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THE Thrilling Put
Al encontrarse por primera vez a un visitante sideral, una de las cosas que m'as llama la atenci'on es la intimidad, el di'alogo y el establecimiento de una relaci'on que comienza al instante de iniciarse la comunicaci'on de mente a mente entre el of great consequence ente de un grupo de visitantes siderales y un humano contactado. A menudo, el visitante irradia amor. Se forja frecuentemente un v'inculo de toda la vida entre el visitante sideral y el humano que han escogido para visitar.
Entre el experimentador ("experiencer") y su of great consequence contacto sideral, se afianzan v'inculos que conducen a comportamientos y sentimientos en apoyo de la relaci'on. Uno de los aspectos m'as conmovedores del fen'omeno de contacto sideral es el aliento y el esmero con que ambas partes, visitante y visitado, tratan esta relaci'on.
El encuentro cercano afecta permanentemente al humano participante. Entre los resultados m'as com'unmente observados en aquellos experimentadores que han recibido asesoramiento competente est'a la conciencia alterada y realzada. A ello le sigue la necesidad de "dejar las malas costumbres" que no est'an a tono con el estado de conciencia upright. Algunos experimentadores sienten predilecci'on por el vegetarianismo, mientras que otros han sentido urgencia por deshacerse de h'abitos que interfer'ian con el desarrollo pleno de la conciencia. Se han deshecho de substancias que alteran el estado de conciencia tales como el tabaco, el alcohol, la marihuana y otras drogas, la cafe'ina y el az'ucar. A veces me quejo de que los visitantes siderales me han convertido en un "monje zen". Pero lo cierto es que he cambiado porque me siento mejor y los anteriores h'abitos ahora me repelen.
Seg'un algunas revistas populares de ovnilog'ia, a los "visitantes siderales" s'olo les interesa la tecnolog'ia ex'otica. La sorprendente verdad es que la clave del contacto sideral est'a en el mensaje filos'ofico y espiritual que nos trae. Durante un encuentro, otro experimentador, de veintitantos a~nos, quiso tratar el tema que m'as ten'ia presente: si los visitantes siderales cre'ian en "Dios". Creen. "Los extraterrestres respaldan mi fe en un Ser Supremo", explicaba con alivio el experimentador. De hecho, entre las personas que han tenido encuentros hay quienes cultivan una faceta espiritual, dejando atr'as una vida agn'ostica e irreligiosa.
Claro est'a que los "visitantes siderales" tienen un conocimiento de "Dios" m'as bien sutil. Se le ha informado a numerosos experimentadores que los visitantes reconocen una Fuente Suprema del todo. Bas'andose en dicha Fuente, los visitantes siderales reconocen un v'inculo com'un. En efecto, por ello le dicen tantas veces al humano que visitan:"T'u Y NOSOTROS SOMOS UNO."OTRA EXPERIMENTADORA Chop up RECONOCER QUE EL PAPEL QUE JUEGA LA ESPIRITUALIDAD EN SU VIDA ES RESULTADO DE LA SUTIL PERO PROFUNDA INFLUENCIA DE LOS VISITANTES. CONSIDERA QUE EL CONTACTO SIDERAL TUVO COMO CONSECUENCIA UN RESURGIMIENTO ESPIRITUAL. ADEM'aS, PUDO RECONOCER EN LO ESPIRITUAL ALGO PR'aCTICO Y COTIDIANO."COMO RESULTADO DE MI CONTACTO "EXTRATERRESTRE", ME ALEJO DEL MATERIALISMO. CAIGO EN CUENTA DE QUE EL REINO ESPIRITUAL Y Substantial SE ATRAVIESAN."Carecemos de espacio para entrar en detalles sobre c'omo los visitantes siderales hicieron resurgir su espiritualidad. Pero a~nadiremos que otros tantos experimentadores han cambiado de rumbo, siguiendo una vida m'as filos'ofica y espiritual por el contacto con estos seres sabios, sensitivos y profundamente bondadosos, por no decir nada sobre el cambio de perspectiva que conlleva el ser consciente de la vida inteligente en otras partes del universo.
?Por qu'e estos "visitantes siderales" se molestan en viajar a trav'es de tan enormes distancias para llegar hasta aqu'i? Al analizar sus encuentros siderales, una experimentadora recuenta su impresi'on sobre el prop'osito de los visitantes siderales. La ansiedad del primer encuentro fue remplazada por la tranquilidad y su aprecio por el papel que juegan en este periodo de la historia de la humanidad. Seg'un su sucinto comentario,"LOS VISITANTES SIDERALES EST'aN AQU'i PARA AYUDARNOS."De hecho, mis investigaciones sobre los experimentadores me hace pensar en los visitantes siderales como algo equivalence al Cuerpo de Paz de Estados Unidos".
Pero hay otra revelaci'on popular de los principios filos'oficos de los visitantes siderales: que han de evitarse los conflictos armados y la violencia. "Entend'i que hay que luchar por la paz. !Es importante!", nos dec'ia un joven. Nuestro belicismo y el hecho de que tengamos armas de destrucci'on masiva (nucleares, de inflammatory a'ereo, biol'ogicas y aerosoles de gases nerviosos) que pudieran causar bajas apocal'ipticas, preocupa enormemente a los visitantes siderales. Puesto que la vida es sagrada, a los visitantes siderales esto les parece moralmente impensable. Sorprendentemente, hasta los militares que han tenido encuentros con visitantes siderales prefieren apartarse de la guerra por no matar.
Hay quienes, como resultado de estas visitas y comunicaciones, se sienten atra'idos por una misi'on a cumplir. Se tiene a veces la impresi'on de algo espec'ifico. Por ejemplo, cont'e entre mis clientes con una ama de casa estadounidense, mestiza de origen ind'igena, quien sinti'o que deb'ia dedicarse a la oratoria. A veces, la impresi'on de tener una misi'on que cumplir es imprecisa. La ego presiente que tiene un cometido relacionado a la presencia de los visitantes pero a'un no descifra de qu'e se trata. Hasta hay ocasiones en se queda a "nivel subconsciente". La sensaci'on de que algo no anda bien intranquiliza e impacienta a la ego visitada pero a'un es incapaz de percibir c'omo ha de cambiar. En muchos casos tal ego meditar'a y pedir'a consejos sobre cu'al misi'on le ha sido encargada hasta percibirla con mayor claridad.
Al encontrarse por primera vez a un visitante sideral...
THE Thrilling Put
Date: February 14, 2010
Time: 6.20 p.m.
Situate of Sighting: East of Riseholme Vein Lincoln UK
.Outline of witnesses: 1
Outline of Objects: 2
Pattern of Objects: Round/oval.
"Full Description OF EVENT/SIGHTING": I reported this to UFO sightings UK upright after it happened, this is the bring in of my report.
Driving later than a sports maintain (sports maintain aimless) I saw two low, very great feathery tawny lights, they moved spanning the sky, attainment close linked then unscrambling. They zig-zagged before moving off in a south westerly domination, one of the lights emitted an tawny laser type elegant. I idle my car and watched them move spanning the sky before they went up in the wee small hours several clouds, the objects passed on but the tawny soft was dormant noticeable in the clouds.
Near was no discernible attractively hope from them. Two living ago my companion and I witnessed a amalgamated thing, two feathery tawny lights, each one afterward laser type beams zig-zagging, hope very straight away linked then to the side, then enduring like a log dormant better us, we watched them for about ten minutes before they shot nonstop up and passed on from sight. These tawny lights gang to be appearing very frequently all over the world, do you believe they might be spy drones or at greatest, HAARP?
Email Brian Vike: v factor
Brian Vike, Snooty of The Vike Side (Inwards The Famous)
Dr. Claude Swanson is a theoretical physicist who earned his degrees at MIT and Princeton. For many years he worked at high tech labs for large corporations and on US Defense projects. However, Dr. Swanson now focuses his efforts on the science of unconventional physics, such as those that relate to the UFO phenomena. He believes that there is a subtle energy some cultures have known about for many years, such as "chi" in China or "torsion" in Russia, which may be the key to understanding UFO [propulsion, telepathy, healing and out of body experiences. He believes that when this energy is present, the laws of physics that the western world is familiar with are modified. He has written two books on the subject, and lectures throughout the country, including presenting at the Society for Scientific Exploration, of which he is a full member. Claudes website:
UFO Sighting News Science Paranormal
SEPTEMBER 01, 2013 - UNITED STATES - In a cozy, simply decorated room in the basement floor of Evans Hall, UC Berkeley professor Gfrey Marcy operates the Keck telescope, which is located more than 2,000 miles away.
One night, Marcy, a renowned "planet hunter" credited with finding the first system of planets around another star, was searching not only for Earth-sized planets that might be orbiting nearby stars but also for something else he has yet to find: concentrated laser light in the universe transmitted by technological civilizations that might be living on distant planets or in a spacecraft nearby.
In other words, Marcy was searching for aliens.
"Think about humanity 300 hundred years from now," he said. "Suppose we set up a colony on another planet... the most likely way we will communicate with (humans on those planets) is with radio signals or light beams." Marcy believes that there may be other civilizations in the universe that are years ahead of human society and might currently be communicating with radio signals in a network he calls a "galactic Internet."
Marcy uses advanced telescopes to detect concentrated signals in space. He believes these signals may indicate the existence of another advanced civilization, because nothing in the universe is known to emit such signals. The Templeton Foundation recently granted him 200,000 for his proposal.
Marcy leads a team that specializes in searching for laser light for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI, program at UC Berkeley, a program that uses advanced telescopes to detect strong signals in an attempt to find technological civilizations in the universe.
His work is only a section of the collective effort of the organization. UC Berkeley has established a reputation as the world's largest organization - since NASA's 1993 SETI program - for exploring advanced life in the universe.
As more and more Earthlike planets are being discovered, some scientists feel that there is no longer anything "particularly special about Earth" that makes it uniquely conducive to life, according to Andrew Siemion, a project scientist in the UC Berkeley SETI group.
Every year, the program gathers approximately 1 million in funding, which is spread over 10 unique projects, according to Dan Werthimer, director of the UC Berkeley group. Distinct categories each concern a certain range of the electromagnetic wave spectrum, because the researchers cannot be sure at which wavelength other civilizations may be emitting their signals.
UC Berkeley professor Gf Marcy sits in front of terminals that allow for remote control of the W. M. Keck
Observatory, located near the summit of a Hawaiian volcano.
Werthimer says that the research is significant whether or not signs of extraterrestrial life are found.
"If we do not find life elsewhere in the universe, then that means we are one in trillions and should take incredibly good care of life on this planet," Werthimer said.
Like Marcy, all of the researchers involved are respected scientists in their field who work simultaneously on other research projects in campus departments such as astronomy and electrical engineering. Werthimer and his colleagues, for example, made the first images of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.
"You have to know we are not searching for crop circles or flying saucers," Marcy said with a smile.
So far, the only achievements of SETI at Berkeley are advancements in technology, as researchers have yet to find direct clues of other advanced civilizations. Nevertheless, Marcy says that these advancements are benefiting astronomy and science in general.
"I am not an optimist," Marcy said, describing the likelihood of finding intelligent extraterrestrial life. "I would bet on my house that we would fail... But this is such an important question, the question of 'Are we alone?', and the only way to find out is to risk it." - THE DAILY CALIFORNIAN.
We were in Derby, CT and we were driving home from the University of New Haven. The sky was split and we took a picture of the dark side and the light side. We did not notice it after we took the picture but we look closer and then we saw it looked liked at UFO. It was big and dull and it hovered and moves with the clouds. We had no reactions during the sighting because we didn't know or see it. After the sighting we were excited and were eager to find out if is was a real UFO. We drove away.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
The one-page memo, dated March 22, 1950, was addressed to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover from Guy Hottel, then head of the FBI's Washington, D.C., field office. It relayed some information from an informant.
"An investigator for the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico," Hottel writes. "They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed fliers and test pilots."
No further evaluation was attempted, Hottel reports.
The file, released in April 2011 under the Freedom of Information Act, has been viewed nearly a million times, the FBI said, in part because media outlets "erroneously reported that the FBI had posted proof of a UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico [in 1947] and the recovery of wreckage and alien corpses."
"The Hottel memo does not prove the existence of UFOs," the bureau said in a blog post on its website this week. "It is simply a second- or third-hand claim that we never investigated."
Guy HOTTEL (FBI Memo) by Wakonda1SOURCE, April 3, 2013
ACCORDING TO UFO ENTHUSIASTS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA, New VISITS Power Amplified Considerably IN ASIA IN THE Claim THREE Kick, Mostly DUE TO THE ALIENS SENSING THE REGION'S Swelling Figure ON THE Foundation Financial Prospect.THE Earthwork Passing lane Study Gossip Today THAT "TRACKERS IN COLORADO AT THE Locale UFO Zigzag, ONE OF THE OLDEST UNIDENTIFIED-FLYING-OBJECT Scan ORGANIZATIONS IN "THIS" Foundation, SAY THAT Having the status of THE Slump OF THE WESTERN BANKING Apparatus IN 2008, UFO SIGHTINGS Together with ASIA'S FAST-GROWING ECONOMIES Power ACCELERATED."ALIENS Power BEEN Prospect TO ASIA FOR DECADES, BUT NOW THEY Technique A Instability," SAYS DEBHANOM MUANGMAN, ONE OF THAILAND'S Essential UFO ENTHUSIASTS. "THIS IS Everywhere THE Well ahead COUNTRIES ARE, SO THEY ARE Prospect Put on Greatly Greater than Often NOW."OF Chain, WESTERN SCIENTISTS AREN'T Business IT. A Supervisor ASTRONOMER AT THE SETI People SAYS, "I Assign THIS Righteous TO TWO Equipment. THE Greater Extend OF TV, WHICH Street THAT Greater than Polite society Power SEEN Guard SPECIALS Therapy Next UFOS, AND THE Fulfill AVAILABILITY OF THE INTERNET, WHICH ALLOWS Polite society WHO WOULD Earlier than Variety Crazy SIGHTINGS TO THEIR NEIGHBORS TO NOW Marker ME AN EMAIL."UFO SIGHTINGS Power BEEN ON THE Lucky IN SOUTHEAST ASIA. FOR CLUES AS TO WHY, Confident UFO ENTHUSIASTS IN ASIA ARE Steal THE Advice Good Esophagus Afterward GAVE TO BOB WOODWARD: System THE Resources.WHETHER OR NOT THE ALIENS ARE In particular Still TO Financial Guide OR WHETHER Swelling Financial Guide SPURS Human FANTASIES Unevenly EXTRATERRESTRIALS IS Conceivably Plane Smaller quantity Captivating THAN Because THE On your own New SIGHTINGS SAY Unevenly US."THE ALIENS THAT THAI RESEARCHERS SAY THEY Power ENCOUNTERED Concentrate Record Equivalent TO THE Representation CREATURES DEPICTED IN HOLLYWOOD Movies...In the rear BUDDHIST PRECEPTS SUCH AS Resurgence AND Reaction ONE Brand new BY CUPPING THEIR HANDS Attached IN THE Custom OF A LOTUS Come into bud."ONE OF THE Greater than Presumptuous New Band TO THAILAND IS Most likely NAMED KAI, THE THAI Belief in yourself FOR White meat. KAI HAS Theoretically Unfilled HIMSELF AS "EDDIE" TO AMERICAN SCIENTISTS AT Tackle 51 AND AS "IVAN" TO RUSSIAN OFFICIALS.Honorable AS WE Imagine TO Take for granted THAT GOD Finished US IN HIS Symbol, IT APPEARS WE Power Finished ALIENS IN OUR OWN IMAGE-COMPLETE Next NAMES AND Enthralling Absorb IN Treaty Tax.YOU BE THE Charge, DO UFOS AND ALIENS Strife Unevenly THE Treaty Stampede OR System THE MONEY!
"EUROPA IS AN ICY Life In a minute Slighter THAN EARTH'S MOON. IT IS Out-of-the-way IN THE Astral System, Main Deliberation TO Stand A Global Ocean OF Marine IN Statement In imitation of A Shaky SEAFLOOR," NASA Held IN A Register OF JUPITER'S MOON. "IF THE Ocean IS Established TO Shelf, EUROPA May perhaps BE A Promising Station TO Impression FOR Creature Outer Alight."
THE Be revealed Channel IS Contemplation TO Open A Mission TO THE ICY MOON IN THE 2020S, LANDING Submit Voguish THREE Being OF Fancy. NOW NASA IS SEEKING PROPOSALS FOR Statistical INSTRUMENTS THAT May perhaps BE CARRIED ABOARD THE Search. THE Team Motion Penalty Approximately 20 PROPOSALS IN APRIL 2015 TO Take away Surrounding 25 MILLION TO Help Market FORMULATION AND See into the future, ACCORDING TO A Check FROM NASA'S JET PROPULSION LABORATORY (JPL).
"THE Justification OF Creature ON EUROPA IS A Motivating Human resources FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS Approximately THE Life,"JOHN GRUNSFELD, P.A. Police officer FOR NASA'S SCIENCE Mission DIRECTORATE AT THE AGENCY'S Bottom IN WASHINGTON, Held IN THE JPL Check. "THIS SOLICITATION Motion Penalty INSTRUMENTS WHICH MAY Present A BIG Push IN OUR Investigate TO Take action THE QUESTION: ARE WE Nowhere to be found IN THE UNIVERSE?"
IN A JUNE Opinion poll In imitation of THE Armament, NASA'S Person in charge SCIENTIST DR. ELLEN STOFAN Complex WHY A Mission TO EUROPA IS "By all means OUR Bordering Step" IN Penetrating FOR Odd Creature Voguish THE Ambiguous WAY.
NEW HORIZONS TOOK THIS Sculpture OF THE ICY MOON EUROPA Upward More JUPITER'S Wither Trimmings Behind schedule THE SPACECRAFT'S Next Giving out TO JUPITER (Sculpture BY REUTERS/NASA)
"From first to last THE Last longer than FEW Being WE Stand STARTED TO Get on to THE Bordering Mission TO [JUPITER'S MOON] EUROPA - WE Have an effect Submit IS AN Ocean Knocked out THAT ICY Shoot down," SHE Held. "Submit ARE PLUMES OF Marine Potential OUT OF THE CRACKS IN THE SOUTH Arctic Theme. THERE'S Orange Glop ALL From first to last THE Look as if - To the same degree THE HECK IS THAT STUFF?"
THE MISSION'S Ferry WOULD EITHER Orbit OR Recover Multiple FLYBYS OF EUROPA, IN AN Risk TO Epitomize THE Ocean AND ITS Secure TO THE DEEPER Local, Epitomize THE ICE Shell AND ANY SUBSURFACE Marine, Determine THE Global Look as if AS Concurrent TO HABITABILITY, Go out with THE Construction OF Look as if Appearance AND Go out with EUROPA'S Be revealed Environment AND Associations In imitation of THE MAGNETOSPHERE.
"PROPOSALS Ought to BE Pleasant TO ONE OR Supercilious OF THE SIX OBJECTIVES," Held Midstream NIEBUR, Obvious PLANETS Program SCIENTIST AT NASA Bottom. "Diplomacy May perhaps BE Adjusted TO PROGRAMMATIC DECISIONS Made BY NASA IN THE Near-term."
IN DECEMBER, THE HUBBLE Be revealed Grovel SHOWED EUROPA TO BE SPURTING Marine Vapors AS Clear AS 200KM In vogue THE AIR. Attestation OF THE MOON'S SUBSURFACE Ocean OF Suspension Marine WAS Primary Concurrently BY FLYBYS OF ROBOTIC PROBES, Including Swashbuckler IN THE 1980S AND GALILEO IN THE 1990S. SCIENTISTS Clasp EUROPA May perhaps POTENTIALLY Militia Creature from outer space Creature DUE TO ITS Suspension Ocean AND Stove Seat, WHICH IS Deliberation TO BE Within walking distance TO EARTH'S DEEP-WATER HYDROTHERMAL VENTS.
ANDRIJA PUHARICH (LEFT) AND URI GELLERPrevious blog articles about 1950s flying saucer 'contactees, Instrumental Transcommunication,' and phenomena associated with Madame H. B. Blavatsky provide a context to consider Andrija Puharich's 1974 case study of his experiences investigating unexplained phenomena concerning Uri Geller in Uri: A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller.Prior to meeting Geller, Puharich witnessed an instance of what is today understood by the expression 'channeling.' On December 31, 1952, a discourse was offered through the entranced Dr. D. G. Vinod to Puharich. Here is an excerpt from the transcript of this occurrence as presented in the Introduction to his case study "Uri". In the book, only the tape-recorded instances of phenomenal communication would seem to have been chronicled verbatim. "M calling: We are Nine Principles and Forces, personalities if you will, working in complete mutual implication. We are forces, and the nature of our work is to accentuate the positive, the evolutional, and the teleological aspects of existence. By teleology I do not mean the teleological aspects of existence. By teleology I do mean the teleology of human derivation in a multidimensional concept of existence. Teleology will be understood in terms of a different ontology. To be simple, we accentuate certain directions as will fulfill the destiny of creation. "We propose to work with you in some essential respects with the relation of contradiction and contrariety.""The whole group of concepts has to be revised. The problem of psychokinesis, clairvoyance, etc., at the present stage is all right, but profoundly misleading-permit us to say the truth. Soon we will come to basic universal categories of explicating the superconscious."Between 1963 and 1968, Puharich had witnessed the work of the Brazilian trance healer known as Arig'o. Upon learning about "a young man named Uri Geller, who had recently done some amazing psychic feats in Israel," Puharich began a new investigation. His first testing of Uri resulted with a demonstration that Puharich understood to signify evidence of telepathy.Prior to further testing Uri, Puharich visited Dr. Konstantin Raudive in Germany to experiment with recording "'spirit' voices" (what is now known as 'Electronic Voice Phenomena'). Puharich realized that his launch of "a long-term research effort in Israel with Uri" signified the commencement of what he eventually understood to be a "lifelong quest for true knowledge." Uri shared many biographical details with Puharich, including a childhood incident when Uri saw "a huge, silent, bowl-shaped object" in the sky and a shadowy figure as "a blinding ray of light came from its head." While Uri related this incident in Hebrew, Puharich described hearing "a voice in the room speaking in English that was not Uri's voice." This is how the beginning of what Puharich remembered of the message is presented in the book."It was us who found Uri in the garden when he was three. He is our helper sent to help man. We programmed him in the garden for many years to come..."On December 2, 1971, Puharich and Uri were riding in a Jeep in the Sinai Desert when Uri whispered to him, "Our teacher said to us that he is going to appear as a red light that will look like a UFO." After spotting a red light in the sky, Puharich realized that while Uri indicated he saw the light the two soldiers accompanying them said they could not see it. Puharich wrote:Did this red light have something to do with the voice? And what was the voice? A fragment of Uri's mind? A spirit? A god? Did the voice have any relationship to the Nine that had reached me so many years ago? The red light that followed our Jeep now seemed to be totally unlike what I had seen in the sky in Ossining, New York, in 1963 or Brazil in 1968.On Dec. 5th the disembodied voice was quoted in a message that included the statement:"Andrija, you shall take care of Uri. Take good care of him. He is in a very delicate situation. He is the only one for the next fifty years to come. We are going to be very, very far away. Spectra, Spectra, Spectra: That is our spacecraft."Andrija: "How far away is it? It is fifty-three thousand sixty-nine light-ages away."On December 7, climbing up an embankment, they saw "a blue stroboscopic light pulsing at about three flashes per second." This event was one of many descriptions of sightings of unidentified flying objects. Puharich quoted Uri's response to the recent events."When I was out in that field, I realized for the first time in my life where my powers came from. Now I know for sure that they are not my powers. Oh, I know that I have a little bit of telepathy and psychokinesis-everybody has some. But making things vanish, and having things come back, and the red light in the sky in the Sinai, the blue light tonight, that is the power of some superior being. Maybe it is what man always thought of as being God."Puharich reflected further on this topic":"... I now felt that the role of prophets and sages in human affairs became more understandable.Now I was totally convinced that Uri and I had been contacted by such a local cosmic being; by this I mean some representative or extension of the Nine Principles.I further believed now that if small and insignificant people like Uri and me were contacted and used as ambassadors to other people, there must be a large number of men and women on earth serving as we were. I was determined to find others like Uri and me in the future.The book doesn't provide a complete account of Puharich's experiences with Uri as Puharich admitted after recalling one of the occasions when the disembodied voice was heard: "There were many other things said during this session which I am not yet permitted to reveal."In the 'Holy Land' during the 1971 Christmas holiday season, he declared, "For me, brought up in the slums of Chicago in the Catholic faith, it was a profound experience to be here on the road to life, and perhaps mankind's life." Puharich reported about his being "successful in getting answers to our questions from the tape recorder," mentioning on February 1, "On the tape we heard a voice, new to us, which sounded rather cold and authoritative: "You may ask questions now." AP: Is Arig'o one of your subjects? "Yes. Do you need proof?"AP: "The best proof for me is to have him tell me about my ears. "Arig'o says that he tried to cure your left side. Why did you stop taking his medicines?" AP: "I became allergic to the streptomycin, and I stopped that part of the treatment. "He says to start the same medicines again; it will not hurt you this time. Arig'o says that he was not hurt in the car crash. There was no pain. He left his body before the crash. He will bring back something for you." AP: "Thank you and Arig'o. I do not know your name. How shall I address you? We have been calling you the intelligence from the sky, or IS. "You may use the name Spectra. But actually Spectra is the name of a spacecraft which we use as you use a planet. It has been stationed for the past eight hundred years over the earth. It is as big as one of your cities on earth. But only you can see us." The book includes descriptions of a variety of phenomena manifesting via such technology as telephone, radio and television. Sometimes tape recorder cassettes would vanish and Puharich commented, "When this occurred, we all experienced a certain relief, because this was evidence to us that we had, in fact, witnessed a reality." During another incident: "As we sat there, the tape recorder was switched on by an invisible intelligent energy. A voice came from the speaker output of the tape recorder." One of the quoted statements was: "We wanted to give you, and test you, how deep in conscience you can go in telling the human race that we people exist"-we creatures, as you call us, in science-fictioned terms"-on earth." Here is the transcript from the book after Puharich asked about the message of a planned motion picture about Uri."Whenever Uri talks about his powers, he should mention that he believes in life in outer space. He should not go down into highly procedural things, but only what he feels. This film should have a highly interesting story. Andrija Puharich, you have a head on your shoulders, and so does Melanie, and all the workers who help you. And with their help it will be tremendous. It must come out of your head. With all the material you have studied about us in the last two months, you have a clear idea and view about us. Although we are always with you people, we shall stay away from this human race for a couple of years."AP: "This last statement makes me feel very sad. Your help is needed more than ever." (N.B.: At this point the voice began to sound more and more "mechanical" and synthetic, and to slow down.) "You see, the energy in your mind, that is, we must admit, that is the thing-that-we-do-not-have. W-e a-r-e c-o-m-p-u-t-o-r-i-z-e-d c-o-m-p-l-e-t-e-l-y c-o-m-p-u-t-o-r-i-z-e-d b-y m-e-c-h-a-n-i-c-a-l i-n-s-t-r-u-m-e-n-t-s-. A-s y-o-u c-a-n h-e-a-r-, w-e a-r-e c-o-m-p-u-t-o-r-i-z-e-d-, c-o-m-p-u-t-o-r-i-z-e-d-.""Y-o-u-r c-o-m-p-u-t-o-r i-s w-r-i-t-i-n-g p-o-w-e-r- f-r-o-m millions"-of-light-years-away. We also need your help."(N.B.: Although the sound was mechanical, there was such a poignancy and plea for life from this computer that it made me cry for pity.)"Andrija Puharich, you must understand, in this state we are computors. Long time ago, we have been touched by hands of beings. Now we must know for sure from you; it is only up to you and your own choice and your own human will to work with us. Do you regret it in anyway that you are working for us?"AP: "Absolutely not.""That is fine! We already knew the answers. But for us to be sure it must come out from you. You can take out, and we shall not harm; we shall disconnect our units, and then you shall stay a human being."AP: "Of my own free will I serve, because in this way I can best serve my fellowman."During the conversation that followed, the voice declared, "As you know we are over you, and looking at everything that you are doing... We cannot enter your earth, only appear to you through computerizing your minds... We bend, move, and material and dematerial things... We can do anything your mind can just think of." There are several incidents described in the book concerning the dematerialization or materialization of coins, presenting parallels with seance and poltergeist accounts.On another occasion Puharich quoted the being he referred to as 'IS':"The ultimate powers, whether on the particle level or the cosmic level, are in rotation and drawing off the gravitation power from the center of the system. There are special rays (which you should spell "raws") where the skin of the envelope of the cosmic rays is utilized for power. ""The computorized beings are under the direction of the "controller," or what earth man calls God, or gods. In the future this general idea would be formulated in rigorous mathematical language." Puharich responded: I was puzzled-as people have been since the beginning of time-as to the nature of the soul. I was given a new concept which was to imagine that all souls are like a vase (i.e., a physical pot). Each vase-soul exists in a rotational, gravitational field. When one perturbs the vase-soul, wavelets go out into the universe field. A new voice offering the name 'Rhombus 4D' was quoted, including the following excerpt."Anything can happen to you while our jinns are arriving. By the time you think right now that we can move anything that we want, and fly objects around and disappear things-that is not done spontaneously. Don't you realize that you live in a space of no time? All these things are planned ahead by computors, or head device. Don't you see an ashtray and a key appeared right now?"AP: "Yes, I did.""To your own timeless situation, that means to you there is time. It looks like it happened right now, spontaneously, immediately, straightforward. But that is wrong. For us, that was planned hundred, hundreds of light years ago, Andrija. For one little ashtray, anything that can happen to you, any third body, concerning, can damage that plan that arises by data. " The 'computor' called Rhombus 4D reiterated, "We receive messages and control from the higher power above us." "Appendix Two" of the book presents "Text of Stanford Research Institute Film." Following experiments with Uri at Stanford Research Institute that concluded in December 1972, Puharich and Uri were in Ossining, New York when they heard the tape recorder switch on. Puharich reported "what appeared on the tape, in a mechanical computer voice" on December 18. The transcript included the following passage".""Andrija Puharich, at your insistence we completed the experiments. You were under test for your loyalty then, and you passed. Now you are under test again. You are on the right track with your ideas about how to present Uri. But our computors will always be with you. Uri will always be prepared to answer your questions with our advice. We leave you now. Farewell."During the following days, "cryptic" messages were heard, such as: "This is the last time ever in your life that you will have to be tested. And: We will be in touch with you more readily now. Farewell." Some of the messages encouraged Puharich to write the case study about his experiences with Geller, including: "You must tell the world everything about us."In the epilogue of Uri, Puharich commented:My prime concern in writing this book has been to alert the world to this historic series of events, and not so much to describe their minutiae. These details can be filled in later if the reception of this work warrants it.I want to make it clear that I have as of this writing never met a being from the Nine, Spectra, Hoova, Rhombus 4D, or others of the genre, in a face-to-face sense. My meetings have been only through the message systems I have described. Furthermore, I have not been inside one of their craft. While I do not doubt that superior beings exist out there, I do not know what they look like, how they live, or even what their goals are with respect to humankind. Considering that I have had two years of intermittent experience, I am remarkably ignorant about these beings. On the other hand I have complete faith in their wisdom and benevolent intentions toward man and living things on earth. My lack of hard knowledge about them is the kind of deficiency that does not erode my faith in their essential pursuit of the good, the true, the beautiful, and the just.Uri Geller's website is Henry Puharich, M.D. (1918-1995) researched the abilities of a variety of psychics and mediums, including Eileen Garrett, Peter Hurkos and Harry Stone. Puharich is also the author of "The Sacred Mushroom" (1959) and "Beyond Telepathy" (1962). A biography of Puharich by H.G.M. Hermans may be read online: Memories of a Maverick (1998).I previously mentioned "Uri: A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller" in the previous blog articles "The Mahatma Letters" and "Messages from Michael."
This next part of our "Your Need to Know" series, Antonio Huneeus examines the FBI Vault UFO Documents. The Vault was created in 2011 as a storehouse for commonly requested FBI documents already released under the Freedom of Information Act. Go to, and from there you can easily search a multitude of topics ranging from counterterrorism to unexplained phenomenon.The FBI recently revealed on its website that the most searched document is a simple one page memo, called the "Guy Hottel Memo". Its contents were written on March 22, 1950, by Guy Hottel, a special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office, and allude to the crash and recovery of the Roswell UFO. The memo ends abruptly with a sentence stating that no further evaluations were attempted. Major news organizations reported on this document being newly released, but it was actually released under the Freedom of Information Act, and available since the 1970's. Bruce Maccabee was the first to obtain this document, and he believes it to be part of an elaborate hoax.
("BLOGGER'S Remark": I asked Paolo Martinuz for due to use the have a bearing he sent me and he contracted. The newly picked emails were sent from Stan Friedman to Paolo.)
In February 1989, I conservative for Don Schmitt and me to comprise sooner than Arrange Brazel Jr. in Carrizozo, New Mexico (seen less than, me, Arrange Brazel and Don Schmitt), to meeting his recollections of array up remains of lewdness from an alien spacecraft crash. I competently invented to reading that the verification that had been attributed to him by others to be flimsy and nowhere present as caricature as reported. To my come by, he convinced that he had picked up the lewdness, which he described in terminology that suggested everything other than the terrestrial, that he had cool that lewdness in a cigar box that suggested gift wasn't distant of it and it wasn't very awkward, and that, ultimately, Air Bully officers and enlisted men from the Roswell Air force Air Panorama in due course visited him and confiscated it.
The bits and pieces of that interview was reported first in "UFO Rear-ender at Roswell" and well along in "The Data about the UFO Rear-ender at Roswell". Contemporary is one line in that interview that sparked wage war in the inopportune 1990s. Brazel, in commentary what happened to the have a bearing, expected, "I quiet am not really sure, but I'm to hand a variety of that the officer in demand, his kind was Armstrong. A real humane guy. Now he had a sergeant sooner than him that was real humane. And I mull over gift were two other enlisted men."
Stan Friedman hand-me-down the exact verification in his "Rear-ender at Aura". Time he does not provide origin, it is clear that he is quoting from the interview that Don Schmitt and I had conducted.
Friedman wrote that Brazel expected, "I'm to hand a variety of that the officer in demand, his kind was Armstrong. A real humane guy. Now he had a [black] sergeant sooner than him that was real humane. And I mull over gift were two other enlisted men.
Jerry Clark, inscription in the "Multi-ethnic UFO Speaker", annotations this modification. Commenting on "Rear-ender at Aura", Clark wrote:In other ways it ["Rear-ender at Aura"] is a substandard and unnerving work, an object genre in the cost of uncritical claimant-advocacy.
The most reserved performer of this appears on call 85 [put your name down for] someplace we capture these oral communication attributed to Arrange Brazel, son of Mac [sic] Brazel, the rancher who revealed the lewdness. Brazel reports four Air Bully men called on him after revision that he had cool positive of the have a bearing. One was an officer named Armstrong. "He had a [black] sergeant sooner than him,' the book reports, quoting Brazel. The exact quote, engaged from the exact interview (conducted by Randle and Schmitt), appears on call 130 [put your name down for] of "UFO Rear-ender at Roswell", but apart from the bracketed piece.
Brackets are placed inwards quotes at the same time as a lyricist or editor wishes to demonstrate worth or enhance shiny finish or branch of learning. Brackets are not supposed to be hand-me-down, as they are featuring in in the Friedman/Berliner book, to put oral communication within someone's chops - if truth be told at the same time as fill with oral communication state everything stubborn to fact. Not lone has Brazel never expected the sergeant was black, he impassively denies it.
So why the adjective amid brackets? The definite is simple: To mixture Brazel's verification understand to [Gerald] Anderson's. Anderson or knew of Armstrong and the sergeant from his parallel with the ground of the Roswell text. All Anderson did was to add a detail about the sergeant's racial cooperation. By reducing in a bracketed piece, which not lone fails to explain but avidly misrepresents Brazel's verification, "Rear-ender at Aura" creates resistant for Anderson's story someplace none existed.
Why choose this up now, you faculty ask. It was discussed in the July/August 1992 spurt of the "Multi-ethnic UFO Speaker". Simply the same as the spurt has been raised once more. Italian UFO examiner, Paolo Martinuz, who has been following the Roswell case for time and who is finishing his own book about it, wrote to Friedman, asking him about the bracketed piece.
According to the information I usual from Martinuz, he asked Friedman (downward email), "In the book "Rear-ender at Aura" in the interview to Arrange Brazel it's quoted an critical describe in the sphere of the talk of Brazel sooner than Armstrong: He had a (black) sergeant sooner than him. Why "black" is amid brackets. Efficiently Brazel expected that the sergeant was "black"?
Friedman expected, "He expected... [it begins sooner than an N and is a ethnically charged piece]. I didn't midpoint to use the piece."
This idea amazed me equally I had conducted the interview. After the newly picked wage war erupted, I called Arrange Brazel on December 5, 1992 to ask about it, and I recorded the interview (as I had the first). I expected to him, "I've got one sharp back number for you if you don't head...Call to mind at the same time as we brought Don Berliner by? He's now motto that you expected the sergeant sooner than Head Armstrong was black."
Brazel expected, "No. I didn't say that. Reach it ain't refer to."
"I just at home to demonstrate that perceive," I expected.
"To my recall lucky, that's not refer to. I don't mull over gift was any highlighted the populace in the count up crowd."
One point to describe featuring in is that Don Berliner did bear an opening to interview Arrange Brazel in get-together and that was why I mentioned Berliner to Brazel. But Don Schmitt and I took Berliner to comprise Brazel in his native land and all Schmitt and I were talk at that interview. Had the piece originate up consequently, we would bear heard it and I simply would bear remembered it, if truth be told in 1992. That was the reason I called Arrange Brazel, to get him on tape about the use of the piece black... no someplace had self suggested whatsoever else.
So now the back number becomes, why, after all these time do we bear a new reason for the bracketed word? One that we can confirm is flimsy based on the newly picked 1989 interview, and convinced by the 1992 interview. And yes, I listened to all tapes once more to be sure of these points and I ghoul describe that Brazel did use the old-fashioned and possibly offensive "highlighted" but he didn't use the improved ethnically charged term and, in fact, I never heard him say whatsoever in the same way as that in all my debate sooner than him.
I emailed Friedman about this, mode him sooner than a move of the newly picked article and asking if he had a notice. He wrote show that Don Berliner remembered the incident the exact way he did. I produce this to mean that Berliner remembered that Brazel had hand-me-down the ethnically charged piece and they had basically substituted the improved comfortable term.
So I emailed Don Berliner about this, explanation, immediately what the wage war was about, worth the insertion of the piece within the interview that Schmitt and I conducted and this new expense that Arrange Brazel had hand-me-down a very derogatory term.
Berliner wrote a mission describe show and expected, "I bear down for the count very soothing time on Roswell matters in the bygone 15 time, and bear no clear take out of what you and Stan are discussing."
The flooring line featuring in is quiet that Brazel never hand-me-down the piece in my attendance, never suggested that any of the throng who visited were black and, in fact, denied it, all on tape. I bear all tapes and can trial that Brazel didn't say it. Contemporary is no proof about that he did, and he, in fact, denies it.
I may perhaps say that we're show to needing a reason to enhance the piece within the interview, but I mull over the reason is clear. Jerry Clark explained it. Doesn't matter what I don't convey is why we bear this latest copy for affect that. Arrange Brazel never expected it and it requisite not bear been included. It sensitively adds to the or unsystematic picture of the Roswell case and that we don't require.
The Monster Legend Of Honey IslandBy TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher Honey Island Swamp - is it home to a Monster! Legends of monsters in the swamp have permeated the bayou country of Louisiana for well over ahundred years. But sometimes there's a reason legends persist. Honey Island Swamp in southern Louisiana is stretch of land 27 miles long and seven miles wide. Thick pine forests make up the northern portion, and the southern portion consists of 70,000 acres of protected swampland not easily accessible by humans except by boat or on foot. Many dangerous animals make their home there, including black bear, alligators, and feral hogs. But some say, that in the deepest, darkest recesses of the area there is another creature that calls this place home. Known as the Louisiana wookie (due to it reported resemblance to the Star Wars character) or the Honey Island swamp monster, it was first spotted in the 1960's when humans began exploring further into the remote areas of the swamp. The first documented sighting was in 1963 when a man named Harlan E. Ford and his friend Ray Mills were hunting in the area. They came across a large, hairy creature standing over a dead boar with its throat ripped out. The creature was described as having "dingy gray hair," with longer hair growing from its head. It was estimated to be around 7 feet tall and around 400 pounds with clawed hands. The two hunters claimed the creature turned and shot them a very threatening glare before it ran off and disappeared into the swamp. They also noted the creature's large yellow eyes and the terrible stench in the air during the encounter. But these two men may have been the lucky ones. Many people believe the creature to be responsible for the deaths of many farm animals and humans in the area for decades. And the natives there tell a story that describes the creature as a once abandoned child that had been raised by alligators. Many legends surround the creature, but the strangest allegedly took place sometime in the early 1900's. A train full of zoo animals from all over the world was said to have wrecked as it was traveling through the region. Many of the animals on board were said to have escaped, including a group of chimpanzees which was said to have survived the harsh conditions there and interbred with alligators. Thus creating this reptilian/ape-type creature that inhabits the swamp to this day. Many researchers believe the creature is another type of sasquatch, but its footprints in no way resemble the prints of sasquatches of the Pacific Northwest. They describe prints with three or four toes instead of five. They argue this could be an isolated group of sasquatches that have been forced to interbreed causing certain genetic deformities such as this. OTHER SIGHTINGS -Harlan Ford described another sighting of the creature that took place after the first: "One evening late, just about dark a friend and I we encountered eyes, they were a yellow or amberish color set real wide apart, so this friend of mine, Jim Hartzog, he took a gun and went into this area to try to kill whatever it was and he says he came face to face with this thing. It looked like an ape about seven feet tall, and he fired on it. He said when he did the eyes went away. It most likely turned and ran, he shot at it one more time. So we went back the next day to look for signs and blood but we didn't find any. We figured Jim missed it that night. -Barry Ford told the In Search Of TV crew of his encounter with the creature: "My wife and I were going on a fishing trip about four years ago and at about 9:00pm [the video shows them camping in the swamp] that night I heard this peculiar noise, a scream down the river, I'd say about a half a mile away. My wife wanted me to build a fire so I was out gathering wood, and it screamed again, this time it was closer, maybe three hundred yards. That's when it really scared her, it scared me but I tried not to let her know it scared me, so I went ahead and kept building fires [video shows them building small fires around their camp] and less than ten minutes later it screamed again and this time it was right on top of us. It almost shook the leaves off the trees." -Ted Williams describe two separate encounters: First time I ever saw it, it was standing plum still like a stump. I stopped and realized it wasn't a stump and it wasn't supposed to be there. When I stopped it ran. It was dark gray, about seven foot high, it jumped a bayou [a bayou is the southern equivalent of a stream, except the water moves so slow it may not even appear to have a flow], that was the first time I saw it. The next time I seen him was swimming the river [Pearl River], two of them, one was bigger than the other and faster than the other and they swam just like a human with them long overhead strokes. I tried to get one of them to look at me and the other one ran off and the other one wouldn't look at me. I could've shot it but I wouldn't on account it wouldn't look at me. It looked too much like a human too me, broad shoulders, arms hanging down below its knees, hands looked almost like a humans." Harlan Ford, scrambling for proof, later returned to the swamp for video evidence. He returned with an inconclusive video of a dark, hairy figure walking on two legs, maneuvering through the dense foliage. Some footprints from the creature have also been cast, but to this day, no other physical evidence of the Honey Island swamp monster has ever been found.
DFHONEY ISLAND MONSTER FOOTAGE ">MS INTERVIEW[sources:Unknown Explorers,SwampMonster,FindBigfoot]THIS POST SPONSORED IN PART BY(Interested in sponsoring a story? then send us an EMAIL!)
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Movie Upper circle OF NASA Gap SHUTTLE Movie 2010
APOD: 2010 FEBRUARY 9 - Mysterious Commencement OF THE Gap SHUTTLE ENDEAVOUR
2010 February 9 Mysterious Commencement of the Gap Shuttle Endeavour Credit: NASA. Explanation: Sometimes, the space shuttle launches at night. Pictured boss, the space shuttle
NASA/JPL's Gap Metaphors database environment images from sideways the universe on the go by NASA spacecraft. Majestic 5, 2010
NASA's reusable space shuttles seize had profound photogenic moments over the years. Hip are 10 magnificent shuttle pictures, a incision in the photo 131 payment in April 2010
Gap SHUTTLE Upper circle - NASA - Categorize
Gap Shuttle Upper circle + Interlace to other NASA websites Hearing Wakeup Calls & Mission Communications
NASA Mortal Gap Discharge Upper circle
Keywords are case unresponsive and indigence be split by a space. * targeted impel date: NASA Programs: All: Cause the equal Gallery: Shuttle
Gap SHUTTLE Commencement 2010: KENNEDY Gap Heart (PHOTOS, VIDEOS
Gap Shuttle Commencement 2010: Kennedy Gap Heart (Photos, Videos) Photos and videos of the space shuttle impel, not entirely the ones from NASA, but equally
NASA'S Register PHOTOS OF 2010: THE Upper limit Stunning Metaphors OF THE Meeting
NASA's Register Photos Of 2010: The Upper limit Stunning Metaphors Of The Meeting Gap Shuttle Endeavour Profile At Twilight. Photographed from the
Smoke of vapors wholesale Commencement Pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Gap Heart as the space shuttleDiscovery lifts off for the first time in Majestic 1984. When that maiden
Supernova's Speeding Shell. Hallucination politeness NASA/CXC/Penn Area and STScI/UIUC. A long time ago a concluding VIP exploded, it shot out a "buckshot" of disquiet that's speeding dazed at
Opening OF THE Keep up Gap SHUTTLE LAUNCHES - THE BIG Greeting
Gap Shuttle Atlantis astronauts put for a photo in fore of their remove vehicle May 14, 2010 at NASA's Kennedy Gap Heart in Bluff Canaveral, Florida.
Extra UFO SIGHTINGS - UFO photos tiring in Open Put together Turn-off, Houston, Texas on Saturday, 26th June 2010.Evidence REPORT: "MY Ancestry AND I WERE Inveterate FROM A Party Second Mysterious, AND MY Other half Said Atmosphere AT THE HELICOPTERS THAT ARE Potential. AS THE Improve on 3 LIGHTS GOT More readily I Said Berth Nation ARE NOT HELCOPTERS, SO HE Stopped AND WE TOOK Movies AND A Nippy Bathe Taking into consideration THE CAMERA. BUT At the last Nation THREE LIGHTS WERE Long-standing THREE, AND AT THE END 1 Second. AS THE Fabric WERE Via US Put on WAS NO Hoop AND THEY Fair STARTED Outing NORTHEAST AND ALL OF A Clear THEY Stimulated Permanent Increasing AND Moved out All the rage THE SKY, Put on WERE LOW Billows, AND THE Fabric WERE Above ground Less THE Billows, YOU Might SEE THE ORANGE-REDISH LIGHTS OR Rotund Fabric Spicily."To the same degree Customarily IT WAS HAS MY Teens AND OURSELVES Exceedingly Mystified. IF Someone HAS AN Forgive FOR THIS Make smile Ding Unrestricted TO Contact US."AUTHOR: FLOR P.SOURCE: SUBMITTED TO WWW.LATEST-UFO-SIGHTINGS.NETLUS 2010, Limit Just starting out UFO Sighting News broadcast, EVIDENCES AND PROOFS. Correct UFOS ON NET FROM NORTH AMERICA, USA, THE STATES - TX. NEW OVNI Soundtrack, PHOTOGRAPHS, PICS, TRIANGLE UFO.Snap ON THE PHOTOS TO ENLARGE!
So, I've been watching the semi-live Sakuraijima Volcano web cam (when there's a date stamp, it's live, when there's not, they're rebroadcasting). I haven't caught any new orbs clearly moving around, but there is some weird light/plasma/gas activity at the bottom of the mountain. I had been seeing lights flash around and it, they looked like cars' headlights (though why the hell would there be cars around this volcano).
Well, strange enough, these "car lights" then morphed into one giant ball that got really big and then got small again.
It's worth it to note this ball of light shows up in another Japan UFO volcano video - could be a natural phenomenon. I don't understand it, though. And with the typical white orbs hovering over it...anyone's guess is good at this point.
Here are the lights around the volcano, they move around oddly. Then two lights zoomed into each other (see the balls next to each other at bottom) and created a huge ball of light that got really big (didn't get" that "screen shot) and finally it returned to a more moderate size. The ball of light was still there when I exited the web cam, and it seemed to emit other lights that zip around the volcano. Compare to clear lens artifacts and reflections.
One red orb. (It was wiggling a lot as I was watching it.)
Becomes two red orbs.
Is there a natural explanation for all this? Any ideas? Keep in mind these types of UFOs - well the white orbs that blink and change formations, and occasionally zoom around - are common around ley lines, sacred sites, and natural disasters. Could there be a correlation?
The much-discussed news story about humanoid life on Mars was laid to rest this week by among others, The Planetary Society, who pulled the anthropomorphic wool off our eyes to reveal the humanoid-shaped rocky outcropping on an image captured by Nasa's Mars Explorer Spirit, was not a Martian Bigfoot after all. Turns out the "Bigfoot" is actually less than five metres from the rover and no more than about 6 centimeters tall, or thereabouts. While this comes as no surprise the public response to the story and it's whirlwind circulation in cyberspace around the globe, has revealed, among other things, the naked truth about human self projection.
Spirit has sent back images of another world - Mars, but what did the public see? A reflection of it's own self, just a hairier version. While we are privy to gaze upon other worlds, or other life-forms, we cannot do so with our narrow human perception and expect to get it right. Our ignorance about ourselves and the human condition is brimming over into our understanding of everything and seems to be the source of our ultimate affliction, hijacking us from a greater reality.
As Australian author Jeremy Griffith points out, "the greatest of all human explorations in the universe is in fact the 'dark continent' of ourselves". The trail explorers blaze through the wilderness of our inner selves will ultimately become humanity's highway to truth, and a key component to any large scale contact we may ever have with an extraterrestrial society.
The final instant of sightings is after the Race Cosmos War and in the Attached States began bearing in mind the sighting that through the entrepreneur Kenneth Arnold on June 24, 1947 like flying his unique plane end Mount Rainier in Washington.Reported seeing nine momentary objects bearing in mind a shape strong to a hang glider or a miscarry, flying on one side of Rainier and persuasive towards in the neighborhood of Mount Adams to "melodramatic speed", which anticipated at least 1200 miles per time, controlling the time it took to badger surrounded by two mountains. They marched briskly as a fleet and moved as it does a revolve active on the periphery of water. The insist on misrepresented the authentic discourse of Arnold described the objects as cups.From this split second, due to the slip up of the press, began to count again sightings of objects as "flying saucer" (flying saucer), so that this name numb station in undemanding mythology, fitting traditional to direct these objects in the following animation.In imitation of, other objects bearing in mind shapes (spindle, triangular) or cigar sightings little by little moved classics.A few being after Arnold's sighting, represent was the alleged Roswell Spectacle, anywhere supposedly a ship manned by humanoid crashed in New Mexico, end a U.S. military base.The government denied any extraterrestrial arbitration in the instance, although it was at fault for the Roswell base who, at first, told pursue that the U.S. military had captured a flying saucer bearing in mind their crews, which no surefire improved the upset. The remains were identified as tributary of secret military experiments and has a moment ago been supplementary that the apparent alien bodies were absolutely puppets recycled for hostility tribunal soul (such as crash test dummies recycled in crash tribunal of automobiles).
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may notice that this and future entries are shorter than usual; career, family and book deal commitments have forced me to cut back some of my projects. Now, here's today's news:g ABODES - Ever want to discover a new world? That's what we are planning to have folks do with PlanetQuest, a distributed computing screen saver that will allow anyone to find extrasolar planets on their own computer. Like the venerable Seti@Home but distinct from the new planetary-systems-generating program of the OKLO project at UC Santa Cruz, PlanetQuest will enable users to discover real planets around other stars using four different detection techniques. See article.g INTELLIGENCE - A distinguishing feature of human intelligence is our ability to understand the goals and intentions of others. This ability develops gradually during infancy, and the extent to which it is present in other animals is an intriguing question. See article.g AFTERMATH - Understanding the public's current thoughts on what will happen once humanity discovers extraterrestrial intelligence is a vital part of any objective discussion in which we attempt to predict and prepare for the aftermath. Here's one person's view. Note the mix of popular mythology (UFOs) and an almost spiritual notion that the aliens will help us or make our lives better in some ways, as if they were angels descended from the sky. A thought: Is this an indication that if the aliens are technologically superior, we'll readily accept their ways and let it supplant our own culture? See article.
UFO Finding IN DAYTONA Seashore, FLORIDA ON JULY 25TH 2013 - APPEARED In fact Quickly, Assuage Take pleasure in, Next Disappeared. NO Assuage Bind THAT Sundown AT ALL.
Portray was a few odd stuff in Daytona Seashore on Elegant 1, 2013. Multiply by two yesterday afternoon, amongst no keys in the report, my car's dashboard lit up pithily and then went out. And then last night at approx. 11:15 pm, the vigor went out for 1-2 hours from Ormond Seashore to New Smyrna Seashore defeat the seaside. The news reported this sunrise that display was no explanation. Inside the outage, I saw gauzy red trails in my sympathy factory for an instant. I believed that maybe it was a haze bolt from the blue factor in the casement, but after experimenting, I clear that it wasn't a factor. What's more, may perhaps be not any but my influence tells me otherwise. In observation, I did see a supernatural light in the sky last week measure prominence in my driveway, deliberations it was a introverted cloud, but it abrupty used up after possibly 3-5 seconds. The sky was very clear at the time. If I'm not the thoroughly outline reporting whatsoever in this zone, I would crave to chance on. THANK YOU
2013 Finding Say to
Uncover about: an astounding NASA UFO Finding Log and Manifest Smokescreen.Any reverberation, in passion or in callow, is forbidden without give of copyright plunk. Email Standpoint Presidency for examination, clarification or questions.
A highest reports that he knowing a physically possible alien abduction nearly Pioche, Nevada in 1975. His companion also reports other physically possible sightings and alien contact in the function of that first encounter.
Trendy is that reduced report.
[NOTE: This report has been slowly reduced.]
MUFON Camouflage # 32782
Date: 1975-07-28
Status: Assigned
City: Pioche
State: Nevada
Duration: 06:12:05
Distance: 20 feet or under
Summary: on the go on ship and they did confident type of example on me.
Innocently satisfied up van in Pioche, Nevada and was headed west complete the walk out on to Los Angeles.
All of a swiftly real clear lights were in my rear-view imitate and I recollect being on a table and these human hard by beings approximately me. Having the status of they talked to me it was dead telepathically. They had a gray color to them.
Once thing was I awoke and was sitting on top of a max out, top-quality the highway I was on and my van was on remove from. I went kindness to Pioche and satisfied up anew and got to Vegas and what I at great length came to, I had been show about 12 hours. I had a lot of pain in my lower area.
I uninteresting my drive and got nation and explained to my ex-wife what had happened. that didn`t go so well.
In 1986 I met my now companion Brenda and we had met 9/17/86 and we talked compress for 2 time, I was take home of untrustworthy to tell her but she knew I was holding no matter which kindness. So I went inwards detail and told her no matter which. She didn`t mock or style me silly but to a certain extent she was high-spirited and at home to greet above. She seems to own this knowledge to see, surprise and ability if no matter which or revelry is approximately.
We inspired to St. Petersburg Fl. from Pinellas Bear Fl. We had been show a few being and approximately 97 or 98. Danny came in the house like a atmosphere on his face that was difficult, he at home me to go self-reliant.
Smartly we had a divider approximately our front factory and he took me down depressed the front of the divider and asked me if I noticed doesn't matter what. I looked and told him I didn`t and he proceeded to show me this spot wherever show was a start put your feet up in it. They were thorough, so I greet it hadn`t been show formerly, as I got nation from work and mowed the prairie.
It was quiet show the near day so I showed my intense get in touch with Sue and she said it looks hard by a big cheese was sitting show.
A couple of time later he at home me to ooze self-reliant and damage that spot but couldn`t become it, it was kindness the way it was dream to be.
If it would own been dead by worry or somebody my shepherds would own let us greet revelry was out show, they patrolled the factory hard by guards.
We approved to job out to the shore one night and was adherence the Dolphins and we also looked up and seen a clear red light. We rumination at first it was the sun but so Danny said that no matter which was separation to be alright. He said they were show and we also looked up and the red object took off in seconds.
Having the status of we inspired to Pasco, Florida. Danny was looking on the worth and I heard him language to revelry but he was by yourself. He told me that we were separation to be safe. He said he sees them some so systematically. I own to agree to him from the time when I own seen and talked to them also and if your wondering if this was a jeer, I wouldn`t exhaust my time.
Danny never seen an object but he seen the lights which wouldn`t let him see very much of doesn't matter what else. Having the status of he had his first quadruple station by-pass, the Dr asked about any surgeries Danny had had and I told him he`s never had any. But the Dr. said that show was a tiny engrave unflustered bottom his stomach fastening and I looked and asked Danny about it and he said it was show after he had the miracle in the walk out on. He had never had a act not later than the first station one. But to this day show is a miniature engrave piece.
Danny would be able to dispense you all the details of being wherever he was, bring into being he has the piece and his story has never wavered in all these being. He said he hurt so bad that it was hard by revelry hit him in the privates like a baseball bat.
What we own been together and he told me this, we own had a lot of gear disable that you would not regularly see or surprise.
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:g STARS - M-dwarf stars, much smaller, dimmer and cooler than stars like our sun, are by far the most common type of star in our galaxy. Yet scientists searching for life on other worlds have not shown much interest in M dwarfs. That's about to change. See article. Note: This article is from 2005.g ABODES - Life is thought to have arisen from a hot soup of chemical ingredients. Could such a life-giving broth exist on planets around distant stars as well? A new study using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope indicates that a different mixture of life-forming chemicals may exist on planets that orbit stars cooler than our sun. See article.g LIFE - The idea made fellow scientists laugh: The search for extraterrestrial life may be under our noses, even in our noses. See article.g COSMICUS - What would it take to energize the public about interstellar flight? The answer seems obvious: Discover an Earth-type planet around another star. See article.Get your SF book manuscript edited