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» Extra Terrestrials Are Here
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My Belief.It is my opinion that Extra-Terrestrials are here in this planet. I am posting this article not to convince anyone about the reality of ETs but to share my ideas and inform you about their existence based on my research and personal experiences. Everything in this site is for alien believers and skeptics. If you have any comment or suggestion please post it. But my request is please read my articles with an open mind.Are ETs real?This was the very first question I had in mind upon hearing stories about UFO sightings and ET encounters. I used to believe before that alien beings were merely products of delusions, but not at this moment when I had my personal experience about their existence.Extra-terrestrials could manifest in the physical but not all the time because their energy vibrates at another level. Their body is etheric and can't be seen by the naked eye. But they can be very visible to human eyes if they chose to do.Of course, there are few people (clairvoyants and psychics) can interact with them. If our mind set is to follow the old dictum "seeing is believing", that would depend on how these entities manifest themselves on every individual.Perceiving the ETs? There were many instances in the past encounters and up to present that ETs could be seen physically but mostly they can be perceived on the other side of life - other dimension.Aliens could be felt thru their warm energy, clairvoyants could see them as shadows, other sensitive people could hear their voice or receive telepathic message, and channels could communicate with ETs thru their voice while in trance. But surely to those who don't bother themselves to engage with metaphysical activities, there will be the right time for ETs to permanently manifest in this world - alien to man, man to alien meeting.Where they come from?The word extraterrestrial itself would answer questions about the origin of these highly intelligent beings because they came from elsewhere beyond Earth. But there are theories, that beings we thought to be ETs are in fact ITs or intra-terrestrials because they also dwell on Earth.My personal belief is ITs were from afar beyond Earth but they decided to migrate to Earth for some reason they only know. ETs were from our neighboring planets and star systems in our galaxy in particular and different galaxies in the Universe in general.An extra-terrestrial "Orthon", who met George Adamski on November 20, 1952 in the Mojave Desert, California was a Venusian. Two years after, another ET, who met Richard Miller in Ann Arbor, Michigan introduced himself "Soltec" told him (Miller) that their home planet was Centurus of the Alpha Centauri System.Another startling revelation about the origin of ETs was a declaration of an alien being called "A-lan", who claimed that his race were the descendants of a previous Earth civilization that had immigrated into space thirty thousand years ago.What are the ET classifications? Extra-Terrestrials can be classified according to their point of origin and species although we can presumed ETs live in almost all the planets and stars in every galaxy of the Universe. However, based on the reported encounters, there were ETs came from different star constellations in space. The name of their civilization would depend on their home planets and stars.There are ETs called themselves as Sirians since they came from the brightest of all stars, Sirius (the dog star) in Canis Major constellation, others came from Pleiades, a large bright open star cluster, also known as M45 among astronomers.There are other ET civilizations came from Arcturus, the brightest star of Bootes constellation depicting a man herding a bear, represented by Ursa Major.To classify them according to their form Patrick Huyghe in his book titled "The Field Guide to Extraterrestrials" (Avon books, New York, 1996), said he classified them based strictly on how the aliens look, on their phenotype namely with their corresponding types:Humanoid - these are ETs who exhibit the same basic body plan as the human.Types of Humanoid:(a) human - includes all alleged extraterrestrials who would be indistinguishable in a crowd of people. These type has six major variants. The most prevalent are the six feet and taller, blue-eyed "beautiful people" often with shoulder-lenght blond hair. They are commonly referred to in the UFO literature as "Nordics." Another variant are the extraterrestrials who resemble humans but they require a spacesuit and helmet of some kind in the world. There are also human looking entities with highly wrinkled faces who are often referred to as "Elders."(b) short grays - there are so many reported encounters with these type of humanoid. Some of them require helmets or some type of breathing apparatus, while others have a slightly more insectoid-looking face than your standard off-the-UFO Gray.(c) short non-grays - variants of ETs under this type include actual "little green men."(d) giants - these are extremely tall. One variant is a ten-foot being with three eyes, another is a cyclops- one eyed entity. There are also look like humans but standing more than 8 feet tall.(e) non-classic - it is a catch all for all remaining humanoids. The variants include a solid black form, a mummylike being and an entity with no hands, among others.Animalian - these are entities that are hairy, scaly, moves on four legs or has wings.Types of Animalians(a) hairy mammalian - an entity whose body is covered with hair. This type includes tall bigfoot-like creatures, beings with two or four legs, or beings with batlike faces(b) reptilian - it includes green, scaly skin creatures with snoutlike faces and large oval eyes, silvery goblins, and swamp-type entities.(c) amphibian - it is a froglike entity and this type refers only to the creature's smooth skin and has nothing to do, as far as we're aware, with matters aquatic.(d) insectoid - this type includes all insectlike beings with long spindly limbs and large multifaceted eyes. Variants of this type included any entity with rounded wings, which we can call them fairies, as well as those resembling a grasshopper or praying mantis.(e) avian - these are entities with birdlike wingsRobotic - these are robot-aliens or many assumed that these are created by the extraterrestrials themselves.Types of Robotic(a) metallic - they are robots look entirely like tin cans or slabs of metal.(b) fleshy - this type is considered to be android like beings that display features of living beings either human or animal.Exotic - this type of aliens are considered to be different.Types of Exotic(a) apparitional - they can be seen by clairvoyants as shadows or transparent. They can be considered as ghost like beings and nonhumanoid entities that are only partially formed and look as if they exist at least in part in another dimension.(b) physical - this type is considered to be a catchall category and includes such variants as an entity in the shape of a brain and a bloblike thing.The alien classification system is meant as general guidelines only. If you encountered entities whose descriptions were in this article please feel free to share your uncanny experiences. You can post it here or send me an e-mail at my address psiphenomena@yahoo.com or psiphenomena@gmai.com
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