Sasquatch Mounds

Sasquatch Mounds
On BFRO, a recent article describes the unusual sight researchers witnessed while near Emigrant Wilderness in the Sierra Nevadas of El Dorado Co., CA - the same region where some fairly well-known recordings were made of whoops, cries, knocks and whistles of purported Sasquatches.

The researchers located several waist-high mounds of snow that had been covered in woodland debris, a strange attribute they claim could only have been done by some"thing" with hands. While they agree, a human "could" have done it, the article goes to great lengths to rule out why that would not be probable and doesn't spend a lot of time looking first for more prosaic answers. It seems obvious they have a theory they wish to see win out.

In 2005, Park Ranger, Robert Leiterman, working in conjuction with the BFRO, first spotted these unusual mounds but the group remained quiet about the sighting. They feared copycat hoaxes would crop up in the wake of any announcement, providing an obstacle to serious investigation. It wasn't until their expedition this fall into the Sierra Nevadas when they encountered more mounds that the group felt it was time to publish their findings.

Undoubtedly the BFRO will rely upon the Ranger's outdoor expertise to validate the unusual nature of these mounds. If a man like Leiterman thought these mounds unusual, then certainly they must be. But I wonder, if a creature like Sasquatch had been traipsing around the Sierra for years, would this not have been a puzzling enigma long before? Surely, others must have seen these unusual formations. That is precisely what the BFRO hopes now to find. More sightings and data from their readership they hope will bring about a clearer understanding of both the scope and nature of this phenomenon.

After the team concluded their investigation, they closed up shop by mounting motion-activated game cameras around these mounds. However, when researchers returned three weeks later, they were dismayed to find nothing had returned to the mounds, least of all any Sasquatch.

The team has bandied around possibities: Hoaxers, they discount, would have had no way of knowing that the BFRO would be in that region. To paraphrase Mr. Spock, "only BFRO arrogance would assume the message must be meant for them". However, I have to agree with the hoaxer theory but for a different reason. While odd, it's not necessarily a noticeable nor noteable sight. Average Joe Ranger - or whomever - is traipsing through the woods and sees this and thinks, "Okay that's odd". But I can't see him necessarily coming to the a priori Bigfoot conclusion unless he had ties to the BFRO and desired to view it in the light of all things Sasquatch.They also discount that these were in anyway fashioned by park rangers (for whatever purpose) since these men and women undoubtedly have far too much to do and covering a snow mound with debris would take HOURS. I have to say, I can't see it taking more than a few minutes and if they insist on saying the mound was constructed as well, it doesn't take a seasoned outdoorsman to say that large patches of snow can be left isolated during a thaw, leaving "mounds" of snow. The one theory they present that makes - thus far - the most sense is that the vegetation was used to radiate solar energy (that would have been otherwise reflected away) to melt the snow faster. They pointed out that while there were "clear" mountain streams and ponds nearby, they most likely contained Giardia Lamblia parasites. This theory would indicate the mound builders were human since, I assume, Sasquatch would have evolved to tolerate these parasites lest it die of dehydration.

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