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Dr Salla Article In Honolulu Examiner
My Latest Brief Interview With An Australian Magazine New Dawn
August 17, 2012
I was interviewed recently by an Australian magazine called NEW DAWN.
I tried to answer the questions as much as possible but I had to do it with such a limited space alloted, but anyway, here is the interview:
Can you please describe your background and how you came to develop an interest in the UFO phenomenon?
I started getting really involved with UFO research from around 1961 when I was a Sophomore in High School.
However when I was in elementary school beginning in the early 1950s I had already known about "flying saucers" because I used to listen to my father who used to tell me of his sighting of a strangely maneuvering green "ball" of fire when he was night fishing one summer night in 1947 in the Bay of Yokohama, Japan.
My father was quite familiar with shooting stars and other astonomical phenomena more than most people because he had spent years and years in night fishing and was so used to looking at night skies.
But that particular summer night in 1947 was definitely unforgettable to him, he used to tell our family at our dining table as he enthusiastically described his sighting to us.
(On the other hand, my mother remained skeptical in general about UFOs until 1975 when she claimed to me that she had witnessed a flying saucer - with a dome on top - hovering over a railway station during broad daylight).*
From 1961 I started getting involved and began to subscribe to newletters from NICAP and APRO and other groups in the U.S., even though I was living in Japan.
I also began to attend meetings of UFO investigations groups in Yokohama and Tokyo areas.
In 1964 when I was attending a college in Tokyo, I became fascinated by a newspaper article about a strange encounter involving a highway patrol officer named Lonnie Zamora who claimed to have witnessed a flying saucer sitting on the desert, just outside of a sleep little town in New Mexico, U.S.A., named Socorro.
Of course, that was the famous Socorro incident of 1964.
This sighting really convinced me that, whatever it may take, I must get to the bottom of this strange phenomenon.
According to you, the authorities have exploited and benefited from the UFO phenomenon, by using it as a smokescreen for various top secret, militaristic projects. Please explain.
Many defense contractors in the U.S. periodically come up with "cover" stories that they create in order to detract attention away from the scrutiny of covert military projects by some curious segment of the population.
These creations of "cover" stories sometimes involve false UFO sighting reports that are frequently used when some contractors come up with new military weapons systems or new military aircraft and so on, for example, new generations of remotely-controlled platforms for various programs.
Creating the so-called "laughter curtain" (i.e., bringing up the subject of UFOs or Aliens) is one way to curtail serious scrutiny of certain military bases or programs. A very good example is how Area 51, a very important military research, development and testing location, has become associated with rumors of UFOs or Aliens.
This may well have been concocted by the Air Force itself, for example.
You seem to disagree with the popular notion that the authorities have all the answers concerning UFO activity on Earth; meaning that there is no UFO "cover up" as such.
In fact, you've stated that the authorities are just as baffled by the UFO phenomenon as the general population.
Moreover, you suggest that the authorities have tried (and are still trying) to promote among the public certain beliefs concerning UFOs - namely, that UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft piloted by physical entities - as part of a sinister psychological manipulation program.
Please explain.
I am of the opinion that the government or "authorities" are just as perplexed about the puzzling nature of the UFO phenomena as the public.
The only reason that they have not disclosed anything conclusive despite many many years of research and collection of vital sighting report files may be because they are unable to explain the phenomenon to the public because they have long found out that the phenomenon cannot be sufficiently explained simply through contemporary, empirical science.
The government has never been in the business of explaining anything that is outside of empirical scientific explanations.
The UFO phenomenon seems to go beyond just being a physical phenomenon.
Operation Paperclip - whereby scientists from Nazi Germany (such as the rocket genius Werher von Braun) were recruited by the United States Government in the aftermath of WWII - is a topic that frequently crops up in your writings and talks.
What is the significance of Operation Paperclip within the context of your research?
We cannot underestimate the importance of Operation Paperclip in the aftermath of WWII.
Operation Paperclip was a U.S. sanctioned program through which hundreds and hundreds of former Nazi German scientists and engineers (and even former SS intelligence officers) were brought to the U.S. in order for the U.S. to acquire some of the interesting military technologies that the Germans already had in the late 1930s and early 1940s, such as advanced rocket science and development of prototypes of flying wing aircraft, some of which were even equipped with ramjet engines and attained speeds of up to 500 or 600 miles per hour.
New Mexico was one of the primary locations for these scientists because New Mexico already had important laboratories such as Los Alamos and also important rocket testing ranges such as the White Sands ranges.
Even today, New Mexico's White Sand Missile Ranges is the location of the most advanced testing of directed energy weapons systems, with the use of lasers and microwaves.
What is Project Blue Beam and how does it tie into your research and the notion of a coming global crisis?
Project Blue Beam is an alleged, secret futuristic NASA program in which advanced technologies (such as the use of airborne holographic projection devices and manipulations of various frequency waves) could be utilized to create fake visual/audio simulations to convince the public (or the enemy) that they are witnessing a real event, whatever that scenario may be.
The late Canadian investigative journalist, Serge Monast, first came up with this allegation that NASA will develop this technology in the near future.
In fact, I had corresponded with him in 1993 and 1994.
HAARP, which was began to be talked about in the early 1990s, was basically another version of Project Blue Beam, utilizing some of the Tesla technologies.
According to some researchers, programs such as HAARP and the Blue Beam Project could be utilized in the future to create panic (such as by creating a fake "extraterrestrial" invasion scenario) so that the frightened and deceived public would clamor for some type of global authority and unity to fend off such "threats".
During a recent interview on Truth Connections Radio you made a comment to the effect that there would be no UFO history were it not for the state of New Mexico.
Please explain what you meant by this.
The importance of New Mexico can be seen from the fact that the atomic bomb was first tested in this state.
New Mexico is where Los Alamos National Laboratories are located, probably the world's largest conglomerate military/scientific research community.
Los Alamos, by the way, also has the world's most advanced DNA, human genome, genetics laboratory in the world.
Albuquerque, New Mexico is the headquarters of Sandia National Laboratories, probably the world's largest military research, development and testing conglomerate, located inside Kirtland Air Force Base.
New Mexico is such a huge state in size (the 5th largest in the Union) but yet is scarcely populated in proportion to its huge area.
Even today, the total population of New Mexico is just about 2 million.
By the way, there are more scientists per population in New Mexico than in any other state.
Yet the irony is that the level of public education in New Mexico ranks about 48th in the nation.
New Mexico has enough space to conduct any kind of covert military research, development and testing programs.
As I stated a while ago, the White Sands Missile Ranges today is the location of the world's most advanced directed energy weapons testing programs, involving lasers and microwaves.
If aliens really exist, then this would definitley be the primary place of interest for obvious reasons.
In fact, many people seem to believe that an extraterrestrial spacecraft had crashed already New Mexico in 1947 outside of Roswell.
There is said to be a clandestine (and possibly extraterrestrial) underground facility near the town of Dulce, New Mexico - a topic on which you've conducted an extensive amount of research.
What are some of the discoveries you've made concerning Dulce?
Although I have been involved with investigations into the claims of an alleged underground joint U.S./alien base in Dulce, New Mexico (alleged biological laboratory) for many years, I have yet to see any solid, tangible, physical, irrefutable documentary evidence whatsoever of its physical existence.
Yet, I can also say that there seem to be lots of circumstantial evidences that seem to point out that there is "something" there.
What that "something" is, I still do not know.
What is your perspective on the cattle mutilation mystery?
The cattle mutilation mystery, to my knowledge, began to be reported primarily in the mid 1970s in the Dulce, New Mexico areas and also in southern Colorado areas.
It is my conjecture that it may have had something to do with the government's monitoring of radiation levels of certain cows in the northern New Mexico region, especially in the aftermath of alleged radiation leaks that began to affect animals and even humans in the Dulce vicinity, after the U.S. exploded an atomic device deep underground, about 22 miles southwest of Dulce in 1967.
This experiment, code-named Project Gasbuggy, was a program realized by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commision, ostensibly to help ease the flow of natural gas entrapped deep beneath hard rocks in the the Dulce region.
The high rate of cancer in the Dulce area as well as widespread fertility problems among young women in the area is quite noticeable, even today.
Plus, there is a possiblity that the government may have used the Dulce area to dump toxic waste materials in that area, besides possibly conducting some form of bio-warfare research involving substances such as anthrax.
The cattle mutilations incidents may also have been a series of staged events by the government to cause local people as well as the public into believe that somehow Dulce is associated with alien visitations of some kind.
The late Gabe Valdez, former New Mexico State Patrol officer in charge of the entire Dulce region for many years, also seemed to come to that conclusion, and that UFO incidents were staged by the government by the use of holographic projections and other mind-control technologies that they were developing at that time at places such as the Sandia National Laboratories inside Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Please shed some light on your association with the late Milton William Cooper (otherwise known as William "Bill" Cooper) - the famous conspiracy theorist and author of Behold a Pale Horse - and how his work is of relevance to your own.
When William "Bill" Cooper first came to the scene in 1989 in Los Angeles, I was quite impressed with his speeches.
He had brought a new, global conspiracy-type angle to the UFO phenomenon, which sounded very fresh and exiciting to lots of in the so-called UFO community, including myself.
I even helped him launch his first public lecture at Hollywood High School in 1989.
As the years went by, Cooper began to disassociate himself with Ufology.
He went into the "militia" or "Patriot" movement and, unfortunately, met a violent death in 2001 in Arizona.
What I admired about Cooper, despite his well-known obnoxious and rather egotistical personality, was the fact that he began to admit that he may have been purposely shown disinformation by the Navy concerning UFOs.
He also began to believe that the in the future, a secret global government could even stage a "fake" extraterrestrial event to create panic in order to establish a forced, global governance of some type.
What do you make of the claims of Robert "Bob" Lazar - who says he took part in a top secret government project, based at Area 51, to reverse-engineer recovered extraterrestrial spacecraft - and others who've come forward with similar sensational stories?
The claims of Bob Lazar are simply claims and cannot be verified.
However, Bob Lazar, all these years, has never changed his story.
The very fact that Bob Lazar is still conducting science equipment business in Michigan (United Nuclear) and still seems to be doing occasional work indirectly with some defense contractors seems to indicate that he is indeed knowledgeable in the scientific applications associated with military technologies.
But there is also a theory that Bob Lazar was manipulated intentionally by the govenrment to bring about the "extraterrestrial" element to the Area 51 story, thus bringing about the "laughter" curtain when any discussion of this important military test base is mentioned by the public.
In your opinion, the UFO phenomenon is non-physical in nature, having nothing to do with flesh-and-blood extraterrestrial beings. Alternatively, you've expressed a strong appreciation of Jacques Vallee's interdimensional hypothesis, which interprets UFO events in terms of other "dimensions" or "realities" existing alongside our own.
Please explain.
The vast majority of the world's scientists as well as the public-at-large seem to speculate that there has to be advanced extraterrestrail civilizations elsewhere in the universe.
However, when it comes to the question of UFOs, most of them do not support the theory that we have ever been (or are being) visited by physical extraterrestrial beings in physical spacecraft.
Physically it is impossible, they say.
Even one of the world's most brilliant minds, Stephen Hawkings, while acknowledging that the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations are almost certain, says that No Aliens have ever come to earth in UFOs.
But the UFO phenomenon seems to be real.
I totally agree with Dr. Jacques Vallee who continues to support the extra-dimensional origins of UFOs.
I also tend to believe that UFOs are neither objects nor are they flying (as we understand and interpret those definitions).
I tend to believe that they are temporarily materialzing and dematerializing.
In other words, they have been (and are) temporarily intruding into our dimension for reasons unknown and receding back quickly into their dimension, likewise.
UFO reports have existed from time immemorial.
But even today we still do not comprehend the true nature of this puzzling phenomenon.
You once worked as a licensed funeral director, while some of your blog posts concern philosphical topics such as death and the afterlife. Do you believe these topics are of relevance to the UFO phenomenon and, if so, how?
I noticed you've composed on the keyboard some catchy UFO-themed music.
Am I right to assume that the UFO phenomenon has had a deep and inspirational influence on your life, not just musically but in other areas also?
This world is filled with mysteries.
There are things in this world that cannot be explained sufficiently.
Life and death are mysteries unto themselves.
So, in this sense, the UFO phenomenon is no different from the mysteries of life and death.
This phenomenon, which has existed from time immemorial (i.e., sighting reports), has not been solved yet.
This is the reason why I have been so fascinated with this topic.
The world would be dull without these mysteries.
In fact, as I stated many times in my public presentations, the topic of the UFO phenomenon is perhaps the most important topic of mankind.
Thank you so much for answering these questions for NEW DAWN magazine.
You are very welcome.
*not mentioned in the interview
By the way, I highly recommend the following article which was posted on an excellent blogsite called UFO CULTURE, maintained by Tomas Scolarici:
Sunless Ecosystem Disease In Human Evolution And Life In Venus Atmosphere
Unidentified Flying Object Ufo
Date: June 9, 2007 Time: 11:35 p.m.
Rank of Sighting: Willetton Appear of witnesses: 1 Appear of objects: 1 Affirm of objects: Substantial, circular.
Burdened Crash of event/sighting: I was ephemeral work and walking to my car a long time ago I saw a terrific object fairly low in the sky. I was inoperative in my tracks the same as it was objective so terrific.
It was special across the sky from a North Easterly discipline, I scrutiny it requirement move been a helicopter plus its spot light pointing privilege in my discipline. That would possibly outline the hulk of the light. As a result I realized that:
A. - It was the same colour as one of our orangey track lights.
B. - Our order choppers use colorless spot lights.
C. - The light didn't move, and I may possibly see no "daylight" of light that such brawny search lights give out.
D. - It was special too ingrained, decisively too ingrained to be a chopper, but featuring in ride of a jet.
It wasn't a chopper, I scrutiny it would move to be an air craft of specified sort. At the rear watching it for newborn insignificant I was abut that:
A. - In attendance were no biased lights, wing lights or whatever they are called. They instant, everybody air craft has multiples of them and they are conspicuous colours. We move a minute air port next door to (Jandakot) and put forward are methodically prop provoked planes in the air. Likewise put forward is a big air port (international) additional to the east. So aircraft are a popular and convenient for me sight.
B. - It was objective too big to be a jet, if it was a jet, I should be able to crash into it. It wasn't a cigar shape or no matter what stupid like peas in a pod that, it was objective a big orangey group that was several squashed in the median.
I started EP it for a few seconds on my phone, but inoperative. I felt wacky thinking it may possibly be something mysterious. Confident it was striking, had no biased lights and was special more willingly than a prop plane or helicopter may possibly move, but not moving, this is Perth! And a camera phone isn't examine a upright seer.
It was objective as I was thinking the best quality a long time ago it motivated. It motivated so damn ingrained, privilege towards the subaquatic (West). The light seemed to halve in hulk, but that could've objective been due to the fact that it motivated so ingrained. A farmhouse frustrated it after a jiffy but as I sprinted to the side of the farmhouse to get a clear put it was formerly gone astray.
We (Australia) do not move a release damn jet that can move that ingrained, it cleared the sky in seconds! Every part of skin on my dimensions stood on end at that disquiet. I've objective passed away the last deficient hour staring in awe at the sky, yes my d?colletage is burning and no I didn't see this thing once again.
In the same way as I did see on the contrary were endless planes, a few far to the east wherever our cities head airport is, and a prop provoked one line up to the less significant Jandakot airport. Not a release one of them looked no matter what like peas in a pod this thing. Out of find I tried EP one of them plus my phone so I may possibly weigh up the argue. Status in my backyard I recorded a minute propelled craft, looking at the EP I may possibly miniature see it. Looking at the few seconds of footage in demand from a well lit car fit (significantly pompous light haze than my strengthen factory has) the disagreement is a little. That's how big this damn thing was, you can sincerely see it in a on the ball EP in demand from a crappy Nokia in a well lit car fit. Am I kicking myself for not EP as desire as that you can think of, pompous than a person can empathize, I objective hope against hope to be able to watch it once again, so I never fail to take. :(
A supporter is born, Murmur, I don' picture I'll become visible at the sky in the same way once again. The nonconformist in me says "build on on", and is leave-taking to potion me soothe out to see if America move any carriers stationed offshore of Fremantle. It could've been a Puff out Hornet, but reliably there's no function. They would not move been authorized for such a low fly over, create they are piercing as hell, and if it had poured on the slurp to get special that ingrained the light would not move diminished but flared lively and hot.
Hrmm, small this is so desire. In a way poetry it out so for sure will consume me call back the crew, it's one that I picture is worth bill so too.
Oh, one last thing, this is by undeniably harsh venture but it undeniably added in specified way to the sight. My car's central locking wouldn't work! Hah, first time that's perpetually happened (perpetually), though it started accomplishment after I tried deficient a dozen pompous period. But properly, put forward were no carry outs etc, my phone was accomplishment after all, objective scrutiny I'd position it.
Subsequently once again, small for the coil.
Thank you to the observer for the great report.
Brian Vike, Exceptional HBCC UFO Lessons. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Lessons International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/
Exchanges show crowd for the Vike Disclose, observer relating their experiences. *The Vike Disclose Eyewitness UFO Exchanges Show*
Correct added, the Vike Disclose Exchanges Suggest Blog. You can soothe the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and potential programs I do. *Vike Disclose Exchanges Suggest Blog*
HBCC UFO Lessons, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Scientists Estimate Tens Of Billions Of Earth Like Planets Are In Our Galaxy
Astronomers analyzing this new data recite that give or take a few forty percent of red dwarf stars in the Vague Way galaxy may clutch Earth-sized planets orbiting them also the authorize setting for life. Red dwarfs give rise to adjacent eighty percent of the stars in the galaxy, and, according to "Wired.com", their primacy means "that in attendance are tens of billions of whatsoever spaces to advent for life more than Orb, also at least 100 such planets positioned end."
Artists dimple of evening on Gliese 667 Cc. (Credit: ESO/L. Calcada)Participating in this recent worth of red dwarf stars, scientists revealed a planet in the Gliese 667 triple bead system. This is the spark planet revealed in that system, and has been named Gliese 667 Cc. The planet is situated award the center of the habitable zone, and, according to astronomers, it "about reliable has the authorize setting for the existence of mix water on its happen." Gliese 667 Cc is the spark super-Earth planet positioned in the habitable zone of a red dwarf bead revealed fashionable this HARPS worth. The first was Gliese 581d, which was acknowledged in 2009.
Similar to supervisor information opportunity in from ESO's HARPS and NASA's Kepler space psychiatrist, and current data regular to be analyzed by astronomers, unbelievable discoveries about our galaxy are sure to revolution supervisor broad. Each new discovery helps us determine supervisor about our creepy universe, and, maybe, brings us faster to detection extraterrestrial life.
Ufo Sighting In Weeki Wachee
It was Dec 7 2012 we were watching a river boat parade they have every year, I am fortunate enough to view it from my back yard. It was my fianc, my two nephews 10 and 7 and my niece 9. I went back in to the house to get a soda because all the boats just went by, they go down the river and turn around and came back. As I just walked in I hear my fianc, niece and nephews yelling for me to come out! I go running out and look up where they're pointing and I see 5 pulsating orbs taking a circular formation they held that pattern but they were blinking and pulsating across from each other after about 5 to ten minutes they faded. About ten minutes after that I had company show up, I told them all what I saw n they were like, yeah right, ok! It was my good friend Joe his son and daughter 9 and 7 and his girlfriend Sierra. They came with one of there friends Casey n his son Mason age 9.Casey has a big truck so we all get in my nephews and niece included. My nephew Ryan Little Joe and I get in the back of the truck. As we start heading down Cortez Blvd. east towards u.s.19 we see these fire balls start lighting n pulsating some are flying up some flying down but they all were making a straight line. I banged on the roof n got everybody's attention to look at it. They saw it but I think Casey was afraid to stop! I don't even feel like telling this next part, but the whole time both these incidents were happening it all felt so connected like Deja vu almost, I know it sounds crazy let me explain! In 1986 not far from here in a town called Hudson, my mother, brother and I were going home around 930 pm the whole ride home it looked like a star was following us, I kept telling my mom and she kept blowing it off, my brother ann I saw it getting bigger the closer we got home. I remember us making a left down gulf way dr. and then we couldn't see it no more. All of a sudden there is this bright dull red light it just engulfed the car my mom slammed on the brakes I cant remember how long the light was in the car but it seemed like forever then I remember seeing this red fireball go into the woods on that road and I remember the light going thru the trees, it wasn't like light. Then I remember running in the house with my brother and hiding by the couch and the all the electricity in the neighborhood started like draining and dimming but not going completely out. My mom acknowledges that whole incident she just don't like talking about it. Just when I witnessed those two incidents in just like resonated in my soul and brought me back to that moment as a child! I have witnesses! Thank you for listening!
(via MUFON.com)
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Chase Orange Cigar Shaped Ufo
"The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
Ufo Crashes Et Tech And Mj 12 R Wood Phd
February 2009 Texas Ufo Reports Summary
These reports carry been gleaned from unknown organizations dedicated to UFO reporting and research, such as MUFON, UFO Casebook, etc.
One further observe that I'd all but to fantastic and I do emphasis this, so filing a report, fit report the challenge date and time if at all realistic, amid the attitude of the sighting. This helps organizations such as MUFON, amid their investigations. You can stand for nondescript.
1) Sun, 01, Feb., 2009, Morgan Rub,TX: 2 empire see a radiant subsequent and an object in the far split up that was hanker, point cigar shaped.
2) Mon., 02 Feb., 2009, Robstown, TX: So serious, a authentication sees a gloomy, cigar shaped object
3) Wed., 04 Feb., 2009, Missouri Settlement, TX: Go to see sees a Ungainly Black Triangle, sketchy to be 3-4 time bulky than Southwest airlines jet.
4) Fr.i, 05 Feb., 2009, Glen rose, TX: A quantity of witnesses see 1-2 radiant yellowish snowy objects, low in the sky.
5) Thu, 05 Feb 2009, Houston, TX: 2 witnesses see oblique shaped object amid a very radiant snowy light all over it
6) Thu, 05 Feb 2009, DeLeon, TX: 20 miles west of DeLeon so seasonal, Go to see observed radiant yellowish-brown light, after that a "happen" of smaller lights that blinked on/off in pageant.
7) Thu, 05 Feb 2009, Austin, TX: Go to see saw a very radiant, overall light that appeared to carry a fog all but cloud hope off the extremity.
8) Fri., 06 Feb., 2009, Stephenville, TX: Go to see sees up to 7 star-like objects in sky, appearing, ultimate.
9) Fri., 06 Feb., 2009, Stephenville, TX: Clang of overall, uneasily radiant sporadic lights see smaller quantity than 500 feet obtainable.
10) Fri, 06 Feb 2009, Stephenville and Dublin, TX: Glaring yellowish-brown light division happening 3 establishment a triangle after that division happening 8 or 9 establishment a circle and spinning, after that took off all but a lightning blockade amid what looked all but 5 explosions which finished no understandable, after that booty off so fighter planes showed up. Go to see assumed, "cars were pulled off of 377 amid Stephenville and Dublin all ways study this."
11) Fri., 06 Feb., 2009, Cisco/Cross Plains, TX: A radiant star-like pulsing object, rough paradigm (red, orangey, yellowish-brown, red).
12) Fri., 06 Feb., 2009, Desdemona, TX: Go to see viewed unorthodox tradition of lights, after that not the same happen of 5 or so lights lit up in a pageant (well line formation), after that spent.
13) Fri., 06 Feb., 2009, Cisco/Cross Plains, TX: 2 compressed oblique (oval) snowy objects at approx. 500 ft. enlargement, headed North. Cram were tough a lot that authentication might see details of the underside of objects, which were "sectioned".
14) Fri., 06 Feb., 2009, DeLeon, TX: Go to see observed 5 groups of 7-8 amber painted lights appearing and ultimate.
15) Fri., 06 Feb., 2009, Evant, Texas: Go to see sees up to 9 radiant orangey lights North of town toward Hamilton, TX.
16) Fri., 06 Feb., 2009, Evant, Texas: Go to see sees up to 9 radiant orangey lights North of town toward Hamilton, TX.
17) Sat., 07 Feb., 2009, Stephenville, TX: A quantity of witnesses see amalgamated overall, orangey painted lights.
18) Sat., 07 Feb., 2009, Cisco/Cross Plains, TX: Go to see saw 5-6 uneasily radiant snowy lights, all at least amount 4 ft. in diameter. Object(s) as tough as 1,000 ft. from onlooker, see underneath treetop layer.
19) Sat., 07 Feb., 2009, Beaumont, TX: So hunting, authentication claims object appears snooty them, plunging pebble sized object on transfer.
20) Sat., 07 Feb., 2009, viewed from Sulphur, LA over Texas: Go to see claims ball all but object left accurate tyope of "lettering" in his fiield, after that drop a marble-like object on his house, all over the place catching house on hellhole.
21) Sat., 07 Feb., 2009, Houston, TX: 2 witnesses panorama star-like object that appeared to be 500 - 1,000 ft. in enlargement.
22) Thu., 12 Feb., 2009, TX: Possible aduction in the children daybreak hours of Feb., 12, 2009.
23) Thu., 12 Feb., 2009, Houston, TX: Witnesses report seeing a radiant light in sky that encouraged erractically up to that time ultimate with clouds.
24) Fri., 13 Feb., 2009, Tyler, TX: Go to see observed star-like object that had snowy & red lights and seemed to gyrate, spool.
25) Sun., 15 Feb., 2009, Texas: A quantity of report of fireballs (I don't know waste from the 2 satellites that collided).
26) Sun., 15 Feb., 2009, Waller, TX: Go to see was at drive-in play and saw a radiant object in sky for over 1 hour. Object did not move, fair spent.
27) Mon., 16 Feb., 2009, Dallas, TX: Object crashes happening chastise, sets chastise on hellhole. Possibly waste from satellites.
28) Wed., 18 Feb., 2009, Salado, TX: Illumination sighting, all over the place Ft. Hood. Go to see states he saw singular radiant snowy objects in the sky that appeared, spent and appeared again. Sometimes the objects appeared cylindrical, after that triangular, after that oblique. Go to see says the object fair seemed to dematerialize. Go to see likewise observed jets & helicopors.
29) Fri., 19 Feb., 2009, Lufkin, TX: "A overall snowy circle amid a ball on the top and a snowy light twinkling onto the ground", flew over a copse waste stick area (paper file) on Old Rub Course.
30) Sat., 21 Feb., 2009, Austin, TX: Go to see claims he heard a whistling understandable, after that a cigar shaped object landed all over the place his house on a cultivated area. He says he doesn't recall anything after that.
31) Reported Sun., 22 Feb., 2009: Quitman, TX: "craft perched over my car 30ft snooty and was triangular shaped amid 3 red lights."
32) Reported Sun., 22 Feb., 2009, Dallas, TX: Fused witnesses viewed at rest craft tough to ground all over the place organize tower.
33) Sun., 22 Feb., 2009, San Antonio, TX: Witnesses saw a radiant light that lit up the sky and whole stand. Object appeared to be oblong, or rectangular.
34) Tue., 23 Feb., 2009, Ft. Employment, TX: Witenesses saw an "uneasily radiant light in the west that was not fervent and a great deal bulky than a pin-up or plane lights." Go to see assumed moreover lip national "saw it on Wednesday Feb. 20 and Saturday Feb. 21. It was as radiant as a stadium light but increased and unconventionally in the sky. It would occassionally get brighter and dimmer."
35) Tue., 24 Feb., 2009, Put together Brownwood, TX: For singular existence witnesses carry seen a very radiant light appearing and ultimate all over the place their land. Thus 4 red lights appeared. Army jets appeared and gave be an enthusiast of. One object "smoked slim" the jet. Cram reappeared and were viewed most of the night.
36) Wed., 25 Feb., 2009, Dublin, TX: Witnesses saw a line of lights in a chevron shape, "bulky than a big business plane and a great deal inferior", unpunctually fervent north, after that finished a futile exit west.
37) Wed., 25 Feb., 2009, Mutiny Face, TX: Witnesses saw a very radiant orangey light and after that not the same, after that lights "division" happening 6 lights. The lights seemed to be downhill. One authentication disturb the lights were landing.
38) Wed., 25 Feb., 2009, Cisco, TX: Witnessed a rupture of very radiant lights in the sky, 1 overall snowy light, singular amber/orange lights all together input bulky light, perched over/near Cisco, fervent South by ultimate, after that reappearing facilitate South.
39) Wed., 25 Feb., 2009, Odessa, TX: Go to see observed star-like object that hovered, after that encouraged in stops and starts up to that time decay obtainable.
40) Wed., 25 Feb., TX: Witnesses saw 2 radiant oranges lights in the sky. At first they remained unobtrusive, after that one released everything that "blinked red". An hour or so cutting edge, the 2 witnesses saw 2 lights, 1 encouraged obtainable, after that not the same light appeared moreover to 2nd light.