On The Daily Grail Skeptologists Attack Ufologists

On The Daily Grail Skeptologists Attack Ufologists
Greg Taylor of The Daily Grail has a fantastic piece on the "skeptologists", attacks on UFO researchers and UFOs, Stanton Friedman, Barney and Betty Hill, and oh, so much more. Well worth reading!

Here's a bit from the article; in discussing skeptoid Phil Plait's attacks on UFOs, Friedman, and Chris Rutkowski:

Chris also points out that contrary to Phil's view - and that of most 'skeptics' - ufology is not made up simply of "true believers" who think UFOs are extraterrestrial spaceships:

First of all, no serious ufologist believes that the majority of reported UFOs are flying saucers. Neither Stan nor I nor anyone else involved in serious research has ever held that contention. In fact, we provide evidence to show that most reported UFOs are either misidentifications or have insufficient evidence for a conclusion. It's nice to see that Phil has arrived at the same view as we have, only 40 or 50 years behind.

It's a good point from Chris - the 'skeptics' have their straw man and they are happy to bash it good without looking at the entire topic in a scientific manner. Why not blog instead about this year's Channel Islands UFO investigation? It's too often about shooting fish in a pond for the skeptics - identify some whackos, generalise to the whole field, and write it off without letting science do its thing. Good for stroking your intellectual ego, not so great for investigating a topic objectively...

I've commented here and elsewhere that it's an intentionally dishonest meme the skeptics persist on repeating: that, to paraphrase, "everyone knows when talking about UFOs people really mean little green men from outer space." They know damn well that's not true, but push on anyway.

For entire article read the Skeptologists Attack Ufologists at The Daily Grail site.

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