Mirror Mirror On The Martian Wall

Mirror Mirror On The Martian Wall
The much-discussed news story about humanoid life on Mars was laid to rest this week by among others, The Planetary Society, who pulled the anthropomorphic wool off our eyes to reveal the humanoid-shaped rocky outcropping on an image captured by Nasa's Mars Explorer Spirit, was not a Martian Bigfoot after all. Turns out the "Bigfoot" is actually less than five metres from the rover and no more than about 6 centimeters tall, or thereabouts. While this comes as no surprise the public response to the story and it's whirlwind circulation in cyberspace around the globe, has revealed, among other things, the naked truth about human self projection.

Spirit has sent back images of another world - Mars, but what did the public see? A reflection of it's own self, just a hairier version. While we are privy to gaze upon other worlds, or other life-forms, we cannot do so with our narrow human perception and expect to get it right. Our ignorance about ourselves and the human condition is brimming over into our understanding of everything and seems to be the source of our ultimate affliction, hijacking us from a greater reality.

As Australian author Jeremy Griffith points out, "the greatest of all human explorations in the universe is in fact the 'dark continent' of ourselves". The trail explorers blaze through the wilderness of our inner selves will ultimately become humanity's highway to truth, and a key component to any large scale contact we may ever have with an extraterrestrial society.

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