News Of The Weird Smoking Hills Strange Hum Mysterious Booms And Were All Going Mental

News Of The Weird Smoking Hills Strange Hum Mysterious Booms And Were All Going Mental
The Vancouver Sun reports that there is a whole lotta shakin goin on. They're mystified by it.


For months, residents of south and west Windsor have been wondering and worrying about vibrations of unknown origin. And now, those mysterious rumblings under the city have found a new believer - the city's Ward 10 Coun. Al Maghnieh, who says it's time to start taking the phenomenon seriously. "It's very present and real," he said. Maghnieh added that those who think the phenomenon is a joke or that its proponents are "crazy" need to grasp the implications in terms of health and the environment. "I mean, it's actually scary to think that this is going on and we still can't pinpoint what it is," he said. "This is potentially very dangerous." Maghnieh said he first started receiving calls from concerned citizens back in March. But it wasn't until the early hours of Friday morning - when he'd arranged to visit the homes of rumble witnesses - that he experienced the sensation himself. "It's a very sharp, consistent rumble sound," Maghnieh said. "Sometimes it's like a hum." [more at link[

Another earth event no one is able to explain...

In June the UK Telegraph reported another village is latest victim of 'the hum'.

"It is a mysterious sound on the very edge of perception that has driven thousands of people around the world to distraction." Now a tiny English village is the latest community to claim to be being hit by the phenomenon known as "the hum". Residents of Woodland, in County Durham, claim that every night a noise permeates the air similar to the throb of a car engine. It is sometimes so strong that it even shakes the bed of one of the householders. But no matter how hard they look, the community cannot find the source of the problem and, at their wits end, have called in the council to investigate. The 300-strong population is the latest around the world to be hit by the rumble which has in the past led to wild conspiracy theories blaming it on UFOs, government experiments and abandoned mine shafts."

This video is from Kiev a few days ago. It is a video of a cityscape scene that is veritably throbbing with a humming noise. It is not traffic. I make no claim about what it purports to show. Without context, the sound could simply be a street-level tunnel construction. On the other hand, I don't think anyone would take a video of the sound if it was attributable to normal and ongoing construction...

In this news spot from California a few days ago, the newscaster reports that the hills are smoking. The news spot is headed by the phrase "Mystery Phenomenon."

Hmmm, weird. Other reports say that it may have been a minor quake that opened a submerged tar pit that when added the oxygen and it got superheated. There are a lot of "maybes' and 'possiblies' in that explanation.

News Daily states unequivocally that we've all seemed to gone mental. Their speculation is that it's the sun doing it.


"Rollercoaster financial markets and the worst riots Britain has seen in decades have made it quite a week for a time of year that is usually so dead the newspapers are filled with "silly season" tales of amusing pet antics. Everyone is pointing fingers -- at blundering politicians, hooded thugs, disaffected youths, bumbling police and greedy bankers -- but could the cause for all the madness really be the star at the center of our solar system?"

They go on to speculate that it may be the bombardment of Coronal Mass Ejections containing high concentrations of charged ions driving us crazy.

It's not ions. It's sin. As Terry James at Rapture ready wrote today so eloquently, "The Holy Spirit (the Restrainer) will withdraw from His office as governor on the consciences of mankind, we are told in 2 Thessalonians 2: 6-8. Then evil will be unleashed to make life hell on earth for all of those left behind to face God's wrath and judgment."

The Tribulation is a time when the LORD will shake the earth. He is in control of the earth, the sky, the universe, and heaven. He will cause the stars to fall, the sun to go black, earthquakes to crumble mountains and islands to disappear. The earth will crack apart, it will be split asunder. (Rev 6, Isaiah 24:19; Matthew 24, Amos 5:18; Nahum 1:5...).

He is speaking now. He is longsuffering and patient, waiting for those who will repent, to repent. So what are you waiting for? Ask Jesus to forgive your sins! He will!

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