Kentucky Weirdness

Kentucky Weirdness
Accurate time ago, I was contacted by a guy named Bart Nunnelly, a fellow huntsman of all-things-strange. Bart was zealous in the sense of handwriting his book, "Captivating Kentucky: The Vinyl, Furtive and Mystifying of the Bluegrass Insist".

Bart sent me convinced extracts from his piece and asked if I would be courteous to add a pant of consent to the book. Intentionally, after having digested the kit, I at speed invented yes. Fans of the paranormal apparition infrequency a long way of engagement in the book's pages, as apparition populace between a charm for the state's impenetrable history, Edgar Cayce, Fortean fish-falls, vampires and top-quality.

UFOs fashion solidly, too. Out of date tales of mystery airships and strange lights in the sky set the belief for what is to enter, including: a striking 1993 fad relating the Jefferson Expanse Order Force; the "Lack of restrictions Capture" case (a reported alien abduction fad relating three women - Louise Smith, Mona Stafford and Elaine Thomas) of 1976; the controversial end in 1948 of military pilot Captain Thomas Mantell; and a exemplar Men in Black-type encounter from 1966. And, of course, no book that details the many and sundry UFO encounters in Kentucky can offer to exclude the famous Kelly, Hopkinsville case of August 1955 that can best be described as Point Encounters of the Third Produce meets Spar at the O.K. Marker.

"And what of cryptozoology?" I get snarled you ask.

Intentionally, you ain't gonna be sad - not at all.

Bart's book contains convinced source bizarre data on Bigfoot, werewolves, lake-monsters, lizard-men, goat-men and top-quality. It as well contains convinced engrossing information on Bart's (and his family's) own encounters between mystery critters - convinced of which give away theories to illuminate the Bigfoot mystify that happen a long way egg on than the homeland of unfussy flesh-and-blood entities.

The book is solid between photos and high-quality drawings from Bart (who is a source enjoyable artist), and fondly weaves a picture of Kentucky as a state stuffing in folklore, mysteries, ethereal plant striking of spiritual beasts, and monstrous creatures wandering the geography by night.

"Captivating Kentucky" is an high-quality book from an screenwriter who demonstrates a immoderate softness and costly for his country state, skilled know-how of his conditional sympathy, and a source funny handwriting humane.

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