Fernado, also, was (read carefully) teleported to Ganimedes by the good old Aliens.
He knows practically everything, including the site where the Holy Graal is kept. (Montserrat, Barcelona. )
Fernando also gives Solar Initiations to the exotourists guided by the wisdom of Dr. Salla.
The notorious Bolivian contactee knows so many things. (But unfortunately not English)
With classical theosophical style, ( hiperbolic, pompous and unsubstantiated) Mostajo Maertens gives the people the same old ideas and superstitions that were famous at the end of XIX Centure and beginnings of XX, in the so called Occult Renaissance. (Crowlet, Blavatsky, Papus, Eliphas Levy and more...).
Well you know, the old books are reread, copy UNIVERSO; UFOLOGIA; ALIENIGENA; PLATILLO VOLADOR; OVNI
The conclusions are yours, my good friends, Ufosophical researchers will find more without doubt about this character.
I am forced to pronounce my cleansing mantra : "Gimme a break "
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