A team of daring Chinese researchers, digging into the ancient mysteries of the origin of their country, have come to the inescapable conclusion that 12,000 years ago an interstellar, supreme alien race used much of the northern and central Chinese regions as massive Earth bases.
"Hundreds of strange pyramids cover parts of China"
One such base may be the astonishing pyramid structure that sits near the apex of Mount Baigong in the western province of Qinghai, the Xianyang pyramid.
China is the focus of legends, myths and stories of alien visitations and many of them center on the Xianyang pyramid.
Local villagers claim their distant ancestors spoke of sky great ships that navigated the heavens and used the pyramid as a landing, refueling and resupply site.
ET origins investigated
The hypothesis regarding extra-terrestrials is "understandable and worth looking into, [but] scientific means must be employed to prove whether or not it is true," Yang Ji, one of the scientists and a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences explained to reporters.
While the scientific exploration team agrees, all indications are that aliens used the giant structure as one of its primary Earth bases.
"Top is flattened - to accomodate landing ships?"
The anomalous pyramid rises almost 200 feet above the countryside-the surrounding area littered with mystifying pipes, bizarre artifacts and unworldly odds and ends.
China's state-run Xinhua agency sent a nine man team to investigate the pyramid and report back on their findings.
The team discovered pipes running from the caves and deep into the ground slanting down into the earth...towards what?
"Scientific team discovered numerous odd artifacts"
The agency tersely says: "The pyramid has three caves with openings shaped like triangles on its facade and is filled with red-hued pipes leading into the mountain and a nearby salt water lake."
Above the caves are dozens of pipes-all of various diameters-that mysteriously run into the mountainside beneath the towering pyramid. All the pipes match the color of the surrounding rocks, a murky reddish-brown.
"Broken pipe goes deep into ground to...?"
Elsewhere, more pipes, many lying shattered are scattered littering the ground in every direction. Some of the pipes follow the bank of a salty lake while others dip into the water and plunge beneath the lake bed.
"One of the 'alien' artifact pipe fragments"
Although the pipes' purpose is officially classified as unknown, some of the Chinese scientists are leaning towards the idea that the structure truly is the remains of some advanced outpost or starbase.
The pyramid complex stretches out much farther than what is visible and evidence suggests a highly technological network of pressurized pipes supplying water and possibly fuels.
"Strange artifacts litter the pyramid site"
Since the ancient site dates from at least 10,000 BCE-and is perhaps twice as old as that-no humans could have engineered it as no serious human culture existed that long ago.
Qin Jianwen, the head of the publicity department of the Delingha government, says fragments of some of the pipe material were taken for analysis. The pieces were found to be mostly silicon dioxide and calcium oxide, although more than eight percent of the metal could not be identified.
"The large content of silicon dioxide and calcium oxide is a result of long interaction between iron and sandstone, which means the pipes must be very old," Liu Shaolin an engineer who did the analysis explained.
How old? Some are guessing 12,000 years...maybe much, much older.
Enigma wrapped in a mystery
That such structures exist fits neatly into the unofficial history of China-a history most scholars choose to ignore.
Some historians have called the early Chinese culture an "enigma wrapped in a mystery."
Tales of China's ancient days are crammed with stories about the "sky people" and the "god-men" who came from the stars using the Earth as a base for exploration. Along the way these beings taught some of the primitive peoples they met the basics of technology, engineering, farming, and the complex structure of the universe.
In the early years of the Twentieth Century two merchants from Australia crossed central China. Upon the vast plains they found more than 100 pyramids. Locals told the two men that the pyramids were very old-some much older than China.
Other younger pyramids dated to the reigns of the oldest emperors. Those rulers often spoke of extraterrestrials and civilizations on other planets like Earth. Some of the emperors even wrote that they were the progeny "of the sons of the sky, who had landed upon Earth in iron dragons."
The "skymen"-some still claim-built the oldest pyramids.
Astonishing 'Dropa stones' may provide clue to Chinese alien bases
"Translation from the one of the 12,000-year-old Dropa stones": "The Dropas came down from the clouds in their aircraft. The men, women and children of the neighboring peoples (Ham) hid in the caves ten times before sunrise. When at last they understood the sign language of the Dropas, they realized that the newcomers had peaceful intentions..." [Translated from the language on the stones by the man who successfully deciphered them, Dr. Tsum Um Nui.]
The great Xianyang pyramid is only one of many mystery sites pointing to one or more advanced races interacting with the primitive peoples of Earth.
The famous "Dropa stones" also provide strong evidence for extended Earth visits from ancient astronauts.
The stones were found by Chi Pu Tei who led an archeological expedition to the bleak and windswept Baian-Kara-Ula mountain range in 1938. The range sits on the Chinese-Tibetan border and is home to many stories about ancient extraterrestrials mingling with Earth people.
While exploring a series of almost inaccessible mountain caverns last inhabited by crude primitives thousands of years in the past, the scientific team made an exciting discovery: some of the cavern walls were covered with pictograms depicting scenes of the Solar System.
What's more, somehow these ancient people had created a map of the heavens illustrating the Earth, sun, Moon and various stars connected with intersecting lines and dots.
Curiously the pictogram-maps almost resemble ancient trade routes or a guide for explorers.
Other pictograms illustrate frail beings with round helmet-like bowls on their heads.
"One of the more than 700 Dropa discs found"
But the team's excitement was just beginning. In one of the caves with the murals of the heavens they found a stone disc half-buried in the dirt. The disc had a thin spiral groove expertly cut into its face running from the center to the edge.
The disc they found measures about nine inches in diameter and roughly three-quarters of an inch thick. The center has a perfect hole that's three-quarters of an inch across.
Once they found the disc, Tei instructed his team to hunt for more. Eventually they dug up a veritable treasure trove. A total of 716 discs were found, some in pristine condition, others cracked or broken into pieces.
Upon later inspection, mysterious heiroglyphic symbols were found carved inside the grooves. Obviously the disc contained a motherlode of information of some kind.
"Two of the discs Dr. Tsum Um Nui deciphered"
Unfortunately, despite their potential importance, the discs languished for years in packing crates. They were buried and forgotten in the dusty storage area of a museum until Dr. Tsum Um Nui copied the writing from each of the surviving discs to paper.
Dr. Nui succeeds in deciphering 'Dropa stones'
The unknown heiroglyphs were so miniscule he could only read them with the aid of a powerful magnifier.
An expert at deciphering ancient languages, Nui worked diligently for many months to crack the language. Finally, he succeeded.
What he learned would change the known history of the world, if anyone listened. Few did.
The stones recorded an amazing story written at least 12,000 years ago by a fantastic people the world had forgotten.
The discs relate the voyage of the Dropa to Earth. How they crashed during their exploration of the planet and became marooned on Earth, a foreign world unknown to them. Their spacecraft was located in what later became known as the Baian-Kara-Ula mountains, part of the Himalayas.
Stranded, the lost travelers sought refuge in caves-the very caves Chi Pu Tei and his scientific exploration team had discovered the discs.
"The Dropas came down from the clouds in their aircraft," another disc said. "The men, women and children of the neighboring peoples (Ham) hid in the caves ten times before sunrise. When at last they understood the sign language of the Dropas, they realized that the newcomers had peaceful intentions..."
Yet another disc tells of the aliens having bulging heads and withered bodies. At first the tribe sent hunters to kill the invaders until the people found the strange beings meant no harm.
Villagers in the area still pass down the legends about the visitors that "came from the stars, long, long ago."
After deciphering as many of the discs as he could, Nui wrote a paper about the historic discovery for the Chinese Academy of Prehistory.
They refused to publish it. Although well-documented and no question of it being fraudulent, the editor of the journal told Nui that the world was not ready for such information to be known.
The Chinese authorities under Mao were also quite explicit in their reaction. They forbid the doctor from seeking to publish his paper outside of China or even to speak of the Dropa stones.
Despite the order, Nui did share the information with some close colleagues and eventually some of the story managed to leak out to the rest of the world.
Russian scientists join Dropa investigation
The Los Angeles Herald-Examiner published "Riddle of Asian Stone Discs from Outer Space" on February 26, 1967. The article focused on some Russian researchers who had been intently studying some of the Dropa stones.
"The Russians," wrote the Herald-Examiner, "who have examined some of the discs in a Moscow laboratory, claim to have made two important discoveries. One is that the discs contain certain traces of metal; particularly cobalt. Secondly, when placed on a special turntable they hummed in an unusual rhythm like an electrical charge was passing through them.
"The Russian Zaitsev, who has spent 30 years collecting evidence that intelligent beings from outer space have had contact with the earth, believes that the discs may give substance to ancient Chinese legends of small, gaunt, yellow-faced men who came down from the clouds many centuries ago."
Incredible Ancient Asian art depicts alien encounters
China's pre-history is rife with alien ships, alien beings and alien goings-on.
An ancient Chinese relief depicts an episode in the countryside when frightening "flying men" terrorized herders. Eerily, the ancient artist recorded exactly what UFO investigators would record today.
This is a reproduction of the stone relief found by a scientific expedition of anthroplogogists during 1957 led by professor Tsj'i Pen-Lai.
The remarkable relief was discovered within an ancient maze on Jotuo island in Lake Toengt'ing. The expedition took place in 1957.
The Lolladoff disc plate above was found in Nepal and dated to around 10,000 BCE. Note what appears to be a saucer-shaped object in the center and a being, resembling an alien at the lower right.
Not all aliens stay put in China
This old Asian scroll from Japan depicts a Japanese merchant happening upon a small flying saucer that's landed near a rice field.
Look carefully at the writing above the craft. The column on the right is not Japanese, it's a representation of the symbols the merchant saw on the craft and described to the artist who then added them to the scroll for accuracy.
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