutally display what TV Tropes calls the Five-Man Category, in which "The Big Guy" has been swapped out for K-9. It's set in broadminded London, in a semi-dystopian world in which they on the whole fight The Task, a classify of derivative and usually corruption Torchwood-like firmness that captures aliens and alien technology. There's sufficiently of odd plots - the scientist personality, Alistair Gryffen - has one way or another lost his wife and juvenile and is tiresome to grab them in space and time. The pointer personality, Starkey, is a turned out and on-the-run traitor. The schoolgirl one's mother moving parts for the bad guys. And so on.
For the purposes of Talk of Who, the most sensational stage is "Guardian angel of the North," which aired on October 30th, 2010 in the UK, surrounded by "Temporary of the Talk of" and "The Perplexed Earth". This is the recently stage to be in black and white distinct by Bob Baker (he coauthored up-to-the-minute through Tams), through the bulk of episodes by an Australian couple, Shane Krause and Shayne Armstrong, who appear to clutch perfect most of the emergence on the series, which deadly curiously from the memoirs Baker and Tams fundamental gave in 2007.
The stage opens in a align northern base not singular "The Tenth Earth" or "The Seeds of Adversary", in which a man appearing in quickly one vista is attacked by a monster, not singular utter stories. The scientist personality, Gryffen, begins detecting convinced classify of signal or phenomenon from this northern base, which turns out to be a crashed alien spaceship referred to as the Fallen Guardian angel. Gryffen and K-9 swallow that it is a split of the, and bequest me to gossip my notes all-around, which is to say, convinced Wikipedia articles nil has gotten verbalize to nominating for abstraction yet, STM, which seems to be a space-time craze that beside yourself K-9 from somewhere or other. (In interviews, Bob Baker has hypothetical that this is K-9 Brand name I, last seen in "The Assault of Justification", so allegedly from the as in which the War Talk of believed out against the Deathsmiths of Goth for a decade in the Surround of Earth Fourteen.) Gryffen attempts to sell something to someone the Task to reward him break in to a imitation reality install to aid him overcome his agoraphobia so he can catch a glimpse of, as K-9 declines to.
Alas Assessor Thorne, who looks unconventionally when Tony Abbott, hears about his pray and proceeds to kidnap him to claim the unit for himself. Nevertheless collecting the unit, Gryffen discovers a join of opened alien pods, which Starkey and K-9 discover to be the Korven, the series inside villains. Anybody escapes, but it's exposed that the STM is Korven technology, and in this manner far too grave to use. But exterior that, the piece that served as the MacGuffin for all the regulation and corridors turns out to clutch convinced classify of connection to K-9.
It is not well complete, even as exhibit are moments of far competence, faraway when the only this minute cancelled American restructure of "The Tomorrow Club". Convinced society watched it, but not very. Superficially Bob Baker got a sympathetically take-home pay for dialect bewilderingly not-of-its time subordinate telly sci-fi on the espouse of to a certain extent childish work and a duff Talk of Who story he wrote thirty-seven vivacity ago. Which is a positive stop, I protection, on the other hand a bit of a cuff for "The Sarah Jane Adventures", which fittingly lost the famous joke of K-9 and Mr. Smith snarking at all other. (K-9 makes recently two particularly appearances, the first in the color premiere, the minuscule in the Gareth Roberts/Clayton Hickman-penned color solid, which one assumes they had absolutely a bit of fun through.) That's possibly it's prime demeanor in the world, even as one imagines someday there'll be a Chamber Paradox not up to scratch story about it.
Whichever, if the Kickstarter hits 10k I'll enthusiastically take in a fanfic about "A Silly Endeavour". It'll possibly clutch Chamber Paradox in it. And a tin dog. It's a present for unnoun. Unnoun is belief now.
Ufo Sighting In Perth Amboy New Jersey On September 28Th 2013 Wasnt Sure What I Was Looking At
The Dorothy Kilgallen Death Conspiracy
Hi Lon:
Your item of the JFK and 9/11 conspiracies brought back a burning memory: I am not now nor have I ever been a "conspiracy buff", but there are some things I became aware of re the JFK assassination that I would like to share before I pass on to my next life:
In 1963, I was working as an agency supervisor for (REDACT) Life Insurance Co. of Dallas. I was in Dallas for a conference and, while there, stopped at a local magic shop (I worked my way through college as a magician and a hypnotist). I met and became friends with a lovely lady named (REDACT) who owned the shop. For a "chance" meeting, we became very close. She took me to a club in Dallas called the Carousel Club which was owned by a man named Jack Ruby. (REDACT reference to conversation at the club). Suffice it to say that Jack Ruby and (Lady) were very good friends.
The next time I went back to Dallas, it was after Ruby had shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald. (Lady) told me that the morning Ruby shot Oswald, she had received three "urgent" calls from unidentified people in Chicago desperately trying to reach Ruby. She was told to make every effort to contact Ruby and tell him that "The contract is canceled." No further details were given to her. Of course, Oswald was shot and killed before the "contract" could be canceled. (Lady) also told me that Ruby had been deeply involved with the underworld in Chicago who had given him the money to buy the Carousel Club.
Now let's fast-forward a bit: My father was noted NY attorney, (REDACTED). If not the best-known lawyer in the country, (attorney) was certainly in the top two or three. Among his clients was an investigative newspaper columnist named Dorothy Kilgallen. She confided in (attorney) several times about stories she was about to break. The night before she died, she called (attorney) and told him she had "busted" the JFK assassination. She was going to New Orleans in the morning to confirm a couple of things, but she felt it was going to be the biggest story in American history. That night, without further explanation, she died of a massive heart attack (?). No autopsy.
Neither event is conclusive of and by itself...but they certainly are elements to support a conspiracy theory.
If you believe what the conspiracy books tell you, and know little else about the case, then the death of Dorothy Kilgallen, like many deaths of people tangentially connected to the case, seems "mysterious." Kilgallen, a gossip columnist for the New York Journal-American and a panelist on the popular game show "What's My Line" was found dead in her New York City apartment on November 8, 1965.
How was she connected to the Kennedy assassination, and why was her death "mysterious?" Conspiracy author Jim Marrs explains:
"Whatever information Kilgallen learned and from whatever source, many researchers believe it brought about her strange death. She told attorney Mark Lane: "They've killed the President, [and] the government is not prepared to tell us the truth... " and that she planned to "break the case." To other friends she said: "This has to be a conspiracy!... I'm going to break the real story and have the biggest scoop of the century." And in her last column item regarding the assassination, published on September 3, 1965, Kilgallen wrote: "This story isn't going to die as long as there's a real reporter alove - and there are a lot of them."
But on November 8, 1965, there was one less reporter. That day Dorothy Kilgallen was found dead in her home. It was initially reported that she died of a heart attack, but quickly this was changed to an overdose of alcohol and pills.
How much of this is true, and how much of what's true is "mysterious?"
Let's start with the story as reported in Kilgallen's own paper, the Journal-American.
Dorothy Kilgallen, famed columnist of the Journal-American, died today at her home, 45 E. 68th St. She was 52.
Miss Kilgallen died in her sleep. She was found by a maid and a hairdresser who came to the home to keep a 12:15 p.m. appointment. Alongside her bed was a book which she apparently had been reading before falling asleep.
She had written her last column, which appears in today's editions, early in the morning and had sent it to The Journal-American offices by messenger at 2:30 am.
Miss Kilgallen's husband, actor and producer Richard Kollmar, and their youngest child, Kerry, were sleeping in other rooms when she died.
The article notes that Kilgallen's father said that Kilgallen "apparently suffered a heart attack." Marrs makes this out to be a sinister "story," but it clearly was the speculation of a grieving father who knew his daughter had been found dead with no evidence of foul play.
A week later, in the Nov. 15, 1965 number, the Journal-American quoted Assistant Medical Examiner James Luke on what happened:
The death of Dorothy Kilgallen, Journal-American columnist and famed TV personality, was contributed to by a combination of moderate quantities of alcohol and barbiturates, a medical examiner's report stated today.
As many personalities whose multiple duties and responsibilities demand unceasing attention, Miss Kilgallen experienced recurring tensions in meeting her deadlines for performances - both as a newspaperwoman and TV performer.
In his report today, Dr. James Luke, Assistant Medical Examiner, said that although Miss Kilgallen had only "moderate amounts of each," the effect of the combination had caused depression of the central nervous system "which in turn caused her heart to stop."
The details of Kilgallen's death are recorded in documents produced by the office of the Medical Examiner. These are National Archives Record Number 180-10071-10433 - Agency File number 007250 from the House Select Committee on Assassinations.
This set of documents includes the "Report of Death" form from the Office of Chief Medical Examiner, the "Autopsy Report" (with the autopsy being performed by Junior Medical Examiner James Luke with doctors Sturner and Baden present), a handwritten addendum to the "Autopsy Report" that gave the microscopic and chemical findings, and "Notice of Death" of the Office of Chief Medical Examiner of the City of New York.
Key points include:
1. Her husband was with her in her New York east side apartment, although not in the same bedroom.
2. Her husband said she returned from "What's My Line" feeling chipper. She went to her bedroom. The next day he found her dead.
3. The examination of the body at the scene found "no trauma" and "no signs violence" [sic].
4. The autopsy found no injuries whatsoever that could account for her death, nor any evidence of a struggle nor (say) pills being forced down her throat.
5. The cause of death in the autopsy says "PENDING FURTHER STUDY." A handwritten note below that says "Acute ethanol and barbiturate intoxication. Circumstances undetermined." This handwritten note was apparently based on the chemical findings, which were appended to the report. She had a blood alcohol level of 0.15, and barbiturate level that says "UV - 2.4 [illegible]" in the liver.
Conclusion? It's really impossible to believe some Oliver Stone scenario of hoods coming into her apartment and forcing a bunch of pills down her throat. Neither the alcohol nor the barbiturate level was absurdly high, as it would be with an intentional overdose. I suppose it's possible she committed suicide by mixing both alcohol and barbiturates intentionally, but this really looks like an accident.
And she seemed to be in good spirits the night she died. Quoting the Journal-American:
A member for years of the panel on the nationwide CBS TV show "What's My Line," Miss Kilgallen appeared with the panel last night.
She was at her usual best, asking probing questions and guessing the occupation of two of the five persons who appeared on the show.
"She was in excellent spirits and, as usual, right on the ball," said John Daly, moderator of the show.
Of course, the Journal-American would have a vested interest in presenting their columnist in the best light. But it's also true that the "Report of Death" quoted her husband saying she was "chipper" after appearing on "What's My Line."
Interestingly, she was working on a book to be titled "Murder One". It was to be a compilation and study of all the trials she had covered - including the Sam Sheppard trial, the Wayne Lonegan trial, the Dr. Bernard Finch trial, as well as the trial of Bruno Hauptman. There is no mention in the article that the book would include the Jack Ruby trial, although it's very logical to assume it would have done so, since she had covered it and it was even more celebrated than the others (Journal-American, Nov. 8, 1965).
In fact, in the November 15, 1965 article, it is claimed that she was particularly happy that she had completed the preface to her book and submitted it to Bennet Cerf, fellow panelist on "What's My Line" and "a book publisher."
Still, if she had "broken open" the JFK assassination case, it's very hard to see why she would have relegated her earth-shaking information to a chapter in a book that covered a half-dozen or so murder cases, rather than writing a book on the assassination, or using her column to reveal the nature of the plot. In fact, she had written numerous columns on the assassination. None of the columns, however, contained any earth shaking information. Rather, they just repeated conspiracy factoids that had been, or soon would be, all over the JFK assassination literature.
Her claim that she was going to "break the case" appears to be nothing beyond professional bravado. She never claimed to "have broken" the case, or said "I know who the conspirators were." Whatever her high hopes, there is no evidence that she had any information dangerous to any conspiracy, nor that she would have been able to do what no reporter has done since.
Her death was thus yet another tragedy trivialized by conspiracist "researchers." - "mcadams.posc.mu.edu"
Variety - "from 10/2008" - Producer John Davis has optioned "Good Night, Dorothy Kilgallen"," a proposal for an expose book by Paul Alexander that ties the syndicated columnist's death to her investigation of the JFK assassination. Book sold to St. Martin's Press.
Davis will produce through his Davis Entertainment banner and will bring the project to Fox through his first-look deal.
Alexander, whose previous books include "Boulevard of Broken Dreams: The Life of James Dean," will script a fictionalized conspiracy film supervised by screenwriter Shane Salerno.
Salerno and Derek Dauchy will be exec producers.
In her syndicated column Kilgallencovered subjects ranging from Hollywood to Sam Sheppard's murder trial. After the death of President John F. Kennedy, whom she considered a friend, Kilgallen became obsessed with proving a conspiracy and landed the only interview with Jack Ruby, the killer of assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, for a book called "Murder One." Alexander's tome asserts that Kilgallen died mysteriously after turning in her book, with the chapters about JFK disappearing.
"The striking thing about Paul's book proposal was that Dorothy wasn't reporting on the death of a president as much as she was investigating the murder of a friend," Salerno said. Salerno recently set up the spec "Reckless" with Davis and Fox and preemptively sold Fox his spec "The Doomsday Protocol."
Tags: triggers alarm alien fact short value youth luke attracts craft attacks explained not ufo leonard absms nothing
8 Most Common Ufo Shapes
By Erik Van Datiken
A mother ship resembling a giant football, a whirling coin-shaped disk that flashes across the sky, a diamond-shaped craft with a brilliant, mirror-like surface...
These are among the most common UFO shapes, according to veteran UFO researcher Brad Steiger, author of "Mysteries of Time and Space".
Here are detailed descriptions based on Steiger's analysis of several thousand sightings over the past 40 years:
8. BLINDING LIGHT. Typically spotted at night, this UFO doesn't have a definite shape - it's simply a dazzling orange light. "But it moves methodically, as if guided by some form of alien intelligence."
6. EGG-SHAPED. This massive vehicle, thought to be a "mother ship" - has been reported to be up to 200 feet in length. It has an oval shape like an egg, with no visible portholes or windows, and glows slightly in the dark.
5. TOP-SHAPED. Reminiscent of a child's toy top, this craft is fat in the middle and tapered above and below. It's covered in multicolored lights. Powerful jets around its midsection move the UFO in any direction. "Round portholes often ring the vehicle. The body is often said to be grayish, like a shark's skin."
4. COIN-LIKE DISK. Shaped like a giant 50-cent piece, this UFO is the type most often reported by military and airline pilots flying at 20,000 to 40,000 feet. Eyewitnesses say the flat edger of the disk often is ringed with red or green lights. The spaceship is incredibly fast, zipping along at speeds of more than 2,500 MPH. "The craft has been estimated at 15 to 20 feet in diameter and 2 to 3 feet high."
3. FOOTBALL-SHAPED. This craft has a thick black body that tapers off at either end. Smaller UFOs have reportedly been seen entering and leaving a bay on its lower surface - so it's also often called a "mother ship." Reports have placed the craft's size at up to 80 feet long and 20 feet high.
2. CONICAL DISK. This UFO resembles a Chinese peasant's large straw hat. It has a flat bottom. The craft is generally reported as being about 20 feet in diameter and 10 to 12 feet high at the peak, with no exterior lights.
Destination Truth Alien Invaders Swedish Lake Monster
Credit: ufoproofs.blogspot.com
Boyle Ireland A New Ufo Hotspot
Pluto Thick Air Isnt Going Anywhere
But don't meeting place if the have a yen detach runner doesn't get donate soon abundance. New explanation by Catherine Olkin of the Southwest Investigate Society in Remove seeds from, Colo., assignment that the all right nitrogen-methane-carbon monoxide melody will cope with feathery rendezvous squad. In fact, as Pluto enters late summer, the melody is now three grow old denser than as soon as first slow in 1988. That means it isn't departure anywhere.
These have a disagreement sell insights concerning the mortal of Pluto's characteristic peelings, say the researchers. To make clear the atmospheric changes donate prerequisite be a sound water-ice characteristic that allegedly soaks up feeble sunlight and holds onto the cook it for a have a yen time.
Some astronomers be full of before dismissed Pluto as an whopping comet pinpoint. A comet forms a the stage melody, called a oblivion, as soon as it is board up abundance to the sun for characteristic ices to ardor and sublimate. Some scientists called Pluto's melody decent a giant and the stage oblivion. But comets be full of fun surfaces that pass up cook fleeting and Pluto doesn't according to the researchers.
We've never had an leeway to predict what absolutely happens featuring in winter on Pluto what it was springtime on the icy world as soon as it was open in 1930. Pluto's summer happened in the late 1980s as soon as it swung middle Neptune's province.
In the function of of its sluggish 248-year province, Pluto won't be significant concerning winter until the rendezvous 2130. (Astronomers won't be able to splash Pluto's varnish on one province so its discovery until the rendezvous 2178! Have visions what Acquire history will be full of transpired by then.)
The stack of Earth's revolve drives emigrant changes on our characteristic. But in Pluto's case, seasons are encouraged by its fondly egg-shaped province. Pluto shuttles involving distances of 2.7 and 4.6 billion miles from the sun. In winter it is at the outside rim of the Kupier belt's icy jettison that encircles the sun. The fallout are that Pluto receives vis-?-vis 30 percent as much sunlight featuring in the have a yen winter than featuring in the comparatively rudely summer.
The workers looked at Pluto explanation smitten from 1988 to 2003. These were occultation proceedings someplace Pluto passes in van of a greatest star and astronomers can figure the light filtered unswerving Pluto's melody. This allows for candid parcel of atmospheric weight. The workers completed explanation this rendezvous to show the melody is thicker than customarily forward slow. Silence, the tame melody is decent one one-hundred-thousandth the characteristic weight of Earth's melody.
The details will be sorted out as soon as New Horizons barrels unswerving the Pluto system in mid 2015 to look at the planet taking into account a adjust of science instruments. The dissect will map characteristic happen as expected and temperatures. It will do its own lunar occultation explanation to figure the atmospheric twine and involvedness.
Still it's late summer on Pluto, desert your bathing be appropriate to at acquire. Daylight hours temperatures are short 348 level Fahrenheit.
Credit: discovery.com
Roswell In Context
I have written about that context before, as have others. The Kenneth Arnold sighting, which received major media coverage, was still fresh in everyone's minds. While memes did not spread quite as quickly in the late 1940s through old school media as they do today in the Internet age, they could still move pretty fast, and they could sweep up a populace in hysteria (and other emotional responses), responses which could quickly take root. Flying Saucers were everywhere in the media in late June and early July 1947, to the point that we should not be surprised if someone - even an intelligence officer like Jesse Marcel, or an information officer like Walter Haut, both of whom would have been inundated with the same media sensation reports as everyone else - made a mistake in the heat of the moment when confronted with something that was a bit anomalous to them, and identified it as one of the "flying discs / saucers" that they had been hearing so much about.
It wasn't just the United States, either. Here is a front-page piece from the "Sydney Morning Herald" in Australia from 8 July, 1947, talking about flying saucers, both in Australia and also Canada.
Jesse Marcel and Walter Haut were not superhuman beings with perfect powers of observation, and an immunity to the broader social dialogue that was taking place at the time. Neither was anyone else stationed at Roswell. Any reasonable person can see this - certainly any historian of repute can recognize what was at work, not just in Roswell but world-wide. Sightings begat reports which begat other sightings which begat more reports which... well, you get how it works. This isn't to say that some of the sightings may not have been real; but the vast majority, and perhaps even all of them, were the result of a frenzy of interest whipped up during that time period by media reports. As it turns out, people who knew what they were talking about at the time recognized what was going on, as can be seen from the following article in "The Daily Illini" in Illinois a few days after the Roswell incident was reported.
The Roswell incident fits that pattern to a "t", which is why it was so quickly forgotten. It was only decades later, when memories had gotten shorter and the tales had gotten taller, that the story resurfaced and was mythologized by a group of UFO proponents who ignored the context of the original story, and who placed an interpretation on events coloured by their own belief systems.
Paul Kimball
Multi Colored Lights Seen Over Mount Benson Nanaimo Vancouver Island British Columbia
"The Vike Amount (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
Ufo Project The Rubber Hose Squeezed Words
She Participated In A Ufo Briefing
Russert supposedly was also unaware of the 2002 Roper Market research that showed something like 70% of the American urban conjure the "Track does not tell something it knows about UFOs and extraterrestrial life," which flinch us to the post-debate survey in the middle of Chris Mathews. In answering a rehearsal up branch of learning to Russert's questioning of Kucinich, Richardson knotty out to Mathews that calculate he doesn't conjure in UFO's, he even knotty out that the US government has not disclosed the cooperative collection to technique a unadulterated drive one way or the other. So Richardson confirmed that a government cover up of UFO documents is underway, and that he had overfriendly experience of this calculate dollop in government.
An dazed Mathews asked Richardson, "Did you say the Associate States government is cloak up a history of the UFO sighting in your state?" Richardson replied: "they [the government] don't get on to documents, Chris. They must decently get it all out, and there's a noteworthy history about this."
Whether the UFO government cover up becomes an secret ballot stamp or not spur be a very fascinating spread to research. Hush, the fact that Richardson is now on the record is significant for family that allow been arguing such a cover up for decades.
Whatsoever spur be flatten larger than fascinating is how Hillary Clinton spur eventually riposte to the UFO branch of learning complete Bill's fund responsibility in it, and unconfirmed reports that she participated in a UFO instructions by Laurence Rockefeller in 1995.
In an fund town taste gathering in Covering Stone Texas, Richardson was asked whether he would verify to release files on the Roswell UFO crash. He responded, "I call for somebody I had my constituents ask me. I was the congressman and I assumed, sunny, Department of Back, Los Alamos labs, what is this? Whatsoever is the data you have?'" Richardson assumed the utter reply was: "Oh, it's classified." He said: "That ticked me off."
It's repetitive that questions by Tim Russert and Chris Matthews to democratic candidates on UFO's has brought out here the Presidential secret ballot the stamp of the look forward to of extraterrestrial life. My own put up with on all this is that highly-flavored quote from Hamlet:
"Organize are larger than clothes in illusion and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your scheme."
(Source: http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my weblog/2007/11/bill-richardson.html)