Ufo Disclosure By The Governments Of The World Powers

Ufo Disclosure By The Governments Of The World Powers Image
"UFO/ET disclosure is a topic that is being bandied about like a fat blunt at a tea party. Some sites have a series of VIDEOS POSTED, proclaiming that disclosure has already begun. These videos have military men, scientists, or political figures admitting to the existence of the ET presence on Earth. If you agree with this line of thinking then you would also agree that subliminal"/"indirect" disclosure began in the 1950s when sci-fi B-movies flooded theater screens in response to the many UFO sightings that were taking place at the time.

But simply admitting that something exists doesn't contribute to any positive change. We can, for instance, admit that organized crime undermines society, but this admission doesn't rid the streets of the negative influences of these organizations. The same goes with formally admitting the existence of UFOs. The admission doesn't "change" anything. It only underscores what most people are already aware of, that UFOs are real. Being aware that Afghanistan supplies 90% of the world's heroin doesn't do a thing at helping heroin addicts kick their habits.

When disclosure is talked about it should be done in the context of admission, recognition, and "contact". Without this last ingredient in the equation, it's all for naught. And this "uncloaking" is what's in store for 2011, or so it's said. The year will be pivotal in many respects.

Aside from disclosure, 2011 is said to be a year of further Earth changes and adjustments that will challenge us and, in some cases, usher some of us off the planet. The best advice is to "roll with the punches" because there will be very little we can do about what will be coming our way. Additional challenges will come from dark cabals with the sole intention of diverting our attention away from progressing spiritually and instead focus on survival and continued 3D existence. They wallow in the current paradigm and wish to keep it intact, with perhaps less people in it. I refer the reader to the "NEW PARADIGM HANDBOOKS" for clarification.

This is the principal reason why ET disclosure must occur. As much as we'd like to think that we have control over our lives, in reality we have very little control. We are the chips on the table, not the player. These past two years should have woken some sleepers up. Some were roused awake only to find themselves without a roof over their heads, others without a job, and still others with mounting debt and vanishing dreams. Unless there is intervention, we will be corralled and subjected to further injustices from those who believe we are their property to do with as they wish.

The dark magicians have saved their darkest rituals for last, and 2011 will be the year that they play these out, or attempt to. Those in the know realize why these desperate actions must occur in the coming weeks and months; those who are not will be further outraged when these events take place, but they will refuse to believe that these damaging events were deliberately orchestrated.

Without disclosure we will be at the mercy of those who will play the endgame for all its worth, in a further attempt to blind us from realizing who we really are as sovereign beings. So far they've done a good job, considering that the majority of us are still blissfully snoring. But with this new year we are stepping into the third act, and though they may know that the game is lost, they will not go down without a fight.

What will the world look like in 2012? Will INDONESIA be around after 2011, and will QUEENSLAND be left permanently under water? Will satellites be burned out of the skies rendering all those electronic gadgets worthless, at least temporarily?

2011 will be a year of harsh realities, it will be a year where the deluded are exposed and manipulators banished from the world stage. It will be a year for new beginnings and restructuring, a year of germinating growth for a new era.

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