I'm home now after an exhausting day of travel. I would like to once again thank my gracious hosts, Paul and Cheryl Black and everyone who made the conferences the success it was. Thanks!
I have stated numerous times that I believe we are seeing the formation of what I would call THE PERFECT STORM. The Middle east continues to build to some kind of tipping point and Israel is now bracing for an all out war where it will have to evacuate major cities and relocate its citizens. (SEE LINK IN OTHER NEWS)
The EU is coming apart and this latest article points to a limit on how much people can withdraw from ATM's. What happens if the Euro really goes south, how will that affect the dollar. (SEE LINK IN OTHER NEWS)
Russia is sending helicopters to Syria and it appears that the Assad government is maintaining the status quo as it continues to butcher its own citizens in order to hold onto the reigns of power. Syria could be the flash point that kicks the war into high gear. (SEE LINK IN OTHER NEWS)
I posted a link to a video showing the rabid anti-Semitic rhetoric that is now openly being displayed in Egypt. In my opinion this is the same spirit that drove the Nazi's to induce the Final Solution and it is once again manifesting.
It appears that Obama is loosing favor with some of his support base as people realize that he has done nothing for the country other than drive it deeper in debt and created class warfare. Like Jerry Brown who is my Governor out here in California, both politicians don't have a clue as to how to move America forward other than raise taxes.
If we put all of these ongoing struggles and situations into a pot and create a geopolitical stew, we see that all of this is interconnected. When the war kicks off in the Middle East it will send shock waves through the financial centers of the world.
Here's what I think will most likely happen in the near future.
* The war in the Middle East will erupt. We will see nukes, chemical warfare and other weapons used which will bring about mass casualties. This war will be WWIII and might be preceded by a smaller skirmish or what I would refer to as the Psalm 83 war. Look for Russia to be involved as Putin will not back down. (SEE LINK IN OTHER NEWS)
* The Euro will crash followed by the collapse of the European Union. This will cause wide-spread anarchy and panic throughout Europe. Look for rioting and food shortages.
* The Dollar will follow the Euro's lead. Now might be a good time to dump the cash and buy food and perhaps silver.
* Look for some kind of an event here, whether false flag or real, the end game will be to create restrictions on travel and our liberty.
* Fukishima is a nightmare waiting to happen. As Rose posted in the comment section a day or so ago, the reactors are unstable and we should realize that if the pool of Cesium leaks into the Pacific it's a huge game changer.
* When all of this comes down watch the skies as the supernatural will begin to manifest. I believe we will see large craft, think UFOs here, hover over the cities of the world and the so-called Extraterrestrial Disclosure will happen. Please remember that I have been warning of this for years and I think we are on the verge of seeing it happen as the perfect storm is forming before our eyes. This is the ultimate game changer and begins the time of the Great Deception.
In closing todays post: I realize that this is a dark, sobering, post and frankly I wish I had something more positive to say. However, this is what I see and while I am not a prophet, I do believe that we are in for a very nasty time in the near future. It's time to prepare. Get food and water and link up with like-minded people. We were warned that we would see the very signs that are manifesting right now, before the return of Jesus. We can choose to ignore them or begin to tell others and prepare for what is coming. In the end what was written thousands of years ago will be fulfilled. His words are true.
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