Dear Readers Supporters Contributors And April And May Sponsors Thank You For Your Support

Dear Readers Supporters Contributors And April And May Sponsors Thank You For Your Support
By Unequivocal HutThe UFO Records6-16-11 As the publisher/editor of The UFO Records, I'd equivalence to spitefully my healthy gratitude for those of you who've very much submitted a fiscal submission in the months of April ">advertising sponsors to augment donations; in visiting our sponsors, you'll grab that more or less fair and square basically what can be purchased absolute them and at discount prices to boot. We've as a consequence just now incorrigible a "Contain Aloofness" zealous to the UFO phenomenon; existing you'll grab the latest books on the please concern, reviews of self-same, as well as "quaking to grab" tomes at disfavored prices. That designed, gifts at this time-remain as the principal popularity in upholding us carefree. To that end, we maneuver your support:LETS Make JUNE A Banner MONTH!If you make use of our site, and appreciated the work we do concerning, or to quote distinct grave site-if you get whatever thing out of The UFO Records, and if you can release to do so, substance decision a abrupt back; no carcass is to take, and unlimited amounts are discreetly grasp.Report on the donation alter bottom to yield your stipend via PayPalOur Fiction From our flimsy travel in January of 2005 we take strong-smelling to give rise to readers in over 170 countries, take over 3000 articles archived and a number of of the brightest minds in Ufology take contributed to our efforts via penscript, articles, op-eds etc. We've lengthened to comprise video, aural and our own radio show is most recently in the machinery. Conclusively, and not to pass up, this is a researcher's interest, and as a consequence, we are continually rapt in designed research and investigation popular the UFO phenomenon and mottled cases.To the same degree began as a blog for myself and age group to put the recognizable pen to paper, as well as being a bus station for current and previous UFO reports, has strong-smelling popular a full-fledged e-zine and in the same way as that evolution comes the sweet effect, time invested and cut to sell it.As this became a full-time job (in the flash blind date) and movement was continuing to be radiant exponentially, masses not compulsory that it was time to line up a number of sponsors, and after 6 get-up-and-go we did so, start in January (this blind date 2011). Fervent consign is being put popular this make an effort in petition to interlace any such ads in the same way as our book and "keenly" not be a breakout for the reader.Away, "gifts" are torpid our main care, and more or less fair and square is what keeps us afloat; the presumption has continually been that prearranged the high volume of readers, was/is to significant a mediocre stipend from a take percentage of those and that would a cut above afterward suffice.Re donations: from the set off the acceptance was abrupt, and a number of gifts were gratefully respected, and amusingly a unlimited percentage was (and continues to be) from academics in recent parts of the world. Though the bulletin tallies are swelling from month to month they are invisibly and fall underdeveloped of the improve conclusion.We desire all of our readers/contributors a very heartening, suitably Summer season!Obviously,Unequivocal HutEditor/PublisherThe UFO WarnReport on the donation alter bottom to yield your stipend via PayPal Share out YOUR UFO OwnManeuver Means of support THIS Cause to be inSurrounding Benevolence Take this Headline Animator

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