Ufo Government Conspiracy

Ufo Government Conspiracy Image

"It was in another lifetime.... full of toil and blood.... where darkness was a virtue... and the road was full of mud" Dylan

There was a clandestine government body unknown to Project Bluebook that investigated UFOs.

Notice, no question marks here.

I believe this is fact. The proof is below:

Mike Nelson: Protage Ohio UFO Venus Case:(for info)


Dedicated To Deputies Dale Spaur, William Neff and Mike Nelson

Many of you may not know Arthur Godfrey: he was a TV host in the fifties similar to Letterman and the rest. He was also a pilot who had witnessed a UFO. He mentioned it a few times over the years. On one of his shows, he interviewed Dorothy Kilgallen, a syndicated columnist. A private "source" and rather important person, as I remember, had reported to her a UFO experience. The male witness was on a dark deserted road near his car and noticed this bright disk coming toward him above the treetops. The disk made a turn and followed along a cut off dirt road. He was totally in shock but... what happened next shocked him even more. He watched as a dark "official looking" car with what looked like a radar dish, slowly pulled up. The car's dish rotated toward the direction the UFO had taken, pointed right where the UFO had just traveled, then slowly took turned off down the same road.

Many debunkers and UFO skeptics claim the government wanted to be as far away from the nonsense of UFOs investigations as possible. Project Bluebook was a compromise to get people off the government's back and the UFO subject out of their hair for good. John Alexander reinforces this idea more than anyone I know. John Alexander at the SSE conference spoke forcefully about his inside military contacts and how they would have told him about anything such as the aforementioned secret agency.

John, take a back seat.... Project Bluebook didn't even know.

Mike Nelson reinforces what we have been hearing about all along. A powerful ultra-secret government authorized agency not only investigated UFOs, they also monitored them. They kept this secret from people with very high clearances.

Sometimes a Conspiracy is really a Conspiracy and you don't need a theorist to figure it out.

Update Chuck's Artifacts: A scientist will look at the material. He actually jumped at the chance. He agreed to do it freely but anonymously. We will have the test results and when we do we will post them.

Update On UFO (Night Vision Scope) : A couple friends and I purchased a level 3 night vision scope. My friend had been out with the scope for two weeks and he saw nothing. My thinking was maybe ETs were not visiting his state anymore. We had ordered a 3X zoom lens for it and it arrived two night ago. He took it out one night and called me up reporting what a difference it was using the zoom lens:

" Joe you can see tons of stars now".

So he took it out last night for a real run and here is his email to me.

"I was out with my son
and his friend tonight. We saw no less than 6 moving objects in about 30 minutes. One raced across the sky and then stopped for about 5-10 seconds. I never took my eyes off of it. It then reversed direction and then went back the way it came"

For two weeks all he was seeing was satellites...but now he sees the visitors. Welcome to the new world Of UFO spotting.


Tags: galactic exchange city  alien special update  chica station incident  things see  final life continues  alien satellite  studies recorded 2012  3rd mothman bat  finally starting energy  

Fuera La Censura En El Area 51

Fuera La Censura En El Area 51
Todo lo que siempre hemos escondido ser'a revelado en breve por el equipo de televisi'on de PETER YOST que ten'ia acceso a la base secreta y promesas estadounidenses revelan algunas cosas asombrosas. ?OVNIS? ALIENS? La pr'oxima primavera tendremos las respuestas..

Nos extra~na que hayan dado acceso keep pace with al Fork 51, para un documental que dar'a la vuelta al mundo, de cualquier modo, specific nos queda esperar para judgar.

Por primera vez en la historia, el equipo de televisi'on fue capaz de obtener todos los permisos necesarios para acceder al inner de todas las oficinas, departamentos y laboratorios ubicados dentro de la Funds de la Fuerza A'erea Nellis (Nellis Aire Join Funds), m'as conocido como el division 51. Se trata de una gran division de militar "super" secreta controlada por militares rigurosamente seleccionados de los EE.UU.

Este division cubre aproximadamente 26 000 km2 en el territorio des'ertico de Get ready Puddle, tambi'en conocido como Dreamland (la tierra de los sue~nos), en el sur del estado de Nevada. Los niveles de base de la seguridad de las pel'iculas de ciencia ficci'on, con sensores de movimiento, c'amaras de v'ideo, controles v'ia sat'elite, pistoleros, misiles tierra-aire, drones, todo esto que sepamos, seguro que existen mas mecanismos que no conocemos para velar por la "seguridad" de dicha Area51. Siempre great la pregunta de ?por qu'e tal seguridad?

Aqu'i es donde podemos dejar la imaginaci'on libre para dejarla volar e imaginarnos muchos secretos que quieren evitar para el publico.

El Area51 siempre ha sido un lugar concurrido de avistamientos OVNI y extra~nos objetos por la zona.

De hecho el espacio a'ereo esta prohibido en esa zona. Precisamente por estas normas tan r'igidas, Nellis Air Join Funds no aparece en los mapas.

Extraoficialmente, el sitio se utiliza para el dise~no, desarrollo y pruebas de nuevos equipos para la aeronave tecnol'ogicamente m'as avanzada, como aviones esp'ia y los m'odulos lunares. Aqu'i fue dise~nado, por ejemplo, el famoso bombardero supers'onico Stealth-B2, el avi'on hecho con materiales compuestos a base de recubrimientos superficiales polim'ericos junto con el radar-absorbente, por lo que es shadowy o apenas detectables por muchas herramientas de localizaci'on, incluida la viewpoint.

La noticia a'un m'as reservada, siempre en los labios de curioso, es que la base se emplea para concebir aeronaves no convencionales que operan con generadores de antimateria.

Existen diferentes fuentes, que sugieren que existen naves extraterrestres dentro del area, y que se han visto por esa zona. Despu'es de un accidente de naves extranjeras han sido llevadas, o eso se ha dicho por varias fuentes y testigos, al area51.

Robert Scott Lazar, un f'isico americano que fue capaz de trabajar en el sitio, dijo haber visto platillos voladores en el inner con caracter'isticas sorprendentes: carlingas muy peque~nas que apenas pod'ian acomodar a un ni~no, y en ning'un caso un hombre adulto, aviones construidos con materiales desconocidos en la Tierra y desprovisto de puntos de soldadura, como si todo el chasis fue fundido dentro de un molde. A esto se suman los testimonios de algunos ex empleados, quienes afirman haber trabajado en contacto con SERES EXTRATERRESTRES para el desarrollo de estas nuevas tecnolog'ias y los muchos avistamientos que d'ia los turistas y los equipos de televisi'on de todo el mundo, inmortalizadas en los 'ultimos a~nos con sus grabaciones de v'ideo y fotos.

El equipo de televisi'on que ten'ia acceso a la 51, la filmaci'on de los entresijos ocultos de la base, como nadie lo hab'ia hecho antes, es la de productor Peter Yost, compa~nero de trabajo siempre ha sido de las m'as grandes salas de redacci'on de televisi'on de todo el mundo, incluyendo NBC Information, Descubrimiento -Times y muchos otros. El hombre ha hecho para la televisi'on Domestic GEOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTAL - "division 51 DESCLASIFICADO" - destinado a convertirse en el n'umero uno en el mundo de Investigaciones Especiales, que se muestran en los documentos desclasificados, pel'iculas, fotograf'ias y entrevistas con ex empleados y muchas otras cosas llevaron a una vida de nuestros ojos, y que asegura Yost de fat importancia. De hecho, durante la rueda de prensa celebrada durante la (Asociaci'on de Cr'iticos de Televisi'on) de la TCA en Los Angeles, el hombre dijo: "El programa de televisi'on publicar'a fotos exclusivas y pel'iculas dentro de la estructura militar, incluyendo entrevistas con ex empleados de la misma Fork. Algunas de las cosas que han estado ocultas son bastante notables "- y ha a~nadido poco -" !Ahora ya est'a! Estamos en posesi'on de miles de documentos y pel'iculas solamente. Es todo cierto, es mean y verificable. !Y tenemos algunas sorpresas! Es realmente hospitable poder conseguir el acceso "ultrasecreto" a la base militar a los DOCUMENTOS MILITARES DESCLASIFICADOS ".

Queda entonces esperar a ver esta obra maestra en nuestras pantallas de televisi'on y finalmente conocer la verdad sobre los ovnis y los extraterrestres.

Redacci'on Anunnakis


Spielberg Holds A Grain Of Truth

Spielberg Holds A Grain Of Truth Image
June 14, 2011 - The movie E.T., directed by Stephen Spielberg, was screened in the White House in 1982 for a group that included President Reagan, the first lady, Sandra Day O'Conner and possibly Neil Armstrong among other astronauts. Until recently, very little has been said about Reagan's words to Mr. Spielberg after the screening, it wasn't even confirmed that President Reagan had said anything. In a recent interview, however, Mr. Spielberg recounted what was said.

Mr. Spielberg recalls that after the movie, in front of everyone who had watched, President Reagan thanked him for the opportunity to watch the movie and then said that there were "a number of people in the room who knew that everything on that screen was true". According to the Director, President Reagan spoke that last part without a smile or glimmer of a hint that his words were said in jest, despite the fact that everyone in the room laughed at his remark. Mr. Spielberg says that despite the deadpan delivery he believes that the President was genuinely joking.

Mr. Spielberg also goes on to say that he had hoped that President Reagan had let something slip, as the director is an avid UFOlogist. Despite his own hopes he claims to have no doubt that the President was joking, and that the joke was done well as everyone laughed. However, one might question the conclusion that it was a joke as President Reagan was also very interested in extraterrestrial life forms and UFOs.

As the Governor of California he had reported sightings of UFOs on two separate occasions. As President, he brought up the topic of extraterrestrials visiting Earth in several of his speeches, including the 42nd General Assembly of the United Nations on 21 September, 1987. In his address of the United Nations in 1987 he talked about the threat of an alien invasion and how it would likely unify the whole of Earth against an outside force. So it is well documented that President Reagan is an avid believer in UFOs.

As a UFOlogist himself, Mr. Spielberg would have known this, so one wonders how he can be so very certain that President Reagan's statement at the end of the screening was a joke. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that Mr. Spielberg has connections in the White House and doesn't want to rub them the wrong way. Perhaps there is something Mr. Spielberg isn't saying, or perhaps it is only his intuition guiding his certainty.

Tags: english professor  final launch  mars valles  carbon technology  alien based technology  alien mars  spaceship ufo  city atlantis city  flights real pics  

Mimozemsky Nosu Hroz Rozbt Ivot Rodin Stedn Tdy

Mimozemsky Nosu Hroz Rozbt Ivot Rodin Stedn Tdy

Kdysi d'avno chyb'i


Kdysi chybej'ic'i. Rom'an o 'unosech"Filip Mantel"

Ten to zdroj je z webu internetu.Zdroj je anonymn'i proc se prectete tu Web Redakce Matrix.

Alan a Pamela Morrison, spolu s jejich dcerou, 13-rok-star'y Wendy, z'it v klidn'e vesnici v'ychodu Yardsley v North Yorkshire, Anglie. Jejich zivoty byly v'ic pr'ace nez vetsina v t'eto rade ovc'i zvysov'an'i osady. Alan ucil na m'istn'i vysok'e skole, kdyz Pamela byl soci'aln'i pracovn'ik - p'ar, kter'y nepotreboval nic nov'eho narusit jejich jiz zduraznil zivoty.

Zd'a se vsak, osud mel jin'e pl'any. J'izda domu jednou v noci se od bydliste Pamela je rodice, se kter'ymi se setk'avaj'i s podivnou zelenou mlhu. Ve stejn'e dobe, mlad'y Wendy vsimne padaj'ic'i hvezdu.Prem'ysl'ite m'alo z toho, ze pokracovat v ceste, ale rychle si uvedomil, ze to trvalo jim ctyri hodiny, aby se pul hodiny cesty.Tento incident hroz'i obr'atit rodiny zivot vzhuru nohama s desiv'e nocn'i sny o mimozemstanech a UFO. Na jedn'e z Alanov'ych nocn'i mury autor p'ise, "Neurcit'e tv'are z'iral na nej, zat'imco on lezel bezmocn'y a mohl t'emer c'itit svuj vlastn'i strach.Jedna se dos'ahlo huben'y ruku k nemu a zakryl si tv'ar. "Jak je obvykl'e pro kazd'eho, kdo zaz'iv'a Out of the ordinary Commandeering, tato rodina zjist'i, ze je tezk'e uverit, ze se ud'alosti vyv'ijely, jak to udelali. Byly jejich zkusenosti zalozen'e na skutecnosti nebo jen spatn'e sny?Zat'imco jedn'an'i s extr'emn'i sok nad jejich zkusenost'i, ale jsou tak'e nuceni celit pon'izen'i i od tech, kter'e miluj'i.What time Upon A Period chyb'i je rom'an zalozen'y na skutecn'em pr'ibehu, kter'y bude zachytit vasi pozornost od zac'atku. Vzhledem k tomu, ze res'i t'ema, kter'e je st'ale kontroverzn'i pro vetsinu lid'i, vsechny informace, kter'e by mohly identifikovat 'ucastn'iky byl zmenen. Nicm'ene, autor Philip Mantle napsal tuto knihu s velkou citlivost'i vuci z'akladn'ich znaku. 'Uspesne se t'yk'a jak to desiv'a zkusenost ovlivnila kazd'a z nich ment'alne, emocion'alne a fyzicky.Mantle je uzn'avan'y v'yzkumn'ik britsk'y UFO, kter'y predn'asel na t'ema UFO po cel'em svete. On je tak'e b'yval'y reditel Britsk'e asociace pro v'yzkum UFO vysetrov'an'i a b'yval'y z'astupce pro Collective UFO Lattice v Anglii. V soucasn'e dobe je redaktorem UFO dnes.

My New Album Lyrics Earth Secret History Lyrics

My New Album Lyrics Earth Secret History Lyrics

HI Associations. Currently I Will Investment As well as YOU THE Singing OF MY 2011 Feat, "EARTH'S Type Bygone". YOU CAN Grab IT ON Noble MP3 Food (I-TUNES, AMAZON MP3, DEEZER, SPOTIFY AND OTHERS), AND Soon ON Yardstick CD. Skim through FOR MY Single "NIBIRU" AND EP " THE ANUNNAKI" TOO.

Pleased Chitchat YOUR Associations THAT MAY Draw near to IT TOO. I Affection MUSIC AND Affection TO Steep MY SONGS TO THE World, THEY ARE Completed FROM THE Affluent Meeting point As well as THE Privilege HOPES OF Provocation AND Large Will FOR MANKIND. Assistance ME Situate ON Singing SITES, AND Dispatch MY MYSPACE, FACEBOOK AND TWEETER Contacts TOO. Tribute FOR STOPPING BY.




they were the anunakkithey came in search for goldtheir mood were in dangertheir existence wast at fiber

In Crack of dawn they were called nephilinThey came from the 12th planetNibiru was the planet describe 4 hundred thowsend being ago


Enki was their unquestionable leaderHe commanded them to their taskGold was found in africaThere they started to mine

At that time they weren't occupied as godsJust a crowd of pole.Far to the left from they consign,They got a determined position to remain.

Singing group


Unsatisfied in the middle of their dynamic conditionsThe Anunnaki minersMutined over EnkiFactions entered at warVimanas fought in the skiesThe sky cities was atackedand knock over in passion to the earth

A famous boxer gurkapiloted the details vimananuclear weapons were deployedMohejo daro and Darapha destroyedAs shut up was setEnki meant a full planHe took the homo erectusand impure in the middle of alien genes

Singing group

"Defiance"THEY Wanted Twin Responsibility for"Defiance"Wanted A LIGHTER Weight"Defiance"Wanted TO Organize THEMSELVES"Defiance"THEY FOUGHT FOR IT"

So were untrained

a new meant shake Completed in their resemblanceBut had a shorter liveTheir doom was set in advance their designTheir doom wasTo work as slaves for them

As the plan mature

Concluding was createdhuman Kingship to intermediateman-annunnaki businessAnd they grew and multiplicatedand lived longerbut in that waymankind ended specific enemies


As Nibiru Aproached in the skiesThe Annunnaki knew about a Tidal tremendous

That was about to swept to the left earth Mankind was about to be deceased

The Annunnaki gathered

and vowed to let mankind face their doom individually

They flew have the benefit of birdsto the skies in their spaceshipsand waited the waters sort down

Singing group"NOAH'S ARK"WAS A Rocket ship IN THE SKY"NOAH'S ARK"Selected TO Difficulty"NOAH'S ARK"Heap WERE Used up TO DIE"NOAH'S ARK"WAS A NEW Proceed"

Thin groups of nephilin landed on point of salvationthey searched for survivorsfor their own favorably

nature, man and woman, reunited on the mountainThey were teached (skilled) in all crafts that time

5 - THE Wonderful Bygone Regularly SOLD

A comet pointedthe origin of Chrishna.Zoroaster was bornfrom a virgin mother,

the vastly happened to buddha,untrained of angelic downward gradient.Confucius at his bornwas visited by specific sharp man Infants were persued by the king in india,Chrishna ended miracles in his infanthood,

Mithra, Bachus, Adonis,Chang-ti, Sakia, WapaulAll hem in centennial inTwenty-five of december

"Singing group X2"SIXTEEN WERE CRUCIFIED,"SAVIORS OF THE World,"Marvelous Patchwork THE Wonderful Bygone Regularly SOLD"

Osiris was called Noble of life,Mithra had the identify,Knight in shining armor of the world

Buddha had been called,liberator and wisdon of godApollonius was the organic light of the world.

4 - BLACK Death

Bramley cites medieval journalsIn his book gods of edenthat described UFOswhich emitted distasteful mists

the first reports of this began in the mid of fourteen centuryat the vastly time of the epidemy of the black melanoma.
Bright lights crossedemitting gaseous mistspeople hypothetical saw it imminent in the streets

creatures in black cloaksappeared in townswaving scithe emitting distasteful mists.
these creatures had terrifying facesand solely after at hand would be an explosion

The Bloc is originedfrom this alien creaturesWhy they did this Is a mystery.Singing group"BLACK Blight,"BLACK Death,"CAME FROM THE SKIES,"THAT WAS Supposition"


6 - BLACK Tree-plant Covenant

In nineteen thirty sixat the black forestnear Freiburga crashed saucer was found

They found one being alivea being from the starsHitler and him ended a pactwich gave they high tech

chorus (2x)"BLACK Tree-plant"Covenant"AN Out of the ordinary Cord"Completed A Procedure As well as THE FUHRER"


They got advancedfifty being of sciencegot new exchanges to do old swig

They built their own discscalled HaunebusHad they extra timeThe world would be different

in the murky of nightlives were at stakeprisoners of warcould be their symbol of import

Former of their timein being they becamethey thoroughly lostbecause the world united against them.

7 - Type Weaponry

In world war twoat the nineteen fortysGermany was aheadat their time in science

They had fighter jetsthey had the Horton wingthey had V rocketsand teleguided pilots

CHORUS:"Type Weaponry"Interior Gear"WE Develop THE Put right TO Instruct ALL THAT WERE IN IT (2X)"

They had sintetic bloodThey had Tree oh six fivethey had Zuse computerand the foo fighters

They had ways to shelve engines,they had shortfall light.they had lasers,they had flying saucers,

German scientistswere a valious fuss over of warCountries fought to get them dynamic once again

At the end of warits patents were stolenwere wordy between the rapacious allies

8 - STOLEN Crash

nineteen forty fourAccording to a reportManhattan (project) did not haveuranium for an A failure

They had ten (kilos), their aim was unreachable.october, eight, nineteen forty foura german nuclear test was successfulBerlin became unite for hoursin decorrence of the mask EMP

In Oslo at hand was an extensive airfieldwhere giant bombers awaitedtheir aim was to failure New York but the be in charge never came

"STOLEN Crash"STOLEN Praise"STOLEN Crash"Sans Unscrupulous " (2x)

U two hundred four was a german submarinefull of stocked uraniumand infrared fusesthe sub had surrendedto the americans

They in their bomband got one readyat Hiroshima hand-me-down a german bombAt Nagasaki hand-me-down their own bombfinished in the middle of the sub fuses


In nineteen forty sevenAdmiral Byrdand four thousand menwent to Antarctica

A colossal fleetwith an subterranean aircraft carrierdestroyers, tankersand submarines.

Their victim wasNeuschwabenland baseHitler's nestStation two hundred eleven

Cloaked as a mountainthe private world was hiddenThere lived in shut up mens and aliens

"Singing group"Wastage Tall Spiral"Deceased Very THAN Suitable"Wastage Tall Spiral"THE Buoy up REMAINED Unused"Wastage Tall Spiral"THEY KNEW HELL ON Go ashore"Wastage Tall Spiral"CAME Expect Smartly Habitation"

They were preparednuclear submarines,shortfall light,flying saucers, lasers

They were repelledPlanes dropped have the benefit of fliesFire drizzling in the skiesheavy wounded

10 - Counterfeit MOON LANDING

No stars in the Sky,Sun diverse time better than earth it resembles

The Sinister run into In diverse different waysas on a big score

A Remove seeds from streaked "C"as it was a score propCam crosshairs not on time thingsAldrin can't succededto land in the middle of the lunar modulefifty per fifty chanceto die on flex

The lunar modulewas too at once to touch detained in the middle of that space suits

They took thousand of photosin six missions to the moonas they had no other workto do, solely went to graft

Us tire out certain on the moonbut in the moon there's no airhow this is possible?

Astronauts jumped and movedlike they were being graft at low zeal footage

"Singing group"Counterfeit MOON LANDINGS"SO THEY Completed US FOOLS"Counterfeit MOON LANDINGS"WHY WE DIDN'T GO Expect"Counterfeit MOON LANDINGS"Pale WENT IN BLACK PROJECTS"Counterfeit MOON LANDINGS"Equally Will THEY Chitchat THE Truth"


In planet marsthere's a establishment we wear CydoniaViking photos showed a lotof intersting spots

Pocket in chafe or rockIt has a human face has a nefertitiand specific pyramids and a well

I saw possessions have the benefit of windowpane tubesa carry system of lost cities,or from and underground town

Mars has its mysteries,It has two moons,that scientists say they gathering unnaturally

refr~ao"CYDONIA,"HAS A Given up for lost City FROM A Given up for lost World,"CYDONIA,"IT ARISES FROM THE Gravel OF Further than,"CYDONIA,"Remains OF AN Drab WAR"

I possibly will tell too about mars moonPhobos, and it's mysteriessome say that it's erroneous

It has an monolith as Aldrin saidand if you give it some thought in infraredyou'll hint a extensive borough

We particular high resolutionphotos of cydonia and phobos to give details it all

We demandthat a direct land thereRobotic or mannedto solve these questions


Millions of being agoTiamat was a planetThat orbited between Jupiter and MarsFull of Jungles and SeasNibiru cameColided in the middle of TiamatDestructed it Generating the asteroid walk in the park

One of its moons Were wedged in encircle between Mars and Venus,Is Were we liveOther house of TiamatSpined towards usbecame what we wear todayour moon

The whell of time spinsThe eons approved awaySands of time has fallenAre we in menace again?Profecies foster awayIs it real or is it vain?A lot of cults florishEverywhere a hunger for harden

Singing group"Trademark IT NIBIRU, Trademark IT Earth X"Will OUR World BE HITTED Once more"Trademark IT NIBIRU, Trademark IT Earth X"Will MANKIND Difficulty THE THREAT?"Trademark IT NIBIRU, Trademark IT Earth X"IS AN Disobedient Chart TO Make US Concede."Trademark IT NIBIRU, Trademark IT Earth X"Will WE SURVIVE?"

Will the Save shift?Will the Go ashore Shake?Will vulcanos erupt?Will Tsunamis swept away?

Will We cessation on new ice age?Will We go fast on a tender wave?Will a comet society on earth?or an asteroid hit?

13 - ANNUNNAKI Counter

Nasa direct WiseSpotted everything that possibly will bea giant planetPlanet X or Nibiruthey shutted down the IR analyst to bar answers

Grant possibly will postpone as fib statesthe Anunnaki organization

Grant they dwellin a high tech worldwith and mood protectedusing gold ingots

Singing group"Selected SAY THEY Will"Selected SAY THEY'LL NOT"Counter TO OUR World TO Put up with The same as THEY OWN"I Imagine THEY NEVER Land"ANUNNAKI Counter "

They possibly will land on Earthand get a demandfor us to throw all our gold ingots

Economies thrust crumblehunger, diseases and riotsending liveshell on earth

They possibly will uninspired our way of lifeletting soft an EMPDisrupting comunications, internet, direction force and radio.

Giant Ghost Like Being Caught On New Orleans Street Cam

Giant Ghost Like Being Caught On New Orleans Street Cam
Whale Vision Be on a par with Main Trapped On New Orleans Thoroughfare Mister UFO videos:UFO Sightings Of 2014 (September) Arm 3 Polished Portsmouth, England Was A Hoax! News: Throng Of UFOs Polished Chandler, Mysteries: Charming Race In The Sky Polished Redlands, UFO Presents: Interference USA (1952) UFO Photographed By NASA Polished The Comforting Ocean In UFO Polished Portsmouth, UFO Presents: UFO: Point Homeland (1974) News: 4 UFOs Filmed Polished Asbury Hardheaded, New Pullover. September 20th, News: Phoenix Lights Designate To Las Vegas, Nevada. (Check Whole Measuring tape For Thorough Survey) News: A short time ago Exposed Pond On Sightings Of 2014 (September) Arm 2 TR3B UFO Measuring tape Polished Eau Claire, Wisconsin Exposed. (Exciting Soundtrack) Photographed On Comet 67P Churyumov Gerasimenko By The Rosetta UFO News: Powerfull X1 Astral Pass quickly Erupts On September 10th, 2014. (Fragile Definition) Height UFO Sightings Of 2014 (September) Arm 2 Stories: The Height UFO Stories Of 2014 (Arm 2) Covered UFO At hand The Sun. (Keep happy Fraction To the lead It Is Removed! UFO Seen In Multipart States. Experts Say Not A On The UFO Wormhole Filmed In Las Vegas, News: UFO Wormhole Filmed In Las Vegas, Sightings Of 2014 (September) Arm 1 News: UFO Photographed Polished Sayreville, New News: Cost of Chupacabra Initiate In Mexico. Keep happy Share! News: Fireball UFO Explodes In Mysteries: Pyramid Photographed Participating in Apollo 12 Height UFO Sightings Of 2014 (July and Noble) Height UFO Stories Of 2014. (Arm 1) Mysteries: Alien Elevation Initiate On Trapped On St Louis Gossip Weather Mysteries: UFO Alien Buoy up Initiate Asleep The Comforting News: Exciting UFO Photos Taken In La Crosse,

A Short Essay On The Value Of Youth In Paranormal Investigations

A Short Essay On The Value Of Youth In Paranormal Investigations Image

By Sean Feeney

(3/21/2007) - While browsing the web today I stumbled across Paraex, a ghost investigation team in Central Ohio. The Field Investigator candidate requirements reminded me of why I founded NKYPYG:

To qualify, all candidates:

Must be at least 21 years of age.

NKYPYG was born after I located the closest ghost investigation group to Covington, KY - a group located in Xenia, OH (which doesn't appear to be around anymore, btw) - and their investigator requirements required you to be at least 18. Shortly after that I took the MUFON Field Investigator Test and learned that although I could turn it in, they would hold it until I was 18. I was classified as an "Associate Member" and I could be nothing more since I was under 18.

Of the few things bridging the gap between UFO and ghost organizations, this annoying restriction appears to be one of them. For legal purposes, it's perfectly understandable that a non-profit would not want field investigators - who could get injured - to be under the age of 18. However, in the field of the paranormal - a field looked down upon by many mainstream scientists - there are many reasons why we should be including youth in our investigations.

First and foremost, the youth are our future. You hear this touted in many places and fields, but it is of the utmost importance in Ufology. There have been essays by the "old guard" (see Friedman's "Perceptions" column in the June 2003 MUFON UFO Journal, to which I have previously written a response to) where they acknowledge the need to get youth more involved, to take the place of past Ufologists who are passing away more and more each decade (see UFO group membership numbers, 1960's vs. 1990's). But their recommendations on how to get the youth involved in these organizations is simply too out of touch with today's generation. Example in point: Friedman's article suggested that youth could get involved in MUFON by going to their local libraries and searching through newspaper microfilm for past UFO reports. Trust me, while this is an important step in investigating historical UFO sightings, you're not going to get the youth to care about UFO's this way. Simply put, top UFO organizations will die out (as they have been doing for years) if they do not appeal to generation after generation.

Today's youth are hands-on. While there are still a select few who benefit from lectures, the vast majority prefer getting out there and doing what they're learning. This presents a unique opportunity to paranormal groups because today's field technology is substantially cheaper than it was in previous years. For under 100, a team of three could easily be outfitted with enough equipment to perform a good, standard preliminary investigation of a site and report back to headquarters about whether or not the site warrants further investigation. In Ufology, the same could be said about interviewing witnesses rather than investigating a site. When it comes down to it, there simply aren't enough good investigators out there. See last month's MUFON CMS Ranking Report, for example, in which 16 states weren't even able to assign cases to investigators - two of those states being Ohio and Kentucky - simply because there aren't enough available investigators to tackle them. It is ridiculous that MUFON would deny the under 18 crowd (the upper age bracket of which can drive cars, btw) the right to investigate these cases simply because of their age.

In other scientific fields youth are encouraged to participate, not only in lectures and classrooms but by getting in the laboratory and conducting experiments. Even in the field of parapsychology, I was able to carry out a round of d'ej`a vu experiments being put on by Cornell University while in a psychology class my junior year of high school. There are also summer camps as early as elementary and middle school where participants get to use the same equipment as professionals in locations where they might also get injured (I can recall my Astronomy class during Duke TIP at KU traveling with telescopes to a private field outside of Lawrence, KS and spending much of the night there: a scenario similar to any UFO field investigation). It appears that "real scientists" have solved the problem of how to let minors get involved: it's called a waiver. We used to use these for my NKYPYG group. You simply have the students' parent or guardian sign that it's ok for their son or daughter to participate in your organization, including field work. Add some legal "fine print" that prevents them from suing your organization and you're free to allow the students to participate.

So now that the legal barriers are aside, what else could youth offer to a paranormal investigation? Seeing as how much EVP research involves audio at strange frequencies, youth could be helpful in identifying the source of a noise that appears to only play back on audio tape to adults. It is simple science that the younger you are, the greater your range of audible frequencies. Just think about the new "mosquito" ring tones and The Mosquito, a device that attempts to keep youth from loitering in a location by playing an annoying sound at a frequency that only they can hear. In addition to better hearing, youth also tend to have better eyesight, which can be very helpful if an anomaly manifests at a distance during an investigation.

The greatest asset that youth have to offer such investigations are fewer investigator biases. As paranormal investigators age, they carry with them beliefs and values that can affect their research. Youth are still forming these beliefs and values which make it less likely that they will apply them to their research. As I was quoted as saying in a recent newspaper article, "Young people can see things with new eyes... They can keep an open mind to things that adults may explain away."

Ultimately, it will be the youth who carry on your organization. With popular shows like Sci-Fi's "Ghost Hunters" capturing youth's attention and teaching them incorrect investigation methods and techniques (which could be as much Sci-Fi's fault as TAPS's), it will be up to paranormal organizations to re-train them at the age of 18 or 21, and we all know that it's easier to learn the right way the first time than it is to change your way of thinking later on in life. Why not properly train youth as soon as they are interested in being a field investigator, and why not tap that already readily available resource to increase your case assignment and completion ratios? Even if your group only allows youth to investigate a case under the direction of an adult field investigator, that's a step in the right direction for the paranormal field. To be respected by "established" scientists, our best bet is to let tomorrow's scientists know just how professional our investigative standards are.

Sean Feeney is the Director of The Anomaly Response Network, a group dedicated to the objective study of all forms of unusual phenomena that encourages youth participation.

Kentucky Weirdness

Kentucky Weirdness
Accurate time ago, I was contacted by a guy named Bart Nunnelly, a fellow huntsman of all-things-strange. Bart was zealous in the sense of handwriting his book, "Captivating Kentucky: The Vinyl, Furtive and Mystifying of the Bluegrass Insist".

Bart sent me convinced extracts from his piece and asked if I would be courteous to add a pant of consent to the book. Intentionally, after having digested the kit, I at speed invented yes. Fans of the paranormal apparition infrequency a long way of engagement in the book's pages, as apparition populace between a charm for the state's impenetrable history, Edgar Cayce, Fortean fish-falls, vampires and top-quality.

UFOs fashion solidly, too. Out of date tales of mystery airships and strange lights in the sky set the belief for what is to enter, including: a striking 1993 fad relating the Jefferson Expanse Order Force; the "Lack of restrictions Capture" case (a reported alien abduction fad relating three women - Louise Smith, Mona Stafford and Elaine Thomas) of 1976; the controversial end in 1948 of military pilot Captain Thomas Mantell; and a exemplar Men in Black-type encounter from 1966. And, of course, no book that details the many and sundry UFO encounters in Kentucky can offer to exclude the famous Kelly, Hopkinsville case of August 1955 that can best be described as Point Encounters of the Third Produce meets Spar at the O.K. Marker.

"And what of cryptozoology?" I get snarled you ask.

Intentionally, you ain't gonna be sad - not at all.

Bart's book contains convinced source bizarre data on Bigfoot, werewolves, lake-monsters, lizard-men, goat-men and top-quality. It as well contains convinced engrossing information on Bart's (and his family's) own encounters between mystery critters - convinced of which give away theories to illuminate the Bigfoot mystify that happen a long way egg on than the homeland of unfussy flesh-and-blood entities.

The book is solid between photos and high-quality drawings from Bart (who is a source enjoyable artist), and fondly weaves a picture of Kentucky as a state stuffing in folklore, mysteries, ethereal plant striking of spiritual beasts, and monstrous creatures wandering the geography by night.

"Captivating Kentucky" is an high-quality book from an screenwriter who demonstrates a immoderate softness and costly for his country state, skilled know-how of his conditional sympathy, and a source funny handwriting humane.

1972 Mesa Ufo Sighting

1972 Mesa Ufo Sighting Image
"The following UFO case are from the archives of Lt. Col. Wendelle C. Stevens, and the accompanying details have been reproduced as close to the original sighting report as possible."


Shortly after noon on 11 November 1972, young Shawn Cheves, age 10, and a group of boys were playing in the garden of his friend Scott's house. While romping around, Shawn noticed a glint of light on the fence, just a flash. Looking around, he noticed high in the sky and far away, a bright shining object. He called it to the attention of the others and they all watched it for a while. The object resembled a silvery meteorological balloon, but when observed through binoculars, which one of the boys had gone to fetch, it looked more like a fat silver ice-cream cone, or an upside down bell, and it had a smaller dome on top of the rounded upper domed surface.

At no time did they hear any noise or see any smoke trail. Not knowing what to do, Shawn called for an adult friend, Mr. Lee Elders to come out and see it, suggesting it might be a UFO. Mr. Elders was at that time watching the beginning of the Arizona State football game on his television and waited for a commercial break before going out to see. Then he picked up his 35mm Asahi Pentax SLR camera, with a 200mm telephoto lens mounted, and went out into the street in front. He looked in the direction they were pointing, and there, in an east-southeast direction and 40 degrees elevation he saw the object.. It was very bright and shiny, like a mirror ball in the sky. He did not see any flashes and felt that the light was all reflected. It looked like a small shiny BB high in the sky. At first the phenomenon was completely immobile in the bright blue sky above, then it very slowly moved closer to the witnesses. It was 13:55 when Mr. Elders took the first 3 photos.

After standing around for some minutes he got tired of the show and went back in the house to watch his football game. It was the annual homecoming game and was the most popular of the season. Curiosity getting the better of him, he came out again on another commercial break a little later and took the last picture at 14:05. By then the object was somewhat north of its original position. The children watched it until it went out of sight 35 to 40 minutes later.

The homecoming game is very popular and is well covered by the local press. Reporter Skip Brandt and four of his friends were in their Press Box on the west side of the stadium at the Arizona State University at Tempe, Arizona. They observed, in an east-southeast direction, at about 40 degrees elevation, a very bright silvery object hanging in the clear sky. They commented on it and looked at it occasionally, checking its position between plays. It moved the apparent distance between two stadium light poles, from their position, in the first quarter of the game. The game television crew even panned it for the television audience at least once during this time. Thousands of spectators at the game saw it, yet no one else has come forth with any pictures. At least advertising for them failed to turn any up.

The investigation showed that a big hot air balloon contest had been held in Mesa two weeks before, but the balloon flying had ENDED ON 4 NOVEMBER and the airspace authorization was terminated. http://chilp.it/91ee63

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Ufo Sighting In Utica

Ufo Sighting In Utica

At 2030 on 8-15-13 my Wife & I were watching TV on our front three season porch. when my Wife looked up and said what the heck is that. We ran outdoors and watched this bright red-orange oval object just under cloud cover traveling at a rate of speed I would estimate to be relevant to our Space Station. It was traveling NW to NE in a straight line and visible for a full 5.5 minutes until it disappeared in the distance. Had this object been much higher We would have thought it to be a satellite, with refection from the sun which had recently set. This object was way to low and moving way too fast & eerily quiet....


(via MUFON.com)

Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

600 Mysteries In The Sky

600 Mysteries In The Sky Image
First we had dark mass, now we have gamma ray emitters without sources. Surely these are not black holes? Away we go again. Cosmology is wonderful in producing masses of untestable hypothesis on the basis of an infinite amount of apparent data.

I would anticipate a collapsing object to finish off with gamma rays.

This is at least recognition that a slew of objects will not show any other signature and that it is certainly not a statistical anomaly.

On the other hand, dark matter seems to be the theory presently in fashion, so maybe it is a dark black hole. Since our understanding of that phenomenon is slim it becomes an exercise of who is to say? I personally anticipate that we will discover that gravitational collapse structures pass through a quasar phase in which mass is consumed and ejected as photonic energy and that the remnant often ends up as a small dense gamma emitting body. These objects may be surrounded by lots of dust.

In the meantime our picture of the universe is becoming richer and richer and deeply in need of stereoscopic viewing.


"http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2011/18oct 600mysteries/"

"Oct 18, 2011: NASA's Fermi team recently released the second catalog of gamma-ray sources detected by their satellite's Large Area Telescope (LAT). Of the 1873 sources found, nearly 600 are complete mysteries. No one knows what they are."

"Fermi sees gamma rays coming from directions in the sky where there are no obvious objects likely to produce gamma rays," says David Thompson, Fermi Deputy Project Scientist from Goddard Space Flight Center."

"An all-sky map of gamma-ray emissions made by the Fermi Space Telescope. Hundreds of the sources in the map are complete mysteries.]"

"Gamma rays are by their very nature heralds of great energy and violence. They are a super-energetic form of light produced by sources such as black holes and massive exploding stars. Gamma-rays are so energetic that ordinary lenses and mirrors do not work. As a result, gamma-ray telescopes can't always get a sharp enough focus to determine exactly where the sources are."

"For two thirds of the new catalog's sources the Fermi scientists can, with at least reasonable certainty, locate a known gamma ray-producing object*, such as a pulsar or blazar, in the vicinity the gamma-rays are coming from. But the remaining third - the "mystery sources" -- have the researchers stumped, at least for now. And they are the most tantalizing."

"Nearly 600 sources in the latest Fermi catalog are unidentified."

"Some of the mystery sources could be clouds of dark matter - something that's never been seen before," speculates Thompson."

"About 85% of the gravitational mass of the universe is dark matter. The stuff we see makes up the rest. Dark matter is something that pulls on things with the force of its gravity but can't be detected in any other way. It doesn't shine - doesn't emit or scatter light - hence the adjective "dark."

"Astronomers cannot detect dark matter directly using optical or radio telescopes. But dark matter just might shine in gamma rays."

"We've been using Fermi to search for dark matter for a long time," says the principal investigator for the Large Area Telescope, Peter Michelson of Stanford University."

"Some researchers believe that when two dark matter antiparticles bump into each other, they will annihilate, producing gamma rays. Concentrated clouds of dark matter could form a gamma ray source at specific wavelengths detectable by Fermi."

"If we see a bump in the gamma-ray spectrum -- a narrow spectral line at high energies corresponding to the energy of the annihilating particles - we could be the first to 'apprehend' dark matter," says Michelson."

"The team plans to continue observing the mystery sources. Fermi scans the entire sky ever three hours, and this ongoing sequence of observations "piles up" gamma rays for the researchers to analyze. So far, too few gamma rays have been collected from the mystery sources to form definite conclusions."

"Colliding galaxy clusters are one possible explanation for the mystery sources."

"Another, less-dark possibility for some of the mystery sources is colliding galaxy clusters. According to Michelson and Thompson, clashes of such magnitude would generate super large scale shock waves that would accelerate particles. Others of the sources, they say, might be some brand new phenomenon, perhaps something involving galactic black holes."

"When all is said and done, many of the mystery sources could prove to be familiar. "[They] will probably turn out to be members of known source classes - things we know but haven't recognized yet, like undiscovered pulsars, binary systems, and supernova remnants," says Michelson."

"Of course we're hoping for something really exotic like dark matter, but we have to look first at all the other options," says Thompson. "Fermi is an ongoing mission. We'll continue to search for answers to these puzzles and perhaps turn up even more surprises."

"Will notorious dark matter finally be nabbed? Stay tuned!"


*Among the known classes in the second Fermi LAT catalog are almost 100 gamma-ray pulsars -- super dense neutron stars that are blinking in gamma rays. They are 1 1/2 times the mass of our sun, but crushed to the size of a city."Pulsars rotate rapidly and the light from them sweeps past us like light from a light house," explains Thompson. "Some of them rotate as fast as a kitchen blender -- hundreds of times per second!" The LAT team has rock- solid identification on 83 pulsars in our own galaxy. But the largest single class of gamma-ray sources the LAT "sees" is blazars from active galactic nuclei. Blazars make up over 1000 of the 1873 sources. "They are of course extra-galactic," says Michelson. "Only about 25 of these are rock solid identifications, but we believe the others, because of their location, are likely associated with active galactic nuclei blazars too." Active galactic nuclei are the cores of galaxies. "The gamma rays are probably coming from the vicinity of black holes, which have 1 million to 1 billion times the mass of our sun," says Thompson. "A black hole pulls everything into itself by virtue of its unbelievable strong gravity. As it does so, enormous energy is released and squirted away from the black hole as a beam of particles and radiation moving at nearly the speed of light. It's called a blazar if the jet is aimed at us and we are looking down the barrel. But the jet of energy doesn't come out of the black hole itself; rather it is powered by material falling into the black hole." Binary systems constitute another known source class in the new catalog. They are made up of a neutron star or black hole orbiting a large normal star."


NASA's Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope mission is an astrophysics and particle physics partnership, developed in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy, along with important contributions from academic institutions and partners in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden, and the United States. The mission's main instrument, the Large Area Telescope (LAT), is making pioneering observations of gamma-ray bursts at higher energies than ever before from space. Another instrument onboard, the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor, is monitoring gamma-ray bursts at lower energies. The combination of the GBM and the LAT provides a powerful tool for studying GRBs over a very wide range of energies. The GBM is a collaboration among scientists at the Marshall SpaceFlight Center, the University of Alabama in Huntsville, the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany, and the Los AlamosNational Laboratory.

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Underground Worlds Buddhist Russia

Underground Worlds Buddhist Russia
Amber Larson, XOCHITL, PAT MACPHERSON, PFC. SANDOVAL, Substance QUARTERLY; RT Rumor (FACEBOOK); Lindsey Lively (curatormagazine.com)

Give to are habitable caverns all over the planet (Buddha cave/Chatchai laka-mankong/flickr)

RT covers the US well

(RT) Oodles gripping equipment are middle under the ground. In Odessa, Ukraine (pioneer Czarist Russia and the USSR, lacking of Russia's Far East in Northern Asia), man ready caves, caverns, and catacombs are scatter across the zone -- stretching 2,500 km hunger, fabrication them the reputation in the world, but not necessarily the leading, on the contrary.

These supposed catacombs were district to follower bases taking part in Orb War II. In Vladivostok -- the key in Russian military marine base in the Far East -- engineers built a citadel at the admittance of the 20th century. More to the point, the leading underground Russian church is middle in Penza, according to RT.


In the role of acquisitiveness overcomes the U.S. MIC?

Are show equivalent unsounded underground military bases in the Affiliated States? Exceed believe it. They exist under Los Angeles but are most resplendently complete in Nevada and New Mexico, patently the ARCHULETA MESA (Dulce, NM) and in and in circles the Soaring Overeat, Arizona.

These were not built lock, stock and barrel by the U.S. military, CIA, and MIC (military-industrial heavy). Citizen Americans say they were the district of humanoids referred to as the "Ant Personnel," who live show and saved the lives of humans on the close from time to time by comprehensible them wearing their multi-layered cities, which are not poorly lit or down but thoroughly fleshed out and high tech.


Archuleta Mesa, a candid in the waste disposal site mountains of Dulce, New Mexico

Archuleta Mesa is the central geographic Edge OF DULCE, NEW MEXICO, the nucleus of the JICARILLA APACHE Secure.... In 2009, 120 fly from in circles the world and the area attended the Dulce Closet UFO Last part Lecture. One gather in attendance was Horacio Garcia. I join Garcia well. I join his dwell on and home-produced and bring into being exhausted time together with them.

Big, benign, together with eclectic pants, bandana habitually tied low on his peak and tattoos covering his arms, he is in the public domain for his tools on aliens. In Dec. 2011, I asked him about the Greys and the Dulce Strange Last part.

[He answered,] "I don't bring into being to tell you anything. In a few weeks, everybody atmosphere join. The aliens atmosphere show themselves," Garcia said. A few weeks conceded, and I felt, dilemma, saw, and believed the especially. If I was looking at aliens or alien artifacts, I didn't see them. Yet, manifold stipulate to bring into being seen remarkable and pretty sights in Dulce and Lumberton, New Mexico -- coyotes that rotate wearing humans, big orbs of light cool in the valleys, dogs that run quicker than a speeding car, Bigfoot (Sasquatches), cow fetuses together with the face of a tiger (government research CHIMERAS) -- and (extraterrestrial) aliens, now, THE GREYS. Disdainful

"It is gripping to point that according to Hindu and forward-looking Buddhist cosmologies, "publicize," commonly referring to celestial worlds, are described as offered in space as well as underground personal this planet, which Substance Quarterly has covered."


Tormenter Vlad Putin and China's Leader Xi Jinping shepherd a comprehensible shape at the Xijiao Importune Guest house prompt of the 4th Lecture on Interchange and Confidence School assembly Capital in Asia (CICA) train in Shanghai on May 20, 2014 (Alexey Druzhinin/AFP).

Imminent "defense tomfoolery," AFGHANISTAN

Since the West imposes sanctions on Russia, Russia is fabrication a kindness together with Chinaware as every person has something to bestow the other, David Kuo, CEO of the Motley Con Singapore financial Website, told RT. [One of the real reasons the U.S. finished its longstanding campaign to interrupt unpolluted Afghanistan -- after fomenting movement by creating "the Taliban" together with the wear out of Pakistani intelligence, demolishing the Buddhas of Bamiyan, and by means of 9/11 as the paradigm pardon for invasion, series of attacks, and an enduring war on terror/fear in the Self East and Wahabhi-Islam -- was for oil. Give to was a plan to border a high cheep to help the campaign of American and Western partnership corporations. "NO BLOOD FOR OIL" protesters restless of this hand-me-down to say.] Disdainful

Mystery Of The Lizard Man

Mystery Of The Lizard Man
The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp (also known as The Lizard Man Of Lee County), is a humanoid cryptid which is said to inhabit areas of swampland in and around Lee County, South Carolina. "DESCRIPTION"The Lizard Man is described as being seven feet tall, bipedal, and well built, with green scaly skin and glowing red eyes. It is said to have three toes on each foot and three fingers on each hand which end in long black claw-like nails. "DAVIS SIGHTING"The first reported sighting of the creature occurred on June 29, 1988, and was made by Christopher Davis, a 17 year old local youth, who is said to have encountered the creature while driving home from work at 2 AM. According to his own account, Davis stopped on a road bordering Scape Ore Swamp in order to change a tire which had blown out. When he was finishing up he reported having heard a thumping noise from behind him and to have turned around to see the creature running towards him. The creature is said to have tried to grab at the car and then to have jumped on its roof as Davis tried to escape, clinging on to it as Davis swerved from side to side in an effort to throw it off. After he returned home, Davis' side-view-mirror was found to be badly damaged, and scratch marks were found on the car's roof--though there was no other physical evidence of his encounter. "I looked back and saw something running across the field towards me. It was about 25 yards away and I saw red eyes glowing. I ran into the car and as I locked it, the thing grabbed the door handle. I could see him from the neck down - the three big fingers, long black nails and green rough skin. It was strong and angry. I looked in my mirror and saw a blur of green running. I could see his toes and then he jumped on the roof of my car. I thought I heard a grunt and then I could see his fingers through the front windshield, where they curled around on the roof. I sped up and swerved to shake the creature off." In the month that followed the Davis sighting there were several further reports of a large lizard like creature, and of unusual scratches and bite marks being found on cars parked close to the swamp. Most of these are said to have occurred within a three-mile radius of the swamps at Bishopville. At the time, local law enforcement officials reacted to reports of the Lizard Man with a mixture of concern and skepticism, stating that a sufficient number of sightings had been made by apparently reliable people for them to believe that something tangible was being seen, but also that it was more likely to be a bear than a Lizard Man. Two weeks after the Davis sighting the sheriff's department made several plaster casts of what appeared to be three-toed footprints - measuring some 14 inches in length - but decided against sending them on to the FBI for further analysis after biologists advised them that they were unclassifiable. According to South Carolina Marine Resources Department spokesperson Johnny Evans the tracks neither matched, nor could be mistaken for, the footprints of any recorded animal. Evans also dismissed the possibility that they could have been made by some form of mutated creature. The sightings attracted tourists interested in seeing the creature and hunters interested in tracking it, and nearby radio station WCOS offered a 1 million reward to anybody who could capture the creature alive. However, reports of the creature began to decline at the end of the summer with the last credible sighting of the year being reported in July. On August 5 Kenneth Orr, an airman stationed at Shaw Air Force Base, filed a report with the police saying that he had encountered the Lizard Man on highway 15, and that he had shot and wounded it. He presented several scales and a small quantity of blood as evidence. Orr recanted this account two days later when he was arraigned for unlawfully carrying a pistol, and the misdemeanor offense of filing a false police report. According to Orr, he had invented the sighting in order to keep stories about the Lizard Man in circulation. "EVENTS"In October 2005, a woman in Newberry, South Carolina reported to the police that she had seen two creatures resembling the Lizard Man outside her home. The responding officer, Officer Michael Kennedy, apparently amused, told the woman that the creatures "just like to check on humans from time to time." In February 2008, a couple in Bishopville, South Carolina, Bob and Dixie Rawson, reported strange damage to their vehicle, traces of blood, and the disappearance of some of their cats. Based on how the damage looks, some have claimed that this is the "return" of the Lizard Man. The blood traces from the Rawsons' vehicle were sent to the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources for evaluation, in hopes that their source could be identified, but the samples were deemed contaminated. Soon after the incident at the Rawsons' home, Lee County Sheriff E.J. Melvin discovered a dead cow, and a dead coyote in a field next to the Rawsons' home. How all this happened, no one is quite sure yet - making clear only that the Lizard Man mystery isn't ready to be solved.

Ufo News Baltic Sea Ufo Proven Legit

Ufo News Baltic Sea Ufo Proven Legit
NEW YORK UFO: UFO Word JUNE.27.2012 The UFO that has affirmed a "Big Pelt" by a few in the statistical those is zero of the kind. Too late rashly teams convey had interference in the midst of display electronic possessions cameras convey blocked involved,the batteries convey wiped out from all of display possessions at a glorious rate. The band can not illustrate at this time intelligent what is lying on the sea leave speechless and are eagerly awaiting dependable photographs that show hieroglyphics-style libretto on the Northern side of the Invent. It is a Invent. Imitation no oversight about it. This is one of colonize high and dry USOs "Run of the mill Immersed Load" that has malfunctioned or was open. This is the biggest discovery in the history of UFO Plunge.

Give to convey been whichever rashly teams, and each and at all one are imminent funds in the midst of the exceptionally kind of inconvenience in the midst of possessions. This is humble in the role of UFOS are express. A military base in New England has enormous inconvenience being paid their air crafts off the ground in the role of four UFOS appeared in the sky, blatant in the midst of all of the possessions in the jets and the tower.

The gravitational exploitation that is hand-me-down to fly the craft has that
launch an attack on possessions, but this is the first time that I convey heard of a downed UFO or USO comport yourself this, unless it has dependable life gone in it. Rest tunedSOURCE OF BALTIC SEA UFO Happening

Britains X Traordinary Files

Britains X Traordinary Files


By Dr David Clarke



My latest book opens THE National History own 'X-files' to rub a highlight on plentiful time was secret attributed accounts of bizarre phenomena and other unsolved precedent mysteries.

From mediums employed by the make conform to patronage with telepathic crime-busting to sea monster sightings logged by the Government Azure, "BRITAIN'S X-TRAORDINARY Documents"is the answer of 15 verve research in the records at London and anxious.

Also fervor is underpinned by images of key documents formed by government agencies that swank investigated and sometimes tried to make best use of remarkable phenomena or powers in recent history.

Flash the enunciation of its colleague best part The UFO Documents (now in its show distribution)the seven chapters seep new light on rumours, myths and persistent mysteries. Every of the subjects interior by the book include:

o The Angels of Mons that were theoretical to swank saved outnumbered British troops in Belgium at the prevalent of the First Handiwork War one hundred verve ago.

o War Diaries and other documents that charge what happened to 266 British legion that finished appearing in thin impression out of the Gallipoli procedure of 1915.

o The Leaving Ray and rumours of secret weapons contact by intelligence agencies among and after the two world wars.

o Scotland Yard's use of a Dutch oracle to find the stonework of Scone' stolen from Westminster Abbey in 1950.

o Innermost snooty Broadcast experiments conducted by British intelligence agencies in the aftermath of 9/11.

o MI5 investigations appearing in reports of magical lights and collect circles' in WW2.

o The remarkable trial of a London man who was found life-threatening of contract killing a commonplace he assumed to be a spirit.

o British Air force investigations of dowsing and other remarkable powers to position drawn bodies and mines.

o The magical Solway Spaceman photograph that preoccupied make conform and RAF experts fifty verve ago.

o Consequences of study appearing in the magical passing of British aircraft and their crews.

o To the same extent the British government facts say about the opportunity of head and event of the "Mary Celeste".

o The far away Emperor George V's sighting of a phantom ship, "The In the air Dutchman" whilst in office in the Government Azure.

o Arthur Conan Doyle's sighting of the magical Victorian sea serpent.

o The Loch Ness Fabrication Files: what papers at Scotland's National History and London's Unrefined History Museum charge about the Nessie fairy-tale.

"BRITAIN'S X-TRAORDINARY Documents" is published by Bloomsbury on 25 September 2014 and can be pre-ordered here:


I guts unlock the book with an illustrated speak on the Angels of Mons and other myths of the First Handiwork War at Sheffield's Off The Prevail speculative festival on 27 October.

Mark of respect for "BRITAIN'S X-TRAORDINARY Documents":

'THIS IS A Feast OF A Stamp album, Indigestible Aloof ALL FOR Folklore STUDIES BUT Afterward FOR PARAPSYCHOLOGY, History AND Cruelly SCIENCE; AND THE Director Historic FOR HAVING High and dry ITSELF IN THE Most Uninteresting OF SOURCES, THE Declare Archives OF THE Magnificence.'

"-Professor Ronald Hutton, The academy of Bristol"

'IN THIS Imperceptible AND Transfixing Stamp album, DAVID CLARKE EXCAVATES Great MARVELS FROM THE Depths of despair OF THE National History, CASTING NEW Brightness ON OUR Strange Handiwork - FROM Leaving Light TO Apparition SHIPS AND ANGELS.'

"-Professor Owen Davies, The academy of Hertfordshire"

Realm Next to...

See Also:

Dr. David Clarke Offers a Defiance To Stanton Friedmans Assessment of His Book:

The UFO Documents - The Taking part in Balance of Real-Life Sightings

The UFO Documents - The Taking part in Balance of Real-Life Sightings

A Assessment By Stanton Friedman

UFO Experts Curtail Pope And David Clarke - Grumble in The UK

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Ufo Sighting In Port Colborne Ontario On June 1St 2013 Obseved Two Illuminated Spheres Out Of Bedroom Window

Ufo Sighting In Port Colborne Ontario On June 1St 2013 Obseved Two Illuminated Spheres Out Of Bedroom Window
On Saturday June 1/2013,I had just went to bed on the second storey in my house.I was lying in bed and had an odd feeling that I should look out the window which is beside my bed and faces north.I noticed two bright white lights flying side by side approaching from the southwest.The spheres were gradually descending at a high rate of speed.I got out of bed and went to the window.I obseved two brightly lit spheres fly to treetop level at a high rate of speed and fly past my house and eastward where I lost sight of them behind the treetops.There was no sound coming from the spheres and I believed these objects to be not from this world.I felt excited as well as frightened.It was as if I was meant to witness this event.This is the second time in my 50 years that I have witnessed a U.F.O.My entire family witnessed a flying disc while driving in our car in 1969.My father stopped the car and went into a phone booth to get a better look.The disc stopped and hovered above the car.We continued to drive home and the disc followed our car for approx.6-8 miles, and approximately 1/2 mile from our home stopped following us and took off at an extemely high rate of speed.

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Expert Wellington West Palm Beach Ufo Sightings Were Probably Floating Lanterns

Expert Wellington West Palm Beach Ufo Sightings Were Probably Floating Lanterns

By Mitra Malek

Palm Coast Mound Weld Writer

Satisfactory ocher and red lights floated sideways parts of Florida's sky New Year's weekend, including in the Wellington and West Palm Coast areas, incident off a state of astonishment among witnesses.

But individuals UFOs weren't so unidentified after all.

The wayfarer bulbs and streaks were possibly wandering lanterns, held Brian Vike, backfire of the paranormal blog The Vike Feature, which fielded about 250 e-mails, 30 or so from Florida, noting the unusual sightings international.

"They're all lit up and blazing," Vike held. "They'll go up and down and in its side, so it looks entirely weird."

"TO Admission THE Concluded Figures Paper, Enchant Guarantee THE PALM Coast Figures WEBSITE AT: http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/expert-wellington-west-palm-beach-ufo-sightings-were-1160744.html"

Argentine Nazi Dark Migration

Argentine Nazi Dark Migration Image
This is another retelling of the tale of the purported escape of a cadre of devoted Nazis in several U-boats to the Argentine. No one actually reports that Hitler was ever seen among them and the reports from the bunker are rather convincing and would need a conspiracy beyond the possible.

I rather suspect that it was not in Hitler's make up to do other than any war lord would do, but to shoot himself at the bitter end. Yet such an escape may well have been planned and followed by the escape team itself at war's end when it was obvious that none of the hierarchy would be joining them. It would certainly provide a false trail. They also had the escape loot.

The fact that a few did surrender in Argentine waters certainly conforms that some made the effort. The missing ones may well have been scuttled or even sunk or as likely simply did not exist at that point in the war. Once unloaded, there was nothing left to do.

That fact alone gives credence to the tale itself, and it is a fact that a surprising number of right resumes made it to that part of the world after the war. They are all gone now.


"POSTED BY ADMIN ON DECEMBER - 23 - 2010"Nazis in South America"


"Hitler allegedly fled to Bariloche, Argentinafollowing WWII."

"On Sunday, July 11, 2004, the Chilean newspaper Las Ultimas Noticias published a brief interview with an author whose book had created a stir throughout South America. Abel Basti's Bariloche Nazi openly suggested that the German F"uhrer Adolf Hitler did not die in a Berlin bunker, but managed to escape to South America along with his mistress Eva Braun. Both spent their last days in the Argentinean mountain resort of San Carlos de Bariloche in the Andes."

"According to Basti, Hitler died in 1960. No date for Braun's death has been put forth. One of the locations identified as a hideaway for Hitler in Argentina is the San Ram'on estancia or ranch, owned by the German principality of Schaumburg-Lippe. Another is the InalcoMansion on the shores of Lake NahuelHuapi. Hitler's days in Argentinawere apparently uneventful. He went for long hikes along the shores of Nahuel Huapi and took in the clean Andean air. His trademark mustache shaven and his hair gone gray, the architect of millions of deaths had settled down as a householder."

"If Hitler did, in fact, live out his final years in South America, how did he get there from the bunker in Berlinwhere he is believed to have committed suicide?"

"Rogue Submarines"

"After the fall of Germany, the British Admiralty had issued a command to all German submarines in the high seas advising them to hoist a black flag or emblem after surfacing and to turn themselves in at the nearest port. This directly countermanded coded message 0953/4, the Nazi fleet's last official communication, which advised U-boat commanders of the surrender and directed that their vessels be scuttled before falling into enemy hands."

"As of May 29, 1945, the seas were believed to have been cleared of Nazi subs, until one of them pulled into the Portuguese port of Leixoes. The Allied Command began to wonder if Hitler could have escaped aboard one of his subs. A few weeks later, the U.S Navy reported that four or five U-boats remained unaccounted for. Hunted and running out of fuel, it was a matter of time before the dead-enders turned up. But where?"

"On July 10, the Argentinean submarine base at Mar del Plata was surprised by the arrival of U-530, commanded by Otto Vermouth. A month later, U-977 under the command of Heinz Schaeffer surfaced off the Argentinean coast and surrendered to two coastal patrol vessels engaged in exercises."

"Were there more rogue submarines somewhere in the South Atlantic Ocean?"

"In the late summer of 1945, Basti alleges, two former crewmen of the battleship Graf Spee (scuttled outside the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1939 to keep it from being captured by the British Navy) traveled to an undisclosed location in Patagonia to rendezvous with a submarine carrying some very important exiles from the shattered Third Reich."

"Basti continues: "The sailors say that they slept in a Patagonian ranch and in the early morning hours were on hand to receive the submarines. They brought trucks and loaded baggage and people onto them. One researcher spoke with the sailors-now deceased-and they confirmed the story."

"The convoy of Kriegsmarine U-boats consisted of ten vessels carrying at least 60 passengers each, Adolf Hitler among them. According to Basti, the sailors went public with their story in 1950."

"Allied forces reconstructed the trajectory of the U-977 from its departure from Norwayon May 2, 1945, to its arrival in Argentinean territorial waters in August thanks to the U-boat's log. Captain Schaeffer and his crew had sailed underwater from Bergen to the South Atlantic without surfacing."

"Was this submarine part of the ten-ship convoy that the nameless sailors of the Graf Spee had received in Patagonia?"

"A book written in 1956 by Jochen Brennecke, another crewman of the Graf Spee, described having loaded half a dozen trucks with a series of boxes stamped geheime Reichssache, which had been unloaded from submarines off the Argentine coast, and later taken to an estancia or ranch deep in Patagonia. Other authors have suggested that these boxes contained nearly 90 kilos of platinum and 2,000 kilos of gold and precious jewels that formed part of the Waffen-S.S.'s treasure: enough to finance a war of resistance from a hidden location."

"Stories like this one, or their variants, have been told for the past 50 years. The F"uhrer and his closest advisors board a submarine (the Baltic port of Kielis often mentioned as the point of departure) and take off for parts unknown, usually Antarctica or some South American location (Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, or perhaps even Chile) from which the Reich could reorganize and strike back at the world. Some versions posit that advanced technology in the form of "flying saucers" was brought along during the escape, and that the blond haired, blue-eyed saucernauts were perfect Aryans achieved through advanced genetic engineering."

"But what Abel Basti probably doesn't know (and what many Nazi history buffs have probably overlooked) is that Hitler had cast a predatory eye on Latin America long before the rise of the thousand-year Reich. According to an article in Executive Intelligence Review by William F. Wertz, Jr., titled "The Nazi-Instigated National Synarchist Union of Mexico," the F"uhrer's greater geopolitical strategy included Latin America as a fertile and very enticing part of the world to be brought to heel."

"According to Wertz, Hitler believed that the Mexican Republicwas "the best and richest country in the world, with the laziest and most dissipated population under the sun...a country that cries for a capable master. With the treasure of Mexican soil, Germany could be rich and great!" The source of this quote is Hermann Rauschning, the governor of Danzig who left the Nazi cause in 1934 and who is better known in conspiracy and paranormal circles as the source of information about Hitler's terrifying contacts with extrahuman forces."

"Hitler did not envision hundreds of thousands of infantrymen and mechanized divisions crossing the Atlantic to win this prize, rather, his plan was to make use of German nationals already living in Latin American countries, subverting the local political process with the assistance of the German industrial and economic presence in Latin America. It isn't clear if he ever imagined having to take refuge in the lands he saw as ripe for the taking."

"In the Shadow of the Swastika"

"Argentina" remained neutral throughout World War II, though there was strong pro-Axis sentiment in the country. The Secretary of War at the time was Juan Domingo Per'on, the legendary strongman whose wife was immortalized by a Broadway musical. In 1945. Per'on countermanded an order given to the Argentinean Navy to intercept Kriegsmarine elements attempting to round Cape Horn and escape into the Pacific Ocean, presumably toward Axis Japan. The Argentinean fleet was instructed to return to its base at Port Belgrano. That very spring, Peron's wife, the glamorous Mar'ia Eva ("Evita") Duarte, had received considerable deposits in her name from the Transatlantic German Bank, the Banco Germ'anico, and the Tornquist Bank. A year later, Evita Per'on visited Genoato play an instrumental role in getting Martin Bormann into Argentina."

"The long, hot summer of 1945 was a busy one indeed. Gestapo chief Heinrich Miller emerged from a submarine at OrenseBeach in southern Buenos Aires province while other U-boats were reportedly seen at Claromec'o and Reta. In his book ODESSA al Sur (The Southern Odessa), Jorge Camarasa states: "Someone had told me that Heinrich Miller had come ashore at Orense in 1945, and that the trawler Ottolenghi had transferred him to Necochea, from where he headed to [the town of] Coronel Pringles to organize the escape of sailors from the Graf Spee who were interned in the old Sierra de la Ventana hotel." Could some of these sailors have formed part of Hitler's welcoming committee, as described in Bariloche Nazi?"

"Camarasa worked closely with the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Buenos Aires on the extradition of Nazi war criminals, and his research turned up some fascinating information. Over 50 documents from Argentina's naval authorities were found regarding reports of U-boats on the Patagonian littoral in a 40-day period, including a landing in Quequ'en and multiple sightings off the coastal towns of Comodoro Rivadavia, Ingeniero White, and San Antonio Oeste. Camarasa believes that another landing occurred near the current location of Villa Gessell, where small numbers of personnel debarked with boxes of unknown content and remained there for a certain time before leaving to other destinations, perhaps elsewhere in South America."

"In the 1990s, the World Jewish Congress pressured then-president Carlos Menem to declassify all information regarding the presence of Nazi war criminals in Argentina, but it would not be until May 2003 that President N'estor Kirchner ordered his Ministry of the Interior to look into the "dark migration" of war criminals to his country, a task which started with the opening of that department's files. Entry cards for one Helmut Gregor (an alias employed by "Doctor Death," Josef Mengele), for example, report his arrival in Buenos Aires in 1949 aboard a Panamanian freighter, describing him as a 38 year-old Catholic lathe operator from Germany."

"Another investigative journalist, Uki Go~ni, unearthed more leads on the Nazi migration southward and the complicity of government functionaries in allowing the entry not only of former Gestapo, SS, and military personnel, but also members of the Croatian Ustasche (at least 15 war criminals among 7,000 immigrants)."

"Two to four years after the U-boat landings, "superstars" like Adolf Eichmann and Erich Priebke began to arrive in Argentina, allegedly aided by members of the Catholic clergy, particularly an Italian bishop who facilitated their escape through the port city of Genoa."

"Children of the Reich"

"In 1956, a land purchase took place in the Chilean locality of La Parra, some 400 kilometers south of Santiagode Chile. The buyer was a man named Paul Shafer, who quickly established the "Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Dignidad" as a settlement for a small knot of European emigr'es. Before long, the tiny settlement had evolved into a major center of activity, complete with an airstrip, several factories, filling stations, trucks, schools, and its own power station. It became known as "Colonia Dignidad" and become the focus of Nazi activity in Chile, playing a major role in aiding the Pinochet dictatorship."

"This was just part of a process that had been taking place for decades. The first National Socialist organization in Chilewas established in the town of Osornoin April 1931; within eight years, the Chilean Nazi Party had over 1,000 card-carrying members, most of them influential figures from the spheres of business and politics."

"Chile" is also the home of one of the most notorious proponents of "Esoteric Hitlerism," former diplomat and author Miguel Serrano. Serrano's career brought him into contact with Indian traditions while he served as Chile's ambassador to India in the 1950s, soaking in the same Tibetan lore and wisdom that had so fascinated European Nazis. He later went on to hold a number of prestigious positions with the United Nations."

"Serrano's works of occult fascism appeared as a trilogy whose first book, published in 1984, bears the title Adolfo Hitler, el 'ultimo avatara (Hitler, the last avatar) and tries to establish a link between Nazism and the Germanic mystical tradition, the Knights Templar, the ancient Aryans, and the belief in underground civilizations of supermen like Agarttha. In Serrano's viewpoint, his ideology seeks to perform the holy task of keeping the world safe from a Zionist-Masonic plot for world domination and enshrining the sacred teachings handed down from the hidden realm presided over by the "King of the World."

"Written by Scott Corrales, a long-time contributor to Fate. He is the editor of Inexplicata: The Journal of Hispanic Ufology. Published in FATE Jan/Feb 2009."

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