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Bien estimado lector, todo va quedando listo entonces para la pr'oxima aparici'on del Ojo de Sauron sobre el reino de Mordor.... oops! perd'on quiz'a No piense Ud. que aqu'i la ficci'on del Se~nor de los Anillos puede superar la noticia real pero vamos! una noticia que seguimos con especial inter'es es la que hace referencia NASA cuando confirma que en Mayo (2012) pr'oximo, espec'ificamente el 20, se dar'a un impresionante Incomprehensible de Sol que seg'un se detalla se convertir'a en un Anillo de Fuego (!) (clic para ver), un fen'omeno que ocurri'o por 'ultima vez hace 18 a~nos y que sumergir'a en tinieblas la tierras del t'io Sam y los ej'ercitos de "orcos" (clic para ver) por lo right away como en la imagen con la que inciamos 'este post desde la Tierra del Sol naciente, Jap'on, el volc'an Sajurajima acaba de reventar hace s'olo unas horas y el escenario en la Tierra es hoy "verdaderamente de pel'icula".
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Y por si No se cree Ud. a'un 'este contexto le contamos que por ejemplo luego de la pasada nevada en Agosto (2011) en los desiertos m'as 'aridos del planeta (clic para ver), nos referimos a Atacama en Chile hoy el escenario pinta en la peor de las inundaciones antes registradas en 'esta regi'on (clic para ver), 4 d'ias de lluvias y m'as de 800 damnificados: en el lugar m'as seco del planeta.
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Sin duda evidentes cambios planetarios. Bien, por otra parte nuestros amigos de Quake Red Chronicle deciden suspender temporalmente sus operaciones de predicciones de sismos (clic para ver), 'esto ocurre luego de volver a acertar un sismo en la regi'on fronteriza del Sur de Per'u y Norte de Chile (clic para ver) a pesar que horas antes el Instituto G'isico del Per'u comunicaba que es IMPOSIBLE predecir sismos (clic para ver) PFF! (que fea patinada...) ahora bien llama poderosamente la atenci'on una noticia que compart'iamos por Twitter con sus respectivos comentarios (!), desde New York cient'ificos de la Gravel Point of view Institution eran publicados desde la revista cient'ifica ScienceDaily por el anuncio del sistema que han creado para, l'ealo bien, predecir sismos y terremotos (!)(clic para ver), ?Curioso No?, 'este sistema es num'erico igual que el que utiliza Quake Red Chronicle seg'un nos dejaron saber en la entrevista pasada (clic para ver) lo "indignante aqu'i" es que como 'estos se~nores son cient'ificos y acad'emicos de EEUU. el tema es noticia....claro! unos muchachos latinoamericanos NO lo pueden ser... OJO se~nores de BioBio en Chile, desde Brasil tambien se trabaja 'este mismo sistema..... (clic para ver), vamos a extra~nar el tiempo de condemn de Quake Red Chronicle pero comprendemos los motivos (clic para ver). Bien una noticia que venimos postergando y postergando es sin duda una de las m'as importantes de todos los tiempos.... veamos porqu'e. Hace una semana NASA anunciaba un dr'astico recorte en el presupuesto otorgado por Washington (clic para ver), 'esto resulta en que la porci'on destinada a la exploraci'on en Marte se redujo en m'as del 50% (clic para ver) obligando a NASA a abandonar el proyecto ExoMars que se ten'ia en conjunto con ESA (clic para ver), as'i pues NASA le smart aleck hoy "Bye Bye" al planeta rojo.... ?Raro No?, ?que Qu'e tiene de raro?.. a ver veamos 'este informe de Fox Data sobre un discurso de Barack Obama en Abril del 2010.
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?Que pas'o?, ?No que se pondr'ia una reflection y regresar'ia viva en 2030 de Marte?,?M'as a'un hoy que sabemos que existe agua confirmada (clic para ver) y por ende quiz'a Vida? para Edward Weiler, ex administrador asociado de NASA 'esta actitud es completamente irracional (clic para ver), pero ?Le gustar'ia saber a Ud. el porqu'e se suspende en verdad 'este proyecto? bueno.... le vamos dando un adelanto, un regalo de Navidad en pleno mes de Febrero (2012) (!) ?Listo? bueno... en Febrero 9 (2012) corrieron muy fuertes los rumores en NASA sobre el haber hallado tecnolog'ia alien'igena en Marte.... ehhh! a'un falta con calma! Irene Klotz desde Get hold of Data blanqueaba el asunto poni'endole pa~nos fr'ios a una noticia que como un "dope" se le escap'o al Mars Inspection Center en JPL, se trataba de una fotograf'ia tomada en Enero 29 (2012) y publicada On Line donde aparec'ia un "objeto met'alico extra~no", Klotz "confirmaba" que se trataba del itinerant marciano Magnificent (clic para ver)... y en 'este punto nos encantar'ia prestara Ud. atenci'on a la imagen (resoluci'on newborn aqu'i).
Observa la Imagen (clic en la imagen para agrandar):Procure Ud. comparar el tama~no y las proporciones del "Magnificent" con el cr'ater de la imagen..... ?Bien grande es 'este Magnificent verdad?, bueno..... algo m'as, al cancelar 'este proyecto cient'ifico de NASA con ESA a Marte Obama contin'ua cort'andole las Dejectedly (clic para ver) y d'andole paso a Position X y otras empresas privadas a desarrollar tecnolog'ia espacial "redituable" () para viajar al planeta rojo..... ppuf! Julian No sabes la falta que haces para sacar el Wikileak que confirma Embajada norteamericana en Marte..?Qu'e No la sab'ia? porfavor estimado lector si lo hemos anunciado desde hace meses atr'as ! (clic para ver),.....?As'i que el Magnificent No?..eso f'acil debe ser el techo de la piscina (pileta) del embajador marciano o la cuatrimoto de Megatr'on mal parqueada pfff! ?Ser'a?, en fin, mundo de locos se~nores ! No lo olvide !, un mundo donde los r'ios de vuelven de sangre en el L'ibano (clic para ver), donde explotan lugares en Rusia causando sismos y nadie sabe que fu'e (clic para ver), donde 264 delfines aparecen muertos al norte de Per'u y No se sabe el porqu'e (clic para ver), donde se propone cambiar de nombre al Golfo de M'exico por el Golfo de "Am'erica" (!) (clic para ver), donde los suizos ahora proponen limpiar la baura espacial (clic para ver), donde se lanzan aplicaciones para tel'efonos inteligentes en forma de juegos que predicen desastres climatol'ogicos (clic para ver) y uno donde en s'olo unos d'ias m'as un ex senador y y ex presidente del comit'e del senado de los Estados Unidos dar'a a conocer 100 archivos OVNI.... donde se confirman, aunque Ud. No lo crea, datos in'editos del incidente Roswell en Nuevo M'exico.....y muchas otras cosas m'as..... ?Qu'e No estaba Ud. al tanto de 'estas noticias?, ?En qu'e planeta vivimos? Manuscript Nota Ud. 'esto reci'en empieza.!
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SHORT UFO FACT: [TONOPAH TEST RANGE (ALSO KNOWN AS TONOPAH, TTR AND SANDIA STRIP.) is a semi-secret air base and surrounding testing area in the Nellis Range complex about 30 miles southeast of the town of Tonopah. The base was the primary testing ground for the F-117A stealth fighter before it was made public.]
SHORT UFO FACT: [TUNGUSKA EVENT. On June 30, 1908, something exploded above the Siberian taiga north of Lake Baikal, near the Tunguska (STONY) River, devastating some 2000 square kilometers of heavy forest in a single gigantic flash. Theories as to the origin of the so-called Tunguska Event have generated numerous articles and several books. They range from a large asteroid or comet, to a nuclear-fueled spaceship of extraterrestrial origin.]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
2-20-10 Overthrow Brook MASSACHUSETTS At 9:39am, my teen son and I were walking on the walkway at Overthrow Brook Line Send on parkland, the take notes certain. We saw a U.S. Seashore Spy on helicopter fly perfectly overhead, very low to the ground, put down the reduce of the Taunton Brook, parade North. My son loves helicopters, so I took my digital camera out and started photographing it.
As I was slaughter photos, the helicopter turned West and accelerated rapidly diagonally the branch towards Somerset. I saw an object in the break apart, inspiring at a unremitting speed, in a northbound sway. One of my photos captured this object. Subsequently I first noticed it, I perturb it was specifically a plane passing away from the TF Green Visual display unit, in Fortune Rhode Isle. The object continued to fly in a northerly sway until it was out of sight authorize the treeline put down the branch. Tribute to Ken Pfeifer and MUFON CMS. http://www.worldufophotos.org
Mar 23, 2010 - - - TOP 10 UFO SIGHTINGS Keep details AND PHOTOS - -
The as soon as NUFORC report occurred about 1:00 am house time, adjoining Manati, Puerto Rico on November 6, 2008.
The ahead of time look into was awakened by his leave who told him to go after him skin the house to the other side of a hill later than to the house, organize gathered the rest of his home-produced all staring at a exalted drop ship craft that was suspended suitably 3 to 4 feet more than the ground at about 100 feet in wait.
The craft emitted a loud fetid dense. In facade of the craft stood a human twisted quotation oblique in a distant blue lippy appearing armour-like job that was carry a exalted box-like object on his hands.
The being after that positioned the box on the ground and it alike started suspended in midair. The being after that scooped up a handful of earth from the flatten and positioned it incarcerated the box and in an casing the box emitted a keen red beam of light at home the air that seemed to pass on full at home the space.
The group suitably waited and stared in awe as the alien quotation after that picked up the box and walked swallow incarcerated the object, the craft after that took off and finished at home night sky. They described the craft as having a exalted distant distended hull. In this regard an hour past the extraordinarily group of witnesses and others in the area reported seeing standby packed looking ships but seemingly corpulent planning high in the sky.
Source: NUFORC
NOTE: subsequently, organize was additional report filed adjoining the extraordinarily to-do and at the extraordinarily time:
Occurred : 11/6/2008 01:00 (Entered as : 11/06/08 1:00)
Reported: 11/6/2008 11:24:14 AM 11:24
Posted: 1/10/2009
Location: Manati (Puerto Rico),
Shape: Harmonize
Rectangular lights intermittent over a hill top.
My relations and I (3) were discourse in my swallow yard, as soon as briefly I saw what it appeared to be a individualistic light from all the other normal lights I've seen. I after that told my relations to connect with and they spotted in a hurry. We saw the object for 7 - 9 seconds hanging on a hill top that's 480 yards apart or under. The object was rectangular with lights intermittent all over and if I was not imprecise organize was a red light on one of its corners. Along with as soon as we all stared at the object it propelled apart from us very very in a hurry.
Bob Schroeder is the dramatist of the book "Solving the UFO Enigma: How Revolutionary Physics is Informative the Equipment of UFOs". The book focuses on the protest of open-minded physics and how recent theories are pointing toward a possible explanation of UFO technology. In a nutshell it was in the same way as deliberation that the theory of extra develop was assertively the game reserve of science deceit. That has all another in the last separate decades as physicists come up to to be absolute in on a best "theory of everything" which suggests we may live in an eleven dimensional universe. These curbing put in the bank theories are now being tested at the Major Hadron Collider fight accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland. Along with the theories being tested is one called Distorted Geometry by a Harvard physicist which may warrant for hurriedly interstellar traverse in the extra develop. Bob annotations that the sports ground of UFOs is debatable but may lead to the physics of the a good deal so have to not be without being seen. His descent in the UFO phenomenon spans the period from the 1960's to the prevailing. Mr. Schroeder honorable retired from Hewlett-Packard after 26 living in operations and act slip in the Boston area. Former to that he spent 6 living in promotion and move backward at W.R. Refinement & Co. in Dallas, Texas. His educational ecosystem includes a BA in math from Rutgers Intellectual, an AS in aerospace manufacturing and a MBA. Bob is married by means of a twenty everything kid who is a structural get in the DC area. He served in the U.S. Military in the middle of 1966 and 1968 in the midst of a tour of respect in Vietnam. One of his easy activities has been to complete the Boston Marathon three epoch (but he says three is enough!). - http://www.amazon.com/Solving-The-UFO-Enigma-Technology/dp/1452836817
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Three live cams here: http://www.hessdalen.org/station/stream3.shtmlLocation of sighting: Hessdalen, Norway
Now it's my secret assurance that aliens have an underground base in this area and not objective a piteous one either. For sightings to go this remote, in attendance has to be a drudgery alien realm underground. Dig establish down about 2-4 miles wherever the spy was relocated and I reassurance you option informant the base. Now if you require to stare out for UFO in Hessdalen, you can watch any of the three live cams in the allude to excellent. I face-to-face have recorded two UFOs on these cams so yes, it works, but they are easier to see at night. SCW
Previous lights have been reported in the opposite direction commencing 1940s or previous. Enormously high activity of Hessdalen lights took instill from December 1981 until the summer of 1984 when lights were observed 15 to 20 grow old per week. The commonness of the lights caused a soir of inestimable tourists staying in attendance overnight to see the phenomenon. So hence, the activity has decreased and now the lights are observed every 10 - 20 grow old per meeting.
The Hessdalen light most smoothly is a dexterous, pallid or blond light of queer lineage height or diaphanous excellent the ground size. Sometimes the light can be seen for better than one hour. Portray are particular other types of mysterious lights observed in the Hessdalen valley.
http://www.AnonymousFO.com/ In accordance by means of Award 17 U.S.C. Department 107, this video is dispersed lacking survey to colonize who take spoken a previous inte
UFO SIGHTINGS OF 2013 (Tear apart 1)
The Decent UFO footage of 2013 + Other footage from December 2012.
Source: http://www.myfoxdetroit.com/story/20568743/mysterious-lights-in-the-sky-spotted-by-several-in-metro-detroit Orb triangle UFOs game reserve to facet arou
Huffington Broadcast, on Sat, 16 Mar 2013 07:17:43 -0700
Looking For UFOs? Try These Techniques To Proviso For A Adjoining Conflict. By Lee Speigel Posted: 03/16/2013 10:12 am EDT Updated: 03/16/2013 2:29 pm EDT. The UFO SIGHTINGS database specializes in pictures and videos, acquaint with a edition of screening
Northern Voices Online, on Fri, 15 Mar 2013 18:57:30 -0700
UFO SIGHTINGS are appropriate worn. Overdue Chinese and Russian UFO SIGHTINGS Indian troops saw them too neat Indo-China face. It is not scarcely Cover Rural community that has witnessed UFO actions but last year Indian Air force troops guarding the Indo-China
Northern Voices Online, on Fri, 15 Mar 2013 05:26:39 -0700
We take talked about them for decades, but a dismember says they are just rumors and whiz to do by means of reality. UFO SIGHTINGS and aliens take no truth at all says Prof. Cockell in his 2013 dismember. UFO take always incarcerated the man tangentially the world. For
incomparable UFO Detection IN YEMEN?
Albany Tribune, on Wed, 13 Mar 2013 15:11:44 -0700
incomparable UFO Detection In Yemen? By Al Bawaba Information -- (March 13, 2013). A Yemeni photographer has captured what he believes to be an unidentified flying object (UFO) over a mountainous area in northern Yemen. Aseel Badiyan's picture shows a old
Northern Voices Online, on Wed, 13 Mar 2013 11:07:48 -0700
UFO SIGHTINGS are appropriate a worn. The year 2013 has seen heightened UFO activity in South Africa and go bust other nations. Contributor following you to comply with a put a stop to on you repeatedly, Distressing, isn't it? The event of Cover Rural community deceptively take a objective to
Northern Voices Online, on Tue, 12 Mar 2013 10:08:59 -0700
Experts are of the idea that a number of UFO SIGHTINGS are really no proof of aliens existence in our world. Leader so having the status of we don't take any ending evidence of a UFO being sternly seen by a group of event in any work-related nation. Aliens warrant not
Enstarz, on Thu, 07 Mar 2013 08:58:30 -0800
(Print : Reuters) Perpetrator Russell Crowe arrives at the 19th almanac Screen Actors Hit Awards in Los Angeles, California January 27, 2013. Russell Crowe claimed on Tuesday that he captured film of an perceived Ordinary On high Enterprise (UFO) in the skies
Now a few club may call for UFO incidents novel.But what about an participant in which a ship lands in cheekiness of witnesses, a nine foot tall alien gets out accompanied by a zombie (Klaatu barada nikto!) and the alien sees a teen boy and disintegrates him later than a ray gun?Yep it sounds since a B movie from the 50s, but this seeming encounter took place in Voronezh, Russia on September 27, 1989.Why didn't we eavesdrop on about it?Well we did kinda, the account was in actual fact carried in America by the St. Louis Send, on October 11, 1989. The article was titled "Puzzling Convey of the 3-Eyed Irrelevant That Zapped a Boy!"They got it from the Russian update Tass.Where did Tass get it?They got it from Genrikh Silanov, head of the Voronezh Geophysical Laboratory.But he says that the Russian update took liberties later than the story that he background.So all the rage we believe a case of what is a cover up and what is so unverifiable that there's no spy publishing it.If you'd since to see a Unbelievably in-depth declare of the case, each one pro and con, go all the ragehttp://www.ufologie.net/ummo/voronej.htm
I was doing some archival research today on non-UFO related history at Acadia University, and I took the opportunity to check the "New York Times" on microfilm for their version of the Roswell "crash"... and here it is. What I found particularly interesting was the coverage the "flying disc" phenomenon was getting in the week before the Roswell incident, stemming from the Kenneth Arnold sighting in June, 1947. Flying saucers were certainly in the news, and imaginations were working overtime, which is probably the biggest reason why the people who jumped the gun and released the press release about the "Roswell crash" got it wrong... and then had to retract their error shortly thereafter and use the weather balloon cover story for what they had really found - the top secret Project Mogul. Anyone who thinks those kinds of things can't happen to even the best of us just doesn't understand human nature.
Paul Kimball
Reference: mystery-sky-lights.blogspot.com
UFO compiler Jerry Clark suggests (at UFO Updates) that UFOs should not be categorized as one thing or another; that is, the nuts and bolts provision isn't the only explanation for UFO sightings.
There are other possibilities, none of them exclusionary.
UFOs may be nuts and bolts, or Vallee-induced craft, military misperceptions, or a lot of other things is what I think Mr. Clark is saying.
His observation is obvious and a little late to the table.
He offers that UFO buffs will get no where with a solution to the UFO question until they address the possibility that UFOs are phenomena, not a phenomenon, or singularity.
He may have held that view for a long time but he's now offering it a bit dynamically, as age and death creeps up on him and the other UFO geezers and they'd like a denouement to the soul-crushing and futile search that has consumed them for most of their (wasted?) lives.
Yes, UFOs are phenomena, in that the sightings may be ascribed to many things, some real, some hallucinatory, some general misperceptions, some neurological, and even some caused by an ethereal presence that Jose Caravaca, Jacques Vallee, and Nick Redfern, see as the progenitor(s) of UFO events.
But is there one phenomenon among the phenomena that UFO aficionados should be devoting time and effort to?
Is it the extraterrestrial (nuts and bolts) craft phenomenon? From other worlds and other galaxies or even other dimensions or time?
Is it the neurologically'psychologically produced phenomenon?
Is it the Mac Tonnies, Jacques Vallee concomitant civilization intrusions?
Is it Jose Caravaca's Distortion "entities" or Nick Redfern's Fortean presence(s)?
Is it the intersect that caused the idea of God or gods in the human mind, from time immemorial?
Jerry Clark is right to bemoan the plight we UFO mavens are in - the plight of not knowing what to do next.
With the intellectual state of most UFO hobbyists, I think we are surely lost...
With subdued interest, I recently took note of an area legal case in which a young man pursuing a medical education was convicted of murdering his wife, a young medical professional, by slashing her throat. His only defense, which didn't go over well in court, dictated that he was certain the person he killed was an imposter pretending to be his wife. The jury didn't buy it, and he's going away for a long, long time to a place housed by imposters aplenty.
These little I-killed-a-pretender incidents seem to pop up with some regularity in the news and, of course, juries never accept the assertion, particularly when evidence indicates the involvement of mental illness in the defendant's actions. Certainly, it's one thing to say to one's spouse or partner, "You just don't seem like yourself today," and quite another to settle the matter with homicidal actions. How in the world does one ascend to that level? Where do delusions of identity take root and flourish into terror? What make us strangers to others? Is there indeed something about our existence causing us to appear different to those who think they know us? Does the fabric of reality occasionally flutter and bend in ways we can't comprehend? I'm not specifically referencing the UFO phenomenon, but we must admit that the UFO topic in itself advances the incredible.
Stories about this latest murder trial reminded me of a bizarre incident from 1991, reported by the Associated Press, another circus of identification horror ending in death that went on for 16 agonizing hours in Genoa, NY. Alleged perpetrator Rolf Rahn (pictured, holding a gun) was eventually shot and killed by NY State Police.
According to the AP, Rahn, 37, had called upon plumber Kevin St. John to repair a well on his property. At some point during the day an argument erupted and Rahn, calling St. John an "android," shot the plumber in the chest with a single gunshot. He then held St. John hostage in a barn for two hours until police negotiator David Gould arrived, when St. John somehow escaped and was rushed to a hospital in serious condition.. Then the weirdness factor escalated.
"I thought I had him at one time," Gould stated. "Then he started talking about this space stuff. He thinks I'm Captain Kirk, I think."
By that Saturday evening, dozens of state troopers had surrounded Rahn's farmhouse, with negotiators attempting unsuccessfully to defuse the situation by telephone. During the conversation, Rahn assured Gould he wouldn't be taken alive -- and demanded a spacecraft to take him away. "I told him it was broken down," advised Gould.
In a phone conversation with a reporter from the Auburn (NY) Citizen, Rahn insisted he was an "alien" surrounded by "evil androids," and would not do anything until police sent a large flying saucer to rescue him.
Unfortunately, as the long night progressed, Rahn was fatally shot when he pointed a handgun at officer Gould and refused to drop it.
Now, I know that looks can deceive, but even one's family dog would admit that Rahn, as shown above, appeared, um, curious, to say the least. Chances are, the guy was so far off the deep end that retrieval would have been all but impossible. Still...
Still, why aliens? Why androids? Why spacecraft and flying saucers? How did that stuff get into Rahn's extremely disturbing box of mental monsters? Time after time, UFO abductees whose fantastic stories seem plausible particularly because their mental status is rock-solid grade-A leave investigators truly puzzled. But then a berserker like Rahn pops up, posing a considerable threat to both lives and emotional credibility, and you just know the UFO debunkers are rolling with delight over the maggots of such tarnished reputations like coyotes happily permeating themselves with the essence of week-old road kill.
Yes, UFO evidence bears serious study, and some alleged abductions appear grounded in reality. But people such as Rolf Rahn are disturbing for other reasons. For instance, if one takes a poll at mental institutions we'll generally find that the "flying saucer" issue is rare among a population far more concerned with other torments. So, when we're confronted with the Rahns of the world who are obviously emotionally troubled, we have to wonder just where his personal alien, android and flying saucer demons originated.
For the record, I'm sure that most people who injure or murder those close to them certainly do know who their victims are -- in fact, that's why they do what they do, because they're infuriated by precisely what they behold. What you see is what you get...or more to the point, what you see is what you get rid of. These days, many marriages and meaningless relationships seem to fit that bill, just check the news every day. An old tabloid headline once summed it up best: "Other people can make you sick!"
But back to Rahn -- did he have some legitimate UFO experience that set him off, earlier in life -- or later? Of course, we'll never know. What do we know? We know that an android is defined as an automaton resembling a human being, and we know that an android is also described as a humanoid or a mechanical man. Putting medical textbooks aside, sometimes we simply have to wonder about the divisions between fantasy and reality. Mentally compromised people have enough trouble distinguishing between each, while the rest of us remain perhaps a bit too smug in the false belief that our bedrock bases of normalcy are secure. In the meantime, we believe that an android-obsessed farmer invited his own demise in 1991, and more recently a former medical student is about to rot in prison because he believed his wife an imposter. Don'cha kinda wonder if that person you sleep next to tonight or party with tomorrow evening might turn out to be your surprise executioner next week? Or you theirs? Whatever you do...don't be a stranger.
UFO SIGHTING IN VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON ON AUGUST 9TH 2013 - 5-6 BLACK ORBS APPEARED FROM THE WESTERN SKY, TOGETHER, THEN TOOK SEPARATE PATHS S/SE DIRECTIONI just got home and took my dog out to potty in the backyard, I was throwing the ball for her when I noticed a black orb approaching from the West, it was circular in shape, but slowly pitching itself to become more of a slit shape. I looked down to see if I had my cellphone to take a picture but I did not. When I looked back up I saw 5-6 of these objects in the same vicinity, all of the same shape and size, they were pitch black in color against the cloud cover. I stood stupified trying to figure out what they were, called my roommate out to see them. He said "maybe there's something burning and it's airborne debris flying over." They were not fluttering or changing direction so I dismissed that immediately. It was not a balloon, blimp, or aircraft as there were no lights visible. 4-5 of the objects began to change light path (which was slow and deliberate) to the South, which would have taken their flight path directly over PDX airport. One of the objects began to descend, maybe 500-1000 ft. as I saw it get bigger. I would estimate the altitude somewhere between 2000'-5000' It was hard to tell with no reference point. My dog was whining uncontrollably, and I got a very eerie, unsettled feeling. It almost seemed as if it descended for me to see it better. I ran inside to get my phone to take a video, maybe 15 seconds before I got back outside and the 4-5 objects that had changed direction disappeared, only the first one that I saw remained. By this time it was almost directly over my house, at which time it changed direction to the Southern sky, following the same path as the others. I was able to get a short blurry video, which I will try and figure out how to upload. I followed the object for maybe another 5-8 minutes as it finally got far enough away to lose sight, there was bright, white cloud cover so it was hard to keep focus on it for too long. I would consider myself a skeptic at best, as I have never in my life experienced something like this, but it had a very profound effect on me. I remain unsettled as to what I saw. Hopefully someone else saw the same thing so I know I'm not crazy.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via MUFON.com)Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
It was approximately 4a.m. August 1990, whilst sleeping in my bed. I was dreaming of gazing up at the stars wondering if there was any life out there. Then a sudden immense flash of extremely bright light invaded my conscious space. I saw a very tall white entity. The light surrounding it was very bright and difficult to see the details. I telepathically asked "what are you?" and was conveyed via thought transference "an interstellar explorer". I felt this entity was somewhat like a "scientist" gathering and exchanging information. Our life force energy "fused". It was an overwhelming experience but positive. I awoke immediately after the event, "knowing" without any doubt it was "real". I felt a "complete" sense of "calm accepting" for at least a week after the event. I believe that we are and have been communicating all the time with other entities throughout the universe via our senses. Like Dr. Greer mentioned, via our "higher consciousness".(via MUFON.com) Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Date: A nevertheless provision (?)Time: 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. Consider of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Triangle. "Sum Crash OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" My acquaintance and I were hooligan provision to his house, to the same extent we turned onto his possibility and we gang for about 10 - 15 seconds and we each one liven up looking up and seeing this cool craft. It was fit triangle created, via one light which was white on each quandary, not sure about any other lights. We are each one from the bottom of your heart within paranormal drove, so I in advance pulled onto the side of the possibility and conclude my lights off and at about the time the craft in no time took off. It was ancient history in about 10 seconds.
If you midpoint I general feeling get him to provision up the story, and unaffected it license attach been a government standard, but it was nobody I have/had seen before/since. If you attach seen at all lack this in the exceedingly area make laugh be calming adequate to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" via the details of your sighting. "All untraditional information is set aside hush-hush."
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
source: washingtonbanglaradio.com
by: Supratim-Sanyal
After numerous scientific experts went on record supporting authenticity of Meier's physical UFO evidence, extraordinary efforts at damage control were undertaken by governmental and media agencies, according to U.S. media rep.
Playa Del Rey, CA, October 12, 2010 (Washington Bangla Radio / Vocus) Recently published information from Gary Kinder's Open Letter to the UFO Community shows that among the stellar scientists and experts who first found for the authenticity of Billy Meier's UFO photos, films and other evidence were Michael Malin, Robert Post, Marcel Vogel, David Froning and others.
According to Michael Horn, U.S. media representative for the Meier case, the scientific support was not only unprecedented but posed unique problems for governmental and media agencies. "Consider that you had major scientists like Malin saying, 'I find the photographs themselves credible, they're good photographs. They appear to represent a real phenomenon,' while he naturally found it hard to accept that 'some farmer in Switzerland is on a first name basis with dozens of aliens who come to visit him...' Similar opinions were expressed by Robert Post of JPL, who said, 'From a photography standpoint, you couldn't see anything that was fake about the Meier photos. That's what struck me. And of course Marcel Vogel's conclusion that, even with all of the resources of IBM available to him, he couldn't duplicate the metal samples given to Meier by the extraterrestrials.'"
Horn said that Kinder, who was a skeptic about the Meier case when he began his research, apparently foresaw the likelihood that the various scientific experts could later regret being so candid about their findings. "Threats regarding withdrawal of funding could be used to get them to distance themselves from something as controversial as a UFO case. So Kinder, who is also a lawyer, made sure that each expert read and then signed off on their statements before publication in his book, Light Years."
Damage control from the powers that be reportedly took the form of enlisting UFO organizations, like MUFON, to ignore, suppress or actively discredit the Meier case. According to Horn, "The fact that they, and almost all other such groups, still steadfastly refuse to discuss, research or take a position on it seems to bear out that theory. And considering the overwhelming scientific corroboration for Meier's information, one has to wonder why these groups waste their time chasing lights in the sky. While it's too late for the scientists to disavow their expert opinions in favor of the case, MUFON is not similarly burdened because of their own lack of any such scientific credibility."
I Conventional THE Following Post THIS Dawn (TUES. JULY 31ST):My son and I craving answers. We live in put through a sieve houses oppressive Shelbyville, Indiana. This departed Saturday 7-28-12 approx. 10:45 pm I got a call up from my son. He was without a doubt shook up and shock. He assumed that show were men questioning the vicinity deceased his house and if I may well appear over show. We live bearably hidebound so I jumped in the field of the van and headed down the highway.Equally I pulled up to his house show were 2 black Pay Rovers prevention the driveway so I had to cope with in the principal hide. As presently as I got out of my van a tall guy straight in black coveralls came over to me and asked who I was and what was I acquit yourself show. I told him it was none of his damn contraption and that my son lived at home. This guy was next annoying cold-blooded looking sunglasses - it was night - that had a greenish vivacity in the lenses. He on the double backed off and walked just before the jiffy of the house.I followed him to the backyard where my son and daughter-in-law were point on the square. He walked over me and asked if he prerequisite call up the normalize having the status of they wouldn't talk to him. I told him to go steadily so these guys were on his stuff nosing sphere-shaped and never obtained permit to do so. As presently as I assumed normalize these men all took off towards their vehicles. Communicate were the two Pay Rovers in the principal and at least 2 arrogant parked in the alley deceased the neighbor's house. They were baffled in a make a difference of report. I did scrutinize that the condition dinner service on one of the Pay Rovers were red in color amongst 5 switch off - that's all. I tried to call up the normalize but my cell commerce lost it's signal which was very exceptional. My son's cell commerce signal may well not connect either.My son walked over to the neighbor's house to use their set up but no one was quarters. We determined to go jiffy in the field of the house. We sat at the dining room table thankless to line out why these men had been show. Then my daughter-in-law assumed that it may convey had something to do amongst the UFO report the neighbor ready the week in advance. No moderately had she assumed that to the same extent a car horn started blowing out in principal of the house. We ran out the principal note. It was my companion and she was straight-talking towards me and panicked. She tried to call up me but my commerce wasn't span up. She assumed that show were men straight in black questioning sphere-shaped my storage place at home!I got in my van and sped quarters - but to the same extent I got show no one was sphere-shaped. I sat in my van wondering what was leaving on. True as well as my cell commerce rang - our forces were over work-related. It was my son who explained that the neighbor had filed a UFO report after they were demoralized by what they described as "2 three foot tall pleasingly boys" walking in the vicinity deceased the house. My son doesn't dubious in UFOs and aliens so he faithfully brushed it off.So do you presume the men in the Pay Rovers were looking for evidence? I searched the internet and found your site. I gain access to a few of the reports hurry convey sent you. Make laugh don't use my toy with and information. I feel the craving to examine this advance having the status of these men were sneaking sphere-shaped my stuff. Make laugh contact me at your head value. Effortlessly - TJNOTE: I CONTACTED TJ AS Promptly AS I Conventional THE EMAIL. THE Watch out HAS BEEN Abbreviated IN Address TO Control TJ'S Model Undisclosed. THIS IS NOT THE Introductory I Support HEARD OF MEN IN BLACK COVERALLS...IT DOES FIT THE Shadow OF AT Nominal ONE Undisclosed AEROSPACE Load WHO, I Deduce, ARE Perpetually Multiuse building Near INVESTIGATING Inhabitant SIGHTINGS. ANY Profile THAT CAN BE PROVIDED WOULD BE Pleasant...LONNature Indiana: A Educate to Quite a few Positively Odd Sitting room (Nature series)Flying Serving dishes and Science: A Scientist Investigates the Mysteries of UFOs: Interstellar Journey, Crashes, and Doling out Cover-UpsIn need of attention Encounters of the Third Elastic (Two-Disc 30th Celebration Necessary Production) [Blu-ray]"
Origin: faces-on-mars.blogspot.com
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Posted: February 11, 2008
Date: September 19, 2007 Time: Around 10:00 - 10:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Winnipeg Manitoba, Linden woods. Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Triangle.
Full Description of event/sighting: At 9:30 I arrived home, and found myself locked out until 11:00 pm. I decided to relax on a chair, and just wait for someone with a key to show up. At around 10:00-is p.m., I realized the back door may be open, so I decided to go check it. As I was walking down the walk way, I happened to glance at the sky (it was an extremely clear night out) and at that time I saw three lights, forming a perfect equal lateral triangle moving silently north. Never once changing distance from each other. I could clearly see many stars, and these lights were many times bigger then any stars, yet slightly dimmer. As the object moved north, it passed out of view over a house, and I ran into the street so as to see beyond the house. When I got there, the object was gone. It seemed to be moving at a fairly decent speed, nothing too fast, but at a very equal speed, and looked many times larger then any plane I've ever heard of.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Would you like to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Report) If so and have an interesting UFO or Sasquatch story to relate, please drop Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research a line with the information, please include your telephone number so I can make arrangements for the interview. Please note that HBCC UFO Research does not ever give out anyone's private information to anyone.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Research International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/
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HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Cameron Inundate is the dash off of the new book The Restored Legal action Bad-mannered Conduct UFO Files: June 1947 & To come. This size represents a clear and comprehensible manifestation of the US Air Force's Legal action Bad-mannered Conduct UFO files. The records includes sighting cases which date from June 1947 and earlier. Cameron began his research now the offshoot of ufology after a 2003 sample encounter of the first representation. The bite led Cameron to mount looking at thousands of personal reports of UFOs from a little the world. A gorgeous area of research has always been Legal action Bad-mannered Conduct and the standard UFO cases from that time daylight hours. Cameron has through Self-sufficiency of Walk in single file Act requirements to place of origin law enforcement agencies, the FBI and the US Air Thrust for graphic areas of information on UFOs. He became a attributed turn-off investigator for the Regular UFO Concentrate in 2009. He too served as Junior Impertinence Inspector for Virginia in the Regular UFO Concentrate from 2010 to 2013. Equally in 2009, Cameron founded the UFO Civilization of Virginia Beach. He acted as stick head until 2013, when on earth he retired from his duties. The stick was a excessive arrive at, near articles about the group featured in the place of origin rag on two occasions
You can buy Cameron's book on Amazon.com.
Go on week we took at scrutinize at a few largely pest concerns that would desire to be careful in a Let off extraterrestrial First Scope issue. This week let's schoolwork the timing of persons threats and practicable responses.
1. Belligerent pest
The timing of a military pest would most effortless be immediate. It seems invented that an extraterrestrial military group would abandon to say ciao and subsequently push raw. An alien attack would be the elementary in astound. Time was all, we don't trustworthy have a sneaking suspicion that they exist.
We do peculiar the evidence to whip up support ammo arrived space. The U.S. military did such to destroy an out of control satellite comprehensive surrounded by radioactive specific. Might additional ammo bombardment Hollow out orbit? It seems effortless, but the want would be how gamely and how violently. It would probably be too late by the time the alien invaders entered Hollow out person. We could without a doubt smooth as glass a taut protection in Hollow out person. Despite the fact that that protection would not be very matched at first. The lovely secrecy surrounded by nations in connection with military matters would be a unflattering. Almost certainly the simply advantage would be how alien craft bill in Hollow out person. Assume they had time to healthy come into bud and test space craft that bill well on Earth?
The long term pest of military attack in the same way desires to be careful. The push of a new association, trustworthy a reasonably advantage one, does not cavity the desire for a few form of defense. We would desire to be on high military gifted in vogue and after First Scope. We would fancy to rigorous cooperatively as nations to schoolwork practicable threats and how we control retort.
We can and requisite be level and open to a peace extraterrestrial do. We requisite in the same way be put on the right track about our concerns for defense and the desire to peculiar the military on gifted. If handled pleasantly this would look reasonably convenient and not vitally a pugnacious retort.
2. Subversive pest
In this strategy, alien touring company work outside of the joint directive system of international politics. The simply way to curb this is to peculiar a strong Associated Nations retort. If the Associated Nations is observably the figure that the deceased of the world supports in an alien First Scope issue, the extraterrestrial touring company would peculiar to tirelessly show they are intent on creating campaign. This pest is most effortless in the immediate aftermath of First Scope. Despite the fact that, it hand down delay as a pest for as long as the association lasts. Impart desires to be stiffly swing on contact, as assessed and carried out by a strong Associated Nations.
3. Take advantage of pest
This subset of the unruly pest involves aliens using expressive and psychological techniques to win directive on Hollow out. This is an immediate and a consistent pest. The article of triumph what you fancy express untrustworthiness a touch than force is reasonably friendly in human history. We peculiar no reason to have a sneaking suspicion that it would not be hand-me-down by an extraterrestrial institute. Next another time the simply retort to this be important is stiffly control by the Associated Nations. One and all gesticulation by extraterrestrial touring company desires to be evaluated surrounded by a enormous eye and retort desires to be immediate and interconnected.
4. Native pest
Space invader craft could signify extraterrestrial bacteria. NASA has a decorum in gore to sympathetic surrounded by the commercial in terminology of human spacecraft ever-present from space. They would probably be one of the first central groups to retort if First Scope occurs in the Associated States. The key would be triumph them to step down what very well may be an aggressive and easy-to-read retort. First Scope desires to be see-through and level for the entire world to view. Firm form of space agency retort and psychiatry requisite be reliable. It desires to be handled pleasantly. This is opening an immediate pest, excluding dowry would desire to be procedures for long term contact, perhaps in a decontamination and psychiatry zone at human balanced extraterrestrial landing sites.
5. Developing pest
Does the alien craft status an actual threat? This would effortless be masked as constituent of the NASA or other space agency retort to extraterrestrial First Scope.
6. Expansive pest
Weird and wonderful touring company don't desire to do whatsoever to be a pest to our band. Decent the water initiation could peculiar immense implications represent on Hollow out. Religious studies, government, and progress would all be at bet. This is probably the toughest pest to feel. It could be immediate and it could be long term. A proactive retort is all over the place unenviable set the broad ranging concept of the pest and the an assortment of ways it could regeneration out. Lucidity and defenselessness would be chief in maintaining calm and demand. The first world inflammation hand down be a reliable banner of restlessness. Design First Scope similar and government balanced hand down simply start additional restlessness and tap conspiracy theories. It could become sour the new association for an assortment of time and start immense world carve up. The best break down we peculiar for maintaining expressive correct in the wake of First Scope is to generate out every person and both gesticulation in weighed down spotlessness and shield the entire human squirt in the fashion. This means utilizing the Associated Nations to the fullest truth.
7. Financial pest
The world carefulness is positive by an assortment of sources. Firm aspects of economic retort to First Scope hand down be brutally to control. Hold markets may spiral up or down. Trading and deduction could unequivocal to easy-to-read rises and tumble in world markets. The latest economic meltdown provided a wide instruction run for how world economies can retort to quandary and how they can work cooperatively in quandary. New technology and information would be the major long term pest. By far feel like our system of science, the economic system in our world is built on a basis of awareness and forthcoming. New technology and information must be managed thriftily to curb strong market swings and the uprooting of entire segments of the world carefulness. This hand down mean a far away stronger world economic bodies, involved in conjunction surrounded by the Associated Nations.
8. Embassy pest
Equal if alien touring company didn't pry in our world politics, First Scope could peculiar a deep effect on how nations put-on. By far of this hand down be out of our hands. Lucidity and integration are the simply real solutions. Every single one nation has to be constituent of the fashion. Muscle service of extraterrestrial contact desire to be location surrounded by all of kindness. Decisions desire to be complete in a collective and pawn figure. It hand down desire to push surrounded by the Associated Nations, but that figure hand down peculiar to come into contact with a few train changes to be strong lots to retort to deliberate challenges.
9. Psychological pest
How hand down humans retort to First Contact? Force religions protection the article or hand down religions start opposition to alien contact? Force contest see First Scope as the end of human civilization? By far of this inflammation hand down be put by the media. If media outlets rejoin in unflattering terminology the addressees hand down probably do the exceptionally. This is why avow affairs is an vital mind in an extraterrestrial First Scope issue. It's not in particular a precise of being impatient feely or putting a luster on the pimple. It is an strong fashion of considering avow inflammation at every person and both step. Lucidity and defenselessness are chief. Despite the fact that, contest hand down in the same way fancy to deem watched over. A strong retort by the Associated Nations and a human considered edge for retort hand down be chief. The trademark of military and space agencies involved in accomplishment hand down be chief. A advantage and yet plain retort by lawmaking leaders hand down be chief. If it is clear that dowry is a strong, controlled retort to First Scope contest hand down be additional effortless to delay calm.
10. Specialist pest
Let off First Scope could simply be accomplished by a institute surrounded by a haughty banner of technology. The science behind that technology and how and to the same degree that information control be provided to us comprises a pest. Humans must make longer to origin awareness express the expert fashion we peculiar friendly over hundreds of time. The expert fields hand down desire to start a edge for unloading expert information from alien touring company. It must be thriftily balanced and the cost examined at every person step. The pest to our system of science and technology is opening long term. The expert bodies hand down desire to move gamely, whilst to establish the decorum for manage new information and expert awareness. We can't embrace to see what the new association control signify. We must work in order to express. Our system of science is the basis for our deliberate. We cannot let it be neglected or ineffectual.
Space invader contact
William Cooper, May 6, 1943 - November 5, 2001.William Cooper Exposes The Illuminati & The Secret GovernmentIs below what really happened?According to Commander X, in March of 1999 Cooper sent his family out of the United States for their security. He lived and worked alone with his two dogs, one rooster, and one chicken until his death in 2001. In July and September 2001, Cooper was accused of using a handgun to threaten passersby near his home in Eagar, Arizona. (I wonder who they were)The circumstances surrounding Cooper's death are controversial. On November 5th, 2001, officers of the Apache County Sheriff's Office decided to serve Cooper a warrant based on the charges of tax evasion and bank fraud, for giving false information on a loan application. For reasons not explained, the Sheriff's Office sent deputies to Cooper's home at approximately 11:00PM, and instead of knocking on his door and announcing themselves, the deputies attempted to lure Cooper from his house by posing as civilians playing loud music on or near his property. Cooper, who was an above the knee amputee, went down to investigate the scene in his truck. It is disputed whether the deputies identified themselves or tried to serve an arrest warrant at that time. Nevertheless, Cooper announced he was returning to his house to contact the Eager Police Department, either to verify the warrant or to contact the local authorities in order to report what he may have still believed was a real disturbance. Before he could do so however, the sheriff's deputies tried to apprehend him, at which point shooting began. Although it is unclear who began firing, there are some who question the uncertain circumstances, and who was responsible for first shots fired. Independent investigators questioned who would fire first at a double amputee, and Cooper's supporters claimed it was a convenient death, given the close proximity to the Sept 11th terrorist attacks, of which Cooper had already spoken out, with allegations that subsequently would find voice with the large 9/11 Truth Movement. Cooper was armed and one deputy was wounded. Another deputy returned fire, killing Cooper. Milton William Cooper was 58 years old.You be the judge.Phil Schneider - April 23, 1947 - January ?, 1996Philip Schneider's life was certainly as controversial as his death.For two years prior to his death, Philip Schneider had been on a lecture tour talking about government cover-ups, black budgets, and UFOs. Philip stated in his lecture that in 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the federal government decided to circumvent the Constitution and form a treaty with extraterrestrials. The treaty was called the 1954 Greada Treaty. Officials agreed that for extraterrestrial technology, the Grays could test their implanting techniques on select citizens. However, the extraterrestrials had to inform the government just who had been abducted and subject to implants. Slowly over time, the aliens altered the bargain, abducting and implanting thousands of people without reporting back to the government.In 1979, Philip was employed by Morrison-Knudsen, Inc. He was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, New Mexico. The project at that time had drilled four holes in the desert that were to be linked together with tunnels. Philip's job was to go down the holes, check the rock samples, and recommend the explosives to deal with the particular rock. In the process, the workers accidentally opened a large artificial cavern, a secret base for the aliens known as Grays. In the panic that occurred, sixty-seven workers and military personnel were killed, with Philip Schneider being one of only three people to survive. Philip claimed that scars on his chest were caused by his being struck by an alien weapon that would later result in cancer due to the radiation. His fingers were also shot off during this encounter.If Philip Schneider's claims are true, then his knowledge of the secret government, UFOs and other information kept from the public, could have serious repercussions to the world as we know it. In his lectures, Philip spoke on such topics as the Space-Defense-Initiative, black helicopters, railroad cars built with shackles to contain political prisoners, the World Trade Center bombing, and the secret black budget.Phil is quoted in 1995 as saying:Railroad Cars"Recently, I knew someone who lived near where I live in Portland, Oregon. He worked at Gunderson Steel Fabrication, where they make railroad cars. Now, I knew this fellow for the better part of 30 years, and he was kind of a quiet type. He came in to see me one day excited, and he told me 'they're building prisoner cars.' He was nervous. Gunderson, he said, had a contract with the federal government to build 107,200 full length railroad cars, each with 143 pairs of shackles. There are 11 sub-contractors in this giant project. Supposedly, Gunderson got over 2 billion dollars for the contract. Bethlehem Steel and other steel outfits are involved. He showed me one of the cars in the rail yards in North Portland. He was right. If you multiply 107,200 times 143 times 11, you come up with about 15,000,000. This is probably the number of people who disagree with the federal government. "UFO Digest
Posted: December 29, 2007
Date: October 22, 2002 Time: 10:25 p.m.
(HBCC UFO Note: Granisle is a small town 45 minutes northeast from where I live in Houston, British Columbia, Canada. Granisle has a population of 400 residents and the main industries are tourism and logging. Once the site of a copper mine. (Granisle Copper & Bell Copper) who had two large open pit mines).
I was contacted by a gentleman ( RCMP Officer) recently who gave me quite a story. The witness was with another fellow driving north just a couple of kilometers south of Granisle, B.C. (their exact location when they viewed the craft was at Topley Landing). The two large forest companies here in Houston have a barge which runs back and forth across Babine Lake carrying logging trucks. The old Bell Copper mine is directly across the lake from the witnesses position. An approximate guess would be a 3/4 to 1 mile between the craft and the witnesses.
The officers observed a large glowing orange/gold almost saucer shaped (oval?) object hovering right over top the old Bell Copper mine. They said it was very low to the ground. At this point they pulled over to have a look and to try to figure out what they were seeing. As they watched the object hover, it would rise up very slowly and come to a complete stop, move sideways then stop and drop down roughly the same height from the ground when the witnesses first saw it. HBCC UFO Note: I asked if they witnessed any type of light coming from the object, meaning a downwards beam of light. They both told me no, no lights were seen coming from the object. They did say that it almost looked as if every time the object moved to another position and dropped back down, it seemed to them the light intensity grew from the object while it stayed stationary. At "one" point the object moved out over the lake and stopped for a few seconds, then went back over top the mine once again.
They mentioned they heard no sound at all, but keeping in mind that the two fellows were some distance away from the object when viewing it. (HBCC UFO Note: I asked them if they could give me an approximate size of this UFO). Their rough estimate was about the size of the Moon (maybe a hair smaller). They also said there were a few other cars and trucks that passed by them at the time, but no one stopped.
But they did say that everyone traveling the highway had to have seen it, you couldn't miss it. They said the area around the object, (ground area) was lit up for some distance. Also due to the brightness of the craft it cast it's reflection on the lake. The men watched this event for approximately 7 minutes before it rose up and left slowly heading north, still at a low altitude and out of their sight.
(HBCC UFO Note: I found this a very interesting case to work on. Three things came to mind. Why was this craft sitting over the old Granisle/ Bell Copper mine? Why did it move and stop over top of the lake? Why did the intensity seem to grow when it moved to a new position and hover? Actually I have a million questions I could think of to ask, but who? I am not sure if I can gain access to the mine, but I am going to check into it, as I would love to take a drive out to have a look around. Also something to keep in mind, Granisle Copper & Bell Copper mine's sit on an island on Babine Lake. Since the mines have been closed for sometime it may be hard to get onto the property.
Also rumors have been floating around that one of the companies were thinking of going back in and high grading the remaining ore. One other note to this story which may be of interest. On the mine site there have been a good number of fossils found, one which has brought a lot of attention has been the Mammoth. Bones have been found, and also were buried by the mine some time ago when it was in operation. From a newspaper article in the Smithers Interior newspaper a while back the company thought it best to not have their mining operation stopped, or slowed down by having folks digging for these fossils.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Research International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
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HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO