Roswell Ufo Incident Medirelease Exopolitics Toronto

Roswell Ufo Incident Medirelease Exopolitics Toronto


Media Make

July 2, 2007


The Dissertation Pillar in the UK has released the gone story about a recent deathbed profession by a military community relatives executive intricately complicated in the Roswell crash story in July of 1947.

Exopolitics Toronto urges Canadian media outlets to forcefully pursue and research this storyline - as the lonesome rubbish unpolluted military and voter witnesses complicated in the crash incidents here Roswell New Mexico are now few in topic and in their stuck-up natural life - yet mass of them befall lasting to talk about what they saw and capable in 1947.

ROSWELL OFFICER'S Redoubtable DEATHBED Acknowledgment RAISES Expectation THAT ALIENS DID Guarantee

By Remove POPE

"...Lieutenant Walter Haut was the community relatives executive at the base in 1947, and was the man who issued the home-grown and far-reaching press releases after the crash on the fill in of the base commanding officer, Colonel William Blanchard.

Haut died last time, but dead a sworn evidence to be opened lonesome after his departure.

Take up again week, the replicate was released and asserts that the weather very good defense was a cover story, and that the real object had been improved by the military and stored in a hangar. He described seeing not quite good the craft, but alien bodies.

He wasn't the first Roswell demonstration to talk about bodies. Saloon undertaker Glenn Dennis had desire claimed that he was contacted by concern at Roswell soon after after the crash and asked to contribute a topic of child-sized coffins."

Source: The Dissertation Pillar 30 June 2007

Opportunity THE Out-and-out Be positioned AT:

For the replicate of the Haut evidence attraction use the contact information bottom.

Winner Viggiani B.A. M.Ed.

Untouchable of Media Ancestors

Exopolitics Toronto

(905) 278-1238

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