Imagination hit the hard road of fiscal reality when the United States Government shut down the "Real-life X-Files" -- so why is the Intelligence Community still interested today?
For more than twenty-five years, real American spies and their civilian associates have been playing spy games concerning rumors of an otherworldly intelligence.
It sounds crazy but it's true: the United States government spent decades mired in the most extreme psychological intelligence gathering schemes imaginable. At the core of the story are tales of intelligence activities involving a non-human source. How the international Intelligence Community responded to this apparent craziness is even stranger, and establishes an historical precedent for current activities.
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has resulted in the release of officially declassified "Real-life X-files" documents.
Now available by request from the Central Intelligence Agency are previously secret files that provide independent researchers tantalizing glimpses into paranormal diamonds-in-the-rough. Lost among tens of thousands of pages of notes, classified reports, countless "Memorandums for the Record," letters and emails are the obscure clues needed to illuminate the government insanity.
Among the collected works are psychic reports conducted by the Department of Defense to monitor the activities of extraterrestrials and, warnings that New York City and Washington, D.C. would simultaneously be attacked by terrorists using aircraft as missiles to collapse buildings.
Tens of millions of U.S. dollars were spent on the efforts revealed by the FOIA documents; other programs may have existed or perhaps continue today at America's spy agencies. The British government conducted one of their own psychic spy studies as recently as post-9/11. Gus Russo, investigative journalist and author of the book Brothers in Arms, revealed to us that one of his sources told him about current psychic-spy research being conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA).
Today, the rumors of "Real-life X-files" continue to spread.
Personal messages passed over the Internet point to on-going covert intelligence gathering among the believers, due in part to their contact with foreign scientists, tales of bizarre research programs, and encounters with otherworldly beings.
If you examine the archive of government files, you'll find it's all there: teleportation studies, antigravity devices, spacetime wormholes, fantastic starships from other worlds, time machines, and extraterrestrial telepathy.
Maybe we should blame it on Gene Roddenberry, the creator of STAR TREK, for inputing the science-cloaked dream into the collective unconscious of our world?
The most visible U.S. Intelligence Community effort to turn fantasy into real intelligence has come to be known as Project STAR GATE.
The STAR GATE program was run by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in the early to mid-1990s. To date about 89,000 pages of STAR GATE documents have been released by the CIA, the agency that acquired control of the program in 1995.
Following the demise of STAR GATE, researchers were able to explore their fantastical musings of pseudo-scientific exploration with scientists who had worked on similar projects in the Former Soviet Union (FSU) and China, and numerous other states interested in exploring the application of imagination to conduct intelligence.
According to the STAR GATE record, it was a Congressionally Directed Action that initiated the sharing of "Real-life X-files" between nations.
Meanwhile, reports of anomalous objects detected on radar and psychic surveillance of alien activity attracted the government's core of believers into "Working Groups" where unexplained phenomena were discussed under a thin veil of secrecy.
The former government secrecy, the open exchange of alternative ideas, and recent covert actions of some members of the Intelligence Community provide a minor glimpse into a dark labyrinth of Orwellian mind-games which have been exposed, in part, only recently.
The strange world of 21st Century parapsychological paranoia as "cold-war replacement therapy" is inhabited by deep background "deep throat" contacts who offer "not for attribution" information. Often, their identities and their professional reputations are trampled under foot by less than ethical Internet amateurs who seem to act as "useful idiots" for some members of the Intelligence Community.
Exposed for all to see on the World Wide Web, the "Real-life X-files" act as "flypaper" to attract spies interested in new-technologies. Flies emerge from tiny cracks in the wall of cyberspace, where much of the modern-day "Real-life X-filing" takes place.
Among the various species attracted to the virtual flypaper, weaving in and out amongst hoaxers and confused laymen, are sticky offers to share scientific knowledge, clues to help track down terrorist activities, and other cloak-and-dagger inspired spy games.
Some participants, notable for their current positions in the government, or for their presence on committees alongside former high-ranking officials from CIA and the Department of Homeland Security, are actively pursuing Chinese activities involving new or unusual theoretical developments. Recent Chinese efforts include so-called High Frequency Gravity Waves (HFGW) and possible quantum aspects of human consciousness.
One journalist, a reporter on alternative technologies, who remains unnamed by request, provided the story of an attempted "recruitment" by an element of the Department of Defense.
In a private communication, the journalist explained that he had been offered funding in exchange for allowing his potential "handler" to select some of the stories he would publish in the future. The offer arrived in typical cloak-and-dagger fashion with a clandestine meeting in a cheap hotel and warnings that knowledge of the contact might make the journalist a target for foreign nations' intelligence services.
Digging deeper, it appears that the present-day "Real-life X-file" has more to do with smoke-and-mirrors cover for intelligence collection on foreign activities than STAR TREK inspired reverse-engineering of alien technology.
According to one source, who remains unidentified by request, "Several prominent scientists have talked openly about moving overseas because they can't get any funding here -- a few of them have talked about China, despite acknowledging that anything they develop over there would likely be used against us."
In the end, the Intelligence Community "X-Filers" remain focused on their core mission: stay ahead of your nemesis, whether he sits at a desk in Beijing or greets you in a trench coat on a cold dark street in Budapest.
We can also be certain the other side is playing a similar role in the "X-files" spy game.
As for the oft alleged extraterrestrial presence, in a universe filled with countless possibilities for developing intelligent life, only time will tell.
For more information on the story behind the story of The REAL-LIFE X-FILES, visit the STARstream Research website at
(c) 2008 Gary S. Bekkum and STARstream Research. All rights reserved.
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